Swanstone TC-6072TR Installation

Molding and Rosettes Installation Care and Cleaning
Model TC-6072-TR
(for bathtub installation)
Model TC-105-TR
(for shower installation)
Included in Kit:
• Three molding pieces 3 3/4" wide x 105" high
• One tube adhesive
• One tube color coordinated caulk
• Four molding pieces 3 3/4" wide x 105" high
• Four rosettes 4" x 4"
• one tube adhesive
• one tube color coordinated caulk
Tools Required:
Tools needed are a saber saw, drill, ruler, level, masking tape, and caulking gun.
Molding Side A Fluted
Before you start
The Swanstone Molding and Rosettes may be installed over any solid surface. This product makes a beautiful casing around doors, windows, and mirrors. For the purpose of
Rosette Side A Circle
Rosette Side B Star
Rosette Side B Butterfly
instruction, this procedure will address an application over a bathtub or shower floor using a Swanstone wall panel. It may also be installed by itself or with other wall materials.
If you have selected a Swanstone solid surface wall panel to complement this application, install the molding and rosettes first. Prior to installing the moldings and rosettes, keep in mind the size limits of the wall that you are installing. After you have installed the molding and rosettes, follow the installation instructions provided in the wall kit.
When installing the side walls, be aware that it will be neces­sary to "notch" the side wall panels around the ro s e t t e s . Take these measurements into consideration prior to final fit of the side wall panels.
1. Choose the rosette design
pattern that you wish and apply a glob of adhesive to the opposite side of the design that you select. The most desirable placement will line up the front edge of the rosette with the front edge of the bath­tub or shower floor threshold. Follow this procedure for the application of both threshold rosettes.
Select two of the molding pieces. Measure and cut to fit the vertical application. Remember that a rosette piece will be positioned above the molding piece. Take this into consideration prior to measur­ing and cutting.
Check with a level. Note that the molding pieces are slightly nar­rower than the rosettes. Therefore, the molding pieces should be centered over the bathtub or shower floor threshold rosette. Mark the location of the vertical molding with "tick" marks. These "tick" marks will be used for final fit. Temporarily secure the mold­ing to the wall with masking tape. Select the molding design you wish and the rosette design that is consistent with the threshold rosettes, and trial fit and tape into position above the vertical molding pieces.
Molding and Rosette Care Cleaning and Installation (continued)
3. Transfer the width measurement of the back wall onto one of
the molding pieces. Trim as needed. Choose the molding design pattern that is consistent with the vertical strips and apply "globs" of adhesive following the pattern illustrated. Final fit by setting into position. Note that the horizontal wall molding will also be centered on the rosettes atop the vertical moldings. This mea­surement must be considered when positioning the back wall molding.
4. Transfer the measurements from the side walls onto the mold­ing pieces. Cut as needed. Select the design that is consistent with your application. Follow the adhesive pattern in step #3 and final fit.
NOTE: It may be necessary to cut one of the side wall horizontal moldings to allow for the location of the shower arm. Measure and locate the position of the desired cut. Use router, spade bit, twist drill, or hole saw only. DO NOT USE AUGER BITS. Cut hole 1/2" larger than the diameter of the pipe. Drill from the exposed side of the molding.
Following instructions on the caulking tube…apply a bead of caulk along the bottom and to edge of the back and sidewalls. Also apply caulk to all vertical seams and edges.
5. Final fit the vertical moldings first, then the two rosettes. Follow
the adhesive "glob" pattern used previously. Use the ‘tick" marks to position the vertical moldings and rosettes.
To promote contact until adhesive sets, use temporary bracing and allow adhesive to cure overnight. Temporary bracing may be con­structed and wedged into position as illustrated by using lengths of 1 x 2’s, 2 x 2’s, or 1 x 3’s. Lumber should be cut as needed.
The Swan Corporation One City Centre Suite 2300 St. Louis, MO 63101 p (800) 325-7008 f (314) 231-8165
Clean your Swanstone Molding and Rosettes as you would any other fine bath fixture, using normal household detergents and cleansers. Just wiping the wall surface quickly removes water­marks and residues. Occasional scrubbing with household abra­sive cleansers ensures that the original luster is maintained, simi­lar to tile and other permanent type bath fixture materials.
Use 400-grit sandpaper to remove scratches and gouges in the sur­face. A Scotch Brite pad can be used to blend in the area.
FORM #845-4-04-5M