SY is a trademark of Synel Industries Ltd.
All trade names referenced herein are either trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective companies.
Stand-Alone TerminalsIntroduction
The PRX-40/A proximity reader-controller and SY-11 magnetic/barcode
reader-controller access units are part of the compact access control - unit
series manufactured by Synel. For the proximity unit, the card must be placed
at a distance of about 10 cm from the device.
These reader-controllers can work stand-alone, or with a Master controller
connected to upto 16 reader-controller units.
PRX-40/A & SY-11 were developed as compact, easy-to-use terminals,
granting access to secure areas. They work with various unit settings, according to a predefined security level. These devices are made of strong ABS
Defining parameters is simple while maximum security is enabled by using
the set-up 8 digit code (the default number is 12345678) maximizing security .
In stand alone mode these units grant secure access for approximately 285
card holders, stored in an authorized list within the terminal. This list is created and edited on the unit’s compact keyboard, eliminating the need of connecting to a computer .
When working in online mode (as of Master version 3.20), either unit uploads
employee data from Master to its own memory and relay on this data when
allowing/rejecting an employee if the connection with Master is lost.
These terminals can manage unauthorized (black list) or authorized (white
list) employee lists for access control purposes.
These units may be mounted on a wall.
In stand-alone mode (when this device functions as a controller) this unit has
additional circuitry for storing card-holder data.
Synel Industries Ltd.3
InstallationStand-Alone Terminals
The unit can be installed in any building. The back panel of the unit serves as
an installation template. Mounting screws and anchors are also provided. Follow the guidelines below:
•The installation location selected should be as far away as possible from
an electrical power source reference such as power equipment, comput
ers, motors, pumps, etc.
•Use a linear power supplier and not a switching power supplier. A
switching power supplier auto-generates an electro-magnetic field that
shortens the reading range It is advisable to connect an independant
power supplier to the reader.
•It is recommended that when swiping the badge it will face the reader.
Thus, the badge will receive maximal energy.
•If you are installing more than one Synel reader, make sure the readers
are installed at a distance of at least 50 cm from one another (a distance
longer 5 times their reading limit).
•Near metal objects reading range may decrease.
When mounting on a gypsum wall, make sure that there is no rear metallic reinforcement. If the reader is mounted on a concrete wall the reader
must be mounted up to 20 cm from the wall.
•Use a power adaptor dedicated to the proximity reader-controller access
unit. Make sure the adapter carries a safety recognition marking: UL,
CSA or CE.
Option A
1.Remove screw covers and screws from top and bottom of the unit.
2.Open the back of the unit.
3.Drill both fastening holes at either end and one hole towards the center
for the cable.
4.Fasten the back of the unit to the wall.
5.Connect the cable wires via middle hole or bottom hole option (see
4Synel Industries Ltd.
Stand-Alone TerminalsInstallation
6.Close the unit.
7.Replace the screw covers.
Option B
1.Remove screw covers and screws from top and bottom of the unit.
2.Hold the unit against the wall and mark the drilling location through
the screw holes.
3.If the cable wires use the middle hole option, remove the back panel
and use it to mark the position of the cable hole (center of panel). Drill
the cable hole in the wall.
4.Drill the two fastening holes in the wall.
5.Connect the cable wires via middle hole or bottom hole option (see
diagram) as required.
6.Fastened the unit to the wall with screws provided.
7.Replace the screw covers.
PRX-40/A Mounting
Open screw covers
and screws.
Location of screws for
option “B” fastening.
Center hole
PRX-40 Back
B. Remove Back Panel
Option “B”
C. Drill holes
Option “A”
Synel Industries Ltd.5
Bottom hole option
InstallationStand-Alone Terminals
SY-11 Mounting
F ron t pa nel
2.3Connect wires
Bac k pa ne l
Threading comm.
cabl e (R J45/Termi n al bloc k)
( O pti o n 1)
K no c k- do w n no t c h fo r th re a d i ng
comm. cable (O ption 2)
Connector J5/14 pin
Wire N o.Wire FunctionPresent Color Code
1Vin Power (Power Input)Red
3- TxRx RS-485Grey
4+ TxRx RS-485Purple
5TxD RS -232White
6RxD RS -232Dark Green
8Relay common (C)Blue
9Normally Closed (N.C)Yellow
6Synel Industries Ltd.
Stand-Alone TerminalsInstallation
Wire N o.Wire FunctionPresent Color Code
10Normally Open (N.O.)Orange
11Bell (1)Pink
12Bell (2)Light green
13Sensor input: Dry contact
or AC/DC. Sensing regard
Light Blue
jumper JP23 settings
J4 (9 pin)Keyboard connector
ISP J12 (6 pin)(programming the CPU slave)
J13 (14 pin)Option for external reader (currently NA)
How to connect the PRX-40/A to the Master controller:
Synel Industries Ltd.7
InstallationStand-Alone Terminals
There are 12 connecting wires (The packaging contains a note on wiring