Sybase DC00297-01-0670-01 User Manual

User Guide for M-Business
Anywhere™ Client
Published: January 2008
Part number: DC00297-01-0670-01
Copyright and trademarks
Copyright © 2008 iAnywhere Solutions, Inc. Portions copyright © 2008 Sybase, Inc. All rights reserved. iAnywhere Solutions, Inc. is a subsidiary of Sybase, Inc. iAnywhere grants you permission to use this document for your own informational, educational, and other non-commercial purposes; provided
This document is not a commitment on the part of iAnywhere to do or refrain from any activity, and iAnywhere may change the content of this document at its sole discretion without notice. Except as otherwise provided in a written agreement between you and iAnywhere, this document is provided “as is”, and iAnywhere assumes no liability for its use or any inaccuracies it may contain.
iAnywhere®, Sybase®, and the marks listed at are trademarks of Sybase, Inc. or its subsidiaries. ® indicates registration in the United States of America.
Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. All other company and product names mentioned may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.


About this guide ......................................................................................... ix
Focus of this guide ...................................................................................................... x
How this guide is organized ...................................................................................... xi
Conventions ............................................................................................................... xii
The M-Business Anywhere documentation set ..................................................... xiii
Contacting iAnywhere Solutions ............................................................................ xiv
I. Before You Begin ...................................................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 3
About M-Business Client ....................................................................................... 4
System requirements ............................................................................................. 5
II. Installation ............................................................................................... 13
Installing M-Business Client ..................................................................................... 15
Installing M-Business Client to use a secure digital (SD) card on your Microsoft
OS device ............................................................................................................ 16
Installing M-Business Client to use a secure digital (SD) card on your Symbian
OS device ............................................................................................................ 18
Installing M-Business Client with self-registration ................................................ 19
Installing M-Business Client to use with an existing account ............................... 26
Uninstalling M-Business Client ............................................................................ 33
III. M-Business Client on the Desktop ...................................................... 39
Configuring M-Business Client on the desktop computer .................................... 41
Accessing your M-Business Server account ....................................................... 42
Setting server information .................................................................................... 44
Configuring proxy server settings ........................................................................ 49
Enabling a secure connection to a server ............................................................ 53
Disabling and removing server connections ........................................................ 54
Using M-Business Connect help .......................................................................... 56
Managing channels on the desktop computer ....................................................... 57
Copyright © 2008, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc. iii
User Guide for M-Business Anywhere™ Client
Managing channels .............................................................................................. 58
Updating channel pages ...................................................................................... 67
Accessing secure channels ................................................................................. 68
Using M-Business Client on a device ...................................................................... 69
Using platform-specific features with M-Business Client ..................................... 70
Using M-Business Client with multiple servers .................................................... 71
Using HTML forms ............................................................................................... 72
Searching to find content in M-Business Client ................................................... 75
Remote connections ............................................................................................ 76
Managing caches ................................................................................................. 78
IV. M-Business Client on Palm OS ............................................................ 81
Configuring a server connection on Palm OS ........................................................ 83
Opening M-Business Client on your mobile device ............................................. 84
Setting server information .................................................................................... 85
Adding a proxy server connection manually ........................................................ 88
Enabling a secure connection to a server ............................................................ 90
Disabling and removing server connections ........................................................ 91
Using M-Business Client on Palm OS ..................................................................... 93
Understanding the basics .................................................................................... 94
Searching to find content in M-Business Client ................................................. 102
Working with text ............................................................................................... 104
Using HTML forms ............................................................................................. 106
Email integration: Launching email from a web page ........................................ 111
Phoneto integration: Launching a dialer application from a web page .............. 113
Synchronizing remotely ..................................................................................... 114
Browsing online ................................................................................................. 118
Managing online cache ...................................................................................... 121
V. M-Business Client on Windows Mobile Pocket PC ........................... 123
Configuring a server connection on Windows Mobile Pocket PC ..................... 125
Opening M-Business Client on your mobile device ........................................... 126
Setting server information .................................................................................. 127
Adding a proxy server connection manually ...................................................... 130
iv Copyright © 2008, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.
User Guide for M-Business Anywhere™ Client
Enabling a secure connection to a server .......................................................... 132
Disabling and removing server connections ...................................................... 133
Using M-Business Client on Windows Mobile Pocket PC ................................... 137
Understanding the basics .................................................................................. 138
Searching to find content in M-Business Client ................................................. 145
Working with text ............................................................................................... 147
Using HTML forms ............................................................................................. 149
Email integration: Launching email from a web page ........................................ 154
Phoneto integration: Launching a dialer application from a web page .............. 155
Synchronizing remotely ..................................................................................... 156
Browsing online ................................................................................................. 158
Managing online cache ...................................................................................... 161
Using on-device help ......................................................................................... 163
VI. M-Business Client on Windows XP ................................................... 165
Configuring a server connection on Windows XP ............................................... 167
Opening M-Business Client on your Windows XP device ................................. 168
Setting server information .................................................................................. 169
Adding a proxy server connection manually ...................................................... 172
Enabling a secure connection to a server .......................................................... 174
Disabling and removing server connections ...................................................... 175
Using M-Business Client on Windows XP ............................................................ 177
Understanding the basics ................................................................................. 178
Searching to find content in M-Business Client ................................................. 184
Working with text ............................................................................................... 186
Using HTML forms ............................................................................................. 188
Email integration: Launching email from a web page ........................................ 194
Phoneto integration: Launching a dialer application from a web page .............. 195
Synchronizing remotely ..................................................................................... 196
Browsing online ................................................................................................. 198
Managing online cache ...................................................................................... 201
VII. M-Business Client on Windows Mobile 5 or 6, or Microsoft
Smartphone ............................................................................................... 203
Copyright © 2008, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc. v
User Guide for M-Business Anywhere™ Client
Configuring a server connection on Windows Mobile 5 or 6, or Microsoft
Smartphone .............................................................................................................. 205
Opening M-Business Client on your mobile device ........................................... 206
Setting server information .................................................................................. 207
Adding a proxy server connection manually ...................................................... 212
Enabling a secure connection to a server .......................................................... 215
Disabling and removing server connections ...................................................... 216
Using M-Business Client on Windows Mobile 5 or 6, or Microsoft
Smartphone .............................................................................................................. 219
Understanding the basics .................................................................................. 220
Searching to find content in M-Business Client ................................................. 228
Working with text ............................................................................................... 230
Using HTML forms ............................................................................................. 232
Email integration: Launching email from a web page ........................................ 237
Phoneto integration: Launching a dialer application from a web page .............. 238
Synchronizing remotely on Windows Mobile 5 or 6 ........................................... 239
Browsing online ................................................................................................. 241
Managing online cache ...................................................................................... 244
VIII. M-Business Client on Symbian OS ................................................. 247
Configuring a server connection on Symbian OS ................................................ 249
Opening M-Business Client on your mobile device ........................................... 250
Setting server information .................................................................................. 251
Adding a proxy server connection manually ...................................................... 255
Enabling a secure connection to a server .......................................................... 257
Disabling and removing server connections ...................................................... 258
Using M-Business Client on Symbian OS ............................................................. 259
Understanding the basics .................................................................................. 260
Searching to find content in M-Business Client ................................................. 266
Working with text ............................................................................................... 268
Using HTML forms ............................................................................................. 269
Email integration: not supported on Symbian OS .............................................. 274
Phoneto integration: Launching a dialer application from a web page .............. 275
Synchronizing remotely on Symbian OS ........................................................... 276
Browsing online ................................................................................................. 277
vi Copyright © 2008, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.
User Guide for M-Business Anywhere™ Client
Managing online cache ...................................................................................... 279
Using on-device help ......................................................................................... 281
IX. Appendix .............................................................................................. 283
Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................... 285
Device synchronization ...................................................................................... 286
Channel content on device ................................................................................ 289
Index .................................................................................................................................. 291
Copyright © 2008, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc. vii

About this guide

“Focus of this guide” on page x“How this guide is organized” on page xi“Conventions” on page xii“The M-Business Anywhere documentation set” on page xiii“Contacting iAnywhere Solutions” on page xiv
Copyright © 2008, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc. ix
About this guide

Focus of this guide

This guide provides the information you need to install and use M-Business Client, the client component of M-Business Anywhere™. This guide also includes information on using M-Business Client with wireless service providers.
If you use M-Business Client software on your mobile device, you should read this guide to familiarize yourself with the features and functions of M-Business Client. If you are an M-Business Server administrator, you should refer to this guide to gain a better understanding of the tasks that the M-Business Client user performs.
This document is provided in PDF format and is accessible by clicking the View User Guide link on either the M-Business Server or the M-Business Client login pages.
x Copyright © 2008, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.

How this guide is organized

How this guide is organized
M-Business Client supports five device platforms, or operating systems: Palm™ OS, Microsoft® Windows Mobile Pocket PC, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Mobile 5, and Microsoft Smartphone. For easy use, this guide is divided into parts based on operating systems. Microsoft Windows Mobile 5 and Microsoft Smartphone are similar enough that they are combined in one part.
“Installing M-Business Client” on page 15, at the front of the book, provides the information you will need
to set up M-Business Client. Separate chapters cover installation on the different operating systems. From your desktop, you can perform functions common to all device platforms. You also can perform many
of these functions from your device. The chapters in the list below provides explanations of functionality and instructions for performing tasks from your desktop.
“Configuring M-Business Client on the desktop computer” on page 41“Managing channels on the desktop computer” on page 57“Using M-Business Client on a device” on page 69
To perform some of these same functions from your device, see the chapters that cover your device’s operating system.
Sections of the book that cover specific device operating systems also provide instructions for using M­Business Client on your device, including connecting online.
Appendix “Troubleshooting” on page 285, at the end of the book, provides possible causes and solutions
for problems you may have with synchronizing and viewing content for all devices.
Copyright © 2008, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc. xi
About this guide


Text conventions

The following table lists the formatting conventions used throughout this guide.
Table 1. Formatting conventions
Item Treatment Example
Name of publication Italic Administrator Guide for M-Busi-
ness Server
Items on which user is to take an action
Multi-level menu selections Bold with "»" separator Choose Start»Settings» Control
Text you type Bold, fixed width font Type Admin in this field.
Text displayed in a file or on the screen
Keyboard key Angle brackets <Enter>
File names and paths Italic .../conf/sync.conf
Literals in code synopsis Bold void PODSaddRef(PODSObject*
Variables in code synopsis Italic void PODSaddRef(PODSObject*
Variables in text Angle brackets plus italic http://<servername>:<port>
Bold Click the Reset button.
Fixed width font The screen reads: Backup

Graphics conventions

For Windows Mobile Pocket PC devices, screenshots are of a version 3.0 device. For Windows Mobile 5 and Microsoft Smartphone devices, screenshots are of a version 5.0 device. The user interface may look different for devices running higher or lower versions. For Windows XP, screenshots are of a Windows XP device. The user interface may look different for devices running a different Windows 32-bit OS.
xii Copyright © 2008, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.

The M-Business Anywhere documentation set

The M-Business Anywhere documentation set
In addition to this document, there are several other iAnywhere Solutions publications available that you may find useful in setting up and using M-Business Server.
Unless otherwise noted, all of these publications are available from:
In order for links between different PDF files to work correctly, you must open the files directly from the web site, or download them from the web site into the same local directory.
Developer Quick Start Guide for M-Business AnywhereRelease Notes for M-Business AnywhereUser Guide for M-Business Anywhere ClientM-Business Anywhere, an IntroductionApplication Developer Guide for M-Business AnywhereAPI Reference for M-Business AnywhereEnsuring Mobile Security from the Device to the Datacenter, available from
Copyright © 2008, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc. xiii
About this guide

Contacting iAnywhere Solutions

Technical support

If you need assistance using iAnywhere software, in North America, please contact iAnywhere Technical Support by calling 1-800-8SYBASE (800-879-2273) and then selecting option 3. You can call Monday through Friday (except major US holidays) between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. Eastern time. Services will be provided in accordance with your support agreement.
Outside of North America, for your local support number and hours, please see:
Registering as a Named Contact
Calling the 800-number during business hours should always work to get you technical support — a Customer Number is created for you as soon as your purchase is completed. You will find it faster and easier to get technical support, by phone or online, if you have registered as a Named Contact.
When you purchase an iAnywhere product, a Sybase Technical Support Contact Form will automatically be emailed to you within 7-10 days. If your company should need to add another Named Contact, or change the one initially registered, call the Technical Support 800-number and request a Sybase Technical Support Contact Change Form.
The Sybase Technical Support Contact Form will contain your Customer Number, with spaces for you to provide an email address and other identifying information for the Named Contact for your product. Fill in the requested information and fax the form back to the phone number indicated.
When your fax is received, an email will be sent to you, providing your Technical Contact ID number. You can then use this number to speed up the process when you call for technical support, and to access technical support online.
Using the Sybase Online Support Services
A major benefit of using the Sybase Online Support Services is 24x7 availability. Online support also allows you to look up and review past and current support issues.
When you register as a Named Contact, the email sent to you with your Technical Contact ID number also contains instructions for registering and using the Sybase Online Support Services. Follow these instructions to register as a first-time user, or to update your account with information for the new product you have purchased.
If you have any trouble registering for the Sybase Online Support Services, you can of course call iAnywhere Technical Support for assistance!
xiv Copyright © 2008, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.
Contacting iAnywhere Solutions

Application development — customizing iAnywhere software

If you need help with customizing iAnywhere software to better serve your enterprise, please contact iAnywhere Solutions Professional Services at

Product information

If you need information about other iAnywhere products for your enterprise, please contact iAnywhere Workforce Sales at

Feedback on documentation

If you have questions or suggestions about this document or other iAnywhere technical publications, please contact iAnywhere Technical Publications at
We would like to receive your opinions, suggestions, and feedback on this documentation. Although we do not reply to individual emails, we read all suggestions with interest and attempt to incorporate them in future releases.
Copyright © 2008, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc. xv

Part I. Before You Begin

“Introduction ” on page 3


About M-Business Client ............................................................................................... 4
System requirements ..................................................................................................... 5
Copyright © 2008, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc. 3

About M-Business Client

M-Business Client is software that you install on your mobile device to provide you with mobile access to mission-critical applications and data.
M-Business Client works with M-Business Server to deliver these mobile applications and data to your device. When combined with powerful Mobile Engines for specific applications, M-Business Server provides the fastest, easiest, and most widely used way to deliver applications and data from backend systems to mobile devices based on the Palm, Windows Mobile Pocket PC, Windows XP, Windows Mobile 5, and Microsoft Smartphone operating systems.
You can install and configure M-Business Client for yourself. Your system administrator installs and configures M-Business Server. After installing the software, you either register an account for yourself, or your system administrator creates one for you. If you do not know which option you should use, consult your system administrator.
M-Business Client components
M-Business Client consists of software for your desktop computer and for your mobile device.
M-Business Connect
The desktop component of M-Business Client is M-Business Connect, which is the conduit that allows you to synchronize your device with M-Business Server. The settings in M-Business Connect provide the information that M-Business Client uses to communicate with M-Business Server.
If you use a Palm OS, Windows Mobile Pocket PC, or Windows XP device, M-Business Connect also installs on your mobile device, allowing you to configure settings for M-Business Server directly on your device and to synchronize remotely (if your device is equipped with a modem, network, or wireless connection).
M-Business Client on your mobile device
On your device, M-Business Client provides access to rich, interactive data and web content. Using M­Business Client, you can view web-based enterprise applications and content.
Communication between your device and M-Business Server
Your device communicates with M-Business Server in one of two ways: through your desktop computer, when you use a cradle to synchronize, or through a remote connection, such as a wireless or modem connection.
If you use a Palm OS, Windows Mobile Pocket PC, or Windows XP device, M-Business Client always uses M-Business Connect to communicate with M-Business Server.
4 Copyright © 2008, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.

System requirements

System requirements
Desktop computer requirements
To install M-Business Client on your mobile device, you must use a desktop cradle. After installing the software, if you synchronize remotely with M-Business Server (Palm OS, Windows Mobile Pocket PC, or Windows XP only), you also can use a modem or Ethernet card.
Microsoft Windows:
Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 4Windows XP ProfessionalWindows XP HomeWindows Vista
Administrator rights are required to install M-Business Client software on PCs running Windows NT Workstation or Windows 2000. If you do not know whether you have administrator rights on your desktop computer, check with your system administrator.
A modem or Ethernet card.
Palm OS devices
Palm OS desktop computer requirements
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or 6.0 or 7.0
Mozilla Firefox 2.0
If you will use Microsoft Internet Explorer proxy settings to connect securely to M-Business Server, you must use Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher with 128-bit encryption. See “Configuring proxy server
settings” on page 49.
HotSync® Manager 3.0 or greater
The Palm OS version of M-Business Client software must be installed separately for each individual profile on a computer.
Copyright © 2008, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc. 5
Palm OS mobile device requirements
2 MB of free memory
iAnywhere has verified that the following devices are compatible with the current release: Palm™ Tungsten C, E2, T, T5, W, X; Treo 600, 650, and 700p.
Palm OS User Guide chapters
In addition to the chapters that apply to all platforms, see the following chapters for detailed instructions that are specific to Palm OS:
“Configuring a server connection on Palm OS” on page 83“Using M-Business Client on Palm OS” on page 93
Windows Mobile Pocket PC devices
Windows Mobile Pocket PC desktop computer requirements
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or 6.0 or 7.0
Mozilla Firefox 2.0
If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer proxy settings to connect to M-Business Server, you must use Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher with 128-bit encryption. See “Configuring proxy server
settings” on page 49.
ActiveSync version required by your Windows Mobile Pocket PC model
The Windows Mobile Pocket PC version of M-Business Client software is installed globally. This means that all user profiles on the same computer will be able to use M-Business Client without further adjustment. M-Business Client also has to be installed onto each user’s device.
You must have established at least one partnership with a mobile device in ActiveSync before installing M­Business Client. For information on partnerships, see Microsoft’s documentation.
6 Copyright © 2008, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.
System requirements
Windows Mobile Pocket PC mobile device requirements
Windows Mobile Pocket PC devices, including Pocket PC and Handheld PC devices, running version
3.0 and using ARM processors with 2 MB of free memory.
Pocket PC 2003 with 2 MB of free memoryPocket PC Phone Edition 2000 and 2003 with 2 MB of free memory
iAnywhere has verified that the following devices are compatible with the current release:
ARM processor models including: iPAQ™; HP Jornada 560.
Windows Mobile Pocket PC User Guide chapters
In addition to the chapters that apply to all platforms, see the following chapters for detailed instructions that are specific to Windows Mobile Pocket PC:
“Configuring a server connection on Windows Mobile Pocket PC ” on page 125“Using M-Business Client on Windows Mobile Pocket PC” on page 137
Windows XP devices
Some Windows XP devices are configured to synchronize directly to M-Business Server, without the use of a desktop computer. Others may synchronize via a desktop computer with M-Business Connect.
Windows XP desktop computer requirements
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or 6.0 or 7.0
Mozilla Firefox 2.0
If you will use Microsoft Internet Explorer proxy settings to connect to M-Business Server, you must use Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher with 128-bit encryption. See “Configuring proxy server
settings” on page 49.
Windows XP mobile device requirements
iAnywhere has verified that the following Windows operating systems are compatible with the current release:
Copyright © 2008, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc. 7
Windows XP Tablet EditionWindows XP ProfessionalWindows Vista
iAnywhere has verified that the following devices are compatible with the current release:
HP Compaq Tablet PCFujitsu Stylistic ST5000 and ST5000D Tablet PCsToshiba Tecra M4-S115TD and Satellite R10-S802TD Tablet PCs
Windows XP User Guide chapters
In addition to the chapters that apply to all platforms, see the following chapters for detailed instructions that are specific to Windows XP:
“Configuring a server connection on Windows XP” on page 167“Using M-Business Client on Windows XP” on page 177
Windows Mobile 5 devices
Windows Mobile 5 desktop computer requirements
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or 6.0 or 7.0
Mozilla Firefox 2.0
If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer proxy settings to connect to M-Business Server, you must use Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher with 128-bit encryption. See “Configuring proxy server
settings” on page 49.
ActiveSync version required by your Windows Mobile Pocket PC model
The Windows Mobile 5 version of M-Business Client software is installed globally. This means that all user profiles on the same computer will be able to use M-Business Client without further adjustment. M-Business Client also has to be installed onto each user’s device.
8 Copyright © 2008, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.
System requirements
You must have established at least one partnership with a mobile device in ActiveSync before installing M­Business Client. For information on partnerships, see Microsoft’s documentation.
Windows Mobile 5 mobile device requirements
Windows Mobile 5 devices, including Windows Mobile and Handheld PC devices, using ARM
processors with 2 MB of free memory.
Windows Mobile 5 2003 with 2 MB of free memory.
iAnywhere has verified that the following devices are compatible with the current release:
Dell X51 and Dell X51viPAQ™ RX1950Palm Treo 700w
Windows Mobile 5 User Guide chapters
In addition to the chapters that apply to all platforms, see the following chapters for detailed instructions that are specific to Windows Mobile 5:
“Configuring a server connection on Windows Mobile 5 or 6, or Microsoft Smartphone” on page 205“Using M-Business Client on Windows Mobile 5 or 6, or Microsoft Smartphone” on page 219
Windows Mobile 6 devices
Windows Mobile 6 desktop computer requirements
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or 6.0 or 7.0
Mozilla Firefox 2.0
If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer proxy settings to connect to M-Business Server, you must use Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher with 128-bit encryption. See “Configuring proxy server
settings” on page 49.
Microsoft Mobile Device Center (MDC) version required by your Windows Mobile Pocket PC model
Copyright © 2008, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc. 9
The Windows Mobile 6 version of M-Business Client software is installed globally. This means that all user profiles on the same computer will be able to use M-Business Client without further adjustment. M-Business Client also has to be installed onto each user’s device.
You must have established at least one partnership with a mobile device in Mobile Data Center before installing M-Business Client. For information on partnerships, see Microsoft’s documentation.
Windows Mobile 6 mobile device requirements
Windows Mobile 6 devices, including Windows Mobile and Handheld PC devices, using ARM
processors with 2 MB of free memory.
iAnywhere has verified that the following devices are compatible with the current release:
Dell X51 and Dell X51viPAQ™ RX1950Palm Treo 700w
Windows Mobile 6 User Guide chapters
In addition to the chapters that apply to all platforms, see the following chapters for detailed instructions that are specific to Windows Mobile 6:
“Configuring a server connection on Windows Mobile 5 or 6, or Microsoft Smartphone” on page 205“Using M-Business Client on Windows Mobile 5 or 6, or Microsoft Smartphone” on page 219
Microsoft Smartphone devices
Microsoft Smartphone desktop computer requirements
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or 6.0 or 7.0
Mozilla Firefox 2.0
10 Copyright © 2008, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.
System requirements
If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer proxy settings to connect to M-Business Server, you must use Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher with 128-bit encryption. See “Configuring proxy server
settings” on page 49.
ActiveSync version required by your Windows Mobile Pocket PC model
The Microsoft Smartphone version of M-Business Client software is installed globally. This means that all user profiles on the same computer will be able to use M-Business Client without further adjustment. M­Business Client also has to be installed onto each user’s device.
You must have established at least one partnership with a mobile device in ActiveSync before installing M­Business Client. For information on partnerships, see Microsoft’s documentation.
Microsoft Smartphone mobile device requirements
Microsoft Smartphone devices running Windows Mobile 5, with 2 MB of free memory.Microsoft Smartphone devices running Windows Mobile 2003, with 2 MB of free memory.
iAnywhere has verified that the following devices are compatible with the current release:
Devices with Windows Mobile 5 OS:
Motorola QCingular 2125
Devices with Windows Mobile 2003 OS:
Motorola MPX220Audiovox SMT5600
Microsoft Smartphone User Guide chapters
In addition to the chapters that apply to all platforms, see the following chapters for detailed instructions that are specific to Microsoft Smartphone:
“Configuring a server connection on Windows Mobile 5 or 6, or Microsoft Smartphone” on page 205“Using M-Business Client on Windows Mobile 5 or 6, or Microsoft Smartphone” on page 219
Copyright © 2008, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc. 11
Symbian OS devices
Symbian OS desktop computer requirements
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or 6.0 or 7.0
Mozilla Firefox 2.0
Nokia PC Suite
Symbian OS mobile device requirements
Nokia Series 60 phone phone with 2 MB of free memorySymbian OS 9.1, 3rd edition
iAnywhere has verified that the following devices are compatible with the current release:
Nokia N Series: N71, N73, N80, N91, N93Nokia E Series: E60, E61
Symbian OS User Guide chapters
In addition to the chapters that apply to all platforms, see the following chapters for detailed instructions that are specific to Symbian OS:
“Configuring a server connection on Symbian OS” on page 249“Using M-Business Client on Symbian OS” on page 259
12 Copyright © 2008, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.

Part II. Installation

“Installing M-Business Client” on page 15
+ 300 hidden pages