Remote Control Features
MODE: The MODE switch is used for toggling SmoothTrack.
1. In Position 1, Smooth Track is off. Remote control is freely position pan
axis stops and holds the last input position of the pan axis control stick.
2. In Position 2, Smooth Track is on. Remote control is freely position pan
axis stops and holds the last input position of the pan axis control stick.
3. In Position 3, Smooth Track is on. The gimbal will always point and reset
pan to the forward facing direction once the pan axis control stick is let go.
Position 1
Position 2
FUNCTION: 1. The FUNCTION switch is used to select the SmoothTrack speed.
User Manual
-Free, SmoothTrack Off
-Free, SmoothTrack On
-Reset to Center, SmoothTrack On
There are 3 possible selections: Fast, Normal and Slow. The value
of each speed can be preset in the App or PC Assistant.
Position 1
2. Activating Motor Kill Switch
Quickly ip the FUNCTION Switch between Position 1 and Position
3 consecutively for 3 times and you will activate the motor kill
switch. Do the same again to turn off the motor kill switch. Prior to reactivating the gimbal motors, be sure to position the camera in the
standard operating position. The motor kill switch is useful in case
the gimbal operator runs into an issue or you need to make a quick
mechanical adjustment to the gimbal or camera setup.
Left Stick: Horizontal movements on the left stick control the Roll axis. Vertical
movements have no denition.
Right Stick: Horizontal
movements on the right stick
control the Pan axis.
These stick settings can be customized in the DJI Ronin-M Assistant App or PC Assistant.
-Fast Position 2 -Normal Position3 -Slow
Right Stick:Vertical movements
on the right stick control the Tilt
Ronin-M supports 3rd party transmitters/receivers, such as D-Bus or PPM. Connect the transmitter
through the port (refer to Page 8 for the location of D-Bus/PPM port).
2015 DJI. All Rights Reserved.

Operation Modes
There are three operation modes in the Ronin-M: underslung mode, upright mode and briefcase
Underslung Mode
Underslung mode is the standard, default mode. It can be used without any user input.
Upright Mode
Flip the gimbal forward 180 degrees and it will automatically change to upright mode. Alternatively,
you can set the gimbal into upright mode before turning it on. Upright mode is ideal for car mounts
or other high camera positions, as it allows you to shoot higher and/or at eye level. Upright mode can
be used without any user input. Do not ip the gimbal over sideways going left or right to convert to
upright mode.
2015 DJI. All Rights Reserved.

User Manual
Briefcase Mode
Briefcase mode allows you to hold the Ronin-M in a slim prole close to your body. To enter briefcase
mode, tilt the gimbal on the roll axis 90 degrees to the left or right. You may turn briefcase mode off in
the gimbal app, in which case the Ronin-M will never automatically transform into briefcase mode. In
briefcase mode, the remote control does not have pan, tilt, or roll control of the Ronin-M.
The gure to the right shows the proper way to transport the Ronin-M with the stand. Using the hook-
and-loop straps, lock the Ronin-M gimbal in place as shown. Be sure to undo the straps prior to turning
the Ronin-M on!
Ronin-M is a precise machine, and it is not waterproof. Keep it away from sand and dust during usage.
After use, it is recommended to wipe the Ronin-M down with a soft dry cloth. Never spray any cleaning
liquids onto the Ronin-M.
2015 DJI. All Rights Reserved.