Compliance Version: The PHANTOM 2 VISION+ remote controlleris compliant with CE and FCC (see the
Mo de 2 : The right stick is mapped to throttle channel.
The range extender and mobile device holder is already mounted on the remote controller. Twist mobile
device holder to face outwards and fix in position to prepare for mobile device installation.
It is recommended not to use oversized mobile devices (e.g. iPad), which cannot be placed into the
Mobile Device Holder.
Battery Compartment (On the back)
1. Install the four AA Batteries into the battery compartment on the back of the remote controller
2. Set the S1 and S2 switches to the upper most position and all sticks at mid-point.
5Preparing the Remote Controller
The PHANTOM 2 VISION+ remote controlleris a wireless communication device that uses the 5.8GHz frequency
band. The link between the remote controller and aircraft isalready established before delivery.
The remote controller default is set to Mode 2 and CE compliance before del iv er y. Both the operating mode and
compliance version can be configuredin PHANTOM RC Assistant Software. Please referto <PHANTOM
RCAssistant> and <ComplianceConfiguration> for details.
FCC ID) regulations.
: The remote controller is div i ded to Mode 1 and Mode 2 according to different channel
: The left stick is mapped to throttle channel.
5.1The Remote Controller
Carrying Handle
Switch S2 (Reserved)
Joystick(J1: Roll [left&right], J2: Pitch [front&back])
Joystick(J3: Throttle [up&down], J 4: Ya w [rotation])
5.2 Power on the Remote Controller
according to the negative andpositive po les .
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Neck Strap Attachment
Power Switch
Power Indicator
RC Assistant Port(Micro-USB Port)
3. Toggle the power switch to right end to switch on the power.
4. There is a power on indicator beep. If the remote controller is set to be CE compliant, then there will be
indicating the remote controller and receiver are binding. Once binding is completed, the power
indicator will change to a solid green.
If the low voltage warning alert sounds(refer to the <Remote Controller Power Indicator Status
Dispose the depleted batteries safely.
Establishing a link between the remote controller and the receiver.
Low voltage (at 3.9V-4.5V), should replace the batteries immediately.
Low voltage (lower than 3.9V). The remote controller will automatically
power off. Replace the batteries immediately.
The remote controllerwill give a visual indication of an alarm after 15
operating of the remote controller.
The remote controllerwill blink the LED and sound an alert when the voltage drops below3.9V and
voltage warning(3.9V-4.5V) occurs.
one beep while the FCCcompliant version will emit 2 beeps. The power indicator blinks greenquickly
Information>), please replace batteries as soon as possible.
(2 ) For long term storage, be sure to remove the batteries from the remote controller.
5.3 Remote Controller Power Indicator Status Information
minutesof non-operation. The alarm status will go awayonce you start
automatically power off after 3 seconds. This process will repeat even if you power cycle the remote
controller. If this low voltage warning occurs during flight, the remote controllerwill automatically
power off causing the aircraft to enter Failsafe mode which cannot be interrupted (refer to <Failsafe
Function> section for details). It is strongly recommended to replace batteries immediatelyif the low
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5.4 AntennaOrientation
Try to keep the antenna pointingskyward, perpendicular to the ground, in order to achieve the maximum
communication range during flight.
The rem ote controller’s
antenna should be pointing
skyw ard w ith no obstacles in
the w ay. O therwise, the
F a ils a fe fu n c t io n m a y in it ia liz e
prem aturely during flight.
The M obile D evice and Range
Extender should not block
the antenna.
Stick Neutral/ mid point:Control sticks of theremote controller are placedatthe central position.
Move the Stick:The stick of remote controller is pushed away from the central position.
Remote Con tr o lle r
(Mode 2 )
The throttle stickcontrolsthe aircraft elevation.
that you push the throttle stickgently to prevent the
aircraft from sudden and unexpectedelevation.
5.5 Remote Controller Operation
The remote controller default is set to Mode 2 before delivery, follow descriptions takes Mode 2 for example.
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Push the stickup and the aircraft will ascend.
Pullthe stickdown and the aircraft will descend.
The aircraft will automatically hover and hold i ts
height when bothsticksare centered.
Push the throttle stickupward beyondthe centered
(neutral) position to take off the aircraft. We suggest
The yaw stickcontrols the ai rc ra ft rudde r.
Push the stickleft and the aircraft will ro tat e counter
command stick results in fasteraircraft ro tat ion
ve lo ci ty.
The pitchstickcontrols the aircraft’sfront & back
result in a largerpitch angle (maximum is 35˚) and
faster flight velocity.
The rollstick controls the aircraft le ft &rightpitch.
Push the stickleft and the aircraft will pitchand fly
result in a largerpitch angle (maximum is 35˚) and
faster flight velocity.
S1 is for compass calibration. Toggle the S1 from
In Naza-M mode, the S1 switch is used to switch
control mode and compass calibration.
S2 is used to record Home point manually. After a
Home point is automatically recorded, quickly
home point of PHANTOM 2 VISION+.
InNaza-M m ode , S2 is involved in IOC function.
(1) For ‘ Ready to Fly’ the aircraft will hover (hold a stable horizontal position) when all sticks are
Push the stickright and the aircraft willro tat e
clock-wise.If the stick is centered, the aircraft will
always fly in the same direction.
The command stick controls the rotating angular
velocity of the aircraft. Increasing movement of the
Push the stick up and the aircraft willpitchand fly
Pullthe stickdown and the aircraft willpitchand
flybackward.The aircraft will ke e p le v e l and straight
if the stick is centered.
Increasing movement of the command stick will
le f t.Pushthe stick right and the aircraft willpitch and
flyright.The aircraft will keep level and straight if the
stick is centered.
Increasing movement of the command stick will
position-1 to position-3 and back to position-1
about 6 to 10 times which will force the aircraft to
enter into compass calibration mode.
flipping the S2 switch of the remote controller from
upper most to lower most positions 5 times or more
will reset the current aircraft position as a new
Position-1 Positi on-2 Position-3
Position-1 Positi on-2 Position-3
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For ‘Ready to Fly (non-GPS)’ the aircraft will keep the aircraft level without horizontal
positioning when all sticks are released.
L in k B u tto n &
L in k In d ic a t o r
Power off the remote controller, power on the aircraft.You will see the link indicator blinking red.
been successfully established.
Switch on the remote controller or perform a link procedure.
Switch on the remote controller.
5.6 Link between the Remote Controller and Receiver
A5.8G receiver is built-in PHANTOM 2 VISION+, i ts link button and indicator lo c at edo n the bottom of the aircraft as
illustrated in the following diagram.
The link between the remote controller andreceiver isalready established before delivery. Only re-establish the link
when you try to replace the old remote controller or receiver with a new one.
Link Procedures
Press the linkbutton with a thin object and hold until the link indicator blinks yellow.Release the
Power on the remote controller and the link indicator shouldswitch off. This indicates that the link has
Link Indicator
5.7 Compliance Version Configuration
The compliance version can be reconfigured by twisting the potentiometer knob (See the following diagram) on
the back of the remote controller using a flathead screwdriver. For CE compliance, set the remote controller to CE
compliance by carefullyturning the potentiometer knob to the full counter clock-wise position.For FCC compliance,
set the remote controllerto FCC compliance by carefully turning the potentiometer knob to the full clock-wise
©2014 DJI Innovations. All Rights Reserved.34 |
position. Users should follow their lo c al regulations accordingly.
When adjusting the potentiometer knob to i ts limit position, be very careful to prevent
Pay attention to and follow local laws and regulations.
The remote controller comes set for CE compliance up delivery as the default setting.
There is another potentiometer reserved.
damaging the potentiometer knob. Do not apply too much force during this adjustment. Also be
sure to use the correct sized screwdriver.
( 2) CE compliant devices have an effective communication range of 300 meters in open spaces due
to power limitations. Be sure to watch your fight distance as the PHANTOM 2 VISION+will
enter Failsafe mode (auto-landing or go home and land) if it fliesbeyond this range.
( 3) FCC compliant devices have an effective range of 500 meters in open spaces. Be sure to watch
your fight distance as the PHANTOM 2 VISION+will enter Failsafe mode (auto-landing or go
home and land) if it fliesbeyond this range.
(2 ) It is recommended to use a flathead screwdriver of Φ 2.4mm for adjustment.
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