1. General Information
General Safety
Carbon monoxide
If you must run your engine, ensure the place is
well ventilated. Never run your engine in a closed
area. Run your engine in an open area, if you have
to run your engine in a closed area, be sure to use a
‧ Exhaust contains toxic gas, which may cause
one to lose consciousness and even result in
Gasoline is a low ignition point and explosive
material. Work in a well-ventilated place, no flame
or spark allowed in the work place or where
gasoline is being stored.
‧ Gasoline is highly flammable, and may
explode under some conditions, keep it away
from children.
Used engine oil
‧Prolonged contact with used engine oil (or
transmission oil) may cause skin cancer
although it might not be verified.
‧We recommend you to wash your hands with
soap and water right after contacting. Keep the
used oil beyond reach of children.
Hot components
‧ Components of the engine and exhaust system
can become extremely hot after engine
running. They remain very hot even after the
engine has been stopped for some time. When
performing service work on these parts, wear
insulated gloves and wait until the vehicle is
cooling down.
‧ Battery emits explosive gases; flame is strictly
prohibited. Keeps the place well ventilated
when charging the battery.
‧ Battery contains sulfuric acid (electrolyte),
which can cause serious burns, so be careful
not to get the sulfuric acid on your eyes or
skin. If you get battery acid on your skin, flush
it off immediately with water. If you get
battery acid in your eyes, flush it off
immediately with plenty of water and then go
to hospital to consult an ophthalmologist.
‧ If you swallow it by mistake, drink a lot of
water or milk, and take some laxative such as
vegetable oil and then go to see a doctor.
‧ Keep electrolyte beyond reach of children.
Brake shoe
Do not use an air hose or a dry brush to clean
components of the brake system; use a vacuum
cleaner or the equivalent to avoid dust flying.
˙ Inhaling brake shoe or pad ash may cause
disorders and cancer of the breathing system
Brake fluid
˙ Spilling brake fluid on painted, plastic, or
rubber parts may cause damage to the parts.
Place a piece of clean cloth on the
above-mentioned parts for protection when
servicing the brake system. Keep the brake
fluid beyond reach of children.
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