The manufacturer’s warranty to the original consumer purchaser is: This product
is free from d e fects in materials and workman s h ip fo r a p eriod of one (1) year
from the date of purchase by the original consumer purchaser. We will repair or
replace, at our discretion, parts found to be defective due to materials or
workmanship. This warranty is subject to the following limitations and
1) Engine Warranty All engines utilized on our products have a separate
warranty extended to them by the individual engine
manufacturer. A n y engine service difficu lty is the
responsibility of the engine manufacturer and in no
way is Swisher Mower Co ., Inc. or its agen ts
responsible for the engine warranty. The Briggs &
Stratton Engine Service Hot-Line is 1-800-233-
3723. The Tecumseh Engine Service Hot-Line is 1800-558-5402.
2) Commercial Use The warranty period for this product used for
commercial or rental is limited to ninety (90) days
from the date of original purchase.
3) Limitations This warranty applies only to products which have
been properly assem b led , adju sted , and op erated in
accordance with the instructions contained within
this manual. This warranty does not apply to any
product of Swisher Mower Co., Inc., that has been
subject to alteration, misuse, abuse, improper
assembly or installation, shipping damage, or to
normal wear of the product.
4) Exclusions Excluded from this warranty are normal wear,
normal adjustments, and normal maintenance.
In the event you have a claim under this warranty, you must return the product to
an authorize d service dealer. All transp ortation charges, dama ge, or loss incurred
during transportation of parts submitted for replacement or repair under this
warranty shall be borne by the purchaser. Should you have any questions
concerning this warranty, please contact us toll-free at 1-800-222-8183. The
model number, serial number, date of purchase, and the name of the authorized
Swisher dealer from whom you purchased the mower will be needed before any
warranty claim can be processed.

1. If engine won’t crank
2. Engine cranks but won’t start
3. Wiring diagrams
4. Identification of wiring
5. Deck belt adjustment procedure
6. Repairing the blade driver assembly
7. Replacement parts – quick reference

Using a remote starter
switch or a suitable
device, make a connection
between the large
terminals on the solenoid.
If engine does not
•Battery may be weak or
•Starter may be bad
•Battery cables may have
bad connections
•Do not go to Test #2
until this test gives results.
If engine did crank in test #1,
disconnect green wire at spade
connector and apply positive
voltage from the battery to the
yellow wire with the orange
stripe. The positive voltage can
also be picked up on the
solenoid terminal where the
fuse connects. Make sure the
green and black wire with the
eyelet is well grounded. If
engine doesn’t crank now,
replace the solenoid.
Remember, all other tests are
useless unless these two tests
make the engine turn over.
If engine did crank in the first part of test #2,
reconnect green wire to solenoid. Using a jumper
wire attached to the positive terminal of the battery,
apply 12 volts to the red wire on terminal B
ignition switch. Try to crank, using the ignition
switch. If engine cranks, the fuse or the fuse holder,
or related wiring is defective somewhere back to the
If engine did not crank in test #3, this time move the
jumper wire attached to the positive terminal of the battery,
to the green wire on S
Ignition switch does have to be activated for this test. If
engine cranks now, ignition switch needs replacing.
terminal of the ignition switch.
of the