Swegon reserves the right to alter specifi cations. 1
Installation Instructions for the
1. General
The TBKA/TCKA, TBKC/TCKC air coolers are used for cooling the supply air with chilled water or evaporative refrigerant as the cooling medium.
The type TCKA air cooler is equipped with connections
for insertion-tpe sensors and can be used as a multi-purpose coil (cooling and heating).
The air cooler must be installed for horizontal airfl ow.
The TBKA/TCKA, TBKC/TCKC air coolers are composed of
copper tubes and profi led aluminium fi ns.
The TBKA/TCKA has headers and water connections made
of copper/brass, with male connection threads.
The TBKC/TCKC has headers and distributor tubes made
of copper. The connections are designed for brazed joints.
Extra accessories
The TBVA Valve set consisting of a 2(3)-way valve including actuator can be ordered. See the individual instructions for the TBVA valve set. If the air heater is to be
installed outdoors or in a cold space, take into consideration the enclosure class of the actuator and the permissible ambient temperature. If necessary, see to it that
required protection is arranged.
3. Maintenance
Check at least twice a year whether cleaning is necessary.
Cleaning shall only be done by blowing with compressed
air against the ordinary direction of airfl ow, vacuum cleaning with a soft nozzle or wet cleaning with water and/or
solvent. Before you begin wet cleaning, you should cover
adjacent functional sections to protect them. After wet
cleaning, you should blow the surfaces dry with compressed air to remove every trace of cleaning solvent.
If cleaning solvent is used, this solvent must not contain
ingredients that will corrode aluminium or copper. Swegon’s cleaning agent is recommended. This cleaning agent
is sold by Swegon or Swegon Service.
While cleaning, check the air cooler for tightness and that
the drainage pipework is not clogged. For the TBKA/TCKA
air coolers, also check the glycol content and vent the