Swiftech MCW5000 PT User Manual

Swiftech Inc., 1703 E. 28
Parts QTY PARTS QTY Water-block, with TEC & gaskets assy. 1 Arctic Alumina Thermal compound 1 Tube inserts 4 Hex L-key 1 Tube removal tool 1 Euro-style connector 1
This product is intended for expert users only. Please c onsult with a qualified technician for installation. Improper installation may result in damage to your components.
products, nor their installation.
1. Before you install the MCW5000-PT water-block:
Prepare t wo pieces of tubing of sufficient length to connect to the rest of your circuit. It is preferable to insert the tubing into the block BEFORE it gets installed onto the CPU, to pr event placing undue pressure onto the assembly when it is installed on the CPU.
The cuts to the tubing must be square as shown in figure 1 or leaks may occur. Use a good pair of scissors to cut the tubing. It is easier than with a razor blade.
Motherboard installation hardware pack 1
Swiftech assumes no liability whatsoever, expressed or implied, for the use of these
The following instructions are subject to change without notice. Please visit our web site at
for updates
Square cut
St., Signal Hill, CA 90755 T. (562) 595-8009 F. (562) 595-8769
Parts list
Install the provided plastic tube inserts at each end of the tubes, as shown in figure 2: these inserts are absolutely imperative when using any kind of sof t tubing, such as vynil, ClearFlex, Taigon, etc...
Figure 1
c. Spread a little bit of grease (Vaseline etc..) around the tubing. It helps pushing the tubes into the fittings.
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Figure 3
Figure 2
Figure 4
d. Fully insert both tubes into the fittings. The tip of the plastic tube inserts s hould be flush with the inlet and outlet openings, as shown in figure 4 above. Inserting the tubes requires a fir m push, accompanied by a twisting motion.
Swiftech Inc., 1703 E. 28
2. Preparin g the motherboard
Install the standoffs in the M otherboard
You must uninstall your MB pr ior to installing the MCW 5000-PT
Remove the stock heatsink retention frame (the black plastic frame that clips down to your motherboard). This will reveal the four mounting holes we us e to install our standoffs.
Install a standoff in each one of the holes. Keep the standoff centered over the MB holes, and secure with hex locknuts and a fiber washer on backside of the MB. Torque value not to exc eed 16 in. lbs
Fill-up the socket with dielectric grease.
Do not confuse dielectric grease with thermal compound. Dielectric grease is used to prevent condensation where parts are expos ed to cold. We recommend Luberex (available on our web site under the accessories section), or any similar product, with good dielectric properties. Fill-up the socket center cavity (grease is to be level with the upper surface of the socket), and coat the socket pinholes with grease. Spread the grease with your finger so that it will penetrate inside the pinholes.
St., Signal Hill, CA 90755 T. (562) 595-8009 F. (562) 595-8769
Hex lock-nut and
fiber washer
to back side of
the MB
Figure 6
Figure 7
Insert the processor into the socket.
Since you have grease inside the socket, s ome hydraulic pressure lift may occur: f or this reason, make sure that the processor sits perfectly flat, and is ins erted all the way into the socket. T hen, coat the process or core with high quality thermal compound. Only a paper- thin coat is necessary. It should be applied using preferably a razor blade, or a credit card, held between thumb and index at a 45- degree angle.
Figure 8
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