Syqwest HydroBox Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual

High Resolution Echo Sounders and Acoustic Systems
For Precision Seafloor Exploration
HydroBox ™ Hydrographic Echo Sounder
Ver 3, 7.25.10
222 Metro Center Blvd.
Warwick, RI 02886 USA
TEL: (401) 921-5170 / FAX: (401) 921-5159
1.0 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 GENERAL INFORMATION............................................................................................................1-1
1.2 ABOUT THIS MANUAL ...............................................................................................................1-1
1.3 ECHO SOUNDING PRINCIPLES ....................................................................................................1-2
1.3.1 Underwater Acoustics........................................................................................................1-2 Decibels..........................................................................................................................1-2 Sound Propagation.........................................................................................................1-2
1.4 SPECIFICATIONS .........................................................................................................................1-7
1.4.1 HydroBox Sensor Specifications........................................................................................1-7
1.5 SOFTWARE FEATURES ADDED IN RELEASE V2.45 ......................................................................1-8
1.5.1 Improved Shallow Water Digitizing Performance.............................................................1-8
1.5.2 Improved Auto All Operation.............................................................................................1-8
1.5.3 Bottom Digitizer Threshold Parameter..............................................................................1-8
1.5.4 User selectable Gate Limits...............................................................................................1-8
1.5.5 Sensor Reset on Program Exit ...........................................................................................1-8
1.5.6 NMEA Depth Output written to .CSV file..........................................................................1-9
1.5.7 NMEA I/O and External Event COM Port Settings...........................................................1-9
1.5.8 NMEA I/O Output written to Port during Playback ..........................................................1-9
2.0 INSTALLATION...............................................................................................................................2-1
2.1 - HYDROBOX SYSTEM INSTALLATION OVERVIEW ....................................................................2-1
2.1.1 Important Notes regarding Hydrobox operation – Please Read!......................................2-1
2.1.2 - Getting Started................................................................................................................2-2
2.2 TRANSDUCERS (DIMENSIONS & MOUNTING) ................................................................2-3
2.2.1 P/N P04816 TRANSDUCER 33/210Khz............................................................................2-3
2.2.2 P/N P04817 TRANSDUCER 50/210Khz............................................................................2-4
2.2.3 P/N P04515 TRANSDUCER 210Khz 8 deg......................................................................2-5
2.2.4 P/N P04517 TRANSDUCER 50Khz 18 deg.......................................................................2-5
2.2.5 - Installing the HydroBox Electronics................................................................................2-6
2.2.6 - Installing the HydroBox Transducer ...............................................................................2-8
2.2.7 - Electrical Connections...................................................................................................2-12
2.3 - HYDROBOX PC SOFTWARE INSTALLATION...........................................................................2-15
3.0 OPERATION .....................................................................................................................................3-1
3.1 HYDROBOX PC SOFTWARE........................................................................................................3-1
3.1.1 - The Main Window............................................................................................................3-1
3.2 THE MENU BAR.......................................................................................................................3-5
3.2.1 – The File Menu.................................................................................................................3-5
3.2.2 –Edit Menu.........................................................................................................................3-6 Configure Sonar Port .....................................................................................................3-6 Configure NMEA I/O ....................................................................................................3-7 NMEA Depth (dpt) ........................................................................................................3-8 Configure Events............................................................................................................3-8 Configure Thermal Printer.............................................................................................3-9 - Configure Detection Threshold .................................................................................3-10 - Configure Gate Limits...............................................................................................3-10 User Preferences ..........................................................................................................3-10
3.2.3 – The View Menu..............................................................................................................3-12 Diagnostic View...........................................................................................................3-14
3.2.4 – The Help Menu..............................................................................................................3-14
3.3 DATA OUTPUTS........................................................................................................................3-15
3.3.1 ODEC Depth (dpt) Format..............................................................................................3-15
3.3.2 PMC Depth (dt) Format...................................................................................................3-15
3.3.3 NMEA Depth Below Transducer (dbt) format.................................................................3-15
3.3.4 NMEA Depth (dpt)...........................................................................................................3-16
4.0 MAINTENANCE...............................................................................................................................4-1
4.1 POST (POWER ON SELF TEST)................................................................................................4-1
4.2 LED INDICATOR......................................................................................................................4-1
4.3 FIRMWARE UPDATE ................................................................................................................4-1
4.3.1 – Connection......................................................................................................................4-2
4.3.2 – Firmware Update File ....................................................................................................4-2
4.3.3 – HydroBox PC Software Firmware Update.....................................................................4-2
4.4 TROUBLESHOOTING.................................................................................................................4-3
4.4.1 – HydroBox Sensor Troubleshooting.................................................................................4-3
4.4.2 – HydroBox PC Software Troubleshooting........................................................................4-3
4.5 HOW TO PERFORM SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE UPDATES........................................................4-4
5.0 APPENDIX 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ............................................................................5-1
5.1.1 Hydrobox COM Port Connections: ...................................................................................5-1
5.1.2 Hypack Survey Software Port Connections:......................................................................5-1
Figure 1-1 Absorption Coefficient Versus Frequency..........................................................................1-3
Figure 1-2 Acoustic Beam Pattern..........................................................................................................1-6
Figure 2-1 System Interconnect Diagram..............................................................................................2-2
Figure 2-2 Bulkhead Mounting the Sensor Unit...................................................................................2-7
Figure 2-3 Typical Over the Side Mount (reference drawing) ............................................................2-9
Figure 2-4 Over The Side Transducer Mounting Picture..................................................................2-10
Figure 2-5 HydroBox Sensor Unit Connections..................................................................................2-12
Figure 2-6 HydroBox Sensor Power Connector..................................................................................2-13
Figure 2-7 HydroBox Sensor Data Connector ....................................................................................2-14
Figure 2-8 HydroBox Sensor Transducer Connector.........................................................................2-14
Figure 2-9 Printer Port.........................................................................................................................2-15
Figure 5-1 HYPACK Serial Connections...............................................................................................5-3
Figure 5-2 Optional Interface Connections...........................................................................................5-4
Table 2-1 Basic Equipment.....................................................................................................................2-2
Table 2-2 Accessories and Options......................................................................................................... 2-3
Table 2-3 Portable Transducer Installation Parts ................................................................................2-9
Table 2-4 HydroBox System Cables.....................................................................................................2-12
Table 3-1 Sound Velocity (Celcius versus part per thousand)...........................................................3-11
Operations and Maintenance Manual
1.1 General Information
The HydroBox™ is a portable, low power, high-resolution, and water-resistant marine hydrographic echosounding instrument capable of delivering cm resolution for bottom depth measurements. When used with SyQwest’s survey grade transducers the instrument provides depth measurement accuracy that meets all of the IHO requirements. It is designed exclusively for inshore and coastal hydrographic marine survey up to 800 meters of water depth and operates at either 33, 50, or 200kHz. An interleaved dual frequency option is also available for dual frequency surveys. Included with the HydroBox™ product is the following:
HydroBox™ Sensor Unit (Single or Dual)
HydroBox™ Installation CD
HydroBox™ Manual
HydroBox™ Sensor Unit provides all of the transmit/receive electronics, and all of the signal processing functions. It is powered from a 10-30VDC source and consumes 10 watts of power. It interfaces to the Host PC via a single COM port. The mechanical case for the Electronics Unit is Water Resistant to the EN60529 IP65 Specification and is also UV Stable and Chemical Resistant.
There are a host of transducer options that may be used with the HydroBox™ Sensor Unit. Transducer selection depends upon a number of application parameters: maximum depth, bottom type, single or dual frequency operation. All of the Transducer assemblies are lightweight and designed for portable pole or small plate mounting. Transducer options are identified and described in further detail in the Installation section.
The HydroBox™ Installation CD will install the PC software used to configure, control, and acquire data from the HydroBox Sensor device. It will also include this manual in PDF format and any Release Notes that have been generated.
A hardcopy of the HydroBox™ Manual is also included so that the user may learn to install, operate, and maintain the HydroBox™ Equipment and Accessories. The manual also includes a section on acoustic theory.
The HydroBox PC software was designed for use with the Windows operating systems. We recommend the software be used on a PC with a processor speed of at least 266 MHz. The software requires at least 1 available Serial Port for connection to the HydroBox instrument, and optionally, additional Serial Ports for NMEA Navigation/GPS Input, NMEA Depth Out, and External Annotation. The software features Navigation Input, External Annotation, Data Storage, Zoom Modes, Thermal Printer output, Automatic/Manual Eventing, and more. The HydroBox software interface is divided into two fields. The Controls field is located on the left and contains navigation/depth information, configuration buttons, and system status. The Data field is located on the right and contains the actual acoustic echo data.
1.2 About This Manual
This manual contains important information regarding acoustic theory, installation, operation and maintenance of your new equipment. The user should take sufficient time to read the entire manual and to understand the full functionality of the HydroBox Sensor and PC Software.
The manual is organized into four chapters:
©2006 SyQwest Incorporated
Operations And Maintenance Manual
1) An introduction (this section), which provides a system overview and basic outline of echosounding
2) Installation, which provides details on how to properly mount all of the HydroBox System
components. Details on installing the HydroBox PC Software package are included also.
3) Operational instructions describing how to operate the HydroBox Sensor unit and the HydroBox PC
4) Maintenance, which provides information on replaceable parts and troubleshooting guidelines.
The user should pay attention to notes that are displayed in a gray box. These notes contain important information regarding installation and use of the HydroBox System. An example is given below:
NOTE: Important operation and installation information is provided in gray boxes
throughout the manual.
1.3 Echo Sounding Principles
Basic echo sounding principles that should be understood by all operators of hydrographic equipment are provided in this section.
1.3.1 Underwater Acoustics Decibels
The scale most often used to describe a measurement unit of sound is the decibel (abbreviated “dB”). The decibel system was selected for a number of reasons. First, it is a logarithmic system, which is useful for dealing with large changes in measured quantities. Decibel units make multiplication and division simple because they are reduced to an addition and a subtraction operation respectively. Secondly, for underwater acoustics, the primary concern is ratios of power levels and signal levels rather than absolute numeric values.
Transducer calibration values are typically provided in units of decibels, including source level, receive sensitivity and directivity index. These transducer calibration values are outlined later in this section. These quantities are used to predict performance levels of a given transducer used with a sonar system. Sound Propagation
The sea, together with its boundaries, forms a remarkably complex medium for the propagation of sound. Figure 1-2 shows the interaction of a transmitted sound source and the water. Both signal loss and interference result from interactions with boundaries and components within the water column, causing the source to be delayed, distorted and weakened. The main components affecting sound propagation are spreading loss and attenuation loss.
Spreading Loss As a transmitted pulse of sound leaves the transducer, it spreads out in all directions. At the transmission
point, the sonar puts a fixed amount of energy into the water. As the pulse travels away from the transducer, it occupies a greater and greater volume. This effect is called spherical spreading. The general rule is that the intensity of the sound falls off as the square of the distance traveled. In respect to typical acoustic measurements, this mathematically becomes a loss of 6 decibels for each doubling of the distance.
©2006 SyQwest Incorporated
Operations and Maintenance Manual
For echo sounders, the distance actually traveled is two times the distance to the seafloor from the source transducer (from the transmission source, to the bottom and back again). This results in a significant source of signal loss for the system receiving the sound pulse, which must be compensated for at the receiver. Typically a Time Varied Gain (TVG) amplifier is used to correct for spherical spreading loss in an acoustic receiver. A TVG amplifier works by applying an increasing amount of gain to the return signal as time of travel increases.
Attenuation Loss Attenuation of sound energy in the oceans comes from three factors: absorption, scattering (or
reverberation) and bottom loss. Sound absorption takes place at two levels; one, absorption in the actual seawater medium, and two, absorption into the seafloor. Primary causes of absorption are viscosity and thermal conductivity in the molecules of water as the sound travels. At the molecular level, absorption is primarily related to frequency. At high frequencies- 500 kHz, for example, a loss of 0.14 dB/meter occurs in seawater, while at 50 kHz the loss is only 0.014 dB/meter. This is a major concern when selecting a transducer required to meet specified depth criteria. A graph showing the attenuation loss versus frequency is shown in
Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1 Absorption Coefficient Versus Frequency
©2006 SyQwest Incorporated
Operations And Maintenance Manual
Sound reflected off the seafloor usually suffers a significant loss in intensity. Part of this loss is due to scattering (reflection) but most of it results from the portion of sound entering the new medium and traveling into the seafloor until it is completely absorbed. The amount of energy lost by this effect varies greatly and depends on bottom type, sound frequency, and the angle at which the sound intersects the seafloor. Total losses can vary from 10 dB to 40 dB, with hard bottoms (packed sand, rock outcrops) causing little loss, and soft bottoms causing a significant amount of energy loss (muddy, silt-like sediments). Therefore, it is necessary when designing an echo sounder to compensate for this wide range in signal variation. Another form of attenuation is scattering, also called reverberation, which results when sound reflects off components in the water column. Some of these reflectors include boundaries (sea surface and bottom), bubbles, biological material, suspended particulate and water type boundaries such as thermoclines. As the sound pulse travels from the transducer, it will reflect off these objects in many different directions. The larger the area of the reflector compared to the wavelength of the transmitted sound, the more effective it is as a scatterer. During the scattering process, part of the sound is reflected back to the surface, and the rest is scattered in all directions. This will cause a reduction in the acoustic energy that can travel to the seafloor and back to the transducer. For echosounding, this causes a reduced signal strength, which complicates location of the bottom. In the extreme case, scatterers will cause such a good reflection it looks like the bottom to the echo sounder and corrections must be made by the user to properly determine the digitized bottom value. Bottom reverberation occurs whenever a sound pulse strikes the ocean bottom. In deep water this condition normally does not cause serious problem, but in shallow water reverberation can happen multiple times, causing high background signal levels (i.e. the sound travels from the surface to the bottom and back again many times).
Noise Sources
Background noise can cause interference with the reception of the desired acoustic echo return from the seafloor. Unlike reverberation, however, noise does not result from the transmitted pulse but from active producers of noise located at the ship or in the water. Noise can be classified as self produced or ambient noise.
Self-noise is produced by noisy ship components, electrical circuitry, and water turbulence around the transducer, including noise caused by water flow and cavitation. Machinery noise and other sonar systems are the main components of ship produced self-noise. The dominant source of machinery noise is the ship power plant, including the main engine, generators, and propellers. The only way to reduce the effect of these noise makers is in proper selection of the transducer frequency for the echo sounder, and to locate the transducer as far away as possible from the noise sources. Typically, these sources are of lower frequencies than the echo sounder, but some mechanical and electrical equipment will produce sound in the ultrasonic region (above 15 kHz) which can detrimentally affect the performance of a system. In general echosounding, flow noise, cavitation, and sonar circuitry are more important than other noise sources. Flow noise results when there is a difference in the relative motion between the transducer and water surrounding it. As flow increases, friction between an object and water increases, resulting in increased turbulence and, thus, increasing noise due to varying static pressure in the water. Flow noise is directly related to the speed of the ship and, on an improperly mounted transducer, there is usually a certain speed threshold that will cause the echo sounder to start picking up unwanted noise. Increased flow noise over time can usually be attributed to growth of marine animals and plants on the bottom of the ship.
©2006 SyQwest Incorporated
Operations and Maintenance Manual
Cavitation is a result of the pressure on the face of the transducer reducing to a level that permits the water to boil (i.e. turn from a liquid to a gas). This is directly related to the flow around the transducer as described above. Cavitation is also related to the depth, source level, and frequency of the transducer being used. As the depth of the transducer increases, static pressure increases to levels that will prevent cavitation from occurring. If the transducer is mounted properly, with flow noise and cavitation levels considered, this phenomenon should never affect an echo sounder. Cavitation may also occur on a ship’s propeller. As the speed of the water increases over the surface of the propeller, turbulence causes changes in the static pressure of the water. At this point, if the pressure is low enough, boiling will occur. This process releases a large quantity of bubbles into the water, causing noise that can affect the performance of an echo sounder. Care should be taken to mount a transducer as far as possible from this noise source.
Ambient Noise
Ambient noise is always present in the ocean. This noise is caused by both natural or human-made events. For echosounding principles, ambient noise sources that are significant include hydrodynamic boundaries, ocean traffic and biological transmitters. Hydrodynamic noise results from natural phenomenon such as wind, waves, rain or currents. The levels produced vary greatly, but are largely related to the sea state level. In severe storms, hydrodynamic noise can reach levels that make reception of a transmitted signal very difficult, if not impossible. Ocean traffic noise is dependent on the number of ships, the distance from noise sources, and the current propagation conditions due to thermoclines and sea state. Ocean traffic generally produces acoustic noise that is not within the frequency bandwidth of most navigational echo sounders, except when ships pass very near to the receiving transducer. Biological noise producers include marine life such as shrimp, fish, and mammals. Mechanical movements of crustaceans, with their hard shells, may produce significant noise when in large schools. Likewise, certain fish species produce noise by reflecting noise off their swim bladder.
Transducer Properties
Properties of a chosen transducer affect sonar performance which directly relates to depth measurements. The source level, directivity index, and beam width of a transducer have a relationship with how the sonar system performs under different conditions.
Source Level
Sound is created by a transducer from a mechanical vibration of the ceramic material of which underwater transducers are made. The movement of the transducer face creates alternating regions of high and low pressure, resulting in an acoustic wave. The amount of energy transmitted into the water column is defined as the acoustic source level. A source level is expressed in units of decibels that describe the intensity of sound relative to a reference intensity at one unit distance from the sound source. For the user, a source level is useful for selecting a transducer for a particular use. The amount of movement on the face of the transducer is linearly related to the voltage difference created across the ceramics of the transducer. Normally it would seem desirable to put as much power into the water as possible to achieve maximum depth performance. Cavitation, however, which results from high source levels and small transducer depths below the sea surface, is generally the limiting factor when driving a transducer. The electrical and mechanical design of the transducer, which has a maximum recommended input power level, must also be considered.
©2006 SyQwest Incorporated
Operations And Maintenance Manual
Beam Width
The beam width of a transducer is described as the width of the main lobe of a transmit pattern. The width is usually measured between the -3 dB points on either side of the beam pattern. Shown in 1-2
is a transmit beam pattern for a 125 kHz transducer. The shape of the transducer beam pattern is a
result of the transducer design. An array of ceramic elements, or a single ceramic element, emits sound at given frequency. The spacing of the elements and the frequency being used can control the shape of the beam pattern. At the center of the beam pattern is the main lobe of the transducer, with a width of 7 degrees (centered at zero degrees). The -3 dB point is shown as a dashed line on the graph. The side lobes of this transducer are the smaller lobes, approximately 18 dB below the level of the main lobe.
Figure 1-2 Acoustic Beam Pattern
The width of a beam is important for calculating how small an object the system can detect. If two objects fall within the main beam the object will appear as one object when it is received by the system. Thus, a narrow beam width is required for navigational echo sounders so it is capable of discriminating small objects.
The size of the transducer sidelobes (smaller beams off to the side of the main lobe) is important in determining how the system will behave on steep slopes. On steep slopes, transmitted acoustic energy from the side lobes will be received first and reveal a signal that looks like the actual bottom. In reality, the bottom is directly below the ship, and as seen by the main lobe, is much deeper. For this reason, it is important to select a transducer which has reduced sidelobes.
©2006 SyQwest Incorporated
Operations and Maintenance Manual
Directivity Index
The directivity index measures the ability of a transducer to reject noise from extraneous sources. In the ocean, noise may be coming from all directions, but a narrow beam transducer will only “hear” noise within the beam width pattern. A sonar systems signal to noise ratio (SNR) will be affected by the ability of a transducer to reject unwanted noise, and thus is related to the directivity index. The higher the directivity index of a transducer, the better the ability to reject unwanted noise.
1.4 Specifications
1.4.1 HydroBox Sensor Specifications
Depth Ranges
Data Offset
Shift Range
Zoom Range Zoom Modes
Sound Velocity
Depth Resolution
Depth Accuracy
Data Output
Geographic Position
Data Interface Printer Output Shallow Water
Transmit Rate
Event Marks
Data File Output
Data File Playback
Frequency Output
Transmit Power
Input Power
Feet or Meters 0-15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 450, 900, 1500, 2400 Feet. 0-5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 150, 300, 500, 800 Meters. Auto-ranging Modes in all units. 0 to 30 feet (0 to10 meters) 1 foot increments in depths to 100 feet 10 foot increments in depths greater than 100 feet 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 480 feet; 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 , 160 meters Bottom Zoom, Bottom Lock, Marker Zoom, GUI Zoom (Playback Only) Normal Data, Zoom Data, Navigation, Depth, Command/Status, Color Control for Data: 4 Selections or Custom (User Input), Data Color Invert possible 4600 - 5250 ft/sec (1400 - 1600 mt/sec) 1 mt/sec int.
0.1 foot, 0.01 meters. (in less than 100 meters) ,
0.1 meters for depths greater than 100 me te rs Meets or exceeds all current IHO hydrographic requirements for single beam echo sounders; 0-40m 2.5cm, 40-200m 5.0cm, >200m 10.0cm NMEA 0183, DPT, DBT, PMC, Hypack & HydroPro Compatible NMEA 0183, GLL, GGA, RMC, VTG, VHW, HDT Selectable Baud Rates (RS-232): 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 SYQWEST HydroBox Interface, 57600 Baud (RS-422) Centronics (Parallel Port) interface to TDU Series Thermal Printers
< 1 meter; frequency dependant Up to 10 Hz, depth and operator mode dependant
Periodic, External, and/or Manual (Periodic selectable in 1 minute intervals) Stores Depth, Navigation, and Graphic Data in ODC format (Proprietary)
Normal and Zoom Data stored is Pixel data and can be played back and/or printed Files can be played back and/or printed at Normal or Fast-Forward speed, with Pause and
GUI Zoom available Selectable at time of purchase from any of the following:
200Khz, 50Khz or 33Khz (single channel system) or 50/200Khz, 33/200Khz dual frequency system ( impedance matched transducers available from SyQwest) 600 Watts (nominal) matched to transducer (1000 Watts capable) 10-30 Volts DC, Nominal power 8 Watts, Reverse Polarity and Over Voltage Protected
25.4 cm (10”) Length, 15.876 cm (6.25”) Width, and 6.25 cm (2.5”) Height
0.9 kg (2.0 lbs)
-25°C to +60°C Operating Temperature (-55°C to +90°C Storage) Water Resistant to EN60529 IP65 EMC meets EN60945 Emissions; CE Compliant
©2006 SyQwest Incorporated
Operations And Maintenance Manual
1.5 Software features added in release v2.45
The Hydrobox product has gone through a significant Software and Firmware update based on feedback from our customers. All of the updates have been incorporated to provide the user with enhanced performance during data acquisition and data storage. Hydrobox data storage has been enhanced to provide position and depth information in a comma separated variable format (.CSV). The major system improvements are listed and described in detail below:
1.5.1 Improved Shallow Water Digitizing Performance
This enhancement provides for better “hands off” operation in shallow water and also allows for operation down to the shallowest of depths in manual mode.
1.5.2 Improved Auto All Operation
This product improvement includes the updates for shallow water operation but also provides for reliable depth digitizing in deeper water depths and at both high and low frequencies of operation.
1.5.3 Bottom Digitizer Threshold Parameter
The Bottom Digitizer Threshold parameter has been incorporated to allow the user to manually adjust the amplitude threshold that is recognized as a valid bottom target. The scale is 0 through 9. A “0” setting allows the digitizer to lock onto the strongest returns (i.e. dark colors such as red in the RAINBOW pallet). A “9” setting allows it to lock onto the weaker returns (i.e. lighter colors such as green in the RAINBOW pallet). In shallow water and soft sediment survey conditions a higher value is required to consistently digitize on the bottom without saturating the first few meters of bottom penetration. The default setting is “0”, which should work under most conditions. Increase incrementally as required.
1.5.4 User selectable Gate Limits
Bottom Gate Limits are provided to help the user ensure that the data captured reflects the correct digitized bottom depth when conditions are difficult. The Hydrobox is intended for use in shallow water. Unfortunately, using any sonar in very shallow water creates challenges due to surface reverberation and multiple echo issues. By using the Bottom Gate Limits the user can ensure that the digitizer does not lock on a transmit reverberation or a 2nd echo return. The Bottom Gate Limit values for Shallow and Deep limits are entered in the selected units (Feet or Meters) and the "Enable Gate Limits" check box allows the Gate Limits to be Enabled or Disabled. Please note Gate Limits will only work in manual range and gain mode (not for use in auto mode). When Manual Gate Limits are enabled their selected values will show up in the lower right corner of the screen as GLS (Gate Limit Shallow) and GLD (Gate Limit Deep). Also, once enabled if the actual bottom moves out of the selected window you will no longer be able to digitize (you will get -.- for depth). When the Gate Limits are disabled a message is displayed to alert the user that they have been disabled and should be re-checked.
1.5.5 Sensor Reset on Program Exit
This feature causes the Hydrobox sensor to be reset whenever the user exits the Windows Application software. It eliminates the need for a cycle of the sensor power to reset the sensor interface.
©2006 SyQwest Incorporated
Operations and Maintenance Manual
1.5.6 NMEA Depth Output written to .CSV file
The Hydrobox host application has been updated to write the NMEA Depth output string to a comma separated variable file that can be easily imported into an MS Excel spreadsheet or another application for processing. The .CSV file is written in the format selected via the NMEA Out Dialog box as selected by the user (DPT, DBT, PMC, or ODEC). Whenever the user “Starts Recording” the .CSV file is saved along with the .ODC file. The .CSV file is saved in the user specified directory that is set in the “User Preference” Dialog Box. We had a number of requests for this feature and hopefully many of our customers will put the data to good use.
1.5.7 NMEA I/O and External Event COM Port Settings
The COM port selection settings for the NMEA Input, NMEA Output, and External Events was updated to support a more flexible for the user. Each of the functions can be connected via a separate COM port or used together to minimize COM port usage. Previous versions of the Hydrobox required the NMEA In and NMEA Out ports to be connected to the same COM port. This update allows for a simpler connection between the Hydrobox and the HyPack or HyDroPro software packages.
1.5.8 NMEA I/O Output written to Port during Playback
This feature allows the user to produce a comma separated variable (CSV) type file from ODC files collected in the past through the use of HyperTerminal or another terminal emulator program. This feature is helpful in situations where the Depth and/or Time and Position information was not logged properly during the acquisition portion of the survey. To execute this feature, set the Hydrobox up such that it would output NMEA depth via your selected COM port and using a NULL MODEM cable connect to another open COM port that you can run terminal software such as Windows Hyperterminal. Insure that you have the button checked for ODEC string. Set up Hyperterminal to store (capture text) then simply playback the collected file as you normally would. During playback, the hydrobox software will send ASCII data out to Hyperterminal.
There are a number of speed, timing and test improvements that are included in this update as well that allow the application to start up faster, run with less CPU usage, and provide the developers and users with debug information when needed. These updates need not be described in further detail.
©2006 SyQwest Incorporated
Operations And Maintenance Manual
©2006 SyQwest Incorporated
Operations and Maintenance Manual
2.1 - HydroBox System Installation Overview
This section presents instructions for initial setup and installation of the HydroBox Sensor. Physical and electrical installation details are provided for connecting, mounting, and getting started with the HydroBox. A summary is given of the software installation and setup procedure as well.
Although the HydroBox Sensor is designed to deliver the highest levels of quality and performance, it can best attain those standards when the equipment has been properly installed. Because of the great variety of vessels that will employ the HydroBox Sensor, it is not feasible to provide complete and detailed instructions that will fit all installation possibilities. Therefore, this section will provide practical guidelines to assist the user in planning a typical installation of the HydroBox System aboard the vessel.
Shown in minimum operational system configuration requires:
The GPS, NMEA Depth Out, and External Eventing connections are optional but, if used, will require the PC to have additional COM ports. The HydroBox Data I/O is compatible with both the Hypack & HydroPro Survey Software packages. For many portable PC’s additional COM ports may be installed via one of the PCMCIA expansion slots.
The TDU Printer, if used, is attached via the PC’s Printer Port.
Figure 2-1 is a system-interconnecting diagram. Optional items are shown with dashed lines. A
1. PC running Windows, Pentium II @ 266MHz or greater
2. HydroBox Sensor Unit
3. HydroBox Transducer Assembly
4. HydroBox Cables (Power, Data, Transducer)
5. 10-30 Volt DC Power Source (10 Watts)
6. Transducer Mounting Hardware
2.1.1 Important Notes regarding Hydrobox operation – Please Read!
Please be advised that the direct serial connection from the computer to the Hydrobox is critical. The Hydrobox data cable incorporates a port-powered RS-232 to RS-422 converter. Because power to the converter needs to originate from the computer, USB to serial converters generally do not work for this application. This interface requires seamless real-time bidirectional serial communication. Also, do not split this connection.
We recommend PCMCIA to serial adapters such as those made by Quatech instead of USB to serial adapters.
©2006 SyQwest Incorporated
Operations And Maintenance Manual
Figure 2-1 System Interconnect Diagram
2.1.2 - Getting Started
Unpacking and Inspection
Use care when unpacking the unit from it’s shipping carton to prevent damage to the contents. It is also recommended that the carton and the interior packing material be saved even after the unit has been installed on the vessel. In the unlikely event that it is necessary to return the unit to the factory, the original carton and packing material should be used. Verify that all parts described in the next section have been shipped with the unit.
Basic Equipment
The following ( Echo Sounder.
Part Number P04503 HydroBox Sensor Unit 1* P04803 HydroBox Sensor Unit 1*
P04412 Power Cable (10 feet) 1 P04412 Power Cable (10 feet) 1 P04413 Data Cable (10 feet) 1 P04413 Data Cable (10 feet) 1 P04521 HydroBox Software CD 1 P04521 HydroBox Software CD 1 P04525 HydroBox Manual 1 P04525 HydroBox Manual 1
Table 2-1) is a list of the basic equipment supplied with the HydroBox Hydrographic
Item Quantity
Item Quantity
Table 2-1 Basic Equipment
©2006 SyQwest Incorporated
Operations and Maintenance Manual
Accessories and Options
The following items are available to complement and enhance the operation of the HydroBox echosounder. Please contact your authorized SyQwest distributor or visit our web site for information and assistance in obtaining any of these items.
Product Code
Item Quantity
P04515 Transducer, 210Khz 1 P04516 Transducer, 33Khz 1 P04517 Transducer 50Khz 1 P04816 Transducer, 33/210Khz 1 P04817 Transducer 50/210Khz 1 P02553 TDU-850 Thermal Printer 1 P03100 TDU-1200 Thermal Printer 1 P03120 TDU-2000F Thermal Printer 1 P03050 12 Channel DGPS System w/ Combo Antenna 1 Optional Over-the-Side Mounting Kit (OTSM) 1
Table 2-2 Accessories and Options
(Transducer drawings and specifications are for reference only and are subject to change; please contact SYQWEST for current transducer information.) For installation suggestions, please visit our website
2.2.1 P/N P04816 TRANSDUCER 33/210Khz
Resonant Frequency: 33/210 KHz. Nominal Impedance: 60/60 ohms Beamwidth (@ 3 dB point): 33khz 23° 210khz 8° Cable: 30 feet (2C 14AWG) (with plug) Housing Material: Urethane Stem Stainless Steel ½-14NPS Thread
Weight: 11 lbs (5 kg)
©2006 SyQwest Incorporated
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