User Manual
Model: AOBD1B
Shenzhen Take Tools Co., Ltd. Web: www.tacklifetools.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/Tacklife.US/ E-mail: support@tacklife.net ADD:No.B714, Niulanqian Building, Minzhi Road, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China 518000
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Thanks for choosing our classic car diagnostic scan tool.please refer to the following steps to know how to use it.
For an Android phone,take the app Torque lite for example:
download the APP(Torque Lite)from Google Play Store or the QR code from the back of your scanner.
ensure your car is obd2 compliant.That is easy:just open the
car diagnostic socket,and the word"OBDǁ"shows it is
compatible.Or you can browse the website to know more detail information: https://www.outilsobdfacile.com/vehicle-list-compati­ble-obd2.php
turn your vehicle on.
insert your scanner into the diagnostic socket.The lights will flash briefly and then a single red light should remain illuminated.
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connect the scanner to your phone.Open the Bluetooth settings menu on your phone.Scan for new devices and then pair with the OBD reader using the paring code”1234”.The OBD reader will appear in the available devices as”Tacklife-OBD2-BT”. Settings/Bluetooth/On/choose’’Tacklife-OBD2-BT’’/in­put’’1234’’/click"ok".At this point, the four indicator lights on the OBD device will flicker once and then go out.
start the app "torque lite" you have installed.Allow 15-30 seconds for the app to connect to the OBD reader & vehicle.If you are using it for the first time, please take a look at the next step.
if no connection is established and you receive a message from Torque such as”Cannot locate adapter”,press the small gear icon in the lower left corner of the screen and then select the “settings” option that appears. Settings /OBD2 Adapter Settings/Connection/Blue­tooth.Choose Bluetooth Device/Find and select “Tacklife-OBD2-BT”,so that your phone knows to use this
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device.(It does matter,so do not forget this step!)
close and restart the app,again,wait 15-30 seconds to allow a connection to establish between the OBD reader and your phone.Once connected,all lights on the scanner will start flashing,and the 4 icons in the upper left should turn solid blue:
You can scan all automotive data supported and read engine codes. In order to make it easier for you to use our products correctly, we have created a video: https://youtu.be/uT1YcXWmhhM
If you set up the connection correctly, however, your car is not OBDII compatible, the four lights on the scanner will continue to flicker for several minutes,and the second and third icons on the mobile phone will be fixed blue while the other two become a continuous flicker. If you want it to work with your laptop or tablet,please operate as following(app as ScanMaster): Enable the Bluetooth on your laptop,find and pair it with the device"Tacklife-OBD2-BT"(the password is 1234),and set
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connection in the app as Communication/BlueTooth/Search devices "Tacklife-OBD2-BT",then just close and restart the app. For different apps,the operating steps are same.insert the scanner,start car’s engine, connect phone to the scan tool,set connection correctly in the software,close and restart it. There are several apps we recommend.Before you are going to buy anyone of them,please download a free one first to see whether it will work,or you may be unhappy that you spend money but your vehicle is not OBDII compliant.
Torque Lite(Free,the earliest)
OBD Car Doctor(Free,with
OBD Auto Doctor(Free,-
clear data
Piston(Free,brief interface)
OBD Fusion($3.99,multiple
Torque Pro($4.95,the most
comprehensive data)
EOBD Facile($9.99 and
up,made for EU)
Car Scanner(Free,multilingual
MotorData OBD(Free,multilin­gual, with faulty icon analysis)
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EOBD-Fac­ile(29.99 to
The price is not fixed, so our tips are only for reference.
While we have no relation with any of these app
developers,if you have any question about using them,please let us know and we will be happy to assist you
or point you in the right direction! We provide the best hardware connection between your mobile phone and vehicle,however,all the functions rely on the number of car’s sensors & the software you have downloaded. In general, those apps that need to pay money are better than free in both UI and functions.Please download them according to your needs.For example,DashCommand is paid but with cool data curve, while Torque lite is free but can't calculate fuel consumption;EOBD-Facile(Windows) are more professional but can be only used on your PC,while you will be surprised in GeekOBD for its traffic alerts but you may complain about its bad user interface . Wanna more apps?please click the website below: For Android(from Google Play,and you have to Sign up for a Google account): https://play.google.com/store/search?q=obd&c=apps or APKPure:https://apkpure.com/search?q=obd®ion=
For Windows:
More information about OBD,please visit the following website:
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read and erase car error codes so as to understand the
reasons why your engine error light appears.
scan live data and freeze frame (each parameter when a
fault occurs)and display with graph.Engine RPM,
Speed,Fuel Pressure, Engine Coolant Temperature,
Timing Advance, Throttle Position, Oxygen Sensor, EGR
Error, Fuel level, Battery Voltage,EOT, Boost, Fuel Trim,
Engine load, Catalyst Temperature, Evap System Vapour
Pressure, Accelerator Pedal Position,Air/Fuel Ratio,Body
tilt angle,etc.,included.
read engine’s information. It contains VIN (Vehicle
identification number), CIN (Calibration identifications),
CVN (calibration verification numbers).
check monitor sensor status(I/M) so you can know
whether your vehicle can pass the emissions testing
ahead of time;whether the car repair shop completely
repaired your car.
act as your driving reminder(remind you of overspeed,suit-
able temperature to start,fuel consumption,shift and so
show you SKID PAD&sensor data tracking based on
Google Map;If someone is misfortune and has
experienced a car accident, it can provide a record of
driving speed.
1.When I plug in my car, the red light on the adapter does not light up!
First, our card reader has failed. Second, the car's OBD socket is faulty (fuse blown,electric line desoldered, etc.). Please try another car and check if the OBD socket is damaged. If there is a defect in our equipment, please return it and we will replace it with a new one.
2. I can't find a Bluetooth signal on my cell phone.
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First check and ensure that the OBD card reader is powering on. If so, you will need to cancel all other Bluetooth devices, restart your cell phone and try again.
3.I tell Torque to clear the check engine light but the light remains on.
When this occurs,the first thing to do is try to clean it with the vehicle fully running and if that fails,also try to clear it with the vehicle in ACC mode but not running.Please note,some codes are “instant”.If the problem causing them is not fixed,the light will come back on immediately.In such cases you will never see the light turn off.
4.What's the difference between AOBD1B and the others?
Unlike other ones which adopts cloned chip called V2.1 which will lose proper connection on J1850 VPW and J1850 PWM(mainly apply to many early cars,such as Buick,Cadil­lac,Chevrolet,Chrysler,Daewoo,Dodge,Ford,GMC,Hum­mer,Isuzu,Jaguar,Jeep,Lincoln,Mercury,Opel,Pontiac and Saturn).We adopt ELM327 chip V1.5 in USA,supporting complete OBDII protocols.
5.Will the OBD reader work with my vehicle?Will it work on my vehicle if it is imported?
The scanner can work with following 12V light trucks.EU(­Gas):2001 to now,EU(Diesel):2004 to now;USA:1996 to now;South Korea:2005-2010 onwards;Japan:2002-2010 onwards...Please see Appendix III for more specific years. For heavy duty vehicles such as semis,tractors,excavator and the like.Our OBD reader can also be used with these IF they use the J1939 protocol,you have the appropriate port adapter and use a proper app that support them.For other heavy duty vehicles not using J1939 you will need to use an HD-OBD tool.
6.What if I can’t connect my phone to the car’s ECU?
First of all, please make sure that your car is within the compatible range. Second, ensure that the engine is in open state during using it.
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Third,close ALL apps that are open your phone. Forth,unpair ANY and ALL bluetooth devices from the phone. Fifth,shut down the phone completely. Sixth,after a 15 seconds,turn your phone back on. Seventh,once restarted,ensure that ALL non-essential apps are closed and not running in the background at all. Eighth,If you have Pandora on your phone,ensure that it is completely closed. Ninth pair the OBD reader back up with your phone using the pairing code 1234. Tenth re-open Torque(or your desires app)and re-complete the internal setup steps(for instance,for the software Torque Lite, you should click Settings/Settings/OBD2 Adapter Settings/Connection/Bluetooth. Choose Bluetooth Device/Tacklife-OBD2-BT). Eleventh,try it on another new vehicle to know whether the socket of your car goes wrong. If your question or problem is not addressed here or these things do not resolve the problem for you,please reach out to us.That is what we are here for and will be happy to assist you further!
7.What should I do after knowing the error codes?
You can look up related books(For example,"HOW TO USE AUTOMOTIVE DIAGNOSTIC SCANNERS")and websites(just search "https://repairpal.com/obd-II-code-chart" on google), ask auto repair engineers,or download related apps to know more.(Eg. "OBD2 Code Guide"(free),"OBD Car Diag Bluetooth"(fee applied but recommended),"Auto­Codes"(free and with pictures) or "OBDII Trouble Codes Lite" on Google Play)Note:If you are not a professional repairman, do not repair your vehicle blindly.
8.What is the difference among ELM327v1.0,v1.0a,v1.1, ...,v2.0,v2.1and v2.2?
Since 2006,ELM327 v1.0 comes out and supports 51 AT commands. For more than a decade, after eleven updates, ELM327 has been updated to v2.2 and currently supports 132
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AT commands. Very sorry to tell you that many people bought a cloned version of the ELM327 device due to some misleading sellers. Because genuine ELM327 has been adopting a stable and reliable PIC18F2480 chip, and never used "PIC18F25K80", "TL718", "STM32" or "STN1111".V1.4b has supported all the "read" and "clear" functions. Since V1.4b, ELM327 supports part of the "auto ECU programming", so we haven't made more updates to avoid security risks caused by customer error operations.
9.Do I need to pull the plug after the car is flameout?
The power of this code reader is 0.7W(0.45W while not working),and the car's battery is generally 40 to 60A(12V).It can be used for more than 35 days( 40Ah*12V*80%/(0.45W* 24h/day).Therefore,please remove the scanner if your car is shelved for more than half a month in case that the car is low power.
10.Will the scanner read EPB,ABS(Anti-lock Braking
System),SRS(Safety Airbag),TPMS(Tire Pressure Monitoring System) Oil reset,or VSC(Vehicle Stability Control) codes?
OBDII is designed for engine diagnostics system and is the same worldwide. However,the way to “communicate” about ABS,SRS,PMS and VSC completely depends on each manufacturers and is usually different,so is the encryption degree.Therefore, there is no software that can read each system of all brands.In fact,almost all software companies have abandoned these deciphering works.(The way of decryption is always changed. At the same time, it is also a tort.)However,several software can read several systems such as ABS,SRS,TCM.For example:Ford,Chevrolet and Toyota(You can have a try to download and install FordSys ,ChevroSys or ToyotaSys ).If you want to read these data of other brands, please select the detection tools of specific vehicles or just go to a repair shop.
11.What does the OBII protocols contain?Which does Tacklife scanner support?
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