Swiss Bionic Solutions Omnium1 iMRS one 2.0 Operating Manual

intelligent Lifestyle
Operating Manual
Important Notes for Getting Started
In combination with the Omnium1 control device, the iMRS one repre­sents the latest development and application standard in the eld of ma­gnetic resonance stimulation systems for home use.
The iMRS one is a system for use at home. In medical use, it can also play an accompanying and supportive role for a number of conditions.
The iMRS one complies with the following guidelines and standards:
• Medical Product Guidelines (MPG)
• IEC 60601-1 Electrical Safety
• IEC 60601-1-2 Tolerance of Electromagnetic Fields
This operating manual is a component of the scope of delivery.
It should be kept close at hand and remain with the system when sold.
Copyright © 2019 Swiss Bionic Solutions Holding GmbH All rights reserved. No part of this manual, including the products and software described herein, may be reproduced, transferred, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system or translated into another language, without the implicit written permission of Swiss Bionic Solutions Holding GmbH. Documentation stored by the purchaser for backup purposes is excluded from this con­dition. This condition shall not apply for software that has been licensed under the General Public License (GPL) or other free open source licens­ing systems. Omnium1, the Omnium1 logo and the iMRS Logo are trademarks of Swiss Bionic Solutions Holding GmbH. All other trademarks are the property of their corresponding owners. The details of the content of this manual may deviate from the product or the associated software. All information
in this document may be changed without prior notication.
Table of Contents
1. Safety Instructions: Where You should be Careful ................................ 4
1.1 Contra-indications ................................................................................. 9
1.2 Side Effects ............................................................................................ 9
2. Intended Use ......................................................................................... 10
3. Possible Applications ............................................................................ 10
4. Scope of Delivery ................................................................................... 11
4.1 Control Unit ......................................................................................... 12
5. Installation ............................................................................................. 13
5.1 Installing / removing the battery.........................................................13
6. Activation ............................................................................................... 14
7. Saving and Loading Pre-set Parameters .............................................. 15
7.1 Saving ................................................................................................... 15
7.2 Loading ................................................................................................ 16
8. Starting an Application.......................................................................... 17
9. Quick Start Programs ............................................................................ 18
10. Settings ................................................................................................ 18
10.1 About ................................................................................................. 18
10.2 Factory Settings ................................................................................. 19
10.3 Users .................................................................................................. 19
11. Updating .............................................................................................. 19
12. Applicators ........................................................................................... 19
12.1 OmniMat ............................................................................................ 19
12.2 OmniPad ............................................................................................ 20
12.3 OmniSpot ........................................................................................... 20
13. Cleaning and Maintenance ................................................................. 21
14. Maintenance & Error Message ........................................................... 22
15. Identication & Technical Data .......................................................... 23
15.1 Identication ..................................................................................... 23
15.2 Technical Data ................................................................................... 23
16. Warranty .............................................................................................. 25
1. Safety Instructions: Where You should be Careful
If you feel dizzy, be careful when standing up!
There are no negative reports on the application of Magnetic-Reso­nance-Stimulation anywhere in the world. However, for reasons of safety, we recommend that people with orthostatic problems (dizziness when getting up) get up very slowly and carefully after application.
Avoid humidity:
This device may not be positioned in a damp or wet room!
The strength of the eld of magnetic resonance stimulation system also corresponds to no more than 120 μT at its highest intensity setting.
Thereby, it is well under the values of popular electrical household appli­ances and well under the recommended threshold of 400 μT for harm­lessness according to DIN 0848.
The fact that these values are in the range of the Earth’s owns natural magnetic elds and the frequencies in the ionosphere (Schumann reso­nances) exclude all possible danger.
Note about electromagnetic tolerance (EMC)
Medical, electric devices are subject to special precautions in terms of EMC and must be installed and placed in operation in accordance with the EMC instructions in the included documents. Electro-medical
devices are particular susceptible to the radio frequencies of portable and mobile communications equipment, such as cell phone phones and
The manufacturer only guarantees the compliance of the device
with the EMC requirement when used with the accessories listed
in 14.2. The use of other accessories may lead to increased emis­sions of electromagnetic interference or to reduced resistance to such interference. The accessories listed may only be used together with an Omnium1 control system from Swiss Bionic Solutions Schweiz GmbH. The device may not be operated in combination with other devices, nor be placed in a stack of, or located in the proximity, to such other devices.
However, if such an arrangement is necessary, the operation of the device must be checked to ensure that it will operate as intended when stored in this manner.
The expansion of the magnetic eld from the applicators will have largely
abated at a distance of about 1.5 meters. People who are not receiving treatment should remain outside the indicated range during the course of an application.
We are legally obliged, in accordance with the EMC regulations for medical products, to provide you with the following information.
Guidelines and Manufacturer‘s Declaration: Electromagnetic Inter­ference Emissions
The iMRS one is intended for operation in an ELECTROMAGNETIC ENVIRONMENT as shown below. The customer or user of the iMRS one should ensure that it is operated in such an environment.
Interference emission mea-
Compliance Electromagnec Environment Gui-
RF emissions acc. to CISPR 11 Group 1 The iMRS one only uses RF energy for
its internal OPERATION. Its RF emis-
sion is therefore very low and it is unlikely to interfere with neighboring electronic devices.
RF emissions acc. to CISPR 11 B The iMRS one is suitable for use in
all establishments including those in residenal, and similar areas that
are directly connected to the PUBLIC
POWER GRID that also supplies buil­dings used for residenal purposes.
Emission of harmonic
frequencies according to IEC
Emission of voltage uctua­ons or icker according to
IEC 61000-3-3
In compliance
Interference Immunity Tests
IEC 60601 Test Level
Compliance Level Electromagnetic Environ-
ment - Guidelines
Discharge of static electricity (ESD) Acc. to IEC 61000­4-2
± 6 kV contact discharge ± 8 kV air dis­charge
± 6 kV contact discharge ± 8 kV air dis­charge
Floors should be made of wood or concrete or covered in ceramic tiles. If
the oor is covered with
synthetic material, the relative air humidity must be at least 30 %.
Fast-transient interference test/ Bursts acc. to IEC 61000-4-4
± 2 kV for power supply lines ± 1 kV for input and output lines
± 1 kV for power supply lines Not applicable
The quality of the supply
voltage should correspond to that in typical business or hospital surroundings.
Surges acc. to IEC 61000-4-5
± 1 KV voltage outer con­ductor-outer conductor ± 2 kV voltage outer conductor
- ground
± 1 KV voltage outer conduc­tor-outer conduc­tor Not applicable
The quality of the supply
voltage should correspond to that in typical business or hospital surroundings.
Voltage dips, short inter­ruptions and
uctuations in the
supply voltage acc. to IEC 61000­4-11
< 5 % Ut < (> 95 % dip in Ut) for 1/2 period 40 % Ut (60 % dip in Ut) for 5 periods 70 % Ut (30 % dip in Ut) for 25 periods < 5 % Ut (> 95 % dip in Ut) for 5 sec
0 % Ut < (> 95 % dip in Ut) for 1/2 period 40 % Ut (60 % dip in Ut) for 5 periods 70 % Ut (30 % dip in Ut) for 25 periods 0 % Ut (> 95 % dip in Ut) for 5 sec
The quality of the supply
voltage should correspond to that in typical business or hospital surroundings. If
the iMRS one user requires
continuous operation, even when interruptions in the power supply occur, supplying the iMRS one from an uninterruptible power supply or a battery is recommended.
Magnetic eld
at a supply
frequency (50/60
Hz) acc. to IEC 61000-4-8
3 A/m 3 A/m Magnetic elds at power
grid frequency should cor­respond to values typical for a business or hospital environment.
Comment: Ut is the AC power voltage before the application of the test level.
Guidelines and Manufacturer’s Declaration:
Electromagnetic Stability Interference
The iMRS one is intended for operation in an ELECTROMAGNETIC ENVIRONMENT as indicated below. The customer or iMRS user should ensure that it is operated in such an environment.
Interference Immunity Tests
IEC 60601 Test Level
Com­pliance Level
Electromagnetic Environment - Guidelines
Conducted RF interference acc. to IEC 610004-4-6 Radiated RF interference acc. to IEC 610004-4-3
3 V effec­tive value 150 kHz up to 80 MHz 3 V/m 80 MHz up to 2.5 GHz
3V Portable and mobile radio devices, includ-
ing their cables, should not be used at a distance closer to the iMRS one than recommended, which has been calculated
according to relevant equation for the trans­mission frequency.
Recommended safe distance:
for 80 MHz up to 800 MHz for 800 MHz up to 2.5 GHz
Where P is the rated power of the transmit­ter in watts (W) according to the information from the transmitter manufacturer and d is the recommended safe distance in meters
(m). The eld strength of stationary radio
transmitters should be investigated locally for all frequencies lower than the compli­ance level
Interference is possible in proximity to devices that bear the following symbol.
NOTE 1 The higher frequency range applies at 80 MHz and 800 MHz.
NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all cases. The expansion of electromagnetic
quantities will be affected by absorption and reection from buildings, objects and
The eld strength of stationary transmitters, such as: the base stations of cordless
telephones and land mobile radio systems, amateur radio stations, AM/FM radio and television transmitters; cannot be determined in advance with theoretic precision. A study of the electromagnetic phenomena of the location should be considered in order to determine the nature of the ELECTROMAGNETIC SURROUNDINGS in terms of sta-
tionary transmitters. If the eld strength measured at the location where the iMRS one
will be used exceeds the COMPLIANCE LEVEL mentioned above, the iMRS one should be checked to verify its OPERATION in the manner intended. If unusual performance characteristics are observed, additional measures may necessary, such as changing the orientation or choosing a different location for the iMRS one.
The eld strength should be less than 3V/m over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80
National footnote: User here is meant in the sense of RESPONSIBLE ORGANISATION.
d = 1,2√P d = 1,2√P d = 2,3√P
Recommended Safe Distances between Portable or Mobile RF Tele­communication Devices and the iMRS one
The iMRS one is intended for operation in an ELECTROMAGNETIC ENVIRONMENT
in which radio frequency interference is controlled. The customer or the iMRS
one user can help with the avoidance of electromagnetic interference by main-
taining the minimum distance between portable and mobile radio frequency
telecommunication devices (transmitters) and the iMRS one, depending on the output power of the communication device as indicated below.
Nominal rating of the transmitter W
Safe distance (m) dependent on transmitter frequency
150 kHz to 80 MHz 80 MHz to 800 MHz 800 MHz to 2,5 GHz
0,01 0,12 0,12 0,23
0,1 0,38 0,38 0,73
1 1,2 1,2 2,3
10 3,8 3,8 7,3
100 12 12 23
For transmitters whose maximum nominal output is not indicated in the table above, the recommended safe distance of d in meters (m) should be determined from the equation associated with the particular column, where P is the maxi­mum nominal output of the transmitter in watts (W) according to information from the manufacturer.
NOTE 1: The higher frequency range applies at 80 MHz and 800 MHz.
NOTE 2: These guidelines may not apply in all cases. The expansion of electro-
magnetic quantities will be affected by absorption and reection from buildings,
objects and people.
1. 1. Contraindications
Use of the iMRS one system is contraindicated for the following conditions:
Electronic implants such as pace makers or insulin pumps (with the exception of approval by the consulting physician)
The iMRS one system may only be used with the approval of a health care practitioner and under medical supervision under the following conditions:
Presence of tumors
Serious cardiac arrhythmia
Acute attacks of hyperthyroidism
Extreme sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation
In principle:
Magnetic resonance stimulation does not replace medical therapy. Always
consult your doctor rst about any unfamiliar complaints.
1. 2. Side Effects
In therapeutic treatment of chronic cases, a so-called initial worsening (healing
reaction) arises in approximately 10% of the patients treated in the rst days or
weeks of application, such as through an increase in the symptoms. This should
be frequently expected after prolonged medication, which should be interpreted
as a side effect of the medicinally induced regulatory habit and of the transfer process to the activation of self-regulation.
A light itching on the body or a warm feeling may be felt in the prophylactic use. In exactly the same manner, bruises, cramps, strains, wounds and problems with the bones, joints, teeth or jaw may make themselves known as light pain as a consequence of the activation of the circulatory system. In all cases in which pre­viously unnoticed physical reactions become noticeable as an accompaniment of the application, consultation with a doctor or therapist with experience in the application of magnetic resonance stimulation is recommended for purposes of
safe clarication.
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