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About This Book.......................................................................................................................... xv
CHAPTER 1Working with DataWindow Designer............................................. 3
About DataWindow Designer........................................................... 4
The DataWindow Designer environment.......................................... 4
About the PowerBar .................................................................. 5
Working with projects....................................................................... 6
Working with DataWindow objects................................................... 7
Creating new DataWindow objects ........................................... 8
APPENDIX CSt arting DataWindow Designer from the Command Line....... 465
Starting DataWindow Designer from the command line .............. 465
Index ........................................................................................................................................... 467
DataWindow Designer User’s Guidexiii
DataWindow .NET
About This Book
How to use this book
Related documents
Other sources of
This book is written for programm ers who need to design Data W indow®
objects. DataW indow objects are us ed to retrieve, present , and manipulate
data from a relational database or other source. You can use the
DataWindow objects that you build in DataWindow Designer to create
applications for the Microsoft .NET Framework using Sybase
DataWindow .NET™.
This book guides you throug h the process of using Dat aWind ow Designer
to create DataWindow objects.
For information on using DataWindow objects with the Microsoft .NET
Framework, see the DataWindow .NET Programmer's Gui de.
For a complete list of books and online documentation, see the preface in
the DataWindow .NET Programmer's Guide.
Use the Sybase Getting Started CD, the SyBooks CD, and the Sybase
Product Manuals Web site to learn more about your product:
•The Getting Started CD contains release bulletins and installation
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with your software. To read or print documents on the Getting Started
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Refer to the SyBooks Installation Guide on the Getting Started CD, or
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DataWindow Desi gne r User’s Guidexv
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CD that you can access using a standard Web browser. In addition to
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xviDataWindow .NET
PART 1 The Dat aWindow Designer
This part introduces you to DataWindow Designer and
describes how to work in and manage its environment. It
also describes how to work with databases, tables, views,
and extended attributes.
Working with DataWindow
About this chapter
This chapter describes the basics of working w ith DataWindow Designer
and its painters.
About DataWindow Designer4
The DataWindow Designer environment4
Working with projects6
Working with DataWindow objects7
Working in painters10
Working with tools17
Setting properties20
Using toolbars21
Using online Help29
Customizing keyboard shortcuts30
Changing fonts31
How your DataWindow Designer environment is managed32
DataWindow Desi gne r User’s Guide3
About DataWindow Designer
About DataWindow Designer
DataWindow Designer is a tool that creates DataWindow objects for use in
applications. A DataWindow object is an object that you use to retrieve and
manipulate data from a relati onal database or other data sou rce. The following
DataWindow object retrieves and updates employee data.
DataWindow Designer provides built-in connectivity to a broad range of
desktop and server-based databases. It includes the EAS Demo DB (a Sybase
Adaptive Server® Anywhere database) to create reports and other
DataWindow Designer objects.
When you work in DataWindow Designer, you work in a graphical
environment—and working with data in this environment means you do not
need to understand SQL, the standard programming language for talking to
databases. DataWindow Des igner creates all SQL statements behind the scene s
as you build your DataWindow objects and other objects graphically.
In DataWindow Designer, you do most of your work in the DataWindow
painter, where you “paint” your DataWindow objects. DataWindow Designer
also has painters where you work with databases, libraries, and SQL
The DataWindow Designer environment
When you start
DataWindow Desi gner
the first time
4DataWindow .NET
In DataWindow Designer, you always work within the context of a
DataWindo w pr oject. Infor mation abou t the proj ect is s tored in a tex t file with
the extension .dwp. The DataWindow objects you create are stored in binary
files called libraries. Library files have the extension .pbl.
To create a new project and a library to hold your DataWindow obje cts, click
the New button on the PowerBar and select Project from the Project tab page.
CHAPTER 1 Working with DataWindow Designer
If you have used
DataWindow Design er
When DataWindow
Designer starts
You can open an existing project by selecting Open Project or Recent Projects
from the File menu, or Open Project from the pop-up menu in the System Tree.
When DataWindow Designer starts, it opens in a window that contains the
System Tree on the left, a menu bar at the top, and the PowerBar below the
menu bar. The following figure shows an open project in the System Tree:
You can create new objects, open existing objects, change libraries, access the
database, and perform other tasks by usi ng pop- up men us in the Sys t em Tree,
menus on the menu bar, or buttons in the PowerBar.
About the PowerBar
What it is
DataWindow Desi gne r User’s Guide5
From the PowerBar you can create new projects and objects and open existing
objects. You can display text on each button to help you identify them, as
shown in the following illustration:
Working with projects
Buttons on the
Customizing the
About PowerTips
From left to right on the PowerBar, here are the buttons and what you can do
after you click a button:
This PowerBar
buttonLets you do this
NewCreate new projects and DataWindow objects and open tools
OpenOpen existing objects
PreviewPreview DataWindow objects
System Tr e eShow or hide the Syst em Tree
To-Do ListKeep track of object creation tasks and use links to quickly get
you to the place where you co mplete the tasks
LibraryManage your libraries using the Li br ary painter
DB ProfileDefine and use named sets of parameters to connect to a
particular database
DatabaseMaintain databases and database tables, control user access to
databases, and manipulate data in database s using the Database
File EditorEdit text files
ExitClose DataWindow Designer
You can customize the PowerBar. For example, you can move it to different
locations and add buttons for operations you perform frequently. For more
information, see “Using toolbars” on page 21.
In the PowerBar, when you leave the mouse pointer over a button for a second
or two, DataW indow Designer di splays a b rief descript ion of the b utton, calle d
a PowerTip. PowerTips display in DataWindow Designer wherever there are
toolbar buttons.
Working with projects
You can create a new project, add existing libraries to a project’s library list,
create a new library , and open a dif ferent project to work on objects in a library
in that project. The libraries in your current library list display in the System
Tree. You can open the DataWind ow objects in any library on your current list.
6DataWindow .NET
CHAPTER 1 Working with DataWindow Designer
❖To create a new project:
1Click the New button in the PowerBar, or select File>New from the menu
2On the Project page in the New dialog box, select the project icon and click
3Browse to the location where you want to store the project and type a name
for the project.
4Do the same for the library, or simply click Finish to create the library in
the same folder as the project and with the same name.
❖To add existing libraries to a project:
1Right-click the project icon in the System Tree and select Properties.
2Click the Browse button to navigate to the folder where the libraries
3Select one or more libraries, click Open, then click OK in the Library List
dialog box.
❖To create a new library:
1Right-click the project icon in the System Tree and select New Library.
2Browse to the location where you want to create the library, type a name
for the library, and click OK.
❖To open a different project:
•Right-click the project icon in the System Tree and select Open Project, or
select File>Open Project from the File menu.
Working with DataWindow objects
In DataWindow Desig ner, you can:
•Create new DataWindow objects
•Open existing DataWindow objects
•Run or preview DataWindow objects
After you create or open a DataWindow object, it displays in the DataW indow
painter and you work on it there.
DataWindow Desi gne r User’s Guide7
Working with DataWindow objects
Creating new DataWindow objects
To create new DataWindow objects, use the New button in the PowerBar.
❖T o cr ea te a new object :
1Click the New button in the PowerBar, or select File>New from the menu
2In the New dialog box, select the DataWindow tab page.
3Select an icon and click OK.
The DataWindow wizard helps you create a new DataWindo w object. For
more information about using the wizard, see Chapter 4, “Defining
DataWindow Objects.”
Opening existing DataWindow objects
There are several ways to open existing objects. The quickest way is to
double-click its icon in the System Tree, or select it from the list of recent
objects on the File menu. The recent objects list includes the eight most
recently opened objects, but you can include up to 36 objects on the list.
❖To modify the number of recent objects:
1Select Tools>System Options from the menu bar.
2In the System Optio ns di al og bo x (G en eral t ab p a ge), modify the number
for the recent objects list.
You can also use the Open button in the PowerBar to open a DataWindow
object. The DataWindow object must be in a library on your current library list.
❖To open existing objects:
1Click the Open button in the PowerBar, or select File>Open from the menu
8DataWindow .NET
CHAPTER 1 Working with DataWindow Designer
2In the Open dialog box, select one or more libraries in the Libr ary pane and
then select the object you want to open.
3Click OK.
The object opens in the DataWindow painter.
Running or previewing DataWindow objects
To preview a DataWindow object, use the Preview button in the PowerBar.
❖To run or preview an object:
1Click the Preview button in the PowerBar, or select File>Run/Preview
from the menu bar.
2In the Run/Preview dialog box, select one or more libraries in the Library
pane and then select the DataWindow object you want to preview.
3Click OK.
The DataWindow object displays in DataWindow Preview mode. This
mode has a Painterbar from which you can sort, filter, import, and retrieve
rows, insert and delete rows, get information on row activity, and zoom in
and out. To return to the DataWindow painter, click the X in the Painterbar .
DataWindow Desi gne r User’s Guide9
Working in painters
Working in painters
The DataWindow Designer painters are listed in Table 1-1.
Table 1-1: DataWindow Designer painters
PainterWhat you do
Database painterMaintain databases, control user access to databases, manipulate
Library painterManage libraries
Query painterGraphically define and save SQL
Select painterGraphically define SQL SELECT s t at ements for DataWindow
Using views in painters
Most of the DataW i ndow Des igner painter s have views. Each vi ew provides a
specific way of viewing or modifying the object you are working on or a
specific kind of information related to that object. Having all the views
available in a painter window means you can work on more than one task at a
data in databases, and create tables
Build intelligent objects called DataW indow objects that pres ent
information from the database
SELECT statements for reuse
with DataWindow objects
View s are displayed i n panes in the painter window . Some views are stacked in
a single pane. At the bottom of the pane there is a tab fo r each view in the stack.
Clicking the tab for a view pops that view to the top of the stack.
Each painter has a default l ayout , but you can disp lay the vi ews you choose in
as many panes as you want to and save the layouts you like to work with. For
some painters, all available views are included in the default layout; for others,
only a few views are included.
Each pane has:
•A title bar you can display temporarily or permanently
•A handle in the top-left corner you can use to drag the pane to a new
•Splitter bars between the pane and each adjacent pane
10DataWindow .NET
Displaying the title bar
For most views a title bar does not permanently display at the top of a pane
(because it is often unnecessary). But you can display a title bar for any pane
either temporarily or permanently.
❖To display a title bar:
1Place the pointer on the splitter bar at the top of the pane.
2To display the title bar permanently , click the pushpin at the left of the title
After you display a title bar either temporarily or permanently, you can use the
title bar’s pop-up menu.
❖To maximize a pane to fill the workspace:
•Select Maximize from the title bar’s pop-up menu or click the Maximize
CHAPTER 1 Working with DataWindow Designer
The title bar displays.
bar or select Pinned from its pop-up menu.
Click the pushpin ag ain or select Pinn ed again on the p op-up menu to hi de
the title bar.
button on the title bar.
❖To restore a pane to its original size:
•Select Restore from the title bar’ s pop-up menu or click the Restore bu tton
on the title bar.
Moving and resizing panes and views
You can move a pane or a view to any location in the painter window. You
might find it takes a while to get used to moving pan es and views aroun d, bu t
if you do not like a layou t, you can alway s revert to th e default lay out and start
again. To restore the default layout, select View>Layouts>Default.
To move a pane, you select and drag the title bar of the view that is at the top
of the stack. If the pane contains stacked views, all views in the stack move
together. To move one of the views out of the stack, you drag the tab for the
view you want to move.
❖To move a pane:
1Place the pointer anywhere on the title bar of the view at the top of the
stack, hold down the left mouse button, and start moving the pane.
DataWindow Desi gne r User’s Guide11
Working in painters
A gray outline appears in the pane:
2Drag the outline to the new location.
The outline changes size as you drag it. When the pointer is over the
middle of a pane, the outline fills the pane. As you drag the pointer toward
any border, the outline becomes a narro w rectangle adjacent to that border .
When the pointer is over a splitter bar between two panes, rows, or
columns, the outline straddles the splitter bar:
When you move the pointer to a corner
When you move the pointer to a corner, you will find that you have many
places where you can drop the outline. To see your options, move the
pointer around in all directions in the corner and see where the outline
displays as you move it.
3Release the mouse button to drop the outline in the new location:
To move a pane hereDrop the outline here
Between two panesOn the splitter bar between the panes
Between a border and a paneAt the side of the pane nearest the b order
Into a new rowOn the splitter bar between two rows or at the
top or bottom of the painter window
Into a new columnOn the splitter ba r be tween two c olumns or at
the left or right edge of the painte r window
Onto a stack of panesOn the middle of the pan e (if th e pane was no t
already tabbed, tabs are created)
12DataWindow .NET
❖To move a view in a stacked pane:
•Place the pointer anywhere on the view’s tab, hold down the left mouse
button, and start moving the view.
You can now move the view as in the previous procedure. If you want to
rearrange the views in a pane, you can drag the view to the left or right
within the same pane.
❖To resize a pane:
•Drag the splitter bars between panes.
Floating and docking views
Panes are docked by default within a painter window, but some tasks may be
easier if you float a pane. A floating pane can be moved outside the painter’s
window or even outside the DataWindow Designer window.
When you open another painter
If you have a floating pane in a painter and then open another painter, the
floating pane temporarily disap pears . It reap pears when the o riginal painter is
CHAPTER 1 Working with DataWindow Designer
❖To float a view in its own pane:
•Select Float from the title bar’s pop-up menu.
❖To float a view in a stacked pane:
•Select Float from the tab’s pop-up menu.
❖To dock a floating view:
•Select Dock from the title bar’s pop-up menu.
Adding and removing views
Y ou may want to add additional views to the painter window . If there are some
views you rarely use, you ca n move them into a stacked p ane or r emove them.
When removing a view in a stacked pane, make s ure you remove th e view and
not the pan e .
DataWindow Desi gne r User’s Guide13
Working in painters
❖To add a new view to the painter window:
1Select View from the menu bar and then select the view you want to add.
The view displays in a new pane in a new row.
2Move the pane where you want it.
For how to move panes, see “Moving and resizing panes and views” on
page 11.
❖To remove a view in its own pane from the painter window:
1If the view’s title bar is not displayed, display it by placing the pointer on
the splitter bar at the top of the pane.
2Click the Close button on the title bar.
❖To remove a view in a stacked pane from the painter window:
•Select the tab for the view and select Close from its pop-up menu.
❖To remove a stacked pane from the painter window:
1If the title bar of the top view in the stack is not displayed, display it by
placing the pointer on the splitter bar at the top of the pane.
2Click the Close button on the title bar.
Saving a layout
When you have rearranged panes in the painter window, DataWindow
Designer saves the layout in the registry. The next time you open the painter
window , your last l ayout displays. Y ou can also save customized layo uts so that
you can switch from one to another for different kinds of activities.
❖To save customized layouts for a painter window:
1Select View>Layouts>Manage from the menu bar.
14DataWindow .NET
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