System Sensor i3 Series, i3 2WTR-B, i3 2WTA-B, i3 4WTR-B, i3 4WTA-B Installation And Maintenance Instructions Manual

Photoelectric Smoke Detector
2-Wire: 2WTR-B (Form C Relay), 2WTA-B (Sounder) 4-Wire: 4WTR-B (Form C Relay), 4WTA-B (Sounder) 4WTAR-B (Form C Relay, Sounder), 4WITAR-B (Isolated Thermal, Form C Relay, Sounder)
Before Installing
Please read thoroughly System Sensor Application Guide: System Smoke Detectors, which provides detailed information
on detector spacing, placement, zoning, wiring, and special applications. Copies are available on System Sensor’s web site:
NOTICE: This manual shall be left with the owner/user of this equipment.
IMPORTANT: This detector must be tested and maintained regu­larly following National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 72 National Fire Alarm Code requirements. At a minimum, cleaning should be performed annually.
General Description
Models 2WTR-B and 2WTA-B are 2-wire photoelectric smoke detectors; models 4WTR-B, 4WTA-B, 4WTAR-B, and 4WITAR-B are 4-wire photoelectric smoke detectors. All models incorpo­rate a state-of-the-art optical sensing chamber and an advanced microprocessor. The microprocessor allows the detector to auto­matically adjust its sensitivity back to the factory setting when it becomes more sensitive due to contaminants settling in its chamber. In order for this feature to work properly, the chamber must never be opened while power is applied to the smoke detec­tor. This includes cleaning, maintenance or screen replacement. All models also feature a restorable, built-in, fixed temperature (135°F) thermal detector and are also capable of sensing a freeze condition if the temperature is below 41°F.
Models 2WTA-B, 4WTA-B, 4WTAR-B, and 4WITAR-B contain a piezoelectric horn which generates the ANSI S3.41 temporal pat­tern in an alarm condition. All detectors on a zone will sound when the power supply to them is reversed. The RRS-MOD can be used for the power supply reversal function. The RRS-MOD also enables all the detectors’ sounders on a zone to be synchronized and allows the zone to be silenced from the panel by entering the alarm silence key at the keypad.
The detector that initiated the alarm condition will have its red LED and Form C relays (if applicable) latched until reset by panel.
The model 4WITAR-B photoelectronic smoke sensor is isolated from the fixed-temperature heat sensor, providing a self-resetting, local audible smoke alarm that does not alarm at the panel. Only the fixed-temperature heat sensor will cause the 4WITAR-B to ini­tiate an alarm at the panel and the relay to change its state.
NOTE: In order for all i3 sounder detectors on a loop to sound when the panel alarms, the supply voltage polarity must be reversed. A reversing relay, System Sensor model number RRS-MOD, must be used. The RRS-MOD is designed to allow all i3 Series detectors in the same loop to sound when one of the detectors goes into alarm. In addition, the RRS-MOD will
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synchronize all of the i3 Series sounder smoke detectors on the loop. Some panels may require the use of programmable outputs. Refer to System Sensor literature for further informa­tion on the RRS-MOD.
All i3 Series detectors are designed to provide open area protec­tion. Two-wire models must be used with compatible UL Listed panels only.
When used with an “i3 Ready” control panel or the i3 Series 2W­MOD2 module (refer to installation manual), the 2WTR-B and 2WTA-B are capable of generating a “maintenance needed” sig­nal. The 2W-MOD2 can indicate a need for cleaning, replacement, or a freeze trouble at the control panel or module.
The 2W-MOD2 has replaced the previous model number 2W­MOD. To ensure proper remote maintenance signaling capabili­ties, do not use the 2W-MOD with i3 model numbers 2WTR-B and 2WTA-B.
Installation of the 2WTR-B, 2WTA-B, 4WTR-B, 4WTA-B, 4WTAR­B, and 4WITAR-B detectors is simplified by the use of a mounting base that may be pre-wired to the system, allowing the detector to be easily installed or removed. The mounting base installation is further simplified by the incorporation of features compatible with drywall fasteners.
Two LEDs on the detector provide a local visual indication of the detector’s status:
Table 1: Detector LED Modes
| Green LED | Red LED Power-up | Blink 10 sec | Blink 10 sec Normal (standby) | Blink 5 sec | — Out of sensitivity | — | Blink 5 sec Freeze Trouble | — | Blink 10 sec Alarm | — | Solid
During an initial power-up delay, the red and green LEDs will blink synchronously once every ten seconds. It will take approximately 80 seconds for the detector to finish the power-up cycle (see Table 2).
Table 2: Power-up Sequence for LED Status Indication*
Condition | Duration Initial LED Status Indication | 80 seconds Initial LED Status Indication (if excessive electrical noise is present) | 4 minutes
*Refer to Electrical Specifications for start-up time in conjuction with panel alarm verification.
NOTE: If, during power-up, the detector determines there is exces­sive electrical noise in the system such as those caused by improp­er grounding of the system or the conduit, both LEDs will blink for up to 4 minutes before displaying detector status (see Table 2).
3825 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, Illinois 60174
1-800-SENSOR2, FAX: 630-377-6495
After power-up has completed and the detector is functioning
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normally within its listed sensitivity range, the green LED blinks once every five seconds. If the detector is in need of maintenance because its sensitivity has shifted outside the listed limits, the red LED blinks once every five seconds. When the detector is in the alarm mode, the red LED latches on. The LED indication must not be used in lieu of the tests specified under Testing. In a freeze trouble condition, the red LED will blink once every 10 seconds (refer to Table 1).
To measure the detector’s sensitivity, the i3 Series Model SENS­RDR Infrared Sensitivity Reader tool (see Figure 4) should be used. Refer to instructions manual D100-98-00 for the proper use of the SENS-RDR.
Models 2WTR-B and 2WTA-B also include an output that allows an optional Model RA400Z Remote Annunciator to be connected.
General spacing guidelines are 30′× 30, with each detector cover­ing 900 ft2 under maximum conditions.
Consult NFPA 72, the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ), and/or applicable codes for specific information regarding the spacing and placement of smoke detectors.
Each i3 Series detector is supplied with a mounting base that can be ceiling- or wall-mounted:
1. To a single gang box, or
2. To a 31⁄2-inch or 4-inch octagonal box, or
3. To a 4-inch square box with a plaster ring, or
4. Direct mount or to ceiling using drywall fasteners.
Figure 1: Mounting of Detector
Figure 2: Tamper-Resistant Feature
Wiring Installation Guidelines
All wiring must be installed in compliance with the NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, applicable state and local codes, and any special requirements of the local Authority Having Jurisdiction.
Proper wire gauges should be used. The conductors used to con­nect smoke detectors to the alarm control panel and accessory devices should be color-coded to reduce the likelihood of wiring errors. Improper connections can prevent a system from respond­ing properly in the event of a fire.
The screw terminals in the mounting base will accept 14–22 gauge wire. For best system performance, all wiring should be installed in separate grounded conduit; do not mix fire alarm system wiring in the same conduit as any other electrical wiring. Twisted pair may be used to provide additional protection against extraneous electrical interference.
Wire connections are made by stripping approximately 1⁄4-inch of insu- lation from the end of the feed wire, inserting it into the proper base terminal, and tightening the screw to secure the wire in place. Do not put wires more than 2 gauge apart under the same clamping plate.
Two-Wire Compatibility
System Sensor two-wire smoke detectors are marked with a com­patibility identifier located on the label on the back of the product. For two-wire models 2WTR-B and 2WTA-B, connect detectors only
The i3 Series heads and bases are keyed so that all heads will only fit into their respective bases. One model 4-wire relay base will accept the 4WTR-B, 4WTAR-B and 4WITAR-B detector heads and no others. The 2WTR-B, 2WTA-B and 4WTA-B will only fit into their respective mounting bases and no others. The heads and bases are clearly iden­tified as either 2-wire or 4-wire. When mounting the i3 Series, ensure that the head is mounted to the correct base, and the test switch is aligned with the tamper release tab.
to compatible alarm control panels as identified by System Sensor’s two-wire compatibility chart, available at
NOTE: Models 2WTR-B and 2WTA-B are not to be installed
on initiating circuits containing other makes/models of smoke detectors.
NOTE: Style D initiating circuits require the use of a 2W-
MOD2 for models 2WTR-B and 2WTA-B
Wiring Diagrams Figure 3a: Wiring Diagram, 2WTR-B and 2WTA-B
Tamper-Resistant Feature
The i3 Series detectors include a tamper-resistant feature that pre­vents removal from the mounting base without the use of a tool. To engage the tamper-resistant feature, cut the small plastic tab located on the mounting base (Figure 2), and then install the detec­tor. To remove the detector from the base once it has been made tamper resistant, use a small screwdriver to depress the square tamper release tab, located on the skirt of the mounting base, and turn the detector counterclockwise.
Installation Guidelines
The i3 Series detectors represent an advancement over the previous sounder and Form C relay models and are designed to be used with the 2W-MOD2 and RRS-MOD only. Do not mix detector models on a zone.
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