SWsoft OpenVZ User Manual

SWsoft, Inc.
User's Guide
Version 2.7.0-8
© 2005
ISBN: N/A SWsoft Inc 13755 Sunrise Valley Drive Suite 325 Herndon, VA 20171 USA Tel: +1 (703) 815 5670 Fax: +1 (703) 815 5675
Copyright © 2005 by SWsoft, Inc. This material may be dist ri but ed only subj ect to the terms a nd condit i ons set forth in the Open Publication License, V1.0 or later (the latest version is presently available at http://www.opencontent.org/openpub/). Distribution of substantively modified versions of this document is prohibited without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. Distribution of the work or derivative of the work in any standard (paper) book form for commercial purposes is prohibited unless prior permission is obtained from the copyright holder.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. OpenVZ and Virtuozzo are trademarks of SWsof t, Inc. Red Hat is a registered trademark of Red Hat Software, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Intel, Pentium, and Celeron are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. SSH and Secure Shell are trademarks of SSH Communications Security, Inc. MegaRAID is a registered trademark of American Megatrends, Inc. PowerEdge is a trademark of Dell Computer Corporation.
Preface 7
About This Guide .........................................................................................................................................7
Who Should Read This Guide......................................................................................................................7
Organization of This Guide ..........................................................................................................................8
Documentation Conventions.........................................................................................................................8
Typographical Conventions...............................................................................................................9
Shell Prompts in Command Examples..............................................................................................9
General Conventions.......................................................................................................................10
OpenVZ Philosophy 11
About OpenVZ Software............................................................................................................................11
What is OpenVZ..............................................................................................................................11
OpenVZ Applications......................................................................................................................12
Distinctive Features of OpenVZ.................................................................................................................12
OS Virtualization.............................................................................................................................13
Network Virtualization....................................................................................................................13
Templates ........................................................................................................................................13
Resource Management ....................................................................................................................14
Main Principles of OpenVZ Operation.......................................................................................................15
Basics of OpenVZ Technology.......................................................................................................15
Understanding Templates................................................................................................................17
Understanding Licenses...................................................................................................................18
OpenVZ Configuration.................................................................................................................... 18
Hardware Node Availability Considerations..............................................................................................19
Installation and Preliminary Operations 20
Installation Requirements...........................................................................................................................20
System Requirements......................................................................................................................20
Network Requirements....................................................................................................................22
Installing and Configuring Host Operating System on Hardware Node.....................................................23
Choosing System Type....................................................................................................................23
Disk Partitioning..............................................................................................................................24
Finishing OS Installation................................................................................................................. 26
Installing OpenVZ Software.......................................................................................................................27
Downloading and Installing OpenVZ Kernel..................................................................................27
Configuring Boot Loader.................................................................................................................27
Setting sysctl parameters.................................................................................................................27
Downloading and Installing OpenVZ Packages..............................................................................29
Installing OS Templates .................................................................................................................. 29
Operations on Virtual Private Servers 31
Creating and Configuring New Virtual Private Server...............................................................................31
Before you Begin.............................................................................................................................31
Choosing Virtual Private Server ID.................................................................................................32
Choosing OS Template....................................................................................................................33
Creating Virtual Private Server .......................................................................................................33
Contents 4
Configuring Virtual Private Server..................................................................................................34
Starting, Stopping, Restarting, and Querying Status of Virtual Private Server..........................................37
Listing Virtual Private Servers....................................................................................................................39
Deleting Virtual Private Server...................................................................................................................40
Running Commands in Virtual Private Server ...........................................................................................41
Managing Templates 42
Template Lifecycle.....................................................................................................................................42
Listing Templates .......................................................................................................................................44
Working with VPS......................................................................................................................................45
Managing Resources 46
What are Resource Control Parameters?....................................................................................................46
Managing Disk Quotas...............................................................................................................................47
What are Disk Quotas?....................................................................................................................48
Disk Quota Parameters.................................................................................................................... 48
Turning On and Off Per-VPS Disk Quotas.....................................................................................49
Setting Up Per-VPS Disk Quota Parameters...................................................................................50
Turning On and Off Second-Level Quotas for Virtual Private Server............................................51
Setting Up Second-Level Disk Quota Parameters...........................................................................52
Checking Quota Status....................................................................................................................53
Managing CPU Share.................................................................................................................................53
Managing System Parameters.....................................................................................................................55
Monitoring System Resources Consumption..................................................................................57
Monitoring Memory Consumption..................................................................................................59
Managing VPS Resources Configuration...................................................................................................60
Splitting Hardware Node Into Equal Pieces....................................................................................61
Validating Virtual Private Server Configuration.............................................................................62
Advanced Tasks 63
Determining VPS ID by Process ID...........................................................................................................64
Changing System Time from VPS..............................................................................................................64
Accessing Devices from Inside Virtual Private Server...............................................................................66
Moving Network Adapter to Virtual Private Server...................................................................................68
Enabling VPN for VPS...............................................................................................................................69
Loading iptables Modules...........................................................................................................................69
Loading iptables Modules to Hardware Node.................................................................................70
Loading iptables Modules to Particular VPSs.................................................................................70
Rebooting Virtual Private Server................................................................................................................71
Troubleshooting 72
General Considerations...............................................................................................................................73
Kernel Troubleshooting..............................................................................................................................75
Using ALT+SYSRQ Keyboard Sequences.....................................................................................75
Saving Kernel Fault (OOPS)...........................................................................................................76
Finding Kernel Function That Caused D Process State...................................................................77
Problems with VPS Management...............................................................................................................77
Failure to Create VPS......................................................................................................................77
Failure to Start VPS.........................................................................................................................78
Failure to Access VPS From Network.............................................................................................78
Failure to Log In to VPS..................................................................................................................79
Problems with VPS Operation....................................................................................................................79
Timeout When Accessing Remote Hosts........................................................................................79
Contents 5
Reference 80
Configuring OpenVZ..................................................................................................................................81
Matrix of OpenVZ Configuration Files...........................................................................................81
Managing OpenVZ Scripts..............................................................................................................87
OpenVZ Command Line Interface.............................................................................................................91
Matrix of OpenVZ Command Line Utilities ...................................................................................91
vzlist ..............................................................................................................................................100
vzquota ..........................................................................................................................................104
Template Management Utilities ....................................................................................................110
Supplementary Tools.....................................................................................................................112
Glossary 115
Index 117
Table of Figures
Figure 1: OpenVZ Technology .................................................................................................15
Figure 2: Fedora Core Installation - Choosing System Type.................................................23
Figure 3: Fedora Core Installation - Choosing Manual Partitioning....................................24
Figure 4: Fedora Core Installation - Disk Druid.....................................................................25
Figure 5: Fedora Core Installation - Disabling Firewall and SELinux.................................26
Figure 6: Sequence of Executing Action Scripts .....................................................................89
In This Chapter
About This Guide.................................................................................................................. 7
Who Should Read This Guide...............................................................................................7
Organization of This Guide................................................................................................... 8
Documentation Conventions................................................................................................. 8
Feedback ...............................................................................................................................10
About This Guide
This guide is meant to provide comprehensive information on OpenVZ– high-end server virtualization software for Linux-based computers. The issues discussed in this guide cover the necessary theoretical conceptions as well as practical aspects of working with OpenVZ. The guide will familiarize you with the way to create and administer
Virtual Private Servers
(sometimes also called
Virtual Environments, or VEs) on OpenVZ-based Hardware Nodes and
to employ the command line interface for performing various tasks.
Familiarity with Red Hat Linux Operating System and certain Linux administrator’s skills are desirable for a person reading the guide. You can obtain some useful information regarding OS installation issues from
Who Should Read This Guide
The primary audience for this book is anyone responsible for administering one or more systems running OpenVZ. To fully understand the guide, you should have strong Linux system administration habits. Attending Linux system administration training courses might be helpful. Still, no more than superficial knowledge of Linux OS is required in order to comprehend the major OpenVZ notions and learn to perform the basic administrative operations.
Preface 8
Organization of This Guide
Chapter 2, OpenVZ Philosophy, is a must-read chapter that helps you grasp the general principles
of OpenVZ operation. It provides an outline of OpenVZ architecture, of the way OpenVZ stores and uses configuration information, of the things you as administrator are supposed to perform, and the common way to perform them.
Chapter 3, Installation and Preliminary Operations, dwells on all those things that must be done before you are able to begin the administration proper of OpenVZ. Among these things are a customized installation of Linux on a dedicated computer (Hardware Node, in OpenVZ terminology), OpenVZ installation, preparation of the Hardware Node for creating Virtual Private Servers on it, etc.
Chapter 4, Operations on Virtual Private Servers, covers those operations that you may perform on a VPS as on a single entity: creating and deleting Virtual Private Servers, starting and stopping them, etc.
Chapter 5, Managing Templates, shows you the way to handle OpenVZ templates properly – create and install templates and template updates on the Hardware Node, add them to and remove from Virtual Private Servers, etc.
Chapter 6, Managing Resources, zeroes in on configuring and monitoring the resource control parameters for different VPSs. These parameters comprise disk quotas, CPU and system resources. Common ways of optimizing your VPSs configurations are suggested at the end of the chapter.
Chapter 7, Advanced Tasks, enumerates those tasks that are intended for advanced system administrators who would like to obtain deeper knowledge about OpenVZ capabilities.
Chapter 8, Troubleshooting, suggests ways to resolve common inconveniences should they occur during your work with the OpenVZ software.
Chapter 9, Reference, is a complete reference on all OpenVZ configuration files and Hardware Node command-line utilities. You should read this chapter if you do not understand a file format or looking for an explanation of a particular configuration option, if you need help for a particular command or looking for a command to perform a certain task.
Documentation Conventions
Before you start using this guide, it is important to understand the documentation conventions used in it. For information on specialized terms used in the documentation, see the Glossary at the end of this document.
Preface 9
T ypographical Conventions
The following kinds of formatting in the text identify special information.
Formatting convention
Type of Information Example
Special Bold
Items you must select, such as menu options, command buttons, or items in a list.
Go to the
QoS tab.
Titles of chapters, sections, and
Read the Basic Administration chapter.
Italics Used to emphasize the importance of a
point or to introduce a term.
Such servers are called Hardware Nodes .
The names of commands, files, and directories.
vzctl start to start a VPS.
Monospace Italics
Used to designate a command line or a file name placeholder, which is to be replaced with a real value.
vzctl destroy vpsid.
On-screen computer output in your command-line sessions; source code in XML, C++, or other programming languages.
Saved parameters for VPS 101
Monospace Bold
What you type, contrasted with on­screen computer output.
# rpm –q vzctl
CAPITALS Names of keys on the keyboard. SHIFT, CTRL, ALT KEY+KEY Key combinations for which the user
must press and hold down one key and then press another.
Shell Prompts in Command Examples
Command line examples throughout this guide presume that you are using the Bourne-again shell (bash). Whenever a command can be run as a regular user, we will display it with a dollar sign prompt. When a command is meant to be run as root, we will display it with a hash mark prompt:
Bourne-again shell prompt
Bourne-again shell root prompt
Preface 10
General Conventions
Be aware of the following conventions used in this book. Chapters in this guide are divided into sections, which, in turn, are subdivided into
subsections. For example,
Documentation Conventions is a section, and General Conventions
is a subsection.
When following steps or using examples, be sure to type double-quotes (
"), left single-
quotes (
`), and right single-quotes (') exactly as shown.
The key referred to as RETURN is labeled ENTER on some keyboards. The root path usually includes the
/bin, /sbin, /usr/bin and /usr/sbin directories, so the steps in this book show the commands in these directories without absolute path names. Steps that use commands in other, less common, directories show the absolute paths in the examples.
If you spot a typo in this guide, or if you have thought of a way to make this guide better, we would love to hear from you!
If you have a suggestion for improving the documentation (or any other relevant comments), try to be as specific as possible when formulating it. If you have found an error, please include the chapter/section/subsection name and some of the surrounding text so we can find it easily.
Please submit a report by e-mail to
OpenVZ Philosophy
In This Chapter
About OpenVZ Software ...................................................................................................... 11
Distinctive Features of OpenVZ ........................................................................................... 12
Main Principles of OpenVZ Operation................................................................................. 15
Hardware Node Availability Considerations ........................................................................ 19
About OpenVZ Software
What is OpenVZ
OpenVZ is a complete server automation and virtualization solution developed by SWsoft. OpenVZ creates multiple isolated Virtual Private Servers (VPSs) on a single physical server to share hardware and management effort with maximum efficiency. Each VPS performs and executes exactly like a stand-alone server for its users and applications as it can be rebooted independently and has its own root access, users, IP addresses, memory, processes, files, applications, system libraries, and configuration files. Light overhead and efficient design of OpenVZ makes it the right virtualization choice for production servers with live applications and real-life data.
The basic OpenVZ VPS capabilities are:
Dynamic Real-time Partitioning – Partition a physical server into tens of VPSs, each with
full dedicated server functionality.
Resource Management – Assign and control VPS resource parameters and re-allocate
resources in real-time.
Mass Management - Manage a multitude of physical servers and Virtual Private Servers in a
unified way.
OpenVZ Philosophy 12
OpenVZ Applications
OpenVZ provides a comprehensive solution for Hosting Service Providers allowing them to: Have hundreds of customers with their individual full-featured virtual private servers
(Virtual Private Servers) sharing a single physical server;
Provide each customer with a guaranteed Quality of Service; Transparently move customers and their environments between servers, without any manual
If you administer a number of Linux dedicated servers within an enterprise, each of which runs a specific service, you can use OpenVZ to consolidate all these servers onto a single computer without losing a bit of valuable information and without compromising performance. Virtual Private Servers behave just like an isolated stand-alone server:
Each VPS has its own processes, users, files and provides full root shell access; Each VPS has its own IP addresses, port numbers, filtering and routing rules; Each VPS can have its own configuration for the system and application software, as well
as its own versions of system libraries. It is possible to install or customize software packages inside a VPS independently from other VPSs or the host system. Multiple distributions of a package can be run on one and the same Linux box.
In fact, hundreds of servers may be grouped together in this way. Besides the evident advantages of such consolidation (increased facility of administration and the like), there are some you might not even have thought of, say, cutting down electricity bills by times!
OpenVZ proves invaluable for IT educational institutions that can now provide every student with a personal Linux server, which can be monitored and managed remotely. Software development companies may use virtual environments for testing purposes and the like.
Thus, OpenVZ can be efficiently applied in a wide range of areas: web hosting, enterprise server consolidation, software development and testing, user training, and so on.
Distinctive Features of OpenVZ
The concept of OpenVZ Virtual Private Servers is distinct from the concept of traditional virtual machines in the respect that Virtual Private Servers (VPSs) always run the same OS kernel as the host system (Linux on Linux, Windows on Windows, etc.). This single-kernel implementation technology allows to run Virtual Private Servers with a near-zero overhead. Thus, OpenVZ VPSs offer an order of magnitude higher efficiency and manageability than traditional virtualization technologies.
OpenVZ Philosophy 13
OS Virtualization
From the point of view of applications and Virtual Private Server users, each VPS is an independent system. This independency is provided by a virtualization layer in the kernel of the host OS. Note that only an infinitesimal part of the CPU resources is spent on virtualization (around 1-2%). The main features of the virtualization layer implemented in OpenVZ are the following:
VPS looks like a normal Linux system. It has standard startup scripts, software from
vendors can run inside VPS without OpenVZ-specific modifications or adjustment;
A user can change any configuration file and install additional software; Virtual Private Servers are fully isolated from each other (file system, processes, Inter
Process Communication (IPC),
sysctl variables);
Processes belonging to a VPS are scheduled for execution on all available CPUs.
Consequently, VPSs are not bound to only one CPU and can use all available CPU power.
Network Virtualization
The OpenVZ network virtualization layer is designed to isolate VPSs from each other and from the physical network:
Each VPS has its own IP address; multiple IP addresses per VPS are allowed; Network traffic of a VPS is isolated from the other VPSs. In other words, Virtual Private
Servers are protected from each other in the way that makes traffic snooping impossible;
Firewalling may be used inside a VPS (the user can create rules limiting access to some
services using the canonical
iptables tool inside the VPS). In other words, it is possible
to set up firewall rules from inside a VPS;
Routing table manipulations are allowed to benefit from advanced routing features. For
example, setting different maximum transmission units (MTUs) for different destinations, specifying different source addresses for different destinations, and so on.
An OS template in OpenVZ is basically a set of packages from some Linux distribution used to populate one or more VPSs. With OpenVZ, different distributions can co-exist on the same hardware box, so multiple OS templates are available. An OS template consists of system programs, libraries, and scripts needed to boot up and run the system (VPS), as well as some very basic applications and utilities. Applications like a compiler and an SQL server are usually not included into an OS template.
For detailed information on OpenVZ templates, see the
Understanding Templates section.
OpenVZ Philosophy 14
Resource Management
OpenVZ Resource Management controls the amount of resources available to Virtual Private Servers. The controlled resources include such parameters as CPU power, disk space, a set of memory-related parameters. Resource management allows OpenVZ to:
Effectively share available Hardware Node resources among VPSs; Guarantee Quality-of-Service (QoS) in accordance with a service level agreement (SLA); Provide performance and resource isolation and protect from denial-of-service attacks; Simultaneously assign and control resources for a number of Virtual Private Servers, etc.
Resource Management is much more important for OpenVZ than for a standalone computer since computer resource utilization in an OpenVZ-based system is considerably higher than that in a typical system.
OpenVZ Philosophy 15
Main Principles of OpenVZ Operation
Basics of OpenVZ T echnology
In this section we will try to let you form a more or less precise idea of the way the OpenVZ software operates on your computer. Please see the figure below:
Physical Server (Hardware Node) #3
Host Operating System
OpenVZ Layer
OpenVZ Templates
Virtual Private Server
Virtual Private Server
Virtual Private Server
Physical Server (Hardware Node) #2
Host Operating System
OpenVZ Layer
OpenVZ Templates
Virtual Private Server
Virtual Private Server
Physical Server (Hardware Node) #1
Host Operating System
OpenVZ Templates
Virtual Private Server
Virtual Private Server
OpenVZ Layer
Figure 1: OpenVZ Technology
This figure presumes that you have a number of physical servers united into a network. In fact, you may have only one dedicated server to effectively use OpenVZ for the needs of your network. If you have more than one OpenVZ-based physical server, each one of the servers will have a similar architecture. In OpenVZ terminology, such servers are called
Hardware Nodes
HN, or just Nodes), because they represent hardware units within a network.
OpenVZ is installed on Fedora Core 3 or 4 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 configured in a certain way. For example, such customized configuration shall include the creation of a
/vz partition, which is the basic partition for hosting Virtual Private Servers and which must be way larger than the root partition. This and similar configuration issues are most easily resolved during Linux installation on the Hardware Node. Detailed instructions on installing Linux (called
Host Operating System, or Root Operating System in Figure 1) on the Hardware Node
are provided in the next chapter.
OpenVZ Philosophy 16
OpenVZ is installed in such a way that you will be able to boot your computer either with OpenVZ support or without it. This support is presented as “OpenVZ” in your boot loader and shown as
OpenVZ Layer in the figure above.
However, at this point you are not yet able to create Virtual Private Servers. A
Virtual Private
is functionally identical to an isolated standalone server, having its own IP addresses, processes, files, users, its own configuration files, its own applications, system libraries, and so on. Virtual private servers share the same
Hardware Node and the same OS kernel. However, they are isolated from each other. A Virtual Private Server is a kind of ‘sandbox’ for processes and users.
Different Virtual Private Servers can run different versions of Linux (for example, SuSE 9.2 or Fedora Core 4 and many others). Each VPS can run its own version of Linux. In this case we say that a VPS is based on a certain OS template. OS templates are packages shipped with OpenVZ. Before you are able to create a Virtual Private Server, you should install the corresponding OS template in OpenVZ. This is displayed as
OpenVZ Templates in the scheme
After you have installed at least one OS template, you can create any number of VPSs with the help of standard OpenVZ utilities, configure their network and/or other settings, and work with these VPSs as with fully functional Linux servers.
OpenVZ Philosophy 17
Understanding T emplates
A template is a VPS building block. An OS template is a set of packages needed to operate a VPS. Templates are usually created right on your Hardware Node; all you need is template tools (
vzpkg) and template metadata.
Template metadata
Template metadata are information about a particular OS template. It contains:
a list of packages included in this template (in the form of package names); location of (network) package repositories; distribution-specific scripts needed to be executed on various stages of template
public GPG key(s) needed to check signatures of packages;
All this information is contained in a few files installed into the /vz/template/osname/osrelease/config/ directory. For example, the metadata for the Fedora Core 4 template are installed into the /vz/template/fedora- core/4/config/ directory.
Along with template metadata, a few OpenVZ-specific packages are usually provided; they are installed into the /vz/template/osname/osversion/vz-addons/ directory.
Template cache
Template metadata provide enough information to create an OS template. During the OS template creation, the needed package files are downloaded from the network repository to the Hardware Node and installed into a temporary VPS, which is then packed into a gzipped tarball called the
template cache.
The template cache is used for fast VPS provisioning – basically, it is a pre-created VPS, so all that is needed to create a VPS is to untar this file. The template cache files are stored in the /vz/template/cache/ directory.
Any template cache becomes obsolete with time as new updates are released for the given distribution. Naturally, there is a way to quickly update the template cache as well as all the previously created VPSs with the newest updates.
While you are able to perform all kinds of tasks within a Virtual Private Server including building
rpm packages and installing them, OpenVZ provides an easy and far more efficient way of installing the applications you need on VPSs. The same way as you install an OS template on the OpenVZ system in order to create any number of Virtual Private Servers on its basis and share its resources, you can install applications in OpenVZ in order to share package files among any number of VPSs. You can then add these applications to any number of Virtual Private Servers.
It goes without saying that in case you want to install an application on only one VPS, there is no need in working with templates: you can as well work inside the corresponding VPS.
OpenVZ Philosophy 18
Understanding Licenses
The OpenVZ software consists of the OpenVZ kernel and user-level tools, which are licensed by means of two different open source licenses.
The OpenVZ kernel is based on the Linux kernel, distributed under the GPL terms, and is
licensed under
GNU GPL version 2. The license text can be found at
The user-level tools (
vzctl, vzquota, and vzpkg) are licensed under the terms of the
QPL license. The license text can be found at http://openvz.org/documentation/licenses/qpl.
OpenVZ Configuration
OpenVZ allows you to flexibly configure various settings for the OpenVZ system in general as well as for each and every Virtual Private Server. Among these settings are disk and user quota, network parameters, default file locations and configuration sample files, and others.
OpenVZ stores the configuration information in two types of files: the global configuration file
/etc/sysconfig/vz and VPS configuration files /etc/sysconfig/vz­scripts/vpsid.conf
. The global configuration file defines global and default parameters for VPS operation, for example, logging settings, enabling and disabling disk quota for VPSs, the default configuration file and OS template on the basis of which a new VPS is created, and so on. On the other hand, a VPS configuration file defines the parameters for a given particular VPS, such as disk quota and allocated resources limits, IP address and host name, and so on. In case a parameter is configured both in the global OpenVZ configuration file, and in the VPS configuration file, the VPS configuration file takes precedence. For a list of parameters constituting the global configuration file and the VPS configuration files, turn to the
The configuration files are read when OpenVZ and/or VPSs are started. However, OpenVZ standard utilities, for example,
vzctl, allow you to change many configuration settings “on­the-fly”, either without modifying the corresponding configuration files or with their modification (if you want the changes to apply the next time OpenVZ and/or VPSs are started).
OpenVZ Philosophy 19
Hardware Node Availability Considerations
Hardware Node availability is more critical than the availability of a typical PC server. Since it runs multiple Virtual Private Servers providing a number of critical services, Hardware Node outage might be very costly. Hardware Node outage can be as disastrous as the simultaneous outage of a number of servers running critical services.
In order to increase Hardware Node availability, we suggest you follow the recommendations below:
Use RAID storage for critical VPS private areas. Do prefer hardware RAID, but software
mirroring RAID might suit too as a last resort.
Do not run software on the Hardware Node itself. Create special Virtual Private Servers
where you can host necessary services such as BIND, FTPD, HTTPD, and so on. On the Hardware Node itself, you need only the SSH daemon. Preferably, it should accept connections from a pre-defined set of IP addresses only.
Do not create users on the Hardware Node itself. You can create as many users a s you need
in any Virtual Private Server. Remember, compromising the Hardware Node means compromising all Virtual Private Servers as well.
Installation and Preliminary Operations
The current chapter provides exhaustive information on the process of installing and deploying your OpenVZ system including the pre-requisites and the stages you shall pass.
In This Chapter
Installation Requirements......................................................................................................20
Installing and Configuring Host Operating System on Hardware Node............................... 23
Installing OpenVZ Software................................................................................................. 27
Installation Requirements
After deciding on the structure of your OpenVZ system, you should make sure that all the Hardware Nodes where you are going to deploy OpenVZ for Linux meet the following system (hardware and software) and network requirements.
System Requirements
This section focuses on the hardware and software requirements for the OpenVZ for Linux software product.
Installation and Preliminary Operations 21
Hardware Compatibility
The Hardware Node requirements for the standard 32-bit edition of OpenVZ are the following:
IBM PC-compatible computer; Intel Celeron, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium 4, Xeon, or AMD Athlon CPU; At least 128 MB of RAM; Hard drive(s) with at least 4 GB of free disk space; Network card (either Intel EtherExpress100 (i82557-, i82558- or i82559-based) or 3Com
(3c905 or 3c905B or 3c595) or RTL8139-based are recommended).
The computer should satisfy the Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Fedora Core hardware requirements (please, see the hardware compatibility lists at
The exact computer configuration depends on how many Virtual Private Servers you are going to run on the computer and what load these VPSs are going to produce. Thus, in order to choose the right configuration, please follow the recommendations below:
CPUs. The more Virtual Private Servers you plan to run simultaneously, the more CPUs
you need.
Memory. The more memory you have, the more Virtual Private Servers you can run. The
exact figure depends on the number and nature of applications you are planning to run in your Virtual Private Servers. However, on the average, at least 1 GB of RAM is recommended for every 20-30 Virtual Private Servers;
Disk space. Each Virtual Private Server occupies 400–600 MB of hard disk space for
system files in addition to the user data inside the Virtual Private Server (for example, web site content). You should consider it when planning disk partitioning and the number of Virtual Private Servers to run.
A typical 2–way Dell PowerEdge 1650 1u–mountable server with 1 GB of RAM and 36 GB of hard drives is suitable for hosting 30 Virtual Private Servers.
Software Compatibility
The Hardware Node should run either Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 or 4, or Fedora Core 3 or 4, or CentOS 3.4 or 4. The detailed instructions on installing these operating systems for the best performance of OpenVZ are provided in the next sections.
This requirement does not restrict the ability of OpenVZ to provide other Linux versions as an operating system for Virtual Private Servers. The Linux distribution installed in a Virtual Private Server may differ from that of the host OS.
Installation and Preliminary Operations 22
Network Requirements
The network pre-requisites enlisted in this subsection will help you avoid delays and problems with making OpenVZ for Linux up and running. You should take care in advance of the following:
Local Area Network (LAN) for the Hardware Node; Internet connection for the Hardware Node; Valid IP address for the Hardware Node as well as other IP parameters (default gateway,
network mask, DNS configuration);
At least one valid IP address for each Virtual Private Server. The total number of addresses
should be no less than the planned number of Virtual Private Servers. The addresses may be allocated in different IP networks;
If a firewall is deployed, check that IP addresses allocated for Virtual Private Servers are
open for access from the outside.
Installation and Preliminary Operations 23
Installing and Configuring Host Operating System on Hardware Node
This section explains how to install Fedora Core 4 on the Hardware Node and how to configure it for OpenVZ. If you are using another distribution, please consult the corresponding installation guides about the installation specifics.
Choosing System T ype
Please follow the instructions from your Installation Guide when installing the OS on your Hardware Node. After the first several screens, you will be presented with a screen specifying the installation type. OpenVZ requires Server System to be installed, therefore select “Server” at the dialog shown in the figure below.
Figure 2: Fedora Core Installation - Choosing System Type
It is not recommended to install extra packages on the Hardware Node itself due to the all­importance of Hardware Node availability (see the
Hardware Node Availability Considerations
subsection in this chapter). You will be able to run any necessary services inside dedicated Virtual Private Servers.
Installation and Preliminary Operations 24
Disk Partitioning
On the Disk Partitioning Setup screen, select Manual partition with Disk Druid. Do not choose automatic partitioning since this type of partitioning will create a disk layout intended for systems running multiple services. In case of OpenVZ, all your services shall run inside Virtual Private Servers.
Figure 3: Fedora Core Installation - Choosing Manual Partitioning
Create the following partitions on the Hardware Node:
Partition Description Typical size
Root partition containing all Hardware Node operating system files
2-4 Gb
Paging partition for the Linux operating system 2 times RAM
Partition to host OpenVZ templates and Virtual Private Servers all the remaining space
on the hard disk
Installation and Preliminary Operations 25
It is suggested to use the ext3 file system for the /vz partition. This partition is used for holding all data of the Virtual Private Servers existing on the Hardware Node. Allocate as much disk space as possible to this partition. It is not recommended to use the
reiserfs file system
as it is proved to be less stable than the
ext3, and stability is of paramount importance for
OpenVZ-based computers.
The root partition will host the operating system files. The server set of Fedora Core 4 occupies approximately 1 GB of disk space, so 1 GB is the minimal size of the root partition. The size of the swap partition shall be two times the size of physical RAM installed on the Hardware Node.
The figure below presents a system with a 12 GB SCSI hard drive.
Figure 4: Fedora Core Installation - Disk Druid
Please keep in mind that Virtual Private Server private areas, containing all data of the Virtual Private Servers shall reside on this single
/vz disk partition together with all the templates
Installation and Preliminary Operations 26
Finishing OS Installation
After the proper partitioning of your hard drive(s), proceed in accordance with your OS Installation Guide.
While on the
Network Configuration screen, you should ensure the correctness of the Hardware
Node’s IP address, host name, DNS, and default gateway information. If you are using DHCP, make sure that it is properly configured. If necessary, consult your network administrator.
On the
Firewall Configuration screen, choose No firewall. Option Enable SELinux should be set to
Figure 5: Fedora Core Installation - Disabling Firewall and SELinux
After finishing the installation and rebooting your computer, you are ready to install OpenVZ on your system.
Installation and Preliminary Operations 27
Installing OpenVZ Software
Downloading and Installing OpenVZ Kernel
First of all, you should download the kernel binary RPM from http://openvz.org/download/kernel/. You need only one kernel RPM, so please choose the appropriate kernel binary depending on your hardware:
If there is more than one CPU available on your Hardware Node (or a CPU with
hyperthreading), select the
vzkernel-smp RPM.
If there is more than 4 Gb of RAM available, select the
vzkernel-enterprise RPM.
Otherwise, select the uniprocessor kernel RPM (
Next, you shall install the kernel RPM of your choice on your Hardware Node by issuing the following command:
# rpm -ihv vzkernel-name*.rpm
Note: You should not use the rpm –U command (where -U stands for "upgrade"); otherwise, all the kernels currently installed on the Node will be removed.
Configuring Boot Loader
In case you use the GRUB loader, it will be configured automatically. You should only make sure that the lines below are present in the
/boot/grub/grub.conf file on the Node:
title Fedora Core (2.6.8-022stab029.1) root (hd0,0) kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.8-022stab029.1 ro root=/dev/sda5 quiet rhgb initrd /initrd-2.6.8-022stab029.1.img
However, we recommend that you configure this file in the following way: Change Fedora Core to OpenVZ (just for clarity, so the Op enVZ kernels will not be
mixed up with non OpenVZ ones).
Remove all extra arguments from the
kernel line, leaving only the root=... parameter.
At the end, the modified grub.conf file should look as follows:
title OpenVZ (2.6.8-022stab029.1) root (hd0,0) kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.8-022stab029.1 ro root=/dev/sda5 initrd /initrd-2.6.8-022stab029.1.img
Setting sysctl parameters
There are a number of kernel limits that should be set for OpenVZ to work correctly. OpenVZ is shipped with a tuned
/etc/sysctl.conf file. Below are the contents of the relevant part of
Installation and Preliminary Operations 28
# On Hardware Node we generally need # packet forwarding enabled and proxy arp disabled net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 net.ipv4.conf.default.proxy_arp = 0 # Enables source route verification net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1 # Enables the magic-sysrq key kernel.sysrq = 1 # TCP Explict Congestion Notification #net.ipv4.tcp_ecn = 0 # we do not want all our interfaces to send redirects net.ipv4.conf.default.send_redirects = 1 net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 0
Please edit the file as described. To apply the changes issue the following command:
# sysctl -p
Alternatively, the changes will be applied upon the following reboot.
It is also worth mentioning that normally you should have forwarding (
net.ipv4.ip_forward) turned on since the Hardware Node forwards the packets destined
to or originating from the Virtual Private Servers.
After that, you should reboot your computer and choose "OpenVZ" on the boot loader menu.
Installation and Preliminary Operations 29
Downloading and Installing OpenVZ Packages
After you have successfully installed and booted the OpenVZ kernel, you can proceed with installing the user-level tools for OpenVZ.
You should install the following OpenVZ packages:
vzctl: this package is used to perform different tasks on the OpenVZ Virtual Private
Servers (create, destroy, start, stop, set parameters etc.).
vzquota: this package is used to manage the VPS quotas.
vzpkg: this package is used to work with OpenVZ templates.
You can download the corresponding binary RPMs from http://openvz.org/download/utils/.
On the next step, you should install these utilities by using the following command:
# rpm –Uhv vzctl*.rpm vzquota*.rpm vzpkg*.rpm
Note: During the packages installation, you may be presented with a message telling you that
rpm has found unresolved dependencies. In this case you have to resolve these dependencies first and then repeat the installation.
Now you can launch OpenVZ. To this effect, execute the following command:
# /etc/init.d/vz start
This will load all the needed OpenVZ kernel modules. During the next reboot, this script will be executed automatically.
Installing OS T emplates
Template (or package set) is a set of package files to be installed into a VPS. Operating system templates are used to create new Virtual Private Servers with a pre-installed operating system. Therefore, you are bound to download at least one OS template from http://openvz.org/download/template/ and install it.
template metadata contain the information needed to create a template cache. You have to specify an OS template on the VPS creation, so you need to install the metadata for at least one OS template and prepare the template cache.
For example, this is how the template preparation for Fedora Core 3 will look like:
# rpm –ihv vztmpl-fedora-core-3-1.0-2.noarch.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1: vztmpl-fedora-########################################### [100%]
# vzpkgcache
Creating cache for fedora-core-3 OS template Setting up install process
<…some output skipped for clarity…>
Packing cache file fedora-core-3.tar.gz ... Cache file fedora-core-3.tar.gz [130M] created.
The first command installs the template metadata, while the second one creates the template cache. Note that this operation can take a considerable time (tens of minutes).
Installation and Preliminary Operations 30
You can also use one of the already pre-cached OS templates available at http://openvz.org/download/template/cache/ for the VPS creation. To this effect, you should download the corresponding OS template and place it to the /vz/template/cache directory on the Node.
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