Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The software described herein is furnished under a license agreement,
and it may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of that agreement.
To order additional documents, U.S. and Canadian customers should call Customer Fulfillment at (800) 685-8225, fax (617) 229-9845.
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WORKS, Watcom, W atcom SQL, W atcom SQL Server, W eb Deployment Kit, Web.PB, W eb.SQL, WebSights, W ebV iewer , W orkGroup
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Sybase, Inc., One Sybase Drive, Dublin, CA 94568.
About This Book............................................................................................................................ v
Creating directories for the class files ..................................... 22
Installing the Account Management portlet............................. 23
Verifying the Account Management portlet deployment.......... 24
Setting up Account Management for the pacuser................... 25
Creating the Account Management portlet for pacuser........... 26
Verifying deployment of the new and updated portlets ........... 26
Setting up the new portlets for pacuser................................... 27
Creating portlet pages for pacuser.......................................... 28
Index ............................................................................................................................................. 29
Upgrade Guideiii
PATRIOTcompliance Starter Kit
About This Book
This book describes how to upgrade and configure products in the
PATRIOTcompliance Solution.
How to use this book
Related documents
Sybase certifications on
the Web
❖Finding the latest information on product certifications
Sybase Professional Services is the principal audience for this book.
This book contains the following chapters:
•Chapter 1, “Introduction,” briefly describes the P ATRIOT compliance
Starter Kit and its components.
•Chapter 2, “Upgrading to version 2.2,” provides detailed upgrade
New Era of Networks Process Server 3.9.1 Installation Guide
New Era of Networks Process Server 3.9.1 Release Bulletin
TightLink Solution Server UpgradeNotes.htm
Technical documentation at the Sybase Web site is updated frequently.
1Point your Web browser to Technical Documents at
2Select Products from the navigation bar on the left.
❖Creating a personalized view of the Sybase Web site (including support
Upgrade Guidev
3Select a product name from the product list and click Go.
4Select the Certification Report filter, specify a time frame, and click
5Click a Certification Report title to display the report.
Set up a MySybase profile. MySybase is a free service that allows you to
create a personalized view of Sybase Web pages.
1Point your Web browser to
Technical Documents at
Sybase EBFs and
2Click MySybase and create a MySybase profile.
❖Finding the latest information on EBFs and software maintenance
1Point your Web browser to the Sybase Support Page at
2Select EBFs/Maintenance. Enter user name and pas swor d infor mati on, if
prompted (for existing Web accounts) or create a new account (a free
3Select a product.
4Specify a time frame and click Go.
5Click the Info icon to display the EBF/Maintenance report, or click the
product description to download the software.
If you need help
The following style conventions are used in this manual:
•The names of files and directories are shown in this font.
•Command names, command option names, utility names, and other
keywords are shown in
this font.
•Variables, or words that stand for values that you fill in, are shown in this
•Database objects are shown in
this font.
Each Sybase install ation that has pur chased a support contract has one or more
designated people who are authorized to contact Syb ase Technical Support. If
you cannot resolve a probl em using the manuals or onlin e help, please have the
designated person contact Sybase Technical Support or the Sybase subsidiary
in your area.
viPATRIOTcompliance Starter Kit
This chapter introduces Sybase P A TRIOT compliance Solution to financial
Upgrade Guide1
PATRIOTcompliance Solution overview
PATRIOTcompliance Solution overview
The Sybase PATRIOTcompliance Solution allows financial institutions to
automate name filtering, intra-day and historical transaction filtering, and
enterprise wide customer activity monitoring to meet the requirements of the
USA P A TR IOT (Uniting and Streng thening America by Providing App ropriate
Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism) legislation.
The PATRIOTcompliance Starter Kit provides the infrastructure components
needed for the Sybase PATRIOTcompl ia nce So lut i on, incl udi n g:
•New Era of Networks Business Process Integration (BPI) Suite
•New Era of Networks Adapter for Flat Files
•Sybase Enterprise Portal
•Tig htLi nk CIS
The PATRIOTcompliance Solution templates allow the installation and
configuration of the separate products into a single solution. These templates
include metadata to assemble the products, application server components, and
database stored procedures to perform complex, highly-specialized functions.
2PATRIOTcompliance Starter Kit
Upgrading to version 2.2
This chapter tells you how to upgrade your system to version 2.2 of the
PATRIOTcompliance Solution.
Verifying system environment variables7
Upgrading the PATRIOT database8
Upgrading Process Server process definitions11
Upgrading formats12
Upgrading EAServer components13
Configuring Portlets20
Upgrade Guide3
This upgrade to the PATRIOTcompliance Solution includes an updated
ROLLUP version of the PATRIOT Compliance Starter Kit. Sybase
recommends that you install this updated Software Release as soon as possible.
This upgrade is distributed as a zip file and is availab le for download fr om the
EBFs/Maintenance page
Warning! Sybase strongly rec ommends that a backup of all components be
done before you begin this upgrade. You must re-create any customization of
the PATRIOT solution templates.
Issues addressed in this release
CR#332858Previous vers ions of PATRIOT Sta rter Kit sometimes all owed
users to log in more than once with th e same login name. Updates
to the allow you to restrict users to a
single login at a time.
This step is op tiona l an d not requ ired f or s ucce ssf ul de ploy ment.
CR# 332855Changes to allow you to set the number of
days, months or years that a password remains valid; the default
is 0, which means passwords are valid indefinitely.
Duration parameters are expressed in the <number> of days,
months, or years the pa ssword remain s vali d. Count beg ins fr om
the day you create or modify the passwo rd. Changing the
password via the Account Management portlet before the
expiration date resets the count.
EP Security locks users who fail to change their passwords
within set duration parameters out of the system.
CR# 327011Pat LoggedIn Users is a new portlet that identifies all users
currently logged into the system.
4PATRIOTcompliance Starter Kit
CHAPTER 2 Upgrading to version 2.2
CR# 333653PATRIOTcompliance Starter Kit 2.2 includes a script whi ch
creates a mechanism for customers who want to make their EP
instance use non-sa database logins . These logins include
sufficient permissions to let EP a pplications(s) connect to the
patriot database, portal interface, and search cache
Adding a non-sa user connection involves running a script,
ep_login.sql, that creates three new login names
PATRIOTdbConnection, PortalInterfaceCache, and
epSearchCache. You then open Jag uar Manage in EAserver to
add the actual connectio ns.
This step is optional and not re quired for suc cessful de ploy ment.
CR# 334386,
CR# 336723
Customers, employees, or external accounts may be placed on a
cleared list to allow their transactions to pass through the
PATRIOT Solution without being flagged as a hit. Use the Pat
Cleared List Adm portlet to administer the cleared list. In this
portlet, you can search entries, make entries, or flag entries as
Changes to the
Pat Cleared List Admin portlet now allow you to
clear customers, employ ees, or external accounts from multiple
lists at the same time. A new column in the search list ide ntifie s
users who make changes to the cleared list.
CR# 334776Stop words are words that occur frequently in transactions and
are irrelevant to the suspec t search. The
is a new portlet which identifies how frequently certain
Stop Words Candidate
words appear in various lists. Use this portlet to identify poten tial
candidates for the stop words list.
CR# 328827,
CR# 323431
Use the
customer, country, or address with the search engine. Pat Search
Pat Search List portlet to look up a suspect, employee,
List returns a score that indicates the percent certainty for each
Previous versions of the
Pat Search List portlet limited suspect
searches to name. Customers can now search for suspects by
country and address. Country and address check boxes now
appear just above the Search for Suspec t b ut t on. Country is the
default search criteria; to search by street address you must click
the Address button.
Upgrade Guide5
Contents of the 2.2 release
Refer to the descriptions of the files below for individual in stallation
instructions. Directory paths below are in UNIX notation. For Windows,
change the forward slashes to back slashes.