6408 216th Street SW | Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 USA
T +1.425.778.7728 F +1.425.778.7727 | www.symetrix.co
DATA SHEET: Wall Panels
ARCs: Adaptive Remote Controls
One true test of a sound system is how easily end-users
can operate it. With that in mind, Symetrix has developed
the Adaptive Remote Control (ARC) series of wall panels for
easy user interaction with Symetrix DSP systems. These
modular controls handle source selection, level control,
paging, room combining, and much more. Flexible, modular,
and truly adaptive, they can be mixed and matched within a
venue to provide each room with an appropriate command
set, tailored specifically to that environment.
An important consideration when evaluating external control
options is their ease of integration with the DSP. With most
projects, time and money are key factors. Third-party control
systems add expense and can require extensive expertise
to implement. The ARC series of control panels are all
programmed by the system designer from within the same
software applications used to configure the DSP hardware.
All control parameters are stored in the DSP hardware as
part of the “site” file so they can be easily accessed and
modified should the user’s needs change.
Their simple, straightforward appearance belies the
sophisticated control the ARCs offer. They communicate
over RS485, a fast and flexible long-distance
communications protocol.
Using this powerful technology, command sets are assigned
to specific ARCs. The range of form factors and hardware
combinations allows simple, intuitive operation that can
control multiple parameters at once. If so desired, a single
button press can recall a preset that reconfigures the whole
system for an alternate application.
Security features such as button combination lockouts or
user-provided key locks assure that only qualified users
make adjustments to the system.
The preferred method for connecting ARCs to a DSP system
is over CAT5. Power and control can be daisy-chained to
multiple devices via the dual RJ45 connectors. The tool
for this job is the ARC-PS, a rack-mounted power supply
that powers up to 10 ARCs. Device IDs are assigned via
rotary decimal switches on each control. Additionally, most
Symetrix DSP products feature an ARC port, as found on
the ARC-PS, built-in for quick and easy integration with a
few ARC devices.
ARC Programming
No special tools are required to program the Symetrix
remotes because they are programmed directly from your
Symetrix DSP device’s software. Configure and test your
system’s remote control devices in minutes rather than days.
Your DSP and control hardware all come from the same