Symbol Technologies, Inc. One Symbol Plaza, Holtsville N.Y. 11742-1300
SPT 1700 Series
Product Reference Guide
Revision A
December 2000
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Symbol Technologies, Inc.
One Symbol Pl aza
Holtsville, New York 11742-1300
The SPT 1700 product family is the next generation of pen-based, one- and twodimensional bar code scanning, pocket-sized terminals which also offer a new ruggedized
design, rechargeable lithium-ion battery, and optional wireless local area networking
capability. The complete line of SPT 1700 products are based on the popular Palm
data acquisition and management.
platform architecture, offering users a fast, friendly, and flexible interface for
SPT 1700 Series Product Reference Guide
The SPT 1700 consists of the following models.
SPT 1700 Performs 1- and 2-dimensional scanning and batch
communication. Three memory configurations are
SPT 1733Performs 1- and 2-dimensional scanning and uses the
CDPD radio to perfor m wide area w ireless comm unica tion.
This model has the same av ail abl e me mory configurations
as the SPT 1700.
SPT 1734Performs 1- and 2-dimensional scanning and uses the
Global Systems for Mobile Communications (GSM) radio to
perform wide area w ireless commun ication. This m odel has
the same available memory configurations as the SPT
SPT 1740Performs 1- and 2-dimensional scanning and uses the
Symbol Spectrum24
area wireless communication. This model has the same
available memory configurations as the SPT 1700.
radio to perform 1 MB and 2 MB local
SPT 1742Performs 1- and 2-dimensional scanning and uses the
Symbol Spectrum24 radio to perform 2 MB local area
wireless communication. This model has the same
available memory configurations as the SPT 1700.
SPT 1746Performs 1- and 2-dimensional scanning and uses the
Symbol Spectrum24
wireless communication. This model has the same
available memory configurations as the SPT 1700.
radio to perform 11 MB local area
The SPT 1700 Series Product Reference Guide provides information about all the SPT
1700 Series terminals and its accessories.
Chapter Descriptions
Topics covered in this guide are as follows:
About This Guide
Chapter 1, Getting Started with the SPT 1700
, explains the physical buttons and
controls on your SPT 1700 terminal, how to install and charge the battery , start your
SPT 1700 terminal for the first time, and set up your Symbol Palm Terminal (SPT)
Desktop software.
•Chapter 2,
Network Setup
, explains how to set up your SPT 174x terminals for use
on Spectrum24; SPT 1733 terminals for use on CDPD; and SPT 1734 terminals for
use on GSM wireless networks, respectively.
•Chapter 3,
Working with Your SPT 1700 Terminal
, explains how to open
applications, use the on-screen keyboard, write with the stylus and use common
features on your SPT 1700 terminal.
•Chapter 4,
Finding Information With Your SPT 1700 Terminal
, explains how to
locate information on your SPT 1700 terminal with the Find command and the
Phone Lookup command.
•Chapter 5,
Applications: Address Book
, explains the Address Book application,
which enables you to keep names, addresses, phone numbers and other
information about your personal or business contacts.
•Chapter 6,
Applications: Calculator
, explains the Calculator application, which
allows you to perform simple calculations on your SPT 1700.
•Chapter 7,
Applications: Date Book
, covers the Date Book application, which
enables you to quickly and easily schedule appointments or any kind of activity
associated with a time and date.
•Chapter 8,
Applications: Expense
, explains the Expense application, which
enables you to keep track of your expenses and then transfer the information to a
spreadsheet on your computer.
•Chapter 9,
Applications: HotSync®
, describes the HotSync utilit y , which allows yo u
to synchronize data between the SPT 1700 and your computer.
•Chapter 10,
Applications: ScoutSync Client
, describes the ScoutSync
application, which enables you to connect your SPT 1700 terminal to a Scout
Server and transfer data between the ScoutSync Client and your company’s backend applications and databases.
•Chapter 11,
Applications: AvantGo Client and Mobile Link
about using the SPT 173x terminal with the AvantGo
, provides information
and Mobile Link
applications to access the Internet.
SPT 1700 Series Product Reference Guide
•Chapter 12 ,
Applicati ons: Mail
, describes the Mail application which enables you to
manage your e-mail while away from your desk.
•Chapter 13,
Applications: Memo Pad
, explains the Memo Pad application, which
provides a place to take notes not associated with Date Book, Address Book or T o
Do items.
•Chapter 14,
Applications: Preferences
, describes the Preferences screens, which
enable you to customize the configuration options on your SPT 1700 terminal.
Included in this chapter are instructions on configuring your SPT 1700 terminal for
use in the Spectrum24, CDPD, and GSM environments.
•Chapter 15,
Applications: Security
, covers the security options available for
protecting your SPT 1700 from unauthorized users.
•Chapter 16,
Applications: T o Do List
, describes the T o Do List application, which is
a convenient place to create reminders and prioritize the things that you have to do.
•Chapter 17,
Applications: Laser Scanner
, covers laser scanner applications and
the proper methods for scanning 1- and 2-dimensional bar codes.
•Chapter 18,
Applications: GsmDemo
, allows you to explore what features GSM
and the SPT 1734 terminal offer you, including sending and receiving SMS
•Chapter 19,
Installing and Removing Applications
, explains how to install and
remove applications on your SPT 1700 terminal and how to remove the Symbol
Palm Terminal (SPT) Desktop software from your computer.
•Chapter 20,
Getting Help With Your SPT 1700 Terminal
, describes methods for
troubleshooting problems with the SPT 1700, and contact phone numbers for
technical support.
•Chapter 21 ,
Maintaining Your SPT 1700 Terminal
, provides information to help you
take proper care of your SPT 1700 terminal and prolong battery life. This chapter
also discusses how to reset your SPT 1700 terminal.
•Appendix A,
Using Expense Templates and Custom Expense Reports
, provides
illustrations of the four expense templates that comewith the Symbol Palm
Terminal (SPT) Desktop software. It also explains how to modify existing Expense
application templates, and how to create your own custom expense report
templates for use with the Expense application.
•Appendix B,
Non-ASCII Characters for Login Scripts
, provides information to
enable you to create custom login scripts that require non-ASCII characters. This
information is for advanced users only.
About This Guide
Notational Conventions
This document uses these conventions:
•“Terminal” refers to any model of SPT 1700.
•“User” refers to anyone using an application on the SPT 1700.
•“You” refers to the End User, System Administrator or Technical Support person
using this manual as a reference to install, configure, operate, maintain and
troubleshoot the SPT 1700.
•Bullets indicate:
•Numbered lists indicate a set of sequential steps, i.e., those that describe step-by-
•“Tap” refers to selecting an option on the display using the stylus.
are used to highlight specific items in the general text, and to identify
chapters and sections in this and related documents.
•lists of alternatives or action items.
•lists of required steps that are not necessarily sequential.
If you have a problem with the SPT 1700 equipment, contact the Symbol Support Center.
If your problem cannot be resolved over the phone, you may need to return your equipment
for servicing. If that is necessary, you will be given special directions.
Symbol Technologies is not responsible for any damages incurred
during shipment if the approved shipping container is not used.
Shipping the units improperly can possibly void the warranty. If the
original shipping container has not been kept, contact Symbol to
have another sent to you.
About This Guide
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customer and is not covered under this warranty.
Wear items and accessories hav ing a Symbol ser ial number , will carry a 90-day limited warra nty . Nonserialized items will carry a 30-day limited warranty.
SPT 1700 Series Product Reference Guide
Warranty Coverage and Procedure
During the warranty period, Symbol will repair or replace defective products returned to Symbol’s
manufacturing plan t in the US. For w arranty servic e in North Ameri ca, call the Sym bol Support Center
at 1-800-659-2240. Inte rnational c ustomers sho uld contact the local Symb ol offi ce or support cent er .
If warranty service is required, Symbol will issue a Return Material Authorization Number. Products
must be shipped in the original or comparable packaging, shipping and insurance charges prepaid.
Symbol will ship the r epaired or replacem ent product frei ght and insurance prepaid in North Ame rica.
Shipments from the US or other locations will be made F.O.B. Symbol’s manufacturing plant.
Symbol will use ne w or refurbis hed parts at its discreti on and wil l own all pa rts removed from repaired
products. Customer will pay for the replacement product in case it does not return the replaced
product to Symbol within 3 days of receipt of the replacement product. The process for return and
customer’s charges will be in accordance with Symbol’s Exchange Policy in effect at the time of the
Customer accepts full responsibility for its software and data including the appropriate backup
Repair or replacement of a product during warranty will not extend the original warranty term.
Symbol’s Customer Service organization offers an array of service plans, such as on-site, depot, or
phone support, that can be implemented to meet customer’s special operational requirements and
are available at a substantial discount during warranty period.
Except for the warranties stated above, Symbol disclaims all warranties, express or implied, on
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Seller’s liability for dama ges to buyer or ot hers res ulting from the use of any produ ct, sha ll in no w ay
exceed the purchase price of said product, except in instances of injury to persons or property.
Some states (or jurisdictions) do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential
damages, so the proceeding exclusion or limitation may not apply to you.
This chapter explains the physical buttons and controls on your SPT 1700 terminal, how to
install and charge the battery , start your SPT 1700 Series terminal for the first time, set up
your cradle and install your Symbol Palm Terminal Desktop software.
Unpacking the Terminal
Carefully remove all protective material from around the terminal and save the shipping
container for later storage and shipping.
Verify that you received all equipment listed on the packing slip and inspect the equipment
for damage. If any equipment is missing or damaged, contact the Symbol Technologies
Support Center immediately. Refer to page xviii for contact information.
SPT 1700 Series Product Reference Guide
Parts of the SPT 1700
Front View
Left View
WAN Antenna
(SPT 1733/34 only)
Scroll But t on
(Up and Down)
Graffiti Input Area
Applications Icon
Menu Icon
Power Button
Left Scan
Laser Decode LED
Center Scan Button
Scroll But t on
(Up and Down)
Right Scan Trigger
LCD (Screen)
Calculator Icon
Find Icon
Contrast Button
Application Buttons
Back View
Getting Started with the SPT 1700
Stylus Silo
Battery Latch
Battery C over
Top View
Infrared Port
Handstrap Connector
Reset Button
Lithium-Ion Battery
Battery Latch
Handstrap Connector
Bottom View
Serial PortScanner Exit Window
SPT 1700 Series Product Reference Guide
Getting Started with the SPT 1700
Before you can use your SPT 1700, perform the basic set up procedures covered on the
following pages. Specifically:
•Set up the cradle (optional)
•Install and charge the battery
•Start the SPT 1700
•Initiate a Spectrum24 network (SPT 174x only) or wide area network (WAN)
connection (SPT 173X only).
Setting Up the Cradle
There are optional cable and cradle solutions that enable you to charge the terminal’s
battery and synchronize information on your SPT 1700 terminal with host system
There are several cable and cradle options available for the SPT 1700:
•Synchronization/Char gi ng Cabl e
•CRD1700-1000S Single-slot Serial Cradle
•CRD1700-4000S Four-slot Serial Cradle
•CRD1700-1000M Single-slot Modem Cradle
•CRD1700-4000E Four-slot Ethernet Cradle.
This section describes the procedures for connecting each of these cradles to the host PC.
Using the Synchronization/Charging Cable
To charge the termi nal ’s battery using the Synchronization/Charging Cable:
1. Make sure the battery is installed in the terminal. Refer to
page 1-13 for instructions.
Installing the Battery
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