Swiftech P180 User Manual

Copyright Swiftech 2006 - Subject to change without notice - While all efforts have been made to provide the most comprehensive tutorial possible, Swiftech assumes no liability expressed or implied for any damage(s) occurring to your components as a result of using Swiftech cooling products, either due to mistake or omission on our part in the above instructions, or due to failure or defect in the Swiftech™ cooling products. In addition, Swiftech assumes no liability, expressed or implied, for the use of this product, and more specifically for any, and all damages caused by the use of this product to any other device in a personal computer, whether due to product failure, leak, electrical short, and or electro-magnetic emissions.
Next, estimate the most direct route for the
tubing to the Apogee water-block, leave suf­ficient tube length to make a nice and wide radius, cut any excess and connect the tubes to the Apogee barbs (in no particular order).
You are now ready to move to the next step: filling­up the system.
For safety reasons, do not connect the
power-supply to an electrical outlet, and do not connect the motherboard to the power-sup­ply at this point.
Swiftech assumes no liability expressed or implied for any injury or death occuring as a result of elec­trical shocks, including as a direct or indirect result of defects in Swiftech components.
Mix the 2oz bottle of HydrX included with your accessories to 1/2 a liter of distilled water (do not use tap or mineral water), and proceed with the next steps.
We suggest that you install the Apogee
water-block to the motherboard before you install the motherboard into the case. This will be more convenient to cut the appropriate length of tubing.
Please follow the Apogee inst allation guide included in the box for how to setup your water-block with dif­ferent microprocessors.
Once done, proceed with the installation of the motherboard into the case as shown in the following steps.
Lay the case flat on its back, and engage the moth­erboard with the rear connectors side first as shown above.
Gently push the tubing aside to free a passage for the motherboard.
The motherboard is now ready to be fastened to the chassis.
Unfasten screws from both side-panels, and set panels aside
This is the system as shipped
Unfasten and remove both hard drive cages: your accessories are inside
Unfasten and remove the power supply frame: your water-block is inside
You are now ready to populate the Quiet
Power case with your components just as
you would any other case. We do recommend installing the power supply first.
Standard ATX PSU’s will fit without issues. Modular units are 1 inch longer than normal, and require relocation of the pump and the lowermost 120mm fan and duct assembly. A second set of holes is
available to relocate the pum
Please go to steps A thru E if you are using a modular PSU.
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Loosen the two screws holding the reservoir to the chassis by a few turns.
Start pouring the coolant until the reservoir is full.
Loosen and set aside the reservoir fill-cap.
Gently pull the reservoir outwards.
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Copyright Swiftech 2006 - While all efforts have been made to provide the most comprehensive tutorial possible, Swiftech assumes no liability expressed or implied for any damage(s) occurring to your components as a result of using Swiftech cooling products, either due to mistake or omission on our part in the above instructions, or due to failure or defect in the Swiftech™ cooling products. In addition, Swiftech assumes no liability, expressed or implied, for the use of this product, and more specifically for any, and all damages caused by the use of this product to any other device in a personal computer, whether due to product failure, leak, electrical short, and or electro-magnetic emissions.
Snap out the fan & duct assembly.
Unfasten the 4 screws holding the fan to the fan duct, and discard the duct as it will no longer be needed.
Unfasten the 2 nuts holding the pump to the case floor, lif t the pump from its post s, and set the pump out of the way.
Unfasten the two posts, and relocate them as shown to the right.
Power-on the power supply, keeping your finger on the button. The pump will start after 1 second delay and immediately syphon-off all the fluid from the reservoir. Promptly power-off the power supply to prevent damage to the pump:
arning! the pump cannot run “dry” for more than a few seconds or this will damage its bearing per­manently and void your warranty. Now refill the reservoir, and repeat this procedure: normally only one more time is needed until the reservoir is at about half-level and the pump can run without interruptions.
While the pump is running at first, the fluid will be full of micro-bubbles, and appear milky and foamy as shown below. Simply allow the pump to run 10~15 minutes for all the bubbles and foam to
At this point, you need to be able to start­up the pump in order to complete the fill-up proce­dure.
For safety reasons, you must be able to power on the PSU without connecting it to the mother­board. The Internet contains numerous references
on how to use a paper-clip to short-out pins 14 (PS-ON, green wire) and 13 (GND, black) of the 20 pin ATX connector (shown to the right) but we rec­ommend instead using a power-supply tester. These common devices are widely available on the Internet (Google key word: "PSU tester"), and among Swiftech resellers.
Use “elbow” power and SATA connectors
for your hard drives.
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Tilt the case backwards: this will allow more fluid to fill-up the system, then top-off the reservoir again.
clear up.
Place the fill-cap back, and gently tighten it, prefer­ably with a wide tip screw driver.
Push the reservoir as far back as possible, and tighten both screws; finally connect the LED Molex connector to the power supply.
This completes the installation of
your Swiftech liquid cooling sys­tem. Please allow your system to run for a few hours and inspect it
for leaks before you complete the
electrical connections to mother-
board and other components.
Please refer to Antec’s installa-
tion guide for the chassis electri-
cal connections.
Now, connect the pump 4-pin molex connector to
the power supply.
Inspect the bench area to make sure that there is
no moisture anywhere.
Verify that the power button of the power supply
is off .
Finally Connect the power supply to an A/C out-
The following steps are only required when a mod­ular power supply is used.
In effect, Modular Power Supplies are longer than standard. The pump and the lowermost 120mm fan and duct assembly need to be relocated - as shown to the right, in order to allow the additional clear­ance needed for the power suppply and cables.
Relocate the pump mounting posts as shown above.
Re-install the fan as shown, the fan label should be facing the power supply.
Fasten the pump back to its new location. A 5/16 “deep” socket is ideal to tighten these nuts. “Finger tight” is only needed.
Longer than