Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.
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Anywhere Studio, Application Manager, AppModeler, APT-Build, APT-Edit, APT-Execute, APT-FORMS, APT-Library,
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Last modified: March 2000. Part Number: MC0058.
About This Manual............................................................xi
Related documentation............................................................xii
This manual provides reference material for all aspects of Adaptive Server
Anywhere, including SQL statements, administration utilities, error
messages, system tables, and so on.
While other manuals provide more motivation and co ntext for how to carry
out particular tasks, this manual is the place to look for complete listings of
available syntax, utility command-line options, and so on.
This manual is for all users of Adaptive Server Anywhere. It is to be used in
conjunction with other manuals in the documentation set.
Related documentationxii
Documentation conventionsxiii
The sample databasexvi
Related documentation
Adaptive Server Anywhere is a part of SQL Anywhere Studio. For an
overview of the different components of SQL Anywhere Studio, see
Introducing SQL Anywhere Studio.
The Adaptive Server Anywhere documentation consis ts of the following
Getting Started Intended for all users of Adaptive Server Anywhere,
this book describes the following:
♦New features in Adaptive Server Anywhere
♦Behavior change s from previous releases
♦Upgrade procedures
♦Introductory material for beginning users.
Programming Interfaces Guide Intended for application developers
writing programs that directly access the ODBC, Embedded SQL, or
Open Client interfaces, this book describes how to develop applications
for Adaptive Server Anywhere.
This book is not required for users of Application Development tools
with built-in ODBC support, such as Sybase PowerBuilder.
User’s Guide A comprehensive guide to using SQL, administerin g
databases, and using Adaptive Server Anywhere features.
Quick Reference A handy printed booklet with complete SQL syntax
and other key reference material in a concise format.
Read Me First (UNIX only) A separate booklet is provided with UNIX
versions of Adaptive Server Anywhere, describing installation and
adding some UNIX-specific notes.
The format of these books (printed or online) may depend on the product in
which you o btained Adap tive Server A nywhere. Dep ending on which
package you have purchased, you may have additional books describing
other components of your product.
Documentation conventions
This section lists the typographic and graphical conventions used in this
Syntax conventions
The following conventions are used in the SQL syntax descriptions:
Keywords All SQL keywords are shown in UPPER CASE. However,
SQL keywords are case insensitive, so you can enter keywords in any
case you wish; SELECT is the same as Select is the same as s e lect.
Placeholders Items that must be replaced with appropriate identifiers
or expressions are shown in italics.
Continuation Lines beginning with ... are a continuation of the
statements from the previous line.
Repeating items Lists of repeating items appear with an element of
the list followed by an ellipsis (three dots). One or more list elements are
allowed. If you specify more than one, they must be separated by
Optional portions Optional portions of a statement are enclosed by
square brackets. For example,
indicates that the savepoint-name is optional. Do not type the square
Options When none or only one of a list of items must be chosen, the
items are separated by vertical bars and the list enclosed in square
brackets. For example,
[ ASC | DESC ]
indicates that you can choose one of ASC, DESC, or neither. The square
brackets should not be typed.
Alternatives When precisely one of the options must be chosen, the
alternatives are enclosed in curly braces. For example,
indicates that exactly one of ON or OFF must be provided. Do not type
the braces.
Graphic icons
The following icons are used in this docume ntation:
A client application.
If the icon is used to represent a particular application
or kind of application, the name is indicated in the
bottom right corner.
A database server, such as Sybase Adaptive Server
Anywhere or Adaptive Server Enterprise.
If the icon is used to represent a particular kind of
database server, such as Adaptive Server Anywhere,
the name is indicated in the bottom right corner.
An UltraLite application and database server.
In UltraLite, the database server and the application
are part of the same process.
A database.
In some high-level diagrams, the icon may be used to
represent both the database and the database server
that manages it.
Replication or synchronization middleware.
These pieces of software assist in sharing data among
databases. Examples include the MobiLink
Synchronization Server, the SQL Remote Message
Agent, and the Replication Agent (Log Transfer
Manager) for use with Replicat ion Server.
If the particular kind of middleware is not obvious
from the context of the diagram, the name is indicated
in the bottom right hand corner.
A Sybase Replication Server.
Installed files
The following terms are used throughout the manual:
Installation directory The directory into which you install Adaptive
Server Anywhere.
Executable directory The executables and other files for each
operating system are held in an executable subdirectory of the
installation directory. This subdirectory has the following name:
Windows NT and Windows 95/98 win32
UNIX bin
Windows 3.x win
NetWare and Windows CE The executables are held in the
Adaptive Server Anywhere installation directory itself on these
The sample database
There is a sample database included with Adaptive Server Anywhere. Many
of the examples throughout the documentation use this sample database.
The sample database represents a small company. It contains internal
information about the company (e mployees, departments, and financial data)
as well as product information (products), sales information (sales orders,
customers, and contacts), and financial information (fin_code, fin_data).
The following figure shows the tab les in the sample database and how they
are related to each other.
The sample database is held in a file named
your installation directory.
, and is located in
File Locations and Installation Settings
About this chapter
This chapter describes the installation and ope rating system settings used by
Adaptive Server Anywhere. Depending on the operating system, these
settings may be stored as environment variables, initialization file entries, or
registry entries.
Installation directory structure2
How Adaptive Server Anywhere locates files4
Environment variables6
Registry entries and INI files10
Installation directory structure
Installation directory structure
When you install Adaptive Server Any where, several directories may be
created. Some of the files in these directories are essential, and others are
not. This section describes the directory structure.
Adaptive Server Anywhere software, whether you receive it as a product or
bundled as part of another product, is installed under a single installation
directory. The tools provided with the Adaptive Server Anywhere product,
however, are installed in other directories. This section describes only the
installation directory structure for Adaptive Server Anywhere itself.
The Adaptive
Server Anywhere
The Adaptive Server Anywhere installation d irectory itself holds several
items, including the followin g:
The sample database The sample database is held in the file
Read Me First A Read Me First file named
holds late-
breaking information.
For platforms other than Novell NetWare and Windows CE, there are several
directories under the installation directory:
Executable directories There is a separate directory for each
operating syste m, which holds executables, dynamic link libraries, and
help files.
If you are using Windows 95/98, or NT, these files are installed in the
directory. If you are using UNIX, they are installed in the
directory. On NetWare, the executables are stored in the installation
directory itself.
You will not have all these directories on your machine; you will have
only the ones required for the operating system version you ins talled.
Java directory Java base classes are stored in this directory.
ProcDebug directory The stored procedure debugger is stor ed in this
Scripts directory The scripts directory contains SQL scripts that are
used by the database administration utilities and as examples. With the
exception of specific scripts (
custom.sql, custmap.sql
), do not edit these
scripts. If the scripts directory is not present, the administration utilities
will not work.
Examples directories There are separate directories for C (
Java (
) examples.
) and
Chapter 1 File Locations and Installation Settings
h directory The h directory contains header files for ESQL and ODBC
database development.
Novell NetWare file
Windows CE file
On Novell NetWare, all files are installed to a single directory on the server.
Throughout this documentation, when reference is made to files in
subdirectories of the installation directory, the file on NetWare is in the
installation directory itself.
On Windows CE, all files are installed to the installation directory, and no
subdirectories are created. The exception is that all DLLs are installed into
the prefix
directory. To make identification easy, the DLL names all have
How Adaptive Server Anywhere locates files
How Adaptive Server Anywhere locates files
The client library and the database server need to locate files for two main
♦DLLs and initialization files are required to run Adaptive Server
Anywhere. If an incorrect DLL is located, there is the possibility of
version mismatch errors.
♦Some files are specified in SQL statements and need to be located at run
time, such as INSTALL or LOAD TABLE.
Examples of SQL statements that use file names include the following:
INSTALL statement The name of the file that holds Java classes.
LOAD TABLE and UNLOAD TABLE statements The name of the file
from which data should be loaded or to which the data should be
CREATE DATABASE statement A file name is needed for this
statement and similar statements that can create files (such as CREATE
In some cases, Adaptive Server Anywhere uses a simple algorithm to locate
files. In other cases, a more extensive search is carried out.
Simple file
Extensive file
In many SQL statements (such as LOAD TABLE, or CREATE
DATABASE), the file name is interpreted as relative to the current working
directory of the database server.
Also, when a database server is started and a database file name (DBF
parameter) is supplied, the path is interpreted as relative to the current
working directory.
Adaptive Server Anywhere programs, including the database server and
administration utilities, carry out a more extensive search for required files,
such as DLLs or shared libraries. In these cases, Adaptive Server Anywhere
programs look for files in the following order:
Executable directory Holds the program executable file.
Related directories Holds directories with the following paths relative
to the program executable directory:
♦Parent of the executable directory
♦A child of the parent directory named
does not search in this location.
. The UNIX server
Chapter 1 File Locations and Installation Settings
Current working directory When a program is started, it has a
current working directory (the directory from which it is started). This
directory is searched for required files.
Location registry entry On installation onto Windows 95/98, and NT,
Adaptive Server Anywhere adds a LOCATION registry entry. The
indicated directory is searched, followed by:
♦A child named
♦A child with the operating system name (
System specific directories This includes directories where common
operating system files are held, such as the
win32, win
, and so on)
directory and the
directory on Windows and Windows NT operating
CLASSPATH directories For Java files, directories listed in the
CLASSPATH environment variable are searched to locate files.
PATH directories Directories in the system path and the user’s path
are searched to locate files.
Environment variables
Environment variables
Adaptive Server Anywhere uses a set of environment variables to store
various types of information. Not all variables need to be set in all
circumstances. These environment variables are listed in this section.
Setting environment variables
The way you set an environment variable depends on the operating system
you are using.
v To set an environment variable (Windows NT):
1Right click on My Computer and select Properties from the popup menu.
2Click the Environment tab. If the environment variable doe s not already
exist, type variable and its value in the spaces provided, and click Set.
If the variable does exist, select it from the list of System Variables or
User Variables, and make any modifications in the Value field. Click Set
to make the setting.
v To set an environment variable (UNIX):
♦In one of your startup files (
In some shells (such as sh, bash, ksh) the line is as follows:
export VARIABLE=value
In other shells (such as csh, tsch) the line is as follows:
setenv VARIABLE value
ASTMP environment variable
The database server checks the value of the ASTMP environment variable to
determine where to hold the temporary file. If the ASTMP environment
variable does not exist, then the first of the TMP, TMPDIR, and TEMP
environment variables to exist is used.
.cshrc, .shrc, .login
), add a line that sets the
Chapter 1 File Locations and Installation Settings
In many circumstances, ASTMP is not needed. It can be of use in securityconscious environments when running the database server as a service, to
enable you to hold the temporary file in a directory that cannot be accessed
by other programs.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable [UNIX]
The LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable is used on UNIX only. It is
modified by the installation program to include the directories where
Adaptive Server Anywhere libraries are located.
The executables are located in the
directory (for example,
PATH environment variable
The PATH environment variable is modified by the installation program to
include the directories where Adaptive Server Anywhere executables are
The executables are located in a subdirectory of the installation directory.
In addition, if you are using other Sybase app lications, the
directories are added to your path.
On UNIX, each user must have the directory holding the executables
SATMP environment variable
subdirectory of the installation
) added to their path.
The SATMP environment variable is used by UNIX versions of Adaptive
Server Anywhere to indicate a directory where temporary files are kept.
If more than one database server is running on a machine, each user needs
their own temporary directory. Typically, this is set to
, so that
each user has their own directory and conflicts are avoided.
Environment variables
SQLCONNECT environment variable
The SQLCONNECT environment variable is optional, and is not set by the
installation program.
SQLCONNECT specifies connection parameters that are used by several of
the database administration utilities when connecting to a database server.
This string is a list of parameter settings, of the form parameter=value,
delimited by semicolons.
The number sign "#" is an alternative to the equals sign, and should be used
if you are setting the connection parameters string in the SQLCONNECT
environment variable. Using "=" inside an environment variable setting is a
syntax erro r. The = sign is allowe d only in Wind ows NT.
$For a description of the connection parameters, see "Connection
parameters" on page 64 of the book ASA User’s Guide.
SQLLOCALE environment variable
See also
"Setting the SQLLOCALE environment variable" on page 302 of the book
ASA User’s Guide
The SQLLOCALE environment variable is not set by the installation
program, and is required only in multi-character-set environments.
; ...
The SQLLOCALE environment variable is a single string that consists of
three semi-colon-separated assignments. The assignments set out the
character set, language, and collation of the environment.
$For a list of supported character set labels, see "Setting the
SQLLOCALE environment variable" on page 302 of the book ASA User’sGuide.
SQLPATH environment variable
The SQLPATH environment variable is optional, and is not set by the
installation program.
Interactive SQL searches along SQLPATH for command files and Help files
before searching the system path.
Chapter 1 File Locations and Installation Settings
SQLREMOTE environment variable
The SQLREMOTE environment variable is optio nal, and is not set by the
installation program.
Addresses for the FILE message link in SQL Remote are subdirectories of
the SQLREMOTE environment variable. This variable should point to a
shared directory.
On 32-bit Windows, an alternative to settin g the SQLREMOTE environment
variable is to set the
SYBASE environment variable
The SYBASE variable marks the home directory for installation of some
Sybase applications, including Adaptive Server Enterprise and utilities such
Anywhere together with other members of the Adaptive Server family.
. You need this variable only if you are using Adaptive Server
TEMP environment variable
SQL Remote\Directory
registry entry to the proper root
The database server creates a temporary file for various operations such as
sorting and performing unions. Temporary files are placed in the directory
specified by the TMP, TMPDIR, or TEMP environment variable. Adaptive
Server Anywhere takes the first one of the three that it finds.
If none of the environment variables is defined, temporary files are placed in
the current working directory of the server.
On UNIX, the SATMP variable is used instead of the TEMP environment
Registry entries and INI files
Registry entries and INI files
On Windows 95/98 and Windows NT operating systems, Adaptive Server
Anywhere uses several registry settings. On Windows 3.x, UNIX, and
Netware 3.11, these settings are held in initialization files instead.
These settings are made for you by the software, and in general operation
you should not need to access the registry. The settings are provided here for
those people who make modifications to their operating environment.
Current user and local machine settings
Some operating s ystems, such as Windows NT, hold two levels of system
settings. Some settings are specific to an individual user, and are used only
when that user is logged on; these settings are called current user settings.
Some settings are global to the machine, and are available no matter which
user is logged on; these are called local machine settings. You must have
administrator permissions on your machine to make local machine settings.
Adaptive Server Anywhere permits both current user and local machine
settings. For Windows NT, these are held in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER
registry and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry, respectively.
Current user takes
When local
machine settings
are needed
If a setting is made in both current user and local machine registries, the
current user setting takes precedence over the local machine setting.
If you are running an Adaptive Server Anywhere program as a service under
Windows NT, you should ensure that the settings are made at the localmachine level.
Services can continue to run under a special account when you log off a
machine, as long as you do not shut the machine down entirely. They can be
made independent of individual accounts, and therefore need access to local
machine settings.
In addition to Adaptive Server Anywhere programs, some Web servers run
as services. You must set local machine se ttings in order for PowerDynamo
to work with such a Web server.
In general, the use of local machine settings is recommended.
Registry structure
On Windows 95/98 and Windows NT, you can access the registry directly
with the registry editor. The Adaptive Server Anywhere registry entries are
held in either the HKEY_CURRENT_USER or
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registries, in the followin g location:
Adaptive Server Anywhere
Sybase Central
Registry settings on installation
The installation program makes the following registry settings in the Sybase
Location In the
holds the installation directory location. For example:
Location "c:\sybase\asa7"
Chapter 1 File Locations and Installation Settings
Adaptive Server Anywhere\7.0
registry, this entry
♦Language In the
Adaptive Server Anywhere\7.0
registry, this entry
holds a two-letter code indicating the current language for message s and
errors. For example:
Language "EN"
The default setting is English (EN). The installation program sets this
entry only if the software is installed for a langua ge other than English.
Providers In the
Sybase Central\Providers
registry, this entry stores
the file names of installed plug-ins for Sybase Ce ntral. Adaptive Server
Anywhere has its own Sybase Central plug-in:
Adaptive Server Anywhere 7.0
Registry entries and INI files
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