TAG MCLAREN AUDIO 700:7r Owner's Manual

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owner’s manual
0 2 c o n t r o l s 0 4 i n t r o d u c t i o n 0 5 t e c h n o l o g y 0 9 set up 1 5 o p e r a t i o n 1 7 protection system 1 9 running in and warming up 2 0 care and maintenance 2 1 technical data
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c o n t r o l s
Spe cifi catio n sho wn ma y va ry f or di ffere nt c ountr ies
The 700:7r is designed for the simplest possible operation, and the only controls are two mode switches on the rear panel. One sets the standby mode and the other the channel bridging. Details of these are given on pages 11 and 15.
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5, 6 or 7 speaker system? All are catered for by the 700:7r.
The 700:7r is a high-performance seven­channel amplifier that delivers sound reproduction of outstanding clarity and purity together with the flexibility to handle a wide range of home theatre applications.
The 700:7r provides seven channels of 100W into 8 Ohm (7.1 set-up), or can be instantly switched to give five channels of 100W and one channel of
150W (6.1 set-up), or three channels of 100W and two channels of 150W (5.1 set-up). For details see page 11.
The seven channels could be assigned as:
Channel Rear panel text Power
100 W
100 W
100 W
Surround Left
100 W
Surround Right
100 W
Back Left
100 W
Back Right
100 W
The amplifier switches itself to a standby mode when not in use, to minimise power consumption. It returns from standby to active on receiving a signal input or external contact closure; alternatively it can be set to stay permanently in the active mode. For details see page 15.
The 700:7r includes comprehensive but completely unobtrusive protection against overload, excessively prolonged clipping, DC offsets, and high temperatures.
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t e c h n o l o g y
An Optimal Mix of Global and Local Negative Feedback
The 700:7r gives excellent linearity and low distortion without relying on excessive global negative feedback, which can present difficulties with stability and the handling of rapidly­changing signals. The 700:7r design is implemented by giving each amplifying stage controlled amounts of local feedback, which not only linearises it but also defines the gain and other vital parameters closely. Each stage is thus configured for dependable and predictable operation, so that when they are joined together to build a complete amplifier, and a carefully chosen amount of negative feedback applied around it, the results are highly dependable and predictable.
Cascode Compensatio n
The 700:7r uses an advanced loop stabilisation concept called Cascode Compensation. To the best of our knowledge TAG McLaren Audio is the only manufacturer to use this sophisticated and elegant system in an audio amplifier.
Its advantages are as follows:
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Excellent stability. All the active components involved are operated under circuit conditions that maximise their bandwidth. This results in greater stability when the negative­feedback loops are closed.
Inherently good supply-rail rejection. Components that are essential for power­supply filtering in a conventional amplifier are no longer required, saving weight and cost and enhancing reliability.
Reduction of DC drift. In a normal high­power amplifier transistors in sensitive parts of the circuitry get warm, which means their characteristics vary depend­ing on the air flow around them. Variations in cooling can appear as DC drift at the output. Cascode compensat­ion transfers the heat dissipation to non­critical parts of the circuit and DC drift is virtually eliminated.
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The Output Dev ices
The output devices are bipolar junction transistors chosen for maximum linearity in terms of sustained current gain at high collector currents. The advanced MT-200 package is used which gives a greater area for heat transfer than the traditional TO3. This reduces junction temperatures and further enhances reliability.
Exceptional Quiescent Stability
It is universally accepted that accurate setting and stability of quiescent conditions is crucial to optimal Class-B operation. The bias range over which the best linearity is obtained is narrow, and on either side of it crossover distortion increases markedly. This consists of high­order harmonics that are acknowledged by all as undesirable; it is therefore of the first importance that an amplifier stays in its optimal bias range, despite the many varying conditions it will face in operation.
The 700:7r has extremely accurate quiescent control. Quiescent conditions are stabilised against:
Output level and load impedance changes
This is implemented by a unique sensing configuration that gives much faster and more accurate assessment of output device junction temperatures than the conventional methods.
Mains voltage changes
It is not widely known that changes in mains voltage can affect amplifier quiescent conditions even if all of the small-signal and biasing circuitry is made immune to these variations. The effect is subtle and complex, but is dealt with authoritatively by circuitry unique to TAG McLaren Audio.
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C o m p r ehensive pr o t e c t i o n
The 700:7r has sophisticated and dependable protection for both its own circuitry and connected loudspeakers. An instantaneous overload protection system monitors the current and voltage conditions in the output devices and limits power dissipation in critical circumstances. If the excessive loading persists, an intelligent long-term protection algorithm disconnects the load to prevent excessive thermal stress which can shorten component life.
Sophisticated muting
The 700:7r has a sophisticated muting system, which stops you hearing loud, annoying switching noises and protects both the amplifier and the loudspeakers.
Particular care has been taken to make sure that the muting circuitry, when switched off, doesn’t affect the sound quality. For this purpose carefully selected relays with minimal crosstalk between coil and contacts have been used.
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Low distor t i o n
A theoretically ideal amplifier reproduces sound perfectly over an infinite range of frequencies - starting from well below the audible range and extending far above the capabilities of human hearing. Although sound outside the human hearing range of approximately 20 Hz to 20 kHz cannot be heard, it can significantly distort the quality of music reproduction through an effect which audio engineers call ‘intermodulation distortion’. This type of distortion moves imperfections that originate outside the hearing range back into the audible frequencies. To minimise this effect, TAG McLaren Audio amplifiers have a frequency response which extends both above and below the range of normal human hearing.
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