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Symantec’s maintenance offerings include the following:
■ A range of support options that give you the flexibility to select the right
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Customers with a current maintenance agreement may access Technical Support
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Select your region or language under Global Support.
Before contacting Technical Support, make sure you have satisfied the system
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When you contact Technical Support, please have the following information
■ Product release level
■ Hardware information
■ Available memory, disk space, and NIC information
■ Operating system
■ Version and patch level
■ Network topology
■ Router, gateway, and IP address information
■ Problem description:
■ Error messages and log files
■ Troubleshooting that was performed before contacting Symantec
■ Recent software configuration changes and network changes
Licensing and registration
If your Symantecproductrequiresregistration ora license key, access ourtechnical
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Additional Enterprise services
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Enterprise services that are available include the following:
Symantec Early WarningSolutions
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Consulting Services
Educational Services
These solutions provide early warning of cyber
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These services remove the burden of managing and
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Symantec Consulting Services provide on-site
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Educational Services provide a full array of technical
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To access more information about Enterprise services, please visit our Web site
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Select your country or language from the site index.
Stopping the pcAnywhere Gateway service ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....... 312
Introducing Symantec
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ About Symantec pcAnywhere
■ What's new in Symantec pcAnywhere
■ Components of Symantec pcAnywhere
■ How Symantec pcAnywhere works
■ What you can do with Symantec pcAnywhere
■ Where to find more information
About Symantec pcAnywhere
Symantec pcAnywhere provides secure, remote access to computers and servers.
It lets you quickly resolve helpdesk and server support issues or stay productive
while you work away from your office. You can use yourdesktop computer,laptop,
or mobile device to work across multiple platforms, including Windows®, Linux®,
and Mac® OS X. You can also deploy a limited-functionality, single-use host to
computers that do not have a host running.
Connectivity features such as Symantec pcAnywhere Gateway help facilitate
connections through firewalls, routers, and other types of Network Address
Translation (NAT) devices. Robust security features help protect your computers
and servers from unauthorized access.
You can use Symantec pcAnywhere in the following ways:
Introducing Symantec pcAnywhere
What's new in Symantec pcAnywhere
Manage computers
Support and maintain
Transfer files between
Work from a remote
Symantec pcAnywhere lets helpdesk providers and
administrators troubleshoot and quickly resolve computer
problems. You can remotely perform diagnostics, check and
modify settings, and deploy and install software.
Symantec pcAnywhere letsadministrators connect toservers
across their organizations to perform routine maintenance,
deploy and install software patches and upgrades, assess
performance, and troubleshoot network problems.
Symantec pcAnywhere lets you connecttoyourhome oroffice
computer to quickly get the files that you need. You can
perform automatic end-of-day file transfers from one
computer to another or exchange multimedia and other files
that are too large to send by email.
Symantec pcAnywhere lets you remotely connect to another
computer and work as though you are sitting in front of that
computer. You can view and edit files, run software,print files
to a printer at your location or at the host's location, or give
presentations or demonstrations.
What's new in Symantec pcAnywhere
Symantec pcAnywhere includes the following new features and enhancements:
Vista compatibility
Gateway functionality
Cross-platform support
Mac OS X support
Remote management tools
for mobile connections
Lets you remotely connect to and from a Windows Vista
platform to all platforms that are supported by pcAnywhere.
Facilitates the process of finding and connecting to host
computers that are behind a firewall,router, or other Network
Address Translation (NAT) device.
Lets you remotely accessmultiplecomputersacrossWindows,
Linux, and Mac OS X platforms. Lets you view all of your
sessions in a single window and transfer files between host
Lets you remotely access a computer that is running Mac OS
X from any operating system that is supported by Symantec
Adds remote management tools to Symantec pcAnywhere
Mobile. You can open the Task Manager, run basic DOS
commands, and remotely log off, restart, or shut down a host
Components of Symantec pcAnywhere
21Introducing Symantec pcAnywhere
Security enhancements
Ease-of-use enhancements
Adds the ability to block remote users from connecting to the
host at certain days and times.
Adds a Basic View mode that is designed for new users. Basic
View provides quick access to the most commonly performed
pcAnywhere tasks. It simplifies the process of configuring
and starting connections.
Components of Symantec pcAnywhere
Table 1-1lists themain components ofSymantec pcAnywhere. Thesecomponents
are included on the product CD as separate installations.
Table 1-1
Symantec pcAnywhere full
Symantec pcAnywhere
Main components of pcAnywhere
Lets you access computers and servers remotely for
remote control, file transfer, and remote management
tasks. Runs on Windows operating systems only.
You can choose from several installation options that
range from the full version to scaled-down versions that
contain only the functionality that you need.
See “Installation options” on page 36.
Lets you remotely access one or more computers that are
running Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X operating systems.
See “About Symantec pcAnywhere CrossPlatform”
on page 239.
Symantec pcAnywhere
Symantec pcAnywhere Mobile
Symantec pcAnywhere Web
Lets you find and connect to one or more host computers
that are behind afirewall, router, or othertypeof Network
Address Translation (NAT) device.
See “About Symantec pcAnywhere Gateway” on page 301.
Lets you access computers and servers remotely from a
mobile device.
See “About Symantec pcAnywhere Mobile ” on page 267.
Lets you connect to another computer through a
Java-enabled Web browser.
See “About Symantec pcAnywhere Web Remote ”
on page 253.
Introducing Symantec pcAnywhere
How Symantec pcAnywhere works
Table 1-1
Host Administrator
Symantec Packager
Main components of pcAnywhere (continued)
Lets youremotelymanage thepcAnywhere hosts that are
running on your network.
For more information, see the Symantec pcAnywhereAdministrator's Guide .
Lets you create custom installations of pcAnywhere that
you can deploy to target systems.
For more information, see the Symantec pcAnywhereAdministrator's Guide.
How Symantec pcAnywhere works
Symantec pcAnywhere uses remote control technology to let you connect to
another computer or server and work as though you are sitting in front of it.
Symantec pcAnywhere supports network connections over a local area network
(LAN), wide area network (WAN), or the Internet. It also supports
modem-to-modem connections and direct, computer-to-computer connections
through a serial or parallel port and the appropriate type of cable.
In most cases, the remote user initiates the connection. You provide the
information that is needed to connect to the host computer. You can also select
options to increase security or optimize performance. To make a connection, the
host computer must be set up to wait for incoming pcAnywhere connections. The
host user can selectthe type of device to use for connections (for example, TCP/IP).
The host user can select security options to control access to the host computer.
Administrators can use Quick Deploy and Connect to configure and deploy a
limited-functionality, single-use host tocomputersthat donot have ahost running.
You must have administrator rights on the computer to which you want to connect.
See “ Connecting to a computer that does not have a host running” on page 130.
Understanding the difference between a host and a remote
When two computers are connected using pcAnywhere, they function in a
client/server relationship. The hostcomputer, as theserver, waits for connections
from a remote computer and provides the requested services.
When you configure a host computer, you control who can connect to the host
computer and what level of access the remote user should have. For example, you
can restrict a remote user from restarting the host computer.
See “Ways to set up a host computer” on page 70.
The remote computer, as the client, connects to the host computer and specifies
the actions that should be carried out. Although the actual work is performed on
the host computer, anything that happens on the host computer screen is also
displayed on the remote computer screen.
See “Ways to set up a remote computer” on page 94.
About connecting over the Internet
Symantec pcAnywhere lets you connect to a host computer over the Internet,
provided that both the host and the remote computers have Internet access. If
the host computer has a public IP address, connecting over the Internet involves
the following process:
■ The host user connects to the Internet, following the instructions provided by
the Internet service provider (ISP).
■ In pcAnywhere, the host user startsa hostsession thatis configured for TCP/IP.
See “Ways to start a host session” on page 87.
■ The remote user connects to the Internet, following the instructions provided
by the ISP.
■ In pcAnywhere, the remote user configures a TCP/IP connection, specifying
the IP address of the host computer and the logon information.
See “Configuring a remote network connection” on page 99.
■ The remote user starts the pcAnywhere remote connection item.
See “Ways to start a remote control session” on page 113.
How Symantec pcAnywhere works
23Introducing Symantec pcAnywhere
About cable modem connections
Unlike traditional modems, which convert analog and digital signals to exchange
data over a telephone line, cable modems use Internet protocols to transmit data
over a cable television line. Because cable modems use TCP/IP to transmit data,
cable modem connections must be configured as TCP/IP network connections.
The default Network, Cable, DSL connection item in pcAnywhere is configured
for TCP/IP.
See “Configuring a host network connection” on page 75.
See “Configuring a remote network connection” on page 99.
mapping table
Introducing Symantec pcAnywhere
How Symantec pcAnywhere works
About DSL or ADSL connections
Digital subscriberlines, such as ADSL or DSL, arehigh-speed Internet connections
offered by an Internet service provider (ISP). Your computer operates as though
it is connected to a network and is assigned an IP address. DSL and ADSL
connections must be configured as TCP/IP network connections.
The default Network, Cable, DSL connection item in pcAnywhere is configured
for TCP/IP.
See “Configuring a host network connection” on page 75.
See “Configuring a remote network connection” on page 99.
About Internet broadband connections
Connecting over the Internet to a home-based network that uses a broadband
solution such as a cable modem or DSL can present some challenges. Many
home-based broadband Internet solutions include a cable or DSL router, which
lets multiple computers share a single Internet connection. The router uses
Network Address Translation (NAT) technology to make this address sharing
In a sharing situation, this IP addressis assigned to the router. The router, in turn,
generates new IP addresses, and then assigns them to the individual computers
that share the connection.
When you subscribe to a broadband service, your Internet service provider (ISP)
assigns you a single IP address. These router-assigned IP addresses are private
and cannot be seen from the Internet. The only address that can be seen from the
Internet is the IP address that is assigned to the router.
Figure 1-1 shows how Internet broadband connections are made.
Figure 1-1
How broadband connections work
How Symantec pcAnywhere works
To support inbound connections from a pcAnywhere remote, you must configure
the router to direct incoming data from the pcAnywhere ports to the
router-assigned IP address of the host computer.
For pcAnywhere connections, you must map the following pcAnywhere port
numbers to the private IP address of the host computer, which is assigned by the
■ 5631 (data)
■ 5632 (status)
If you are connecting to a host computer that uses custom port numbers, you
must configure the custom port numbers in the remote connection item. This
port mapping configurationis donein the administrator properties for the router,
which is typically accessible through a Web browser. The location of the port
mapping settings varies by router.
For more information, consult the documentation for your router.
Symantec pcAnywhere Gateway lets you set up a single connection point to
facilitate the process of finding and connectingto host computers that are behind
a Network Address Translation (NAT) device.
See “About Symantec pcAnywhere Gateway” on page 301.
25Introducing Symantec pcAnywhere
About connecting from outside a firewall
For security reasons, an administrator might set up a firewall to restrict access
to specific IP addresses. A firewall prevents computers that are outsidethe firewall
from connecting to any IP address that is inside the firewall. Some corporate
environments might also have security policies that restrict users from installing
a modem phone line behind a firewall.
If the host computer is connected to anetworkthat is behind a firewall,the remote
user must have a way to connect to the network through a Remote Access Service
(RAS) or virtual private network (VPN). This information must be provided by an
Once theremoteuser connects to the corporatenetwork using oneof thesetrusted
services, the remote computer becomes a node on the network and can use
pcAnywhere to connect to the target computer using TCP/IP.
Connecting to a network host computer from outside a firewall involves the
following process:
■ Connect to the host site's network using the procedures provided by the
administrator at the host site.
Introducing Symantec pcAnywhere
How Symantec pcAnywhere works
■ In pcAnywhere, configure a TCP/IP network connection, specifying the IP
address of the host computer to which you want to connect.
See “Configuring a remote network connection” on page 99.
■ Start the remote control session.
See “Ways to start a remote control session” on page 113.
Symantec pcAnywhere Gateway lets you set up a single connection point to
facilitate the process of finding and connectingto host computers that are behind
a Network Address Translation (NAT) device.
See “About Symantec pcAnywhere Gateway” on page 301.
Issues that affect performance
Even with the advances in remote control technology, controlling another
computer over a communication device poses many performance challenges.
During a remote control session, you control the host computer as though you
are sitting in front of it. Everything from the desktop wallpaper on the host
computer to the movement of your cursor must be transmitted back and forth.
The two biggest factors in performance are the speed of the connection and
graphics overhead. The more data that needs to be transferred between the
computers—especially graphics data—the slower the performance.
Some security settings, such as data encryption, can also affect performance.
When configuring a connection, you must balance the need for high performance
with the need to protect your data.
See “Understanding the performance trade-offs” on page 213.
Improve connection speed
Ways to improve performance
Although pcAnywhere is designed to optimize performance, there are a number
of factors that you can control to boost performance.
Table 1-2 includes information about how you can improve performance.
Table 1-2
Ensure that you are using the fastest type of connection possible. If you are using a
modem, you should use the fastest connection that your modem and phone line can
Symantec pcAnywhere can detect the speed of your connection (bandwidth) and
automatically adjust video settings to optimize performance.
Ways to improve performance
How Symantec pcAnywhere works
27Introducing Symantec pcAnywhere
Minimize graphics
Work more efficiently
Table 1-2
Ways to improve performance (continued)
In the Windows operating system, everything that you see on your computer screen,
from a statusbar to amenu, is agraphicaluser interface. This informationis transmitted
to theremotecomputerovertheconnectiondevice.The more graphics that are displayed
on the host computer, the more information that must be sent to the remote computer,
which slows performance.
You can minimize graphics overhead in the following ways:
■ For low-bandwidth connections (for example, modems), select the low bandwidth
option when you configure the remote properties in pcAnywhere.
■ Turn off status bars in applications and on the Windows system tray, including
modem lights.
■ Minimize dialog boxes that you are not using and use smaller windows.
■ Reduce the desktop resolution and number of colors on the display.
■ Hide the Windows taskbar on the host.
■ Disable wallpaper, backgrounds, and screen savers on the host.
■ Disable the Windows Active Desktop feature on the host.
■ Turn off full-window dragging capability on the host to avoid transmitting each
pixel of movement as you drag a window across the computer screen.
As you perform tasks during a remote control session, use the following guidelines to
help improve performance:
■ If you are running pcAnywhere on Vista, to improve performance, use computers
that have graphics cards with high ratings.
■ Avoid using animation.
■ Use the Page Up and Page Down keys to scroll through documents.
■ Disable the scroll wheel on your mouse.
■ Avoid performing remote control tasks when transferring files.
■ Use toolbars instead of the menu to perform tasks.
Changing performance settings
Symantec pcAnywhere stores data in a cache file to avoid resending the same
data over the connection, thus improving performance. Symantec pcAnywhere
never uses more than 16 MB of disk space for a cache file.
To change performance settings
In the Symantec pcAnywhere window, on the Edit menu, click Preferences.
In the pcAnywhere Options window, on the Remote Operation tab, check Use
pcAnywherecache file.
Introducing Symantec pcAnywhere
What you can do with Symantec pcAnywhere
What you can do with Symantec pcAnywhere
Symantec pcAnywhere lets you connect to another computer to troubleshoot and
resolve computer problems, supportand maintain servers, transfer files, andwork
from a remote location.
You can use pcAnywhere to do the following:
Let others connect to your
computer remotely
Take control of another
Administer computersand
servers remotely
Setting up your computer as a host lets you do the following:
■ Remotely connect to it when working from a remote
■ Let someonein anotherlocationhelp you solve acomputer
■ Host presentations and demos over a conference
See “Managing host connections” on page 69.
The remote control features let you do the following:
■ Help another user troubleshoot a computer problem
■ Access software, email, or other resources on another
■ Print files thatarestored onanother computer to a printer
at your location
See “Managing remote connections” on page 93.
The remote management tools let you do the following:
■ Connect to a remote server to troubleshoot problems and
perform routine maintenance
■ Troubleshoot and resolve computer problems quickly
■ Monitor computer performance
■ Remotely install and remove software
■ Deploy software, patches, and upgrades
See “About Symantec pcAnywhere Remote Management tools”
on page 145.
Where to find more information
29Introducing Symantec pcAnywhere
Transfer files
The file transfer and command queue features let you do the
■ Quickly access the files that you need to stay productive
■ Perform automatic end-of-day file transfers for audit and
archive purposes
■ Automatically distribute files and updates to multiple
■ Exchange multimedia and other files that are too large to
send by email
See “About pcAnywhere File Transfer” on page 163.
See “About the Command Queue” on page 175.
Where to find more information
Check the Symantec Web site at the following URL for technical support
information, Knowledge Base articles, online tutorials, and the latest product
In addition tothe onlineHelp, the following documentation resourcesare available
on the Symantec pcAnywhere CD:
■ Symantec pcAnywhere User's Guide
■ Symantec pcAnywhere Administrator's Guide
■ Symantec pcAnywhere OLE Automation Guide
■ Symantec Packager Implementation Guide
■ Symantec WebRemote Help
■ Symantec CrossPlatform Help
■ Symantec pcAnywhere Getting Started Guide
Note: Viewing the online manuals requires Acrobat Reader 5.0 or later.
Introducing Symantec pcAnywhere
Where to find more information
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