Swegon CASA W100B Instructions For Installation, Operation And Maintenance

Swegon CASA® W100, version B
Instructions for installation, operation and maintenance For design engineers, installation engineers and service personnel
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Installation, operation and maintenance
for design engineers, installation engineers and service personnel
Important information ............................................. 3
1. General Description .............................................. 4
1.1 Enclosure .........................................................................4
1.2 Fans ................................................................................. 4
1.3 Filters ............................................................................... 4
1.4 Heat exchanger ................................................................4
1.5 Temperature ....................................................................4
1.6 Protective functions .........................................................5
2. Installation ............................................................. 6
2.1 Ventilation unit installation site ........................................6
2.1.1 Wall mounting ..............................................................6
2.1.2 Ceiling mounting .......................................................... 7
2.2 Condensate discharge ......................................................7
2.3 Ducts ............................................................................... 8
2.4 To connect the cooker hood .............................................8
2.5 To seal around duct penetration collars ............................8
2.6 Electric and control cables ................................................9
2.7 To connect water pipes in the Econo model .....................9
3. Commissioning .................................................... 10
3.1 To set the airflows ..........................................................10
3.2 Functions in the ’Install. and service’ menu in the Premium
control panel. .................................................................10
3.2.1 To open the menu .......................................................10
3.2.2. Alarm ........................................................................10
3.2.3 Clock .......................................................................... 10
3.2.4 Temperature ...............................................................10
3.2.5 Measurement .............................................................10
3.2.6 Control functions .......................................................10
3.2.7 Fan settings ................................................................10
3.2.8 Shutdown ................................................................... 10
3.2.9 Factory settings ........................................................... 10
3.2.10 Controllers ................................................................10
3.2.11 Functions .................................................................. 10
3.2.12 Electric air heater ......................................................11
3.3 Application ....................................................................11
6. List of components ............................................. 15
7. Technical data ...................................................... 16
7.1 Fan Diagrams ................................................................. 16
7.2 Outputs of the components .......................................... 17
7.3 Acoustic data ................................................................. 17
7.4 Sizing of the water-heated air heater .............................19
7.5 Pressure loss in the air heater for reheating ....................19
7.6 Electrical wiring diagram ................................................ 20
7.6.1 Ventilation unit ...........................................................20
7.6.2 Control functions with accessories ..............................20
7.7 Control diagram ............................................................23
7.7.1 W100 EC .................................................................... 23
7.7.2 W100 EC Econo ..........................................................24
7.8 Dimensions .................................................................... 25
7.9 Weights .........................................................................25
7.10 Ventilation unit codes ..................................................25
7.11 Accessories for installation ...........................................25
8. Commissioning form ........................................... 26
Warranty Conditions .............................................. 28
EC Declaration of Conformity ................................ 29
4. Servicing .............................................................. 12
4.1 Service reminder ............................................................12
4.2 To open the ventilation unit ...........................................12
4.3 Filters ............................................................................. 12
4.4 Heat exchanger ..............................................................12
4.5 Fans ............................................................................... 12
4.6 Other servicing ...............................................................12
5. Alarms and troubleshooting .............................. 14
5.1 Alarms from a Premium control panel ............................14
5.2 Troubleshooting: ............................................................14
5.2.1 The supply air is not sufficiently heated ....................... 14
5.2.2 Badly isolated ventilation ducts ...................................14
5.2.3 The ventilation unit does not obey commands ............14
Swegon reserves the right to alter specifications.www.swegon.com/casa
Important information
Qualified personnel only
The installation work, the entering of set­tings and commissioning should be carried out by qualified personnel only.
Standards and requirements
The pertinent national standards and regula­tions dealing with installation, the entering of settings and commissioning must be followed if the equipment is to operate correctly.
You will find the document entitled “Project planning instructions for ventilation” at the www.swegon.com/casa web address, in which requirements on electric power, sound, airflows and duct system are presented.
Measurement and electrical work
Isolate the ventilation unit from the electri­cal supply grid before you carry out voltage tests, measure the electrical insulation re­sistance at various points or perform other remedial measures that could damage sensi­tive electrical equipment.
Surge protection
Swegon recommends that all ventilation units equipped with Premium automatic control be equipped with a surge protection device.
Earth fault circuit breaker
It is not certain that an earth fault circuit breaker will operate faultlessly in combi­nation with the ventilation unit, since the unit's regulation and control equipment can cause leakage currents. Comply with local electrical safety regulations when you install electrical equipment.
To open the ventilation unit for service
Always ensure that the ventilation unit’s power supply has been isolated before you open the inspection door! Wait a few min­utes before you open the inspection door on the ventilation unit so that the fans have time to stop and air heaters, if fitted, have time to cool down.
There are no components inside the electri­cal equipment cabinet that can be serviced
by the user. Leave the servicing or these components to service personnel. Do not restart the ventilation unit before you’ve identified the cause of the fault and service personnel have serviced the ventilation unit.
Separate extract air (bypass for kitchen)
If there is an extract air duct connected from a cooker hood to the ventilation unit, keep in mind that the separate extract air duct bypasses the heat exchanger and that use of it will affect the ventilation unit’s annual ef­ficiency. The separate extract air duct should only be used while cooking is in progress and the ordinary extract air register in the kitchen should be connected to the ventila­tion unit’s extract air duct.
The Econo models (water-heated air heater)
The Econo model ventilation unit should be equipped with shut-off damper so that the water-heated air heater cannot freeze dur­ing a power failure.
Drying laundry
A tumbler dryer of extract air type or a dry­ing cabinet must not be connected to the system due to the high moisture content in the air it discharges. However, we recom­mend the use of a condensing tumbler dryer without duct connection.
Do not commission the ventilation unit until all carpentry work that produces large quan­tities of sanding dust or other impurities has been completed.
The duct connection spigots of the ventila­tion unit must be covered by lids while the unit is being transported, kept in storage and mounted at its final location.
Make sure that the ventilation unit, filters and ducts are clean and that there are no loose objects in them before you commis­sion the ventilation system.
N.B.! The manual’s original language is Finnish.
Swegon reserves the right to alter specifications. 3www.swegon.com/casa
1. General Description
steers the extract air to bypass the heat exchanger when heating is not needed.
The most important function of the ventilation system is to ensure fresh indoor air and to remove moisture. The air in the home should be changed at a continuous and sufficient rate to ensure a pleasant indoor climate and avoid damage to building elements caused by damp­ness. The ventilation unit should be stopped only while service work is in progress.
1.1 Enclosure
The ventilation unit’s enclosure class is IP X4 when the inspection door is closed.
1.2 Fans
The Swegon CASA W100 is equipped with energy-ef­ficient fans with EC motors, advantageous in that their speed is variably controllable and their efficiency is high even when they operate in the lower speed range. The power supply and control cables of the fans have quick­fit connectors making the fans easily removable from the unit, if required.
The fans can be controlled from a control panel or a Premium cooker hood to operate at three different speeds.
• Away = a low airflow, which can be used when no
one is present in the home.
• Home = normal airflow.
• Boost = a high airflow, used in connection with cook-
ing, taking a sauna bath, drying laundry and similar activities.
The unit’s weekly timer has four programs that can switch in the various fan modes at the preset times. On the unit with electric reheating, you can also select the required temperature of the supply air. Even when the ventilation unit is being controlled with the weekly timer, it is always possible to change the fan mode from a Premium control panel or a Premium cooker hood.
1.5 Temperature
The user sets the required value for supply air tempera­ture, and, during the heating season, the ventilation unit then strives to reach this temperature if possible. In general, the user sets a temperature in the 13-20 °C range. The supply air temperature should be lower than the room temperature, so that the supply air will mix thoroughly with the room air. Note that a high tem­perature setting will also increase the consumption of electric power. The factory setting for supply air tem­perature is 17 °C.
In the Econo models, the setpoint can be set with a thermostat inside the ventilation unit. You can turn the thermostat dial to the minimum setting if heating is not required.
When the heat exchanger’s heating power is not suffi­cient for reaching the preset supply air temperature, the electric air heater is activated to heat the air to the sup­ply air setpoint. If no heating is required, the air heater can be switched off from a Premium control panel.
If the bypass shutter for summer ventilation is open, the electric air heater is automatically put out of operation.
You can select an airflow boost time of 30, 60 or 120 minutes from a Premium control panel. When the unit is controlled from a Premium cooker hood, the fan’s air­flow boost time is 60 minutes. You can select a damper open time of 30, 60 or 120 minutes.
1.3 Filters
The ventilation unit has class G3 wide-meshed filters for the supply air and extract air. There is also a class F7 fine filter for the supply air.
1.4 Heat exchanger
Inside the ventilation unit, there is a plate heat exchang­er fabricated out of aluminium foil. The heat exchanger operates according to the counter-flow principle. The airflows conveyed to the heat exchanger and flowing from it pass through separate channels and are not mixed together. The unit’s mechanical bypass damper
Swegon reserves the right to alter specifications.www.swegon.com/casa
1.6 Protective functions
The heat exchanger’s anti-freeze protection
The heat exchanger is equipped with anti-freezing protection. When cold weather involves risk that the heat exchanger will freeze, the air heater for reheating is switched on and the supply air fan runs at a lower speed. This protective function automatically resets itself when the temperature rises.
Electric air heater An automatic overtemperature protection (thermal over­load cutout) switches off the air heater if a fault situa­tion arises. This protection device automatically resets itself when the air heater has cooled down.
The overheating protection that requires manual reset­ting can be reset by pressing a button inside the ven­tilation unit. The location of the button inside the air heaters is marked in the illustrations below. When you press the reset button and feel it click, the overtempera­ture protection (thermal overload cut out) has then been reset.
Reset button for the over­temperature protection on the preheating air heater
Reset button for the over­temperature protection on the preheating air heater
(Only models with electric air heater)
Econo model’s water-heated air heater
On the Econo models, there is a temperature sensor that protects the water-heated air heater from freezing.
If the air heater’s temperature has dropped to a risky level, the red signal lamp on the control panel will flash, but the ventilation unit will operate normally.
If the air heater’s temperature drops further, the con­troller will stop the ventilation unit to prevent the air heater from freezing. The anti-freeze protection alarm is acknowledged from the ’Install. and service’ menu’s ’Alarm’ point.
The overheating protection of the fans The fans have overheating protection. The fans stop them if the temperature rises too high. They also stop if a serious malfunction occurs in the ventilation unit. The protective function resets itself automatically when the temperature drops or the malfunction has been remedied.
Swegon reserves the right to alter specifications. 5www.swegon.com/casa
2. Installation
2.1 Ventilation unit installation site
The temperature in the installation space for the unit should be more than +10 °C, and there should be a drain in the installation space for draining off conden­sate. The ventilation unit can be installed in a machinery room, laundry room, storeroom, etc. The ventilation unit should not be secured to a wall that borders to a living room or a bedroom.
During installation, arrange electric and control cables to make them easily accessible.
The ventilation unit can be mounted either on the wall in a wall mounting bracket or on the ceiling with a ceiling mounting frame. The required mounting frame can be purchased as an accessory (on the Dou model the wall mounting bracket is included in the supply).
The unit should be mounted as near as possible to a wall or ceiling. The space between the ventilation unit and the wall/ceiling must be insulated to prevent the transmission of sound through the wall behind the unit to the adja­cent room.
Wall mounting bracket’s dimensions
Screw the wall mounting firmly in horizontal position onto the wall where a wall stud will support the weight of the unit.
Connect the extract air from a Premium cooker hood, if installed, via a duct to the extra duct connection spigot on the top side of the ventilation unit, which on delivery is plugged.
2.1.1 Wall mounting
Mount the ventilation unit on a wall by means of a wall mounting bracket which is available as an accessory (standard on the Duo models).
If the wall is composed of vertical studs and wall boards, the wall must be reinforced with horizontal studs that will support the weight of the unit. Swegon also recom­mends that the wall be insulated with mineral wool or similar insulation for preventing sound from propagat­ing to other rooms.
Fasten the insulation, supplied with the wall mounting bracket, behind the ventilation unit.
Before you lift the ventilation unit into place, attach the insulation supplied with the wall mounting bracket onto the back side of the ventilation unit. Lift up the ventilation unit onto the wall mounting bracket so that the ears on the bracket engage in the corresponding notches at the top on the backside of the unit. The ven­tilation unit’s inspection door and heat exchanger can be removed to make it easier to lift the unit. The fans can also be removed if necessary. See the ”Servicing” Section.
1. Horizontal stud for the ventilation
unit’s mounting bracket
2. Acoustic insulation
1. Insulated wall
2. Horizontal stud
3. Wall mounting bracket
Swegon reserves the right to alter specifications.www.swegon.com/casa
2.1.2 Ceiling mounting
The ventilation unit can also be mounted in a ceil­ing mounting frame (available as an accessory) on the ceiling.
Fasten the ceiling mounting frame in ceiling anchor pieces with four size M8 threaded rods. Adjust the length of rods so that they will extend no more than 30 mm below the inner surface of the ceiling mounting frame. If they extend further, they will interfere with the upper section of the ventilation unit. Install at least three threaded rods in the corners of the ceiling mounting frame. To avoid a possible collision with the ducts, one of the threaded rods can be located in the hole next to the corner.
Screw in the M8 nuts onto the threaded rods to such a height that the ceiling mounting frame will be horizon­tal when the top of the frame goes against the nuts. Fit the ceiling mounting frame through the selected holes towards the nuts of the threaded rods and lock the frame into position with nuts from underneath. Adapt the installation height so that the locking screws in the ceiling mounting frame’s front section will extend suf­ficiently far below the ceiling.
Lift the ventilation unit up against the ceiling mounting frame so that all four locking hooks engage into posi­tion. There are two catches on each locking hook. The purpose of the upper one is to secure the ventilation unit to facilitate connection to the ducts and the wiring of the electric cables.
When the unit is in the correct position in relation to the duct and the electric cables and water pipes, if required, have been run into the ventilation unit, lift up the unit to rest on the lower hooks. When the hooks are locked, the spring-loaded screws of the front section of the ceiling mounting frame extend outward. Finally, lock the ventilation unit into position by tightening the screws.
Be careful not to press on the screws, because do­ing so will disengage the ventilation unit.
If you improperly tighten the ceiling mounting frame, this could turn the frame and the ventilation unit will not have room inside the frame.
Run the mounting hooks through the assembly open­ings above the ventilation unit and secure them with tension rivets. Position the hooks so that the sharp point is facing the rear side of the ventilation unit.
The hooks must absolutely not be secured with riv­ets directly above the ventilation unit.
The points of the hooks face the rear part of the ventilation unit and they are to be slipped into the unit’s notches before you secure them with rivets.
Before you lift the ventilation unit into position, back off the two screws at the front of the ceiling mounting frame so much that the screw heads stick out approx. 2 cm. Also run the power supply and data cables, and on the Econo model the water pipes, through the ceiling mounting frame.
The ventilation unit’s inspection door and heat ex­changer can be removed to make it easier to lift the unit. The fans can also be removed if necessary. See the ”Servicing” Section.
Finally, lock the ventilation unit at its final location by lightly tightening the locking screws.
The pipe connections of the Econo model should be ar­ranged inside the ventilation unit. The connection work will be facilitated if you temporarily remove the heat exchanger and filter from the unit. Connect the inlet flow pipes to the thermostat (3/8” female threads) and the return pipe in the coupling with 15 mm on the ball valve.
2.2 Condensate discharge
Connect the condensate discharge tube to the ven­tilation unit’s condensate discharge connection (3/8" male threads). The condensate must be channelled to a floor drain, the water trap of a sink or the equivalent by means of a tube or a pipe having an inner diameter of at least 12 mm. The tube must not be connected directly to the sewer.
Vertically mount the water trap on the tube supplied with the unit and fill it with water. The tube must not have a second water trap or be run horizontally. The damming height of the water trap should be at least 100 mm.
Swegon reserves the right to alter specifications. 7www.swegon.com/casa
2.3 Ducts
Install the air ducts, sound attenuators, supply air diffus­ers, air intake grilles and exhaust air ducts as shown in the ventilation drawings. To prevent the propagation of sound, do not install the ducts directly against structural building elements.
Insulate the air ducts according to the ventilation plan in order to reduce the losses of heat or cooling and to pre­vent water from condensing on surfaces. The applicable fire resistance insulation requirements are also specified in the ventilation plan. It is of greatest importance to
insulate cold ducts without gaps in the insulation, so that moisture cannot condense.
Check whether the ventilation unit has been supplied in the right-hand or left­hand version to make certain that you are connecting the air ducts to the correct duct connection spigots on the unit. Check the ventilation plans to make sure that the duct connections are correctly installed. See also the dimensional drawings in the Section entitled: “Technical data”.
2.4 To connect the cooker hood
The cooker hood is usually connected to the ordinary extract air duct. However the cooker hood can be connected to the ventilation unit’s separate extract air connection, in order to meet national regulations or for achieving a more effective than normal extract airflow. The duct between the cooker hood and the ventilation unit must be installed in such a way that makes it pos­sible to clean it.
On delivery, the connection for separate extract air is blanked off.
If you connect the cooker hood to a separate ex­tract air duct it is important to keep in mind that the airflow will then bypass the heat exchanger and this could cause an activation of the anti­freeze protection function earlier than normal.
The bypass for a kitchen is intended for use when the airflows from the cooker hood/ kitchen are boosted. The kitchen’s general ventilation must take place via the extract air duct. If the general ventilation takes place continuously via the cooker hood, the supply air and extract air flows through the heat exchanger will be out of balance, and this will lower the efficiency and impair the ventilation unit’s anti-freeze protection functions during the winter.
2.5 To seal around duct penetration collars
We recommend the use of a mounting frame designed for the ventilation unit (accessory) for sealing the vapour barrier in the loft ceiling beams.
Cut up the openings with approx. 10 mm smaller diameter than that of the ducts. Secure the mounting frame in the ceiling with screws through the holes on the sides. Tighten the plastic of the moisture barrier between the mounting frame and the structural ele­ment of the building or fix it in position with tape tightly against the mounting frame.
It is also important to the preserve the tightness of the vapour barrier at the duct system’s other penetration collars that run through the attic joists. A building ele­ment penetration seal (accessory) will facilitate this. This item is available in sets of 5 pieces, for diameters: 100, 125 and 160 mm.
The thickness of the insulation and the nature of the surface layer of the ventilation ducts vary depending on insulation material, climate zone and national standards in force. For this reason, Swegon does not offer any recommendations. Most manufacturers of insulation material offer calculation programs for the calculation of sufficient and correct insulation.
In renovation projects, it is advisable to examine the existing ducts to determine whether they are sufficiently and correctly insulated. Insulating in the right way is necessary for the ventilation unit to operate correctly..If
the ducts are uninsulated, even across a small area, there is a high degree of risk of condensation and indirect damage.
The supply air and extract air ducts should be fitted with acoustic insulation along the stretch between the ventilation unit’s duct outlet and the sound attenuator, so that fan sound will not be propagated out into the room.
In general, ventilation ducts should be insulated in the following manner:
• Insulate outdoor air ducts run through warm spaces.
• Exhaust air ducts should always be insulated in ac­cordance with national regulations. See separate project planning instructions (e.g.e ”Fire resistance requirements”).
• Insulate supply air ducts in cold spaces.
• Insulate extract air ducts in cold spaces.
• If the air inside the duct is colder than in the sur­roundings; the insulation should be protected by a vapour barrier.
Swegon reserves the right to alter specifications.www.swegon.com/casa
2.6 Electric and control cables
The electric and control cables are located on the upper side of the ventilation unit.
A 1.5 m long cable with earthed plug-in contact is fitted to the ventilation unit for measuring the voltage. The mains plug serves as the ventilation unit’s main switch and it should be connected to an electric socket at an easily accessible spot. For power required, see the Section entitled: “Technical data”.
Connect the ventilation unit to the Premium control panel (accessory) via a modular cable. A 20 metre long modular cable is included in the supply of the control panel. Run the cable to the desired place where the panel will be mounted. If the modular cable is run inside some building element (e.g. a wall), run the cable in a 20 mm conduit bearing in mind a possible later change of cabling.
When installing the unit, make sure that you provide adequate access to the connector of each cable (loose ones as well), e.g. for servicing and adjusting the unit, if and when the need arises.
In multi-storey buildings, a control panel can be used as a so-called hand-held micro terminal in conjunction with service and installation work.
The connection of possible accessories is described in the wiring diagram in the Section entitled: ”Technical data”. The cables for accessories are not included in the supply.
If any further electrical wiring is required, only a qualified electrician shall be allowed to carry out this work. The electric and control cables are located on the upper side of the ventilation unit. Make sure that the electric cable can be connected to a wall outlet without obstruction.
The front plate on the Premium control panel can be done using a small screwdriver as shown in the figure. Put the front plate back into place by first placing the upper edge of the front plate in position and then pressing the plate firmly into place.
To connect the modular cable. The extra plug terminal is used for an extra control cable.
2.7 To connect water pipes in the Econo model
The pipe connections of the Econo model should be ar­ranged inside the ventilation unit. The connection work will be facilitated if you temporarily remove the heat exchanger and filter from the unit. Connect the inlet flow pipe to the thermostat (3/8” female threads) and the return pipe in the coupling with 15 mm on the ball valve.
The Econo model requires a continuous circulation of hot water during the heating season.
Check that the ventilation unit, filters and ducts are clean and that there are no loose objects in them before commissioning the ventilation system. The ventilation ducts should be cleaned regularly and always when the home is renovated.
It is absolutely forbidden to operate the ventilation system during the construction period or if dust-raising work is carried out. Before installing the unit, the ducts should be blanked off with covers to prevent the entry of impurities.
Swegon reserves the right to alter specifications. 9www.swegon.com/casa
3. Commissioning
3.1 To set the airflows
For estimated values for setting the airflows, use the sizing curves in the Section entitled: ”Technical data”. A qualified person should set the ventilation unit’s and the ventilation equipment’s airflows using appropriate meas­urement equipment.
As an initial value for ventilation planning, you can use the ventilation value 0.5 times the volume of the build­ing per hour + 6 l/s supply air per person, when the unit is operating in the Home mode. (Initial values can vary in different countries.)
As a guideline in the Away fan mode, you can use 0.7 x air volume in the Home mode. Scope for boosting should be provided in accordance with regulations that apply in the relevant country.
3.2.4 Temperature
The supply air temperature is displayed in the main menu if you select ”On”. (The models with electric reheating.)
3.2.5 Measurement
Depending on the accessories connected, the following values can be measured: carbon dioxide content (CO2), temperature, pressure differential, the speed of the fans and relative humidity (RH) as well as the light contact (not on the R100).
3.2.6 Control functions
The carbon dioxide content (CO2), supervision (DDC) weekly timer or RH control are selectable as control means. With exception of the weekly timer, all the control means require you to connect the accessory to the system.
All the fan modes must be preset so that the venti­lation unit will operate correctly. Fill in your entered
settings in the commissioning report.
3.2 Functions in the ’Install. and service’ menu in the Premium control panel.
From this menu, you can decide which functions you want to be able to use from the main menu. From the ’Install. and service’ menu, you can also enter settings that affect the ventilation system’s operation while you commission or service the unit. Possible alarms and the service reminder can also be acknowledged from this menu.
3.2.1 To open the menu
To open the menu, enter code 1234.
3.2.2. Alarm Sensor error
Alternative setting ”On” should be selected as the value for the temperature sensors. If a possible sensor error occurs, contact a service company. Sensor errors can also be acknowledged from this menu.
Service reminder After servicing, acknowledge the service reminder from this menu with ”Service OK”. As factory setting, the ser­vice reminder is activated and the time interval for the service reminder is sex months. The service reminder can be deactivated and the time interval can be changed from the Functions menu.
The freeze risk warning on the Econo models If the air heater’s temperature drops to a risky level, the “Freeze risk” alarm text will appear on the control panel display. The air heater’s freeze risk warning can be ac­knowledged from the Freeze risk point. One prerequisite for acknowledgement is that the temperature by sensor T6 exceeds 16 °C.
3.2.3 Clock
The clock is displayed in the main menu if you select ”On”.
3.2.7 Fan settings
Select one of the five fan modes (1–5) for each operating mode (Away, Home, Boost, Cool, Refresh and Heating). The factory setting is Away 1, Home 3, Boost 5.
Speeds For each fan mode(1–5), select fan speeds as percent­age of the fan capacity (10–100 %). Enter the settings separately for supply air and extract air.
Set the fan speeds in accordance with na­tional regulations when you commission the ventilation system. The system should be commissioned by a qualified person, and the airflows must not be changed on one’s own responsibility, since doing so could disrupt the way the ventilation sys­tem operates.
3.2.8 Shutdown
The ventilation unit fans and the air heater, if fitted, are switched off. The circuit card however is still being supplied with voltage and the settings are retained in the memory. The same function is also given in the main menu.
3.2.9 Factory settings
All settings except the fan speeds are restored to the factory settings.
3.2.10 Controllers
There is provision for using duct controls and valve mo­tor if such accessories have been installed.
3.2.11 Functions
Negative pressure compensation
Put into operation if a cooker hood is connected to a
Swegon reserves the right to alter specifications.www.swegon.com/casa
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