SZ DJI TECHNOLOGY 201304X01 User Manual

WM Assistant for ios

This module has a USB interface for configuration and firmware upgrades by PC
system. Make sure your ios device is connected to the Internet for the first time you use, to register

Step1Assemble the LED Bluetooth Module

The LED Bluetooth Moduleis n ecessa ry if yo u are usi ng the WM Ass ist ant. This module is only for the ios equi pment, not android equi p men t. It is Operating Temp erat ure range is from -5°C to +50°C.Please refer to the Assembly & Configuration -> Step1 Assembl y to attach the module.
connection. The built-in Bluetoot h is for wirel ess commu nication between the autopilot system and mobile equipment, with a maximum communicat ion distance of 50m.

Step2WM Assistant Installation

Please se arch the WM Assistant from the App Store by you r ios device, download and install it.

Step3Parameter Configuration Procedures

1. Prepare an iosequipment tha t suppo rt s Bluetooth 4.0, and turn on the Bluetooth.
2. Switch on t he tra nsmit ter fi rst, po wer on th e autop ilot s ystem , and t hen run th e WM Assis tant. The
LED blinks Purple and Yellow alternately (
account. And also you can login with the PC assistant account.
3. Run the Assistant Software. Set up the name and passw ord for the autopilot system according to the App start.
4. Observe the indicators on the left bottom of the software. ( and commun ication in dicator in or der.)On the WM Assistant, if the communi cation i ndicat or is on, please double check the connections and driver installation; otherwise if the indicator is blinking, go to next step.
5. Select the “Basic” option. Please follow step-by-step for your first-time-configuration.Basic config uration is ne c essary. Click the icon
6. You can click the “Advanced” option for more parameter settings.Advanced setting is optional. There are Motor, Enhanced Fail-Safe, Intelligent Orientation Control (IOC), Gimbal, Low-voltage Alarm, Flight Limits, etc.
7. Select Viewer and check all parameters .
8. Select “More” to obtain more details. Including: (Parameter)Import-Export, Restore Factory Settings,
Account, Main Controller L ist, Information( including Hardware ID, IMU, Loader, Firmware, SN and Functions Activation Status), Rate WM Assistant, Feedback, About(Help Document, Disclaimer)
) when the WM Assistant is connected to the au to pilo t
They are the connection indicator
to get the configuration details.
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