Tadao M7 UL 10, M7 UL 10 1 User Manual

Universal Ultralite Board Instructions
Fully functional in the Dye DM10, DM9, DM8, DM7, DM6, and Ultralite frames for the DM5, Proto Matrix Rail, and Proto Matrix 06 or newer.
Based on the Musashi 7 software
Full support for RF transmitters with included wiring harness
code execution
Enhanced power switching hardware for the solenoid
Includes 12 fire modes: uncapped semi-auto, capped semi-auto, PSP auto-
response, PSP 50% ramping, PSP 100% ramping, PSP burst, NXL full­automatic, auto-response, 50% ramping, 100% ramping, 3 round burst, and full-automatic
Asynchronously monitors the trigger switch, using an interrupt based scan at 2 million times per second
Gangster setting allows 3 different options for every fire mode, giving 36 different “breakout” style modes
Adjustable ABS programming prevents first shot drop-off
AMB (anti-mechanical bounce) and CPF (cycle percentage filter) algorithms
help to eliminate mechanical bounce and switch bounce
Power efficient software and hardware lengthens battery life
Programming mode allows changes to debounce, dwell, loader delay, AMB,
ABS dwell, fire mode, fire mode max rate of fire, eye mode, CPF, ramp start, gangster mode, bolt delay, and training mode dwell
All settings are stored in non-volatile memory so they are not lost when battery is disconnected
One-touch startup enables the marker to fire instantly
Automatic 15-minute idle power down saves batteries
4 eye modes: delayed, forced with force shot, test mode with rate of fire
indicator, and reduced dwell training mode with rate of fire indicator
Low battery indicator hardware and software shows battery level each time the marker is turned on
Removal and installation of the board on a marker using an Ultralite frame must be carefully done to ensure the electronics are not damaged. Begin by removing the grips from the marker. This will expose the entire circuit board. Remove the eye harness and solenoid harness. Remove the two mounting screws from the board, and then the board itself. Make sure the two switch contacts located behind the board remain in place in the frame. In some cases the contacts will be of different length, and will require matching up to the board’s switches once installed to make sure they work correctly. Place the M7 Ultralite board in the grip frame by inserting the top first, making sure the wiring does not get pinched. Replace the mounting screws. Plug in all the connections. If the marker does not turn on, it may be due to a low or incorrectly inserted battery.
LED Indicator
The multi-color LEDs that shine out the side of the grip frame show which mode of operation the marker is currently in:
Rapid Blinking Red At startup this indicates an exhausted battery Rapid Blinking Yellow At startup this indicates a low battery Rapid Blinking Green At start this indicates a good battery Solid Blue Ball in breech, ready to fire Slow Blinking Blue No ball in breech Slow Blinking Yellow Eye malfunction, max rate of fire reduced to 12 bps; clean
eyes or make sure the gun is fired with paint and air Slow Blinking Red Eyes disabled, rate of fire limited to 20 balls per second in mode 1; otherwise capped at fire mode max rate of fire for fire modes 2 through 12.
Power Operation
Pressing and releasing the power button turns the marker on. The battery indicator will show the current power level of your battery with a flickering red, yellow, or green LED. After, it will show a solid or blinking blue LED (unless changed from the default). To turn off, press and hold the power button for 1.5 seconds, until the LED turns off, then release. Every time the marker is turned on, the eyes are enabled. The marker can be turned off regardless of the state of the eyes.
Eye Operation and Logic
The eyes are enabled when the marker is first turned on. The eyes can be toggled by using the eye button. Press and hold the eye button for 1 second and the LED will change colors to indicate the mode change.
If used, the eye system cycles the marker as fast as possible. During each shot the eyes watch for the bolt to return, ending the current firing cycle and starting another as quickly as the pneumatics allow. If the eye system is continually blocked (e.g. putting your finger in front of the eyes) and is unable to see the bolt return after every shot, the max rate of fire will be reduced to about 8 balls per second to prevent further chopping, and the LEDs will blink yellow to indicate the eye malfunction. Firing the marker with paint and air will utilize the eye system correctly, maximizing the rate of fire. When the eyes are off, the rate of fire is limited to 25 balls per second unless in fire modes 2 through 12, in which case the rate of fire is selected by the user.
To determine if the eyes are working correctly, insert an object into the breech. Check to see if the LED changes from blinking blue to solid blue and then back to blinking blue once the object is removed.
Battery Indicator
Battery indicator software and hardware are standard on the M7 Ultralite board. When the marker is turned on, the LEDs will briefly flicker red, yellow, or green to indicate the status of your battery. If it flickers red, the battery is exhausted and should be changed as soon as possible. If it flickers yellow, the battery may last for another case of paint, but it is close to failing.
The tournament lock must be disabled in order to change settings on the board. Pushing the small switch below the eye socket toggles the tournament lock. While the marker is turned off, push and hold the lock button. The LED will flash red or green to indicate the status of the lock. Red means the lock is on, while green means the lock is off. When the lock and the marker are off, pull and hold the trigger, then push the power button. The marker will boot into programming mode, showing a rainbow sequence before stopping at solid green.
Pulling and releasing the trigger quickly will toggle between the different programming modes:
Green Debounce Purple Dwell Yellow Loader delay Blue AMB (anti-mechanical bounce) Red ABS dwell White Fire mode Teal Fire mode max rate of fire Flickering Green Eye mode Flickering Purple CPF (cycle percentage filter) Flickering Yellow Ramp start Flickering Blue Gangster mode Flickering Red Bolt delay Flickering White Training mode dwell
When the LED is lit for the desired setting, press and hold the trigger until the LED goes out. When you release the trigger, the LED will blink to show the current setting. For example, if the current setting for debounce is 5, the LED will blink green 5 times. Once the LED stops blinking, you have 2 seconds to begin entering the new setting. To enter the new setting, pull the trigger the desired number of times. For example, to set the debounce to 2, you must pull the trigger 2 times. Every time you pull the trigger the LED will light. After all settings have been changed, turn the marker off, using the power button.
Programming Example If you want to set the dwell to 20, you should:
1. Make sure the marker is powered off and the tournament lock is disabled.
2. Pull the trigger and push the power button to turn on the marker.
3. The LED shows a rainbow sequence then stops on solid green. This is the debounce mode.
4. Quickly pull and release the trigger 1 time to switch to the dwell mode. The LED will show purple.
5. Pull and HOLD the trigger until the LED turns off.
6. Release the trigger. The LED will blink out the current setting.
7. When the LED stops blinking, enter the new setting by pulling the trigger 20 times.
8. Wait until the LED turns back on, indicating programming has been completed.
9. Turn the marker off.
Program Reset
To reset all settings to factory defaults, hold down the lock button for 10 seconds while in programming mode. The LED will rapidly cycle through every setting color to indicate that the process has completed.
Debounce – The M7 Ultralite board features an interrupt based debounce algorithm that effectively “scans” the trigger over 2 million times per second. It runs this completely independent of code execution on the microcontroller so your trigger pulls are always registered. The debounce setting is in increments of 1/2 milliseconds. Users should be aware that low debounce settings may cause the marker to read switch bounce as additional pulls, falsely generating shots or near full-automatic fire. The setting ranges from 1 to 50 and is defaulted at 10 (5 ms).
Dwell – The amount of time the solenoid is energized each time the marker is fired. The default is 18 ms. The range is 5 to 35 ms. Too low of a dwell may lead to inconsistency or drop-off. Too high of a dwell can cause bad air efficiency.
Loader delay – Adds a slight delay after the eye has seen a ball and the bolt is cycled, causing the gun to fire. If not using force fed loaders, it may be necessary to increase this setting to prevent chopping. A setting of 1 means no loader delay, which is the fastest. The default is 2 and may be set from 1 to 25.
AMB (Anti-mechanical bounce) – Allows the user to adjust the anti-mechanical bounce feature. Mechanical bounce occurs due to the kick generated during each shot and can cause the marker to “run away” on the first few shots. AMB helps stop markers from going full-auto when the trigger is pulled very slowly. The default is 2 and may be set from 1 to 5 (1 being off). AMB is only used in fire modes 1 and 2 (semi-automatic unlimited and adjustable).
ABS dwell – Amount of dwell time added for an ABS (anti-bolt stick) shot. The range is from 1 to 10 additional milliseconds of dwell. The default is 1, which is disabled. ABS programming helps to eliminate first shot drop-off. First shot drop-off occurs when the lube and o-rings settle or “stick” inside the marker after it has been sitting. The next shot fired will be lower in velocity because the bolt has to break free. ABS will slightly increase the dwell to compensate if the marker is left sitting for 15 seconds.
Fire mode – Included are 12 different fire modes (default is 1):
1. Semi-automatic, unlimited rate of fire
2. Semi-automatic, adjustable rate of fire
3. PSP auto-response
4. PSP 50% ramping, adjustable ramp start
5. PSP 100% ramping, adjustable ramp start
6. PSP burst
7. NXL full-automatic
8. Auto-response
9. 50% ramping
10. 100% ramping
11. 3 round burst
12. Full-automatic
Setting 1 is normal semi-automatic with an unlimited rate of fire while the eyes are enabled. When the eyes are turned off, the max rate of fire is set to 20 balls per second.
Setting 2 is semi-automatic with an adjustable rate of fire. It limits the maximum balls per second that can be fired. The cap is set by the max rate of fire setting.
Setting 3 is the PSP auto-response fire mode that works as follows:
The first 3 shots of a string are semi-automatic
After the 4th shot the marker will fire on the pull and release in auto-
response mode
If the user stops firing for more than 1 second, the 3-shot semi-automatic count starts over
Setting 4 is the PSP 50% ramping fire mode that works as follows:
The first 3 shots of a string are semi-automatic
After the 4th shot the marker will ramp, adding 1 additional shot for every 2
pulled by the user, as long as the user pulls the trigger faster than the ramp start setting
If the user stops firing for more than 1 second, the 3-shot semi-automatic
Setting 5 is the PSP 100% ramping fire mode that works as follows:
count starts over
The first 3 shots of a string are semi-automatic
After the 4th shot the marker will ramp up to the loader’s maximum speed or
the maximum rate of fire, as long as the user pulls the trigger faster than the ramp start setting
If the user stops firing for more than 1 second, the 3-shot semi-automatic count starts over
Setting 6 is the PSP burst fire mode that works as follows:
The first 3 shots of a string are semi-automatic
After the 4th shot the marker will burst fire 3 shots per pull
If the user stops firing for more than 1 second, the 3-shot semi-automatic
count starts over
Setting 7 is the NXL full-automatic fire mode. It functions similarly to the PSP fire modes except, after the 3rd semi-automatic shot, the user may pull and hold the trigger for the marker to fire in full-automatic.
Setting 8 is the normal auto-response fire mode. The marker will fire on each pull and release of the trigger, generating 2 shots per full pull cycle.
Setting 9 is the normal 50% ramping fire mode. The marker will fire in semi-automatic unless the user pulls the trigger faster than the ramp start setting. Once the ramp start setting has been achieved, the marker will 50% ramp, adding 1 additional shot for every 2 trigger pulls.
Setting 10 is the normal 100% ramping fire mode. The marker will fire in semi­automatic unless the user pulls the trigger faster than the ramp start setting. Once the ramp start setting has been achieved, the marker will ramp up to the maximum feed rate of the loader or the maximum rate of fire setting, whichever is lower.
Setting 11 is the normal 3 round burst fire mode. The marker will burst fire 3 times for every pull and release of the trigger.
Setting 12 is the normal full-automatic fire mode. As long as the trigger is depressed the marker will fire in full-automatic.
Fire mode max rate of fire – The max rate of fire setting applies to the 2nd – 12th fire modes. The max rate of fire is adjustable from 10 to 25 balls per second, and has an unlimited setting for maxing out the loader system. The default is 2, which is roughly
10.5 balls per second. Oscillator inconsistencies from chip to chip make it impossible to time perfectly, so the only true way to check rate of fire is to use a Pact Timer or ballistic chronograph. The red radar chronographs commonly found at fields are NOT reliable.
Setting BPS Setting BPS
1 10.0 12 15.5 2 10.5 13 16.0 3 11.0 14 17.0 4 11.5 15 18.0 5 12.0 16 19.0 6 12.5 17 20.0 7 13.0 18 21.0 8 13.5 19 22.0 9 14.0 20 23.0 10 14.5 21 24.0 11 15.0 22 Unlimited eyes on, 25.0 bps eyes off
Eye Mode – Four eye modes are available:
1. Delayed – If the eye system does not detect a ball in the breech for 1/2 second, the marker automatically fires. This is useful for sound activated loaders because it ensures that a shot is fired, even without paint, so the loader will continue to feed.
2. Forced with force shot – The marker only fires if paint is seen in the breech or the user pulls and holds the trigger for 1/2 second, thereby initiating a force shot.
3. Test – This mode is specifically for seeing how fast the user can fire the marker, or how fast the pneumatics can actually cycle. The eyes work to prevent firing if they are blocked. This mode is only for dry firing. The LED is used to show the fastest achieved rate of fire:
Red less than 10 bps Yellow between 10 and 15 bps Green between 15 and 20 bps Blue between 20 and 25 bps White 25 bps or greater
As long as the user continues to fire, the fastest achieved rate of fire will continue to be displayed on the LED. If the user stops firing for 1 second, the LED will cycle back through the rate of fire colors.
4. Training – This mode works just like the test eye mode, but features an adjustable
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