Smoke control dampers are designed for mechanical or natural smoke and heat extract systems. Its function is to
extract toxic gases, smoke and fire or provide a supply of fresh air to fire compartments. Smoke control dampers are
fitted with an actuator without a spring; therefore, they have two safety positions, “open” and “closed” and require
power even in the event of fire. S-BM2 smoke control damper is designed for the installations listed in the “Installation
Methods” section of its Handbook.
• Battery installation of up to 4 dampers
• MA – manual intervention (can be used also as an AA classified smoke control damper)
The safety position can be adjusted up to first 25 minutes during smoke extraction
• Multi - usage in compartments classified as "multi"
Can be used also in compartments classified as "single"
• Pressure level 2 (-1000 Pa ... 300 Pa)
• Casing leakage according to EN 1751, class C
• Blade leakage according to EN 1751, class 3
• Exceptional free area and low pressure drop
• Installed into walls or ducts
Fire Resistivity
S-BM2 Smoke control dampers are CE certified following the Construction Products Regulation according to EN
12101-8:2011. Tested according to EN 1366-10:2011 + A1:2017, EN 1366-2:2015 and classified according to EN
13501-4:2016. The smoke control damper together with its installation form an inseparable part of the fire resistivity
• Damper with horizontally oriented blades: EI120(vew - ved - hod - how - i↔o)S1000C
• Damper with vertically oriented blades: EI90(vew i↔o)S1000C
Product types
Depending on the S-BM2 installation assembly this damper has two main product types:
Detailed information about accessories is available in
• K1-S-BM2: Cover boards for in-duct installation.
• H1-S-BM2: Hanger for horizontal damper mounting.
S-BM2 has a casing and blades made from calcium silicate board. The closed damper is sealed by silicate wool sealing
to avoid the spread of heat and smoke. Front board surfaces are fitted with threaded inserts for sheet metal duct
flanges. If the damper is ordered with grille, both sides are fitted with threaded inserts for grille placement. S-BM2 has
mechanism and actuator enclosed by the dampers casing and two covers on each side for easy access and connection.
Material Composition
The product contains galvanized sheet metal, calcium silicate board, fireproof carbon fiberglass, polyurethane foam and
alkaline earth silicate wool. These are processed in accordance with local regulations. The product contains no
hazardous substances.
Tightness of the Blade and the Casing
S-BM2 smoke control damper standardly have class C casing tightness and class 3 blade tightness according to EN
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Technical Parameters
Durability Test
10000 cycles, actuator controlled (0 … 90 degrees rotation) – with no change of the required properties
10000 cycles, actuator controlled for "MOD" classification (45 ... 60 degrees rotation) - with no change of the required
Testing Pressure
Underpressure up to 300 Pa, overpressure up to 1000 Pa
Safe Position
Open or Closed
Possible Installations
Vertically supported construction, rigid/flexible wall, wet/dry/soft-cross (see classification table on the page 6)
Airflow Direction
Both directions
Allowed Air Velocity
Max. 12 m/s
Side with Fire Protection
Depending on installation classification: From both sides (i <-> o)
Repeated Opening
Suitable for daily check procedure in suitable environment
Closing/Opening Time
< 60 s
Indicator Closed/Open
Indication with microswitches that are part of mechanism actuator
Environment Suitability
Only indoor environment, T > 0 °C and Rha < 95% (3K5 according to EN 60721-3-3)
Inspection Possibility
Through grille. Inspection door for connection and actuator access.
Duct inspection opening/lid where needed is not part of damper or delivery.
Not required/dry cleaning if demanded by law in the country in which the dampers are installed
Determined by law in the country in which the dampers are installed, or minimally every 6 months
Dry indoor conditions with a temperature range of -20 °C to +50 °C. The damper blade is transported in closed position.
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Product Parts
The S-BM2 packaging for selected sizes also includes wooden manipulation jig.
P1 - Damper casing
P2 - Damper blade
P3 - Actuator
P4 - Supply and communication unit (BST)
P5 - Sheet metal Grille
P6 - Threaded inserts for duct connection
P7 - Threaded inserts for the grille
P8 - Mechanism cover
P9 - Product label
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Assessed Performance
19 CE 1396
Systemair Production a.s.
90043 Kalinkovo 371, Slovakia
EN 12101-8:2011
Smoke control damper
Multi compartment
Nominal activation conditions/sensitivity
• Manual intervention - passed
Closure/opening during test at correct time and in allowable time
Response delay/closure time - Manual intervention - passed
Operational reliability
10 000 operations: 0° to 90° - passed and 45° to 60° - passed
HOT 400/30 - passed
Fire resistance:
• Integrity E
• EI120(vew-ved-hod-how-i↔o)S1000C
• Damper with vertically oriented blades: EI90(vewi↔o)S1000C
• Insulation I
• Smoke leakage S
• Mechanical stability (under E)
• Maintenance of cross section (under E)
• of response delay - Pass
• of operational reliability - Pass
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Diagrams of S-BM2 for extract air
Accessories K1-S-BM2 and H1-S-BM2 do not affect the pressure drop and A-weighted total discharged sound power
The pressure drop and A-weighted total discharged sound power level depend on the nominal width and height of the
S-BM2 and air flow volume at different duct pressures.
S-BM2 Grille Types 00, 01, 11, 22
Pressure drop & sound power level (A-weighted)
65 dB(A)
60 dB(A)
45 dB(A)
40 dB(A)
35 dB(A)
30 dB(A)
55 dB(A)
50 dB(A)
Pressure drop & sound power level (A-weighted)
70 dB(A)
Pressure drop & sound power level (A-weighted)
40 dB(A)
60 dB(A)
55 dB(A)
50 dB(A)
45 dB(A)
70 dB(A)
65 dB(A)
Pressure drop & sound power level (A-weighted)
4000600080001000012000 l/s
75 dB(A)
75 dB(A)
50 dB(A)
45 dB(A)
55 dB(A)
70 dB(A)
65 dB(A)
60 dB(A)
80 dB(A)
65 dB(A)
60 dB(A)
55 dB(A)
50 dB(A)
75 dB(A)
70 dB(A)
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Pressure drop & sound power level (A-weighted)
70 dB(A)
30 dB(A)
25 dB(A)
40 dB(A)
35 dB(A)
45 dB(A)
60 dB(A)
55 dB(A)
50 dB(A)
65 dB(A)
Pressure drop & sound power level (A-weighted)
75 dB(A)
80 dB(A)
Pressure drop & sound power level (A-weighted)
100020003000 l/s
75 dB(A)
70 dB(A)
65 dB(A)
60 dB(A)
55 dB(A)
30 dB(A)
35 dB(A)
25 dB(A)
50 dB(A)
45 dB(A)
40 dB(A)
Pressure drop & sound power level (A-weighted)
20004000600080001000012000 l/s
80 dB(A)
80 dB(A)
60 dB(A)
35 dB(A)
40 dB(A)
30 dB(A)
55 dB(A)
50 dB(A)
45 dB(A)
75 dB(A)
70 dB(A)
65 dB(A)
Pressure drop & sound power level (A-weighted)
75 dB(A)
70 dB(A)
65 dB(A)
60 dB(A)
55 dB(A)
30 dB(A)
35 dB(A)
25 dB(A)
45 dB(A)
40 dB(A)
50 dB(A)
45 dB(A)
40 dB(A)
35 dB(A)
60 dB(A)
55 dB(A)
50 dB(A)
75 dB(A)
70 dB(A)
65 dB(A)
Pressure drop & sound power level (A-weighted)
100020003000 l/s
80 dB(A)
75 dB(A)
70 dB(A)
65 dB(A)
60 dB(A)
55 dB(A)
50 dB(A)
40 dB(A)
35 dB(A)
45 dB(A)
30 dB(A)
25 dB(A)
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Pressure drop & sound power level (A-weighted)
80 dB(A)
75 dB(A)
70 dB(A)
65 dB(A)
40 dB(A)
30 dB(A)
45 dB(A)
35 dB(A)
25 dB(A)
55 dB(A)
50 dB(A)
60 dB(A)
ps (Pa) - Pressure drop
qv (m3^/h), (l/s) - Air flow volume
±Δ (%) - Deviation from measured value
Lwa (dB(A)) - A-weighted total sound power level
v (m/s) - Air face velocity
qv (m3^/h), (l/s) - Air flow volume
±Δ (%) - Deviation from measured value
Lwa (dB(A)) - A-weighted total sound power level
v (m/s) - Air face velocity
60 dB(A)
55 dB(A)
80 dB(A)
75 dB(A)
70 dB(A)
65 dB(A)
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Dimensions & Weights
Dimensions of grille types 00, 01, 11, 02, 22
Note: *Inclusive grille
Free area of grille types 00, 01, 11, 02, 22
Weights of grille types 00, 01, 11, 02, 22
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GT - Grille type
00 - S-BM2 without grille
01, 02 - S-BM2 with one grille
11, 22 - S-BM2 with two grilles
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Dimensions of grille types 00, 01, 11, 02, 22
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Note: *Inclusive grille
Free area of grille type M0, M1 in battery type assembly
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Weights of grille type M0, M1 in battery type assembly
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GT - Grille type
M0 - S-BM2 without grille
M1 - S-BM2 with one grille
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Ordering Codes
W - Width Dimension
200 mm to 1000 mm and battery dimensions 1180 mm to 2080 mm. In step of 50 mm
H - Height Dimensions
425 mm, 625 mm, 825 mm, 1025 mm, 1000 mm and battery dimensions 1530 mm, 1730 mm, 1930 mm, 2130 mm,
2330 mm, 2530 mm.
A - Grille Type
00 - No Grille, duct connectable on both sides
01 - Grille on one side /Zinc/ + connection for duct available on either side
02 - Grille on one side /RAL 9003/ + connection for duct available on either side
11 - Grille on both sides /Zinc/
22 - Grille on both sides /RAL 9003/
M0 - Battery dimensions without Grille
M1 - Battery dimensions with Grille on one side /Zinc/ + connection for duct available on either side
B - Type of Activation
B230 - (230V AC Belimo Actuator)
B24 - (24V AC/DC Belimo Actuator)
B24-W - (24V AC/DC Belimo Actuator & Wire connector for communication unit)
B24-SR - (24V AC/DC Belimo Actuator, modulated 0..10V)
BST - (230V AC Supply comm. unit & 24V AC/DC Belimo Actuator)
Example of the S-BM2 Smoke Control Damper Ordering Code
Two Multiblade Smoke control dampers with width of 850 mm and height of 2530 mm, without a grille to be mounted
in battery on top of each other. Activated by a 24 V Modulated Belimo actuator (0..10V).
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Installation Methods
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a) - Flexible (plasterboard) wall
b) - Concrete/masonry/cellular concrete (rigid) wall
c) - Concrete/cellular concrete (rigid) floor/ceiling
d) - Duct per EN 1366-9 or EN 1366-8
• The duct connected to the smoke control damper must be supported or hung in such a way that the damper does not
carry its weight. The damper must not support any part of the surrounding construction or wall which could cause
damage and consequent damper failure.
• Easy access to mechanism and internal parts during inspection must be considered during damper placement.
• According to the standard EN 1366-2, the distance between the smoke control damper bodies must be at least 200
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• The distance between smoke control damper and the adjacent wall/ceiling and the smoke control damper must be at
least 75 mm.
• When the S-BM2 smoke control damper is installed into a smoke and fire partition structure, it must be placed so that
the damper blades in its closed position are located inside this structure.
• The gap in the installation opening between the smoke control damper and the wall/ceiling can be increased by up to
50% of the gap area or decreased to the smallest amount possible that still provides sufficient space for the
installation of the seal.
• When using non-original grilles, the gap between the damper blade in open position and the self-standing grill, mesh,
louvre must be at least 200 mm according to EN 1366-10.
• The smoke control damper must be earthed after being installed into or onto the duct.
• Lists of all permitted installation methods are provided in User Manual.
Installation, Maintenance & Operation
Some damper parts may have sharp edges – therefore to protect yourself from harm, please use gloves during damper
installation and manipulation. In order to prevent electric shock, fire or any other damage which could result from
incorrect damper usage and operation, it is important to:
1.Ensure that installation is performed by a trained person.
2.Follow the written and depicted instructions provided within Handbook closely.
3.Perform damper inspection in accordance with Handbook.
4.Check the damper’s functionality as per the chapter “Smoke Damper Functionality Check” before you install the fire
damper. This procedure prevents the installation of a damper that has been damaged during transportation or handling.
Information about installation, maintenance and operation is available in the “HandBook_S-BM2” document or more
can be found at
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Installation 1. WET - in the Wall
Using Plaster/Mortar/Concrete Filling
1.The supporting construction opening must be prepared as shown on picture. Opening surfaces must be even and
cleaned off. The flexible wall opening must be reinforced as per the standards for plasterboard walls. The opening
dimensions are driven by the nominal dimensions of the damper with added clearance. The opening will be with the
dimensions of W1 and H1.
2.Insert the damper as per the “Manipulation of S-BM2” section into the middle of the opening so that the damper
blade is in the wall. For damper widths greater than 600 mm, it is recommended to use a duct support inside the
damper during installation to avoid any damage caused to the damper housing by the weight of the filling.
For battery assembly:
a. Add the first layer of filling at the bottom of the opening (can be a thin layer)
b. Place the damper(s) on top while fixing them to the sides with screws (F11).
c. Stack the individual dampers on top of each other with caulk (F5) between them and fix together with screws (F12)
and to the wall with screws (F11) as depicted in fixing layout.
3.Fill in the area between the wall and the damper with gypsum plaster or mortar or concrete filling (F1) while paying
attention to prevent the fouling of the damper’s functional parts, which could limit its correct functionality. The best
way is to cover the functional parts during installation. To prevent seepage of the filling material, use of boards is
recommended. First, let the plaster or mortar or concrete filling harden and then perform the next steps.
4.After the filling hardens, remove the duct support from inside of the damper.
5.If needed, uncover and clean the damper after installation.
6.Damper connections to duct and connection with overlap boards must be filled with coating (F5)
7.Check the functionality of the damper.
Installation Distances
According to the EN 1366-2 standard, the minimum distance from the wall or ceiling to the damper body is 75 mm. For
multiple crossings through a fire resistive wall, the minimum distance between two damper bodies is 200 mm. This
applies for distances between the damper body and a nearby foreign object crossing the fire resistive wall.
a) - Flexible (plasterboard) wall
b) - Concrete/masonry/cellular concrete (rigid) wall
vew - Vertical wall placement
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