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Sybase, Inc., One Sybase Drive, Dublin, CA 94568.
About This Book............................................................................................................................ v
CHAPTER 1Before You Begin............................................................................ 1
Using the options file to manage licenses............................... 45
Starting and stopping network license servers............................... 46
Borrowing a license to work offline................................................. 48
Enabling the network license server REPORTLOG file ................. 50
Using SAMreport............................................................................ 50
SAMreport system requirements............................................. 51
Installing the Java Runtime Environment................................ 52
Post-installation tasks for SAMreport...................................... 54
Starting and Stopping SAMreport............................................ 54
Managing and collecting logs.................................................. 55
Using SySAM utilities..................................................................... 55
Index ............................................................................................................................................. 57
Replication Server
About This Book
How to use this book
This book is fo r System Administrat ors and ot her qualifi ed installer s who
are familiar with their system’s environment, networks, disk resources,
and media devices.
Before you install Replication Server®, read Chapter 1, “Preparing to
Install and Configure Replication Server” in the Replication Server
Configuration Guide for UNIX to help you plan your installation.
However, the step is unnecessary if you plan to install a sample
Replication Server.
This guide contains these chapters:
•Chapter 1, “Before You Begin,” describes pre-installation
information and tasks.
•Chapter 2, “Installing Replication Server,” describes how to install
Replication Server.
•Chapter 3, “Post-Installation Tasks,” provi des info rmation about the
tasks you must perform after installation.
•Appendix A, “SySAM Administration,” pro vi des additio nal
information about licensing concepts that you need to know before
you install additional copies of Re plication Server, set up the license
manager in a network environment, or set up redundant servers for
high availability and failover.
Related documents
Installation Guide for UNIXv
The Sybase® Replication Server documentation set consists o f :
•The release bulletin for your platform – contains last-minute
information that was too late to be included in the books.
A more recent version of the release bu lletin may be available on the
World Wide Web. To check for critical product or document
information that was added after the release of the product CD, use
the Sybase® Technical Library.
•Install ation Guide for your platform (this book) – describes
installation and upgrade procedures for all Replication Server and
related products.
•What’s New in Replication Server? – describes the new features in
Replication Server ver sion 15.0 and the system chan ges add ed t o s upport
those features.
•Administration Guide – contains an introductio n to replication systems.
This manual includes information and guidelines for creating and
managing a replication system, setting up security, recovering from
system failures, and improving performance.
•Configuration Guide for your platform – describes configuration
procedures for all Replication Server and related products, and explains
how to use the
rs_init configuration utility.
•Design Guide – contains information about designing a replication system
and integrating heterogeneous data servers into a replic ation system.
•Getting Started with Replication Server – provides step-by-step
instructions for installing and setting up a simple r e pli cation system.
•Heterogeneous Replication Guide – describes how to use Replication
Server to replicate data between databases supplied by different vendors.
•Refere nce Ma nua l – contains the syntax and detailed descriptions of
Replication Server commands in the Replication Command Language
(RCL); Replication Server system functions; Sybase Adaptive Server®
commands, system procedures, and stored procedures used with
Replication Server; Replication Server executable programs; and
Replication Server system tables.
•System Tables Diagram – illustrates system tables and their entity
relationships in a poster format. Available only in print version.
•T roubleshooting Guide – contains information to aid in diagnosing and
correcting problems in the replication system.
•Replication Manager plug-in help, which contains information about
using Sybase Central™ to manage Replication Server.
•FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide – this Macrovision manual explains
FLEXnet Licensing for administrators and end users and des cribes how to
use the tools which are part of the standard FLEXnet Licensing
distribution kit from Sybase.
•SAMreport User’s Guide – this Macrovision manual explains how to use
SAMreport, a report generator that helps you monitor the usage of
applications that use FLEXnet licensing.
viReplication Server
About This Book
Other sources of
Use the Sybase Getting S tarted CD, the SyBooks CD, and the Sybas e Product
Manuals Web site to learn more about your product:
•The Getting Started CD contains release bulletins and installation guides
in PDF format, and may also contain other documents or updated
information not included on the SyBooks CD. It is included with your
software. To read or print documents on the G etting S tarted CD, yo u need
Adobe Acrobat Reader, which you can download at no charge from the
Adobe Web site using a link provided on the CD.
•The SyBooks CD contains product manuals and is included with your
software. The Eclipse-based SyBooks browser allows you to access the
manuals in an easy-to-use, HTML-based format.
Some documentation may be provided in PDF format, which you can
access through the PDF directory on the SyBooks CD. To read or print the
PDF files, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Refer to the SyBooks Installation Guide on the Getting Started CD, or the
README.txt file on the SyBooks CD for instructions on installing and
starting SyBooks.
•The Sybase Product Manuals W eb site is an on line version of the SyBo oks
CD that you can access using a standard Web bro wser. In addition to
product manuals, you will find links to EBFs/Maintenance, Technical
Documents, Case Management, Solved Cases, newsgroups, and the
Sybase Developer Network.
Sybase certifications
on the Web
T o access the Sybas e Product Manuals Web site, go to
Technical documentation at the Sybase Web site is updated frequently.
❖Finding the latest information on product certifications
Product Manuals at
1Point your Web browser to Technical Documents at
2Click Certification Report.
3In the Certification Report filter select a produ ct, platform, and timeframe
and then click Go.
4Click a Certification Report title to display the r e por t.
❖Finding the latest information on component certifications
1Point your Web browser to Availability and Certification Reports at
Installation Guide for UNIXvii
2Either select the product family and product under Search by Base
Product; or select the platform and product under Search by Platform.
3Select Search to display the availability and certification report for the
❖Creating a personalized view of the Sybase Web site (including support
Set up a MySybase profile. MySybase is a free service that allows you to create
a personalized view of Sybase Web pages.
Sybase EBFs and
1Point your Web browser to
Technical Documents at
2Click MySybase and create a MySybase profile.
❖Finding the latest information on EBFs and software maintenance
1Point your Web browser to the Sybase Support Page at
2Select EBFs/Maintenance. If prompted, enter your MySybase user name
and password.
3Select a product.
4Specify a time frame and click Go. A list of EBF/Maintenance releases is
Padlock icons indicate that you do not have download authorization for
certain EBF/Maintenance releases because you are not registered as a
Technical Support Contact. If you have not registered, but have valid
information provided by your Sybase representative or through your
support contract, click Edit Roles to add the “T ec hnical Support Co ntact”
role to your MySybase profile.
5Click the Info icon to display the EBF/Maintenance report, or click the
product description to download the software.
This section describes the stylistic and syntactic conventions used in this book.
Style conventionsSyntax statements (displaying the syntax and options for
a command) are printed as follows:
alter user user
set pas sword ne w_passwd
[verify password old_passwd]
viiiReplication Server
About This Book
Examples that show the use of Replication Server commands are printed as
alter user louise
set password hFE5t
verify password hFE5t
Command names, command option names, program names, program flags,
keywords, configu ration par ameters, f unctions, a nd stored procedures are
printed as follows:
alter user to change the password for a login name.
•Variables, parameters to functions and stored procedures, and user-
supplied words are in italics in syntax and in paragraph text, as follows:
set password new_passwd clause specifies a new password.
•Names of database objects, such as databases, tables, columns, and
datatypes, are in italics in paragraph text, as follows:
base_price column in the Items table is a money da taty pe.
•Names of replication objects, such as function-string classes , error classes,
replication definitions, and subscriptions, are in italics.
Syntax conventionsSyntax formatting conventions are summarized in
Table 1. Examples combining these elements follow.
Table 1: Syntax formatting conventions
variableVariables (words standing for values that you fill in) are in italics.
{ }Curly braces mean you must choose at least one of the enclosed options. Do not include braces in the
[ ]Brackets mean you ma y choose or omit enclosed opt ions. Do not include brack ets in the command.
|Vertical bars mean you may choose no more than one option (enclosed in braces or brackets).
,Commas mean you may choose as many options as you need (enclosed in braces or brackets).
Separate your choices with commas, to be typed as pa rt o f the command.
Commas may also be required in other syntax contexts.
( )Parentheses are to be typed as part of the command.
...An ellipsis (three dots) means you may repeat the last unit a s many times as yo u need. Do no t include
ellipses in the command.
Obligatory choices
•Curly braces and vertical bars – choose only one option.
Installation Guide for UNIXix
{red | yellow | blue}
•Curly braces and commas – choose one or more options. If you choose
more than one, separate your choices with commas.
{cash, check, credit}
Optional choices
•One item in square brackets – choose it or omit it.
•Square brackets and vertical bars – choose none or only one.
[beans | rice | sweet_potatoes]
•Square brackets and co mmas – ch oo se n one, one, or more opti ons. If you
choose more than one, separate your choices with commas.
[extra_cheese, avocados, sour_cream]
Repeating elementsAn ellipsis (...) means that you may repeat the last unit
as many times as you need. For the
alter function replication definition command,
for example, you can list one or more parameters and their d atatypes for either
add clause or the add searchable parameters clause:
alter function replication definition function_rep_def
{deliver as 'proc_name' |
add @parameter datatype[, @parameter
datatype]... |
add searchable parameters @parameter
[, @parameter]... |
send standby {all | replication definition}
This document is available in an HTML version that is specialized for
accessibility . You can navigate the HTML with an adaptive technology such as
a screen reader, or view it with a screen enlarger.
Replication Server HTML documentation has been tested for compliance with
U.S. government Section 508 Accessibility requirements. Documents that
comply with Section 508 generally also meet non-U.S. accessibility guidelines,
such as the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) guidelines for Web sites.
Note You might need to configure your accessibility tool for optimal use.
Some screen readers pronounce text based on its case; for example, they
pronounce ALL UPPERCASE TEXT as initials, and MixedCase Text as
words. You might find it helpful to configure your tool to announce syntax
conventions. Consult the documentation for your tool.
xReplication Server
About This Book
If you need help
For information about how Sybase supports accessibility, see
Accessibility at
. The Sybase Accessibility
site includes links to information on Section 508 and W3C standards.
Each Sybase installation that has purchased a supp ort contract has one or mo re
designated people who are authorized to contact Sy bas e Technical Support. If
you cannot resolve a problem us ing the manuals or online hel p, please have the
designated person contact Sybase Technical Support or the Sybase subsidiary
in your area.
Installation Guide for UNIXxi
xiiReplication Server
Before You Begin
This chapter provides information about system and licensing
requirements for installing Replication Server. It also discusses other
pre-installation tasks you must complete befor e you install Replication
This section describes the components of Replication Server and provides
an overview of the tasks involved in installing and setting up Replication
Replication Server components
Replication Server consists of the following components:
•Replication Server
•RepAgent™ for Adaptive Server Enterprise
•Replication Server support files (for example, scripts and
configuration files)
•Adaptive Server® Anywhere for Embedded Replication Server
System Database (ERSSD)
•RepAgent for ERSSD
Installation Guide for UNIX1
Sybase Software Asset Management
•The Replication Server Administration tool, which consists of:
•Sybase Central version 4.3
•Replication Manager plug-in (RM) to Sybase Central
•Replication Monitoring Services (RMS)
Installation task overview
The Replication Server Installation Guide for UNIX explains how to unload the
Replication Server software from the distribution media to your hard disk.
The Replication Server C onfiguration Guide for UNIX explains how to:
•Gather the information you need to prepare your system for the installation
•Install Replication Servers and add databases to your replication system
•Upgrade existing Replication Server System Databases (RSSDs)
•Downgrade existing RSSDs and then reinstall an earlier version of the
•Enable password encryption for a Replication Server or RepAgent
•Start and stop Replication Server or RepAgent
Sybase Software Asset Management
Replication Server version 15.0 includes a new Sybase Software Asset
Management System (SySAM) implementation. SySAM configuration is no
longer optional, which results in installation and configuration changes.
SySAM product licensing software allows you to:
•Manage Replication Server entitlements
•Perform asset management tasks by viewing and analyzing historic use
•Control Replication Server use within your organization
2Replication Server
How SySAM works
Replication Server uses SySAM to “check out” a license for product
functionality, then checks the license back in when the product is no longer in
use. The basic SySAM components are:
•Replication Server linked with SySAM libraries
•One or more local license files
•Optionally, a SySAM network license server
When you install the product, you select whether to configure an unserved
license or a network license server. Both configurations create a local license
file on the same machine as Replication Server in
$SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/licenses. When you start Replication Server, the
product searches for a license in the default location—$SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/licenses—looking at all files with a .lic extension. The local license file
contains the actual licenses or a pointer to a SySAM network license server.
When a license is successfully checked out, Replication Server starts.
CHAPTER 1 Before You Begin
Using an unserved license
When you configure an unserved license, Rep lication Server does n ot connect
to a network license server, but obtains the required license information
directly from the local license file.
When you use an unserved license configuration, there is no network license
server. In this configuration, Replication Server reads the unserved licens e and
directly checks out the required license. You activate the licenses for each
machine separately; that is, you do not have centralized control over licenses.
You also do not have asset management or reporting capabilities, and the
license must be rehosted if you move Repl ication S erver f rom one machine to
When using an unserved configuration, the local
$SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/licenses directory contains all necessary licenses. You
do not maintain a license server.
Installation Guide for UNIX3
Sybase Software Asset Management
Setting up an unserved configuration
During Replication Server installation, select the option to use a local license
file. When you are activating licenses from
Download Center (SPDC) at
“unserved” license format and save the license in the local license directory
Using a network license server
When you configure a network license server, the server uses two daemons—
lmgrd FLEXlm daemon and the vendor (SYBASE) daemon—to handle
license check-in and check-out for licensed products. Using the pointer in the
local license file, Replication Server connects to the network license server and
attempts to check out a license (REP_SERVER).
In a network license server configuration, the license server host runs the
network license server. The local license file on the Replication Server
machine contains a pointer to the network license server.
the Sybase Software Product
, select the
Figure 1-1: Network license server configuration
4Replication Server
Multiple users connect to the network license server to obtain the required
license. You can activate several licenses at once, you have full control over
license use, and you hav e acces s to complete asset management and repo rting
You can use an existing network license server or install a new one. You can
install network license server on the same h ost with Replication Server , or as a
standalone system. The number o f free cycles on the machin e with Replication
Server and the total expected license server activity should dictate whether a
standalone system is needed. For system requirements, see Chapter 4,
“Selecting License Server Machines,” in the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide.
Setting up a network license server
To install a network license server on a separate system, use the Replication
Server installation program, select only the SySAM server components, and
complete the installation. When activating licenses at the Sybase Product
Download Center, select the “Served” license model. Save the activated license
file in your machine’s $SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/licenses directory. See
“Installing a new license server” on page 22 for instructions.
CHAPTER 1 Before You Begin
T o configure Replication Serve r to use the network server , specify the network
server host name and port number during installation. Specify the host ID for
the network license server host when you obtain a license from the Sybase
Software Product Download Center. After installation, you can edit the
SYBASE.lic file in $SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/licenses and change the network
license server host name and port number if necessary.
Note A license responds only to the license server that you s pecify when you
obtain the license from the Sybase Software Product Download Cen ter.
The SySAM network license server has the following limitations:
1You cannot start the SySAM n e two rk licen se server until there is at least
one “Served” license copied into the licenses directory. Obtain a “Served”
license from the Sybase Software Product Download Center before
starting the license server. See “Managing licenses” on page 43.
Installation Guide for UNIX5
Sybase Software Asset Management
2Replication Server version 15.0 uses a newer version of the SySAM
licensing technology and an up dated license for mat. On any one mach ine,
you can have only one in stance of a license server running. You must make
some adjustments to use earlier versions with Replication Server 15.0. See
“Co-existing with earlier versions of SySAM” on page 8.
Using multiple network license servers
As part of a failover plan or a load-balancing system, you can have multiple
SySAM network license servers running a subset of the total licenses. The
SySAM network license servers can be connected by a local area network
(LAN) or by a wide area network (WAN).
This configuration is an excellent load-balancing mechanism for physically
distant locations. You can specify the local servers ahead of th e remote servers
in the license location list.
To specify multip le licen se servers, set up the SYBASE_LICENSE_FILE or
LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to contain a list of license files,
where each license file refers to one of the network license server s. Replication
Server uses this list to checkout licenses, starting with the first server on the list.
If check-out fails for any reason, Replication Server attempts to check out
licenses using the second server in the list, and so on.
Although this configuration provides a basic level of failover protection, if one
or more license servers in the list are down, the licenses served by these servers
are no longer available, so the total number of available licenses is reduced
until the servers restart.
Note See “Redundant License Server Systems” in Chapter 4, “Selecting
License Server Machines,” of the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide.
Setting up multiple network servers
T o use multiple network licens e servers, install a network licens e server on two
or more servers using the instructions in “Installing a new license server” on
page 22.
To configure Replication Server to use multiple network servers, specify the
network server addresses in the SYBASE_LICENSE_FILE environment
variable as port@host separated by a semicolon. For example:
6Replication Server
set SYBASE_LICENSE_FILE=1700@tokyo;1700@chicago
Replication Server attempts to use the first server in the list. If that fails for any
reason, Replication Server tries to use the second server.
Using three-server redundancy
To achieve true high availability, you can set up Replication Server to acquire
a license that is used in a three-server redundant configuration. The same
license is served by all three license servers. With three-server redundancy, if
any two of the three license servers are running (referred to as a quorum), the
system is functional and serves its total complement of licenses.
Machines in a three-server redundant conf i guration must:
•Run the same operating system
•Communicate with each other
CHAPTER 1 Before You Begin
•Reside on the same subnet
The three servers must be located physically close to each other. This form of
redundancy requires that the servers exchange heartbeats periodically, and
poor communication can cause poor performance. Avoid configuring
redundant servers with slow communication or dial-up links.
Three-server redundancy p rovi des only hardware f ailover protectio n and d oes
not provide load-balancing because only one of the three servers is “master,”
capable of issuing licenses. Because all clients must contact the “master,” all
clients must have reliable net worki ng to a sing le machine. To implement loadbalancing, see “Setting up multiple network servers” on page 6.
Note Because Sybase provides grace periods for any licensing issues, setting
up the license servers for failover may be unnecessary. Replication Server
operations are not compromised as long as license server issues are fixed
within the grace period.
Setting up three-server redundancy
To use three-server redundancy, you must obtain licenses that are set up for
such an environment. When you activate you r licenses, specify the three-server
redundancy option.
Installation Guide for UNIX7
Sybase Software Asset Management
Install the network license server on the three selected machines and deploy the
license obtained on all three machines. See “Installing a new lice nse server”
on page 22 for instructions.
To configure Replication Server to use these redundant network servers,
specify the addresses for three servers in SYBASE_LICENSE_FILE
environment variable as port@host separated by a semicolon. For example:
set SYBASE_LICENSE_FILE 1700@srv1;1700@srv2;1700@srv3
Any two of the servers specified in SYBASE_LICENSE_FILE must be
running for checkout to succeed.
Using alternative license file locations
You can specify alternate license locations using the
SYBASE_LICENSE_F ILE and LM_LICENSE_F ILE environment vari ables.
The product looks at the locations provided in these variables before looking
in the default location.
Note See “Specifying Location of the License File” in Chapter 2, “License
File Basics,” of the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide.
Co-existing with earlier versions of SySAM
Replication Server version 15.0 uses a newer version of the SySAM licensing
technology and an up dated license format . On any machine, you can have only
one instance of a license server running. You must make some adjustments to
use earlier versions of Sybase products with Replication Server 15.0.
Case 1:If you are using a central network serv er for Replication Server 15.0,
and a network license server-based SySAM license for earlier versions of the
product, migrate to Replication Server version 15.0:
1Update the network license software with the version provided in
Replication Server 15.0. Use the instructions in “Setting up a network
license server” on page 5.
2Copy the earlier license files (typically, a single file named license.dat)
into the new $SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/licenses directory and rename license.dat to license.lic.
8Replication Server
CHAPTER 1 Before You Begin
3Shut down the old license server and start the new license server.
4Copy any new licenses into this new directory.
Old and new Sybase software now use this license server.
Case 2:If you are using individual license servers for earlier versions of
Replication Server, with each machine running earlier Sybas e software hosting
a local license server, Sybase recommends that you move to a single network
license server model to migrate to Replication Server version 15.0.
❖Using a central license server only for new licenses
1Select the machine for the new network license server and install the
SySAM network license server supplied with Replication Server version
15.0 on that machine.
2If this machine is already running an older license server, use the
instructions in Case 1 to migrate the local licenses. All new licenses are
now installed on this machine.
3Point the Replication Server version 15.0 installation to this license server.
Use the
lmpath utility (see “Using SySAM utilities” on page 55) to do this
or edit license.dat and add these lines at the beginning of the file:
SERVER <network license server hostname> ANY <license server port>
❖Migrating old licenses to a new central license server
1Set up the new SySAM network license server using the instructions in
“Setting up a network license server” on page 5.
2Collect licenses from all old local license servers to deploy to the new
network license server.
aCreate a new license file that includes the contents of all individual
licenses from each earlier local license server.
When you create the new license file, discard the licens e header from
each file. The header is the first three lines that start with “SER VER,”
bCreate one license header with the above three lines in the merged file
to match the requirements on t he new network license server and save
this file as license.lic in the licenses directory.
Installation Guide for UNIX9
Sybase Software Asset Management
3Shut down the earlier individual license servers on each machine and point
the software to the new license server. Use the
SySAM utilities” on page 55) to do this, or edit the license.dat file o n each
installation by adding these lines at the beginning of the file:
SERVER <network license server hostname> ANY <license server port>
lmpath utility (see “Usin g
Case 3
If you are not using the network license server for Replication Server
version 15.0, no changes are requ ired to the previous software. When fulfilling
Replication Server version 15.0 licenses, select the unserved licens e model and
copy the license locally on each installation. The software runs appropriately,
however, you lose the asset management functionality in this approach. See
“Choosing the appropriate license server configuration” on page 21 for the
pros and cons of using a network l icense server versus using a local license file.
Managing licenses from multiple vendors
If you use software from multiple vendors that use Macrovision’s FLEXnet
technology , you can consolid ate licenses from all vendors to centrally manage
the licenses. See Chapter 3, “Managing Licenses from Multiple Vendors,” in
the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide.”
License usage and enforcement
This section describes the licenses used by Replication Server and other
enforcement mechanisms.
•License Features Used – when Replication Server starts , it first checks out
a license for the base Replication Server, which is REP_SERVER.
•Number of licenses used – the number of licenses used for Replication
Server depends on the license type under which Replication Server was
For Replication Server licensed under any of the Server license types such as
SR, SV, and so on, one license is checked out per Replication Server. Starting
additional Replication Server instances on the same machine does not check
out additional licenses.
For Replication Server licensed under any of the CPU license types such as CP,
SF, and so on, the number of licenses used is the number of physical CPUs.
10Replication Server
Some Windows and Linux machines use technologies such as “Hyper
Threading” which presents one physical CPU as two logical CPUs. This is still
considered one CPU for counting licenses.
License availability and grace periods
If Replication Server cannot obtain a suitable license, the product d oes not run.
A license is considered unavailable if it cannot be checked out, or if the license
cannot be issued during a grace period. Licenses can be unavailable during
start-up or heartbeat runtime.
When SySAM detects a checkout failure, the event is logged in the Replication
Server error log, which you can use to diagnose any unexpected licensing
failures. After the initial checkout failure, periodic events are logged during a
grace period.
If a suitable license cannot be found when requested, Replication Server
evaluates if a license can be issued during a grace period. There are three types
of grace periods:
CHAPTER 1 Before You Begin
•Install time – when yo u configure a new Replication Server (or upgrade an
earlier version to 15.0), you have 30 days to activate and configure the
appropriate license.
•Runtime – a runtime grace period is evaluated when one of these
conditions occurs:
•A license was not checked out at start-up, but there is a history of
successfully using the requested license on this machine.
•A license that was successfully checked out at start-up becomes
unavailable at a later time.
If Replication Server encounters either situation, it enters into a 30-day
runtime grace period. If the problem is not resolved within 30 days,
Replication Server stops running; however , the user can save any work and
exit. If the problem that causes the license to be unavailable is fixed during
the runtime grace period, Replication Server automatically picks up the
license and no longer operates in the grace period.
•Support renewal time – this grace period allows you enough time to update
the license after renewing support. The support grace period for
Replication Server is one year.
Installation Guide for UNIX11
This means that you can install and use EBFs and updates that are released
up to one year past the end-of-support date recorded in the license.
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