Swema 3000 User Manual

Swema AB Pepparvägen 27 SE-123 56 FARSTA Tel: +46 8 94 00 90 Fax: +46 8 93 44 93 swema@swema.se www.swema.com
Manual for Swema 3000
Version 1151 5.21
Swema AB Pepparvägen 27 SE-123 56 FARSTA Tel: +46 8 94 00 90 Fax: +46 8 93 44 93 swema@swema.se www.swema.com
Connectors and Buttons 3
How to put on/off holders for the probes 4
Starting 5
PC programs 6
The different probes for Swema 3000 7
The different modes used in Swema 3000
Measuring with APF (Average Point air Flow)
Recomended measuring points for circular and rectangular ducts 11
Measuring with DPF (Differential Pressure air Flow)
Measuring with AF (Average Flow)
Measuring with BP (Back Pressure)
Measuring with AP (Average Point)
Measuring with AS (Auto Sampling)
Measuring with ASF (Auto Sampling Flow)
Measuring with CO (Comfort)
Measuring with LOG (Logging)
Measuring with LOGP (Logging Protocols)
Note Book, Log Book and File
Leakage tester for Building 26
Leakage tester for Duct 29
Control unit for leakage tester 31
Measuring with SwemaTwin - Balancing of ventilation
Menu 1 34
Menu 2 35
Menu 3 36
SwemaTerminal 2
Time constant 38
Displayed values and saving measurment 38
Technical Data
Swema AB Pepparvägen 27 SE-123 56 FARSTA Tel: +46 8 94 00 90 Fax: +46 8 93 44 93 swema@swema.se www.swema.com
Connectors and Buttons
Arrow Keys
Enter Key
Display light
On / Off
SWA 31
Probe connector
RS232/SwemaTwin connector
USB connector
Battery hatch 2 x AA Batteries
Swema AB Pepparvägen 27 SE-123 56 FARSTA Tel: +46 8 94 00 90 Fax: +46 8 93 44 93 swema@swema.se www.swema.com
How to put on/off holders for the probes
Start with removing the rubber strip by gripping it with your ngers. Pull it up about 1 cm to the
opening and pull it out.
Remove the rubber strip by just pull it out. When you have removed the strip put in the appropriate holders and slide them to the wanted positions.
Now you can attach the probe. (Picture shows SWA 10 with holder)
Swema AB Pepparvägen 27 SE-123 56 FARSTA Tel: +46 8 94 00 90 Fax: +46 8 93 44 93 swema@swema.se www.swema.com
The Swema 3000 is a multi-purpose instrument for measuring
air velocities, air ows, relative humidity, temperatures and
differential pressure. Swema3000, 3000d, 3000md: d means density compensated with inbuilt barometer and thermocouple type K connector. m means inbuilt manometer. Swema 3000 has individually calibrated, replaceable probes. As soon as you turn on the instrument with a probe connected, measurement values are displayed. It’s important to turn off Swema 3000 before you connect or disconnect a probe. For Swema 3000md toggle between the inbuilt manometer and external probe by using the EXT / INT button. In addition Swema 3000 will calculate and help you work correctly when using any of the modes included in the Swema 3000. By pressing Enter the measurement mode will start.
When Swema 3000 is turned on some information about the instrument is displayed under a couple of seconds. Information showed is what model of Swema 3000 it’s, wich software version it has and the battery power (under 2.0V the instrument will turn off). If you have a probe connected you will also see what kind of probe it’s, next calibration date and serial number of the probe (next calibration date and seriel number is not showed for relative humidity probes). If you would like to see this information for more than a couple of seconds hold down the ON/OFF button during turn on, the information is showed until you release the button.
There are some general modes to use with any probe: AP (not SWA03), AS, LOG and LOGP. We suggest to start to learn the AP and LOG modes.
For ventilation measurements there are some special modes: APF, DPF, AF, BP, ASF and CO. Start by using APF(SWA31/07/10), DPF (SWA10/07) and BP, AF (SwemaFlow 125/2000/65)
Swema 3000 can store measurement results in the memory. Measurement notes and logs can easily be transfered to a PC using the program SwemaTerminal.
If you have replaced a probe or connected it for the rst time, the instrument always selects the
mode which is standard for the connected probe. In addition, the Swema 3000 reads in the cali­bration and only makes available the modes which are relevant to that particular type of probe. If you switch off the instrument and turn it on again, you will return to the mode you were using. It also remembers what time constant and number of decimal used. Swema 3000 remembers infor­mation for the two last probe used plus the inbuilt manometer of Swema 3000md.
At delivery the instrument is set to use k2-factors that is reducing the duct surface when
calculating ow in APF-mode.
Menu-keys (Page 3)
The lowest part of the display is divided into 3 squares and directly under these squares there are 3 Menu-keys. The buttons functions varies wich is described in the 3 squares abowe.
Change settings and move around in the Menu
Use the UP/DOWN-arrow key to move between the different lines in the Menu. If you want to change something press ENTER, RIGHT-arrow key or SET (Menu-key to the right). Use UP/ DOWN-arrows to choose between the different options you have. If you want to go back to default
settings press DEF (Menu-key in the middle) when it’s showed. When you are nnished with your
changes press ENTER, LEFT-arrow key or EXIT (Menu-key to the left). To go back to measuring mode press EXIT.
Connectors on Swema 3000, 3000d and md. 3000md also has TC connector.
Swema AB Pepparvägen 27 SE-123 56 FARSTA Tel: +46 8 94 00 90 Fax: +46 8 93 44 93 swema@swema.se www.swema.com
PC programs
A program, SwemaTerminal 2, for tranfering data via USB is included on the CD with this manual. SwemaTer­minal 2 can also be downloaded on www.swema.com. SwemaTerminal 2 is used for updating the Swema 3000 (instructions on www.swema.com). 230V adapter, connects to USB.port. (Part.no. 764.610). RS232-cable for Com-port. (Part.no. 759.030) The PC-program SwemaMultipoint (Part.no. 763.710) The Swema Multipoint can be used to log data of the two variables showed on the LCD of the Swema 3000. Swema MultiPoint can monitor and log up to 8 Swema 3000 and present it in a live graph.
Swema Multipoint can also be used to create the PPD, PMV and Draught index according to ISO 7730. For ISO 7730, two Swema 3000, one SWA 03, one black globe thermometer and one HygroClip2-S are needed.
Swema AB Pepparvägen 27 SE-123 56 FARSTA Tel: +46 8 94 00 90 Fax: +46 8 93 44 93 swema@swema.se www.swema.com
The different probes for Swema 3000
Hot Wire Anemometers
SWA 31 or SWA 31E. Ø 8...10mm, 66 cm long, SWA 31E extendable up to 116 cm.
0...10 m/s (option 10...30 m/s) and temperature -20...80°C. Possible measuring modes: AP, APF, AS, ASF, LOG and LOGP. Extend the probe to the desired length. Both holes must be clear for air to pass.
Do not pull the cable to close probe.
Orientation advice: Turn the arrow so that the mark on the bottom part of the telescope stem points in the
same direction as the arrow. The air velocity measurement can be
inuenced by how the holes are located in the ow. See graph.
Differential pressure
SWA 07: ±7000Pa, SWA 10 and Swema 3000md: -100...1500Pa. SWA 10 has a built in valve that automatically zero checks the pressure. Possible measuring modes: APF (with pito static pipe), DPF (k-factor), AP, AS and LOG.
It is important to show zero pressure at the actual zero pressure.
Otherwise there will be an offset inuencing all measurements.
The differential pressure probes SWA 07 and 10 and Swema 3000md can be zeroed to display zero when no pressure is connected. Press the ZERO button when no pressure is connected. The probe is zeroed for this position. Do not change position when measuring.
Auto Zero ON with SWA 10 or Swema 3000md SWA 10 and Swema 3000md has an inbuilt zero valve. Auto Zero is set to ON by default. By the built in valve the zero pressure point is automatically checked every time you take a measurement by pressing ”ENTER”. When working in this way you never need to calibrate zero manually. Warning: Zeroing may take long time: time constant + 3 sec. If a 4 second time constant is selected it will take 7 seconds to take a measurement.
Auto Zero OFF with SWA 10 or Swema 3000md With Auto zero Off no zero check is done automatically. The measurement takes shorter time. Due to very stable zero point zero checking is sometimes not needed.
See Menu2 to select Auto Zero ON or OFF
SWA 10 has a small position dependence of ±0,3Pa. When you use Auto Zero On and hold the
SWA 10 in rm position during zero point checking this error disappears.
The SWA 07 is sensitive to tilting in the longitudinal direction, a 90° tilt producing a change of 4-5 Pa. It is recomended to use the SWA 07 with the magnet holder Art. No. 760.020. SWA 07 is sen­sitive for temperature schocks. Avoid holding your hand on the SWA 07. Temperature changes of this type will cause zero drift that may take 1-2 minutes to dissappear. The temperature compen­sation works for slow changes. It is possible to log over several hours with minimal zero drift.
Swema AB Pepparvägen 27 SE-123 56 FARSTA Tel: +46 8 94 00 90 Fax: +46 8 93 44 93 swema@swema.se www.swema.com
Flow captures
SwemaFlow 65: 2...65 l/s, SwemaFlow 125: 2...125 l/s and SwemaFlow 2000: 4...900 l/s. Possible measuring modes: AF, BP (only with SWF 125), AS, LOG and AP.
Draught probe
SWA 03: 0,05...3,0 m/s (omni directional) and 10...34°C.
SWA 03 fulls ISO 7726.
Possible measuring modes: CO, AS, LOG and LOGP.
Relative humidity and temperature
All probes 0....100%RH
Temperature: HygroClip2-S -40…..200°C depending on sensor Possible measuring modes: AP, AS and LOG.
Black globe, SWA 53, SWT 315, SWT 215 and with temperature handle SWA 25 also SWT 14, 18, 22, 28, 39, 50, 51 and 53.
-50°C to 280°C depending on probe. Possible measuring modes: AP, AS and LOG.
Connect the Airtest to save and log carbon dioxide values. Possible measuring modes: AP, AS and LOG.
Radio/BlueTooth modem for balancing of ventilation
SwemaTwin transfers measured values on the reference valve from one Swema 3000 to another
through radio/BlueTooth modem or 40 meter cable. The ow relation between them is displayed,
which makes adjustment according to the proportional method an easy task for just one person.
Swema AB Pepparvägen 27 SE-123 56 FARSTA Tel: +46 8 94 00 90 Fax: +46 8 93 44 93 swema@swema.se www.swema.com
The different modes used in Swema 3000
Choose mode by pressing the MENU1-KEY and move the marker to ”Mode” with the UP/DOWN arrow key. Press ENTER, SET or right ARROW KEY and choose mode with the UP/DOWN arrow keys. Conrm your choice with ENTER, EXIT or LEFT arrow key. Set the parameter for the cur­rent modes in the same way. Press EXIT to start measuring.
APF (Average Point air Flow) Measured points are taken with ENTER Average, max, min and
measured points are showed on the display. The Swema 3000 calculates the air ow in l/s or m3/h.
Enter the diameter, height x width or area direct. If you choose to indicate the height and width or diameter of the duct, the Swema 3000 calculates the effective area = the actual area times the duct factor k2 in accordance with the recommended measurement methods. The duct factor can
be turned off in MENU2. Use the APF mode for measuring the ow in ducts.
DPF (differential Pressure air Flow). Available with a differntial pressure probe SWA 10 or SWA
07 or with inbuilt manometer on Swema 3000md. The ow in the measurement of pressure drop
across devices is directly obtained in l/s or m3/h.
Insert k- factor, and the Swema 3000 calculates the air ow according to the formula: q = k sqrt(∆P). The specic k-factor is supplied by the manufacturer of (exhaust and supply) ventilation valves.
AF (Average air Flow) Only available with SwemaFlow 2000, 125 and 65. Average Flow is calcu­lated during selectable measuring time.
BP (Back pressure (air ow)) Only available with SwemaFlow 125. This mode is for measurement over supply and exhaust valves to compensate the possible drop in air ow created by the ow capture. BP mode calculates the real ow - the ow not infuenced by the ow capture.
AP (Average Point). By using the ENTER button the average is formed from measurements with any probe (except SWA03). Average, max, min and number of measured points are shown.
AS (Auto Sampling). The Swema 3000 continuesly collects measured values at the interval set by the Sampling Rate. Use AS mode for example if you want to measure average velocity, max, min, and standard deviation at a point.
ASF (Auto Sampling air Flow). Used with SWA 31 to measure in l/s or m3/h through valves.
Sweep over openings in laminar ow hoods/cabinet and over rectangular exhaust and supply
ventilation grilles. Select and enter the height x width or area direct into the Swema 3000. ASF does not calculte the are with a
k2-reduction - ASF is not intended for measuring in ducts.
There we recommend to use APF instead.
CO (Comfort draught of air). Only available with the omni directional draught probe, SWA 03. CO mode measures average velocity, temperature and standard deviation over a selectable period of time. DR (Draught Rating) is presented in the automatic saved note. The DR indicates the per­centage of people that would nd the draught unpleasant. The DR is based on experiments con­ducted at the Technical University in Copenhagen, directed by Professor Fanger. DR is included as a measure of undesirable air movements in the ISO 7730 standard adopted for indoor climates. For a complete ISO7730 measurement use the SwemaMultipoint program.
Collects readings over a longer time period. Select interval and time constant for LOG. LOGP is especially developed to be used with SWA 03 draught probe to present the draught rate (ISO 7730) but can be used for other probes aswell. During a ”Measure Time” the instrument con­tinuesly measures with the selected Time Constant. When the measure time has passed it stops and starts again with a new ”Measure Time” at the choosen Protocol interval.
Swema AB Pepparvägen 27 SE-123 56 FARSTA Tel: +46 8 94 00 90 Fax: +46 8 93 44 93 swema@swema.se www.swema.com
Measuring with APF (Average Point air Flow)
Possible probes are: SWA 31, SWA 31E or SWA 07 or SWA 10 with pito static pipe or Swema 3000md.
Use the APF mode for measuring the ow in ducts. Swema 3000 calculates the ow in l/s or m3/h by multiplying the
air velocity with the duct area.
Reduction of Flow When selecting a circular or rectangular
duct it is recommended to reduce the ow by a k2-factor. (According to ”Methods for measuring air ow in ventilation sys-
tems”) The air velocity is reduced close to the walls of the duct because of friction. Set the k2-factor to ON in the Settings for automatic compensation. Air Flow=Velocity x k2 x area. To use a non reduced area set the k2 to OFF, see settings.
When a differential pressure probe is connected the Swema 3000 calculates the air velocity with the formula:
Velocity = sqrt (2 ∆P /ρ)
∆P= dynamic pressure =total pressure - static pressure (Pa) ρ= density of air = 1,293 x (B x 273)/(1013 x (273 + t)) (kg/m3)
B = barometric pressure (calculated standard value 1013hPa) t = Air temperature ºC (calculated standard value 20ºC) (With Swema 3000d or md with Thermocople, the measured B and t are used in the formula.)
Connect the air velocity probe or pressure probe with pito static pipe and press ON. Swema 3000 is in measuring mode. Press the MENU1-KEY and move the marker to ”Mode” and change to APF.
Set the PARAMETERS for measuring mode APF:
Time Constant, update of the displayed value (for more infor-
mation see Time Constant under Technical Data).
Ø set the diameter of the duct you want to measure. Move the marker to ”Ø” with the up/down arrow key. Press ENTER or SET and choose the diameter. Choose among standard diameters with the up / down arrow key. To set the diameter to your choice press EDIT and change with the arrow keys. Press EXIT or EN-
TER to conrm.
H x W set the height and width of the duct you want to measure. Move the marker to ”H x W” with the up/down arrow key. Press ENTER or SET and choose height with the arrow keys. Press ENTER or OK and set the width with the arrow keys.
Press ENTER or EXIT to conrm.
Area set the area of the duct. (k2 reduction will not be made)
Choose mode by pressing the MENU1­KEY and move the marker to ”Mode” with the up/down arrow key. Press ENTER or SET and choose mode with the up/down
arrow key. Conrm with EXIT or ENTER.
Set the parameters and press EXIT to start measuring.
When measuring, collect values with the ENTER button. When values are col­lected the display will show average-, maximum-, minimum-values and number of measurements.
Swema AB Pepparvägen 27 SE-123 56 FARSTA Tel: +46 8 94 00 90 Fax: +46 8 93 44 93 swema@swema.se www.swema.com
Recomended measuring points for circular and rectangular ducts
From ”Methods for measuring air ow in ventilation systems”, by the Nordic Ventilation Group and the Building Re­search Council, 1998, ISBN 91-540-5827-9. For D≤400, k2 values are from NBI report Nordtest-proj. No. 1463-99. Circular cross-section: *) D≤ 160 mm → k2 = 0,92 (SWA 31), 0,89 (Pito Static Pipe) 160 < D ≤ 400 mm → k2 = 0,96 (SWA31), 0,95 (Pito Static Pipe) 400 < D ≤ 1250 mm → k_ = 0,98
Swema AB Pepparvägen 27 SE-123 56 FARSTA Tel: +46 8 94 00 90 Fax: +46 8 93 44 93 swema@swema.se www.swema.com
Unit choose the unit you want to measure with l/s, m3/h or CFM.
Atmospheric pressure see Menu1
Temperature see Menu1
See Note Book, Log Book and File
Auto zero (
For differentail pressure) See Menu2, The different probes for Swema 3000. To manaully zeroing the pressure sensor - press the Zero button.
When all parameters are set press the EXIT-button to get back to measuring position. Swema 3000 will show selected Ø, Height x Width or Area.
Collect values with the ENTER-button. When values are col­lected the display will show average-, maximum-, minimum­values and number of measurements. When all values are collected you can choose if you want to clear or save your measurement.
To clear press the CLEAR-button and to save press the SAVE­button. If you press the SAVE-button the instrument saves
your measurement at the rst free memory place in the note
book memory. The instrument also give a short signal and dis­plays the memory place for a few seconds. See Note Book.
Please Note! If Swema 3000 with an inbuilt barometer and thermoelement is used. The displayed Avg, Max and Min va­lues are then calculated by the barometric pressure and tem­perature value at the different measuring points. When saving the measurment a mean value of the barometric pressure and temperature will be saved . The mean values will then be used to calculate the saved values in the Note book.
When measuring in a duct it is necessary to do this where the duct is straight. According to
”Methods for measuring air ow in ventilation systems” the straight length before and after the
measurement position must at least be: Round ducts Rectangular ducts
Before measuring position a ≥5 x D a ≥6 x Dh After measuring position a ≥2 x D a ≥2 x Dh
Dh=Hydraulic diameter (Diameter or corner to corner for rectangular ducts)
When all values are collected you can choose if you want to clear or save your
Swema AB Pepparvägen 27 SE-123 56 FARSTA Tel: +46 8 94 00 90 Fax: +46 8 93 44 93 swema@swema.se www.swema.com
The ow in the measurement of pressure drop across valves
is directly obtained in l/s or m3/h.
q = k sqrt (∆P)
The k-factor is supplied by the manufacturor of the valve.
It should be dened so that result comes out in liter/s.
If you would like the result in m3/h then still use the k-factor that is valid for liter/s calculation and the Swema 3000 will calculate to m3/h.
Set the PARAMETERS for measuring mode DPF:
Time Constant, update of the displayed value (for more infor-
mation see Time Constant under Technical Data).
K-factor In Swema 3000 you have a memory for 20 K-fac­tors. It is useful when there are different k-factors for different positions of the valve. Move the marker to ”K-factor” with the UP/DOWN arrow key. Press ENTER or SET and choose with the UP/DOWN arrow keys which K-factor memory place (1-
20) you want to set. Press EDIT and edit your K-factor with
the arrow keys. Conrm your choice by pressing ENTER or
EXIT two times.
Unit choose the unit you want to measure with l/s, m3/h or CFM.
Atmospheric pressure see Menu1
Temperature see Menu1
Auto zero See Menu2, The different probes for Swema 3000.
To manaully zeroing the pressure sensor - press the Zero button.
See Note Book, Log Book and File
When all parameters are set press the EXIT-button to get back to measuring position. Swema 3000 will show selected K-factor the pressure and the air ow. You can change bet­ween the stored k-factors by pressing UP/DOWN ARROW­buttons. Collect values with the ENTER-button. When values are collected the display will show average-, maximum-, mini­mum-values and number of measurements. When all values are collected you can choose if you want to clear or save your measurement (you can change to another k-factor until values are cleared or saved) .
Measuring with DPF (Differential Pressure air Flow)
Possible probes with DPF are: SWA 07 or SWA 10 and Swema 3000md. See Differential pressure in the section The different probes for Swema 3000.
When measuring, collect values with the enter button. When values are collected the display will show average-, maximum-, minimum-values and number of measure­ments.
Choose mode by pressing the MENU1-KEY and move the marker to ”Mode” with the up/down arrow key. Press ENTER or SET and choose mode with the up/down arrow
key. Conrm with EXIT or the ENTER. Set
the parameters and press EXIT to start measuring.
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