Sybase Adapter for SAP R-3 User Manual

Installation Guide
Adapter for SAP R/3
Version 3.9
DOCUMENT ID: 36350-01-0390-01 LAST REVISED: September 2002
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About This Book............................................................................................................................ v
CHAPTER 1 Migrating to Adapter for SAP R/3 Version 3.9.............................. 1
Process Overview ............................................................................ 1
Preparing for Upgrade...................................................................... 2
Upgrading from Version 3.0.3 to Version 3.9................................... 2
Upgrading from Version 3.8 to Version 3.9...................................... 3
Changes to Configuration Keys ....................................................... 3
Converting IDoc Formats ................................................................. 5
Example Log File..................................................................... 11
Adjusting for Customization..................................................... 11
Suggestions for Converting IDocs........................................... 11
Example Conversion Tool Configuration File.......................... 12
Converting BAPI Formats .............................................................. 14
Upgrading Rules ............................................................................ 15
CHAPTER 2 Installing Adapter for SAP R/3 ..................................................... 17
Preparation..................................................................................... 17
Integration Server Support ...................................................... 18
Transport Support ................................................................... 18
Supported Platforms and Compilers ....................................... 19
Installation Environment.......................................................... 20
Disk Space and Memory Requirements......................................... 23
Required Software ......................................................................... 23
Running Executables Before Installing the Adapter on Windows.. 24
Preparing the Installation Environment .......................................... 24
Previous versions.................................................................... 24
CIMRepository......................................................................... 25
Temporary Installation Directory ............................................. 26
Installing Adapter for SAP R/3 ....................................................... 26
Understanding Environment Variables........................................... 32
Installation Guide iii
CHAPTER 3 Uninstalling Adapter for SAP R/3................................................. 33
Starting the Repository................................................................... 33
Uninstalling Adapter for SAP R/3 3.9............................................. 34
Uninstalling Shared Components................................................... 34
Index ............................................................................................................................................. 37
Adapter for SAP R/3

About This Book

How to use this book
Related documents
The primary user of this document is the system administrator who is responsible for the installation and configuration of the server used for New Era of Networks Adapter for SAP R/3 (Adapter for SAP R/3).
This document describes how to install Adapter for SAP R/3. These instructions provide information for both a new and an upgrade installation. For a concurrent installation, contact technical support.
The guide is organized into the following chapters:
“About This Book” provides documentation, technical support, and
product education information.
Chapter 1, “Migrating to Adapter for SAP R/3 V ersion 3.9” provides
information to prepare for an upgrade installation.
Chapter 2, “Installing Adapter for SAP R/3” provides steps to
prepare for and run an adapter installation.
Chapter 3, “Uninstalling Adapter for SAP R/3” provides the steps for
uninstalling the product from the server. This section describes the available documentation for Adapter for SAP
Cross-Platform Documentation The following documentation
comprises the Adapter for SAP R/3 documentation set:
User’s Guide
Feature Guide
Installation Guide
Related Documentation The following open transport documents and
sample configuration files are referenced in this document set to supply you with specific information th at suppo rt s this prod uct :
File Driver Configuration Guide, release 2.6
MQ Series Driver Configuration Guide, release 2.6
MSMQ Driver Configuration Guide, release 2.6
Installation Guide v
JMS Driver Configuration Guide, release 2.6.1
Ti bco Dri ver Con f igur at i on Gui de, release 2.6.1 Other related documentation is available from New Era of Networks and
Sybase. Refer to documentation from each of these companies for more detail about use of applications relevant to this product.
Other sources of information
Sybase EBFs and software updates
Use the Sybase Technical Library CD and the Technical Library Product Manuals web site to learn more about your product:
The T echnical Library CD contains product manu als and is included with your software. The DynaText reader (included on the Technical Library CD) allows you to access technical information about your product in an easy-to-use format.
Refer to the Technical Library Installation Guide in your documentation package for instructions on installing and starting the Technical Library.
The Technical Library Product Manuals web site is an HTML version of the Technical Library CD that you can access using a standard web browser. In addition to product manuals, you will find links to EBFs/Updates, Technical Documents, Case Management, Solved Cases, newsgroups, and the Sybas e Developer Network.
To access the Technical Library Product Manuals web site, go to
Manuals at
Finding the latest information on EBFs and software updates
1 Point your web browser to the Sybase Support Page at
2 Select EBFs/Updates. Enter user name and password information, if
prompted (for existing web accounts) or create a new account (a free service).
3 Select a product. 4 Specify a time frame and click Go. 5 Click the Info icon to display the EBF/Update report, or click the product
description to download the software.
vi Adapter for SAP R/3
About This Book
Creating a personalized view of the Sybase web site (including support
Set up a MySybase profile. MySybase is a free service that allows you to cr eate a personali zed view of Sybase web page s.
1 Point your web browser to
Technical Documents at
. 2 Click MySybase and create a MySybase profile. The formatting conventions used in this manual are:
Formatting example To indicate
command names and method names
myCounter variable
myfile.txt User Guide
“About This Book” References to chapter titles have initial caps and
File > Save Menu names and menu items are displayed in plain
parse|put|get Name|Address
create table
table created
When used in descriptive tex t, this font indicates keywords such as:
• Command names used in descriptive text
• C++ and Java method or class names used in descriptive text
• Java package names used in descriptive text
Italic font indicates:
• Program variables
• Parts of input text that must be substituted
• Directory and file names.
• Book titles
A backward slash (“\”) indicates cross-platfo rm directory information. A forward slash (“/”) applies to information specific only to UNIX.
Directory names appearing in text display in lowercase unless the system is case sensitive.
are enclosed within quotation marks.
text. The angle brac ket indicates how to navigate menu selections, such as from the File menu to the Save option.
The vertical bar indicates:
• Options available within code
• Delimiter within message examples
Monospace font indicat es:
• Information that you enter on a command line or as program text.
• Example outpu t fragments
Installation Guide vii
Formatting example To indicate
T ype the attribute.
Click Apply.
Name of the
GUI field or button nam e that is the r ecipient of a procedural ac t i on.
If you need help
Each Sybase installati on that has purchased a su pport contract ha s one or more designated people who are authorized to contact Sybase Technical Sup por t. If you cannot resolve a problem us ing the manuals or online help, pleas e have the designated person contact Sybase Technical Support or the Sybase subsidiary in your area.
For more information on Support Services, education, and consulting services, refer to the Customer Services Reference Guide.
viii Adapter for SAP R/3
Migrating to Adapter for SAP R/3 Version 3.9
This chapter explains how to migrate data from an existing database used with a previous version of Adapter for SAP R/3 to a target database.
Topic Page
Process Overview 1 Preparing for Upgrade 3 Changes to Configuration Keys 3 Upgrading from Version 3.0.3 to Version 3.9 2 Upgrading from Version 3.8 to Version 3.9 3 Converting IDoc Formats 5 Converting BAPI Formats 14 Upgrading Rules 15

Process Overview

For Windows, Solaris, AIX, and HP-UX, the following procedures comprise the migration process:
Transferring configuration information from the old configuration files to the new config uration fi les using Tab le 1- 1 as a g uide for key mapping.
Running the IDoc format conversion tool (if applicable)
Loading BAPI formats using the 3.9 adapter and map fields
Installation Guide 1

Preparing for Upgrade

Preparing for Upgrade
Note Existing database refers to the database you are currently using.
Target database refers to the database you will use with Adapter for SAP R/3 version 3.9.
Before migrating formats and rules from an existing database to your target database, verify the following:
Existing database contains valid rules and formats.
Integration Server is installed.
T arget database and temporary databas e are instant ia ted, contai n no dat a, and allows sufficient space for rules and formats.
Adapter for SAP R/3 version 3.9 is installed.
Warning! When upgrading formats and rules to a target database, you
must have three separate database instances: your existing database, a temporary database, and your target database. Do not atte mpt to rebuild your current database after exporting all the data.

Upgrading from Version 3.0.3 to Version 3.9

Upgrading from Adapter for SAP R/3 version 3.0.3 to version 3.9 consists of the following steps:
Transfer user-specific configuration information from the version 3.0.3 configuration files to version 3.9 configuration files.
You can do this manually using the sample configuration files in the SAP­3_9/CFG folder or using the GU I. See “Changes to Configuration Keys” on page 3 for a table of changes to configuration keys between versions.
Reload BAPI formats using Adapter for SAP R/3 version 3.9. You must crate new rules for these formats.
Migrate IDoc formats u sing the pro cedure descri bed in “Converting IDoc Formats” on page 5.
2 Adapter for SAP R/3
CHAPTER 1 Migrating to Adapter for SAP R/3 Version 3.9

Upgrading from Version 3.8 to Version 3.9

Upgrading from Adapter for SA P R/3 version 3. 8 to version 3.9 consi sts of the following steps:
Transfer user-specific configuration information from the version 3.8
configuration files to version 3.9 configuration files. You can do this manually using the sample configuration files in the SAP-
3_9/CFG folder or using t he GU I. S ee “Changes to Configuration Keys” on page 3 for a table of changes to configuration keys between versions.
BAPI formats have not changed between versions 3.8 and 3.9. You can
continue to use the BAPI formats you used with version 3.8.
Migrate IDoc formats usi ng the procedu re describ ed in “Converting IDoc
Formats” on page 5.

Changes to Configuration Keys

If you use the GUI to import yo ur pre-3.9 configurati on files , some of the keys will be automatically mapped to the keys required by 3.9. You will have to make some manual changes to the configuration file before you use it. Alternatively, you can make all changes manually.
Note Appendix A of the Adapter for SAP R/3 User’s Guide contains a list of
all currently valid configuration keys.
The following keys and values must be changed in your configuration files. Yo u can use the sample configuration files that are provided with the new installation. Manually transfer existing values for keys from your existing configuration files into the new configuration files base d on the sample files provided.
This list contains keys that are typically used in configuration files but may not be all of the keys you have used. See the Adapter for SAP R/3 User’s Guide for a specific version for a complete list of configuration keys for that version.
Table 1-1: Product Upgrade Keys and Mapping
Version 3.0.3 Version 3.8 Version 3.9 NNMQS_SES_OPEN_QMGR same as 3.8
Installation Guide 3
Changes to Configuration Keys
Version 3.0.3 Version 3.8 Version 3.9 NNOT_TIL_OPEN_TSI=TO_SAPsame as 3.8 NNOT_TIL_OPEN_TSI=FRO
queue.empty_queue_wait_time _milli
queue.empty_queue_wait _t ime transpo rt.w ai t_time same as 3.8 queue.exit_it_empty transport.exit_if_empty same as 3.8 error.logfile no equivalent key
no.special.char no equivalent key same as 3.8 sap.reconnectAttempts sap.retry.count and
sap.rfc.destination same as 3.0.3 sap.destination sap.client same as 3.0.3 same as 3.0.3 sap.user same as 3.0.3 same as 3.0.3 sap.password same as 3.0.3 same as 3.0.3 sap.language same as 3.0.3 same as 3.0 .3 sap.rfc.trace same as 3.0.3 sap.trace sap.logLevel same as 3.0.3 s ame as 3.0.3 sap.logFile same as 3.0.3 same as 3.0 .3 Adapter.adapter same key but value has changed same as 3.8 NN.LinkMode same as 3.0.3 sap.linkMode NN.InboundMethod same as 3.0.3 sap.inboundMethod NN.IDocBatchSize same as 3.0.3 Adapter.batch.size NN.CreateIDocReport same as 3.0.3 sap.createIDocReport NN.IDocTrace same as 3.0.3 not used NNLogFileName same as 3.0.3 sap.logFi le NN.VerboseLog same as 3.0.3 sap.verboseLog MQS.QueueManagerName NNMQS_SES_OPEN_QMGR same as 3.8 MQS.GetQueueName NNOT_TIL_OPEN_TSI same as 3.8 MQS.PutQueueName NNOT_TIL_OPEN_TSI same as 3.8 MQS.ErrorQueueName NNOT_TIL_OPEN_TSI same as 3.8 RFC.Destination same as 3.0.3 sap.destination
transport.wait_time_milli not used
Default error log is NNSYMessageLog.nml
sap.retry interval
same as 3.8
same as 3.8
same as 3.8
same as 3.8
4 Adapter for SAP R/3
CHAPTER 1 Migrating to Adapter for SAP R/3 Version 3.9
Version 3.0.3 Version 3.8 Version 3.9
RFC.ClientCode same as 3.0.3 sap.client RFC.UserName same as 3.0.3 sap.user RFC.Password same as 3.0.3 sap.password RFC.Language same as 3.0.3 sap.language RFC.Trace same as 3.0.3 sap.trace no equivalent key RFC.ReqW ait sap.reqWait no equivalent key RFC.ConnectRetries sap.connectRetries no equivalent key NN.retry .count sap.retry.count no equivalent key NN.retry .in te rval sap.retry.interval no equivalent key SAP.reqWait sap.reqWait no equivalent key SAP.Destination.Out sap.destination.out no equivalent key SAP.Destination.In no equivalent key SAP.retry .count sap.retry.count no equivalent key SAP.retry .interval sap.retry.interval

Converting IDoc Formats

Yo u must convert the formats for both IDocs and BA PIs when you move between versions of Adapter fo r SAP R/3. Custom for mats can continue to use names that begin with unique prefixes to differentiate them from standard formats.
Yo u need to migrate your IDoc formats to accommodate the following situations:
SAP has modified an IDoc structure.
Even if you made no changes to the adapter, this could happen when you moved to a new version of SAP.
You have modified an IDoc structure.
Y ou must convert your modified IDocs when you upgr ade to a new versi on of the adapter or a new version of SAP.
Y ou are migrati ng from version 3.0.3 t o version 3.9 of the Adapter for SAP
Installation Guide 5
Converting IDoc Formats
The format conversion tool that ships with Adapter for SAP R/3 is a valuable resource for you to more easily migrate IDoc formats. Formats are dependent on the field mapping that you have done so you must also migrate those mappings. The purpose of the con version tool is to preserve t he field mappings used for output formats and transfer those current field mapping to the newly loaded format. The tool does this using two format export files as input to produce a new format export file; the new format export file combines the information from the two formats. This is intended to save you time because, after you use the tool t o transfer you old f ield mappings, you n eed map only the new fields. Formats can be converted without doing rules at the same time, but rules cannot be converted without also converting the associated formats.
To use the IDoc conversion tool, export your old IDoc output format and the new unmapped output format loaded using the version 3.9 adapter. Then edit the conversion tool configuration file to specify the names of the format export files and run the tool. IDoc formats required by version 3.9 into the IDoc conversion tool. The tool then creates one usable format based on the mapping of the two formats.
After you have transferred the field mapping, you may validate the converted format by reformatt ing previously used messages and confirming that the output message fields contain the expected data. The New Era of Networks utility programs msgtest.exe and ruletest.exe can be used to validate your converted messages and rules.
The IDoc conversion tool for Adapter for SAP R/3 provides the tools to do the following:
Migrate IDoc formats from a 4.x Formatter database (database used by Adapter for SAP R/3 versio n 3.0.3) t o a 5.4 Formatt er databas e (database used by Adapter for SAP R/3 version 3.8).
Update an extended IDoc format to a 5.6 Formatter database.
Update a currently used IDoc format in a 5.x Formatter database to a newer version.
If you are currently using map objects with formats for either of the last two scenarios, the conversion tool is not necessary because map objects preserve the field mapping from the original format. Map objects are available only with New Era of Networks formatters.
Note The following procedures must be applied individually to each IDoc
format that is being migrated. The conversion tool is able to handle only one IDoc type at a time.
6 Adapter for SAP R/3
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