Systemair AB reserves the rights to alter their products without notice.
This also applies to products already ordered, as long as it does not affect the previously agreed specifications.
This document describes how to setup functions in your Access controller and contains quick configuration guides for
the most common functions. All available functionality is described in detail in the “Access 4x configuration manual”
available on the online catalogue or Systemair Configurator for products using the Access control platform.
2How to set up a function
To set up a function in the access controller you need to be logged in as Service to access the configuration menu. After
login you follow a 4-step procedure to successfully setup the function. Please note that not all functions require all four
steps. The general procedure for setting up a function is described below. Function specific configuration guides are
found later in the document.
Log in with service mode using password 0612.
Step by step:
Open the log in window
Select service from drop down list
Type in password 0612
Press Login.
Configuration > Functions > Function activation
Activate a function in a list of available functions (e.g. heater).
Configuration > Functions
Select the function's configuration (e.g. if heater is water, electric etc.).
Configuration > I/O allocation settings
Select the I/O (in-/output) placement of the connected signals and sensors. Configure I/O settings (sensor measuring
range, polarity, edit name of sensor/signal etc.).
Do no use the same in- or output for several functions.
2.5Operation settings
Data & Settings
Setup how the function will work (e.g. setpoints, limits etc.)
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| How to use the configuration wizard
3How to use the configuration wizard
The configuration wizard is a menu that simplify the procedure to Activate and Configure common accessories and
functions and Allocate it’s in- and outputs. The wizard makes necessary configurations automatically and guide the user
through limited options.
Access the configuration wizard via
in the navigation bar or via the configuration menu.
The wizard’s availability and content depend on the air handling unit’s model and controller software
If the configuration wizard does not cover the desired accessory or function it can still be configured via the
configuration menu.
3.1Set up an accessory or function with the configuration wizard
Configuration > Configuration wizard
Select the type of accessory or function you wish to set up. E.g. if you have installed a water coil for cooling as accessory, select Set up cooler.
Configuration > Configuration wizard
Set up pressure control
Set up cooler
Set up changeover
Exit to configuration menu >Complete configuration wizard >
11 Dec 10:33
Configuration > Configuration wizard < Set up “function”
Specify the details of the accessory or function you wish to set up. E.g. If the cooler you wish to set up is of type Water
and that the circulation pump is with an alarm feedback signal.
Configuration > Configuration wizard < Set up
Type of cooler
Type of feedback
Pump control
Pump running mode
11 Dec 10:33
Confirm configuration and
continue >
The amount of steps between different setups may vary. E.g. when configuring pressure control the wizard
makes the necessary configuration steps automatically and only require confirmation of in- and output
allocation and settings.
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How to use the configuration wizard |
Configuration > Configuration wizard > Set up “function” > In-/Outputs
Confirm the in-/output allocation of the connected signals and sensors. Configure in-/output settings (sensor measuring
range, polarity, edit name of sensor/signal etc.) as necessary. Complete the setup by pressing Confirm In-/Outputsand complete setup.
Configuration > ... > Set cooler > In-/Outputs
Analog outputs
Cooling (SEQ-C)
Digital outputs
Cooling pump (SEQ-C)Normally open
Digital Inputs
Feedback cooling (SEQ-C)Normally open
Range output
Contact functionDevicePosition
Contact functionDevicePosition
Confirm In-/Outputs and complete setup >
11 Dec 10:33
3.1.4Completing the configuration wizard
A completed setup is listed as Configured in the configuration wizard menu. To make changes to an already configured function, rerun the wizard or use the configuration menus described in chapter 5.
Configuration > Configuration wizard
Set up pressure control
Set up coolerConfigured
Set up changeover
Exit to configuration menu >Complete configuration wizard >
11 Dec 10:33
Select Complete configuration wizard once the desired setups have been completed. The configuration wizard
is still accessible from the configuration menu.
3.1.5Operation settings
Note that functions configured via the wizard still require adaptation of its operation settings. These settings are found
in the functions submenu of Data & Settings as described in chapter 5.
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Save commissioning settings
4Save commissioning settings
When the installation is complete and all functions are tested it is recommended to save a local backup of the current
configuration in the control unit.
Select Yes on Save commissioning settings in the Configuration > System settings > Save and restoresettings menu.
Configuration > System settings > Save and restore
Save commissioning settings
Step by step:
2. Select System settings
3. Select Save and restore settings
4. Select Yes on Save commissioning settings.
Select Configuration from the navigation icons
11 Dec 10:33
5Quick configuration guides
5.1Editable naming
The access control unit interface allow for editable naming of the air handling unit, I/O’s (in-/outputs), heating/cooling
sequences and alarms. Edit name in the control unit is done in the Configuration submenus by editing the menu
row Name. Edited names persist if a new language is selected but the menu row Original name will always be translated and can be used for reference.
5.1.1Air handling unit naming
The air handling unit’s name is shown in the top-right of the “Home” screen. Edit the name by changing the menu row
Unit name found in the Configuration > System settings > Communications devices menu.
Configuration > System settings > Communication devices
Unit name
Step by step:
2. Select System settings
3. Select Communication devices
4. Edit the name of the air handling unit by selecting Unit name.
Select Configuration from the navigation icons
11 Dec 10:33
Systemair controller
Default Unit name is either Systemair controller or the unit model name. e.g. Topvex TR03 HW CAV.
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Quick configuration guides |
5.1.2I/O naming
Change the name of an I/O (in-/outputs), for example a temperature sensor, by selecting the desired I/O function in
the Configuration > I/O allocation settings sub menus and changing the menu row Name.
Configuration > I/O allocation settings > Analog
Analog inputs
Supply air temperature
Configuration >... > Analog inputs > Supply air
Original nameSupply air temperature
Step by step:
2. Select I/O allocation settings
3. Select the submenu related to the I/O to rename (e.g Analog inputs if temperature sensor)
4. Select the I/O function of which to rename (e.g Supply air temperature)
5. Edit the name of the I/O (in-/outputs) by selecting Name.
Select Configuration from the navigation icons
11 Dec 10:33
11 Dec 10:33
Supply air temperature
5.1.3Sequence naming
Change the name of a heating/cooling sequence by selecting the desired sequence in the Configuration > Functions > Function activation >Heating/Cooling sequence setup menu and changing the menu row Name.
6. Edit the name of the sequence by selecting Name.
5.1.4Alarm naming
How to edit alarm names is described in chapter 5.2.
5.2Alarm configuration
Configure any alarm available in the controller in the Configuration > Alarms menu.
Configuration > ... > Extra alarm 1
Action:No action
Step by step:
2. Select Alarms
3. Select the desired alarm after scrolling through the list of all alarms and identifying the alarm via either name or alarm
4. Select the action the unit will take when the alarm is active (e.g Normal stop) as Action
5. Select the desired Alarm class or disable the alarm (e.g Class B) as Level
6. Adjust the time before the alarm activates as Delay
7. Adjust the name of the alarm as Name.
Select Configuration from the navigation icons
0 s
Extra alarm 1
11 Dec 10:33
5.3Fan control type (Pressure)
Activate pressure control.
Select Fan control type as Pressure in the Configuration > Functions > Function activation menu.
Configuration > Functions > Function activation
Fan control type
Step by step:
2. Select Functions
3. Select Function activation
4. Select Pressure as Fan control type.
Select Configuration from the navigation icons
11 Dec 10:33
157618 | A004
Quick configuration guides |
Setup differential pressure sensors.
Select I/O (in-/output) placement for where the differential pressure sensors are connected. Set the sensors’ signal and
corresponding measuring range in the Configuration > I/O allocation settings > Analog inputs menu.
Do not use the same in- or output for several functions.
Configuration > I/O allocation settings > Analog
Analog inputs
Pressure supply air
Pressure extract airController
Configuration > ... > Analog inputs > Pressure supply
Min volt input (Vmin)
Max volt input (Vmax)
Sensor value at Vmin0.0
Sensor value at Vmax
Step by step:
2. Select I/O allocation settings
3. Select Analog inputs
4. Select the input connected to the sensor (e.g. UI2) as position for Pressure supply air
5. Select the input connected to the sensor (e.g UI1) as position for Pressure extract air
6. Select Pressure supply air
7. Set Sensor at Vmin the same as the start point of the sensor’s selected measuring range
8. Set Sensor at Vmax the same as the end point of the sensor’s selected measuring range
9. Set Min volt input (Vmin) and Max volt input (Vmax) to values corresponding to the sensor’s signal type (e.
10.Go back to Analog inputs (use the navigation path Configuration > I/O allocation settings > Analog
11.Select Pressure extract air and repeat steps 7 through 9.
Select Configuration from the navigation icons
g. 0…10V, 2…10V etc.)
11 Dec 10:33
11 Dec 10:33
0.0 V
10.0 V
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| Quick configuration guides
5.3.3Operation settings
Adjust the fan pressure set points in the Data & Settings > Fan Control > Fan setpoints menu.
Data & Settings > Fan control > Fan setpoints
Setpoint low speed supply air fan100 Pa
Setpoint low speed extract air fan
Setpoint normal speed supply air fan200 Pa
Setpoint normal speed extract air fan
Setpoint high speed supply air fan200 Pa
Setpoint high speed extract air fan
Step by step:
2. Select Fan control
3. Select Fan setpoints
4. Select and adjust setpoints for the available fan speed levels.
Select Data & Settings from the navigation icons
11 Dec 10:33
100 Pa
200 Pa
200 Pa
5.4Temperature control type (Room)
Activate room temperature control.
Select Cascade room temp control as temperature control type in the Configuration > Functions > Func-tion activation menu.
Configuration > Functions > Function activation
Temperature control type
Step by step:
2. Select Functions
3. Select Function activation
4. Select Room cascade as Temperature control type.
Select Configuration from the navigation icons
11 Dec 10:33
Room cascade
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