A-100 SIP Phone User Manual (V1.39)
● service addr, service id:
If “use service” is checked, please put the URI of the SIP proxy server
into “service addr”. Put the domain name of the SIP proxy server into
“service id” or leave “service id” empty. If the system has an Outbound
Proxy,please put the URI of the Outbound proxy into “service addr” and
put the domain name of SIP proxy server into “service id”. The default
service port is 5060. If “use service” is not checked, please clear
“service addr” and “service id”.
● nat traversal: When the IP phone with private IP address need
communicate with other IP phones in a different LAN or on Internet,
please select an item from dropdown list to set the proxy used by the
disable: Select this item when the log in server and IP phone in the
same LAN, or the log in system supports the IP phone working behind
the LAN.
enable: When the system does not support IP phone working behind
the LAN, please select this item to search public IP address of the
NAT device. With this item selected, “nat addr” field will be activated.
Besides, port mapping (port forwarding) needs to be properly set up
on NAT device.
stun: Select this item with SIP protocol used according to
requirement of system. With this item selected, nat addr field is
● nat addr: When “nat traversal” is set to “enable”, please put the domain
name of the servers ( These web server helps to find out the public IP of
the IP phone) into “nat addr”, such as www.whatismyip.com
When “nat traversal” is set to “stun”, please put the URI of the stun server
into “nat addr”, in the format as “domain name/IP address : service port”.
The default service port for stun is 3478.
● nat ttl: When IP phone sit behind a NAT device, it will send packets to
server every “nat ttl” seconds to keep the port mapping on the NAT
device alive. “nat ttl” is an integer between 10 and 65535, default value is
● phone number: The local phone number or username of this phone,