Swiftech Inc., 1703 E. 28th St., Signal Hill, CA 90755 T. (562) 595-8009 F. (562) 595-8769
MCW5002-PT assy with TEC and gaskets 1 Arctic Alumina thermal compound 1
3/8” NPT to ½” barb fittings 2 Euro-style connector 1
Motherboard installation hardware pack 1
This product is intended for expert users only. Please consult with a qualified technician for installation. Improper installation may result in damage to
your components.
Swiftech assumes no liability whatsoever, expressed or implied, for the use of these products, nor their
The following instructions are subject to change without notice. Please visit our web site at www.swiftnets.com for updates.
Part Qty Part Qty
Assembly exploded view & part numbers
Figure 1
Page 1 of 5 - Created 7-10-04 - Copyright Swiftech – All rights reserved – Subject to change without notice

a. Preparing the motherboard
Remove the stock heatsink retention frame (the black plastic frame
that clips down to your motherboard). This will reveal the four
mounting holes used to install the MCW5000-PT retention
Install a standoff in each one of the holes. As the diameter of the
mounting holes is much larger than the diameter of the standoff stem,
be careful to keep the standoff approximately centered in the MB
holes. Secure standoffs with hex locknuts, and a fiber washer on
backside of the MB as shown on fig. 1, using the tools described fig. 2
Figure 2
Use a ¼” socket tool to drive the standoff, and a small
b. Condensation control measures
The following instructions are crucial to long lasting & reliable operations. Do not skip these steps, and do not take shortcuts. Permanent damage to
your components is likely to occur otherwise.
a. Motherboard preparation
i. Conformal coating application: This step will positively ensure that any micro condensation occurring on small surface
mount components will not corrode or short-circuit the motherboard.
Procure a spray can of silicone conformal coating. We use M.G. chemicals Acrylic Conformal Coating, part # 419B-340g – A
list of retail distributors carrying this item can be found here (US): http://www.mgchemicals.com/distributors/us/index.html
Canada: http://www.mgchemicals.com/distributors/canada/index.html . Equivalent products can also be used. Sprays are
recommended for their ease of use. The product can also be purchase at our online store here (effective 7/15/04):
to prevent the locknut from spinning. Torque value should not to
exceed 16 in. lbs. In other words JUST TIGHT, WITHOUT EXCESSIVE
pair of pliers
Figure 3
Spray the back of the motherboard, concentrating on the area immediately
behind the CPU. Allow time to dry, per manufacturer specs.
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Use masking tape to protect the CPU socket, and any connector sockets
in the immediate vicinity of the socket. A double layer of tape is
recommended for the CPU socket.
Figure 4