Swann iFly Micro Lightning Quick Start Manual

iFly Micro Lightning
The Helicopter
Upper Rotors
Balance Bar
Lower Rotors
Charging socket (far side)
Power ON/OFF
Flight control
Trim control
Flips the
screen to use
the controller
rotated 180
Toggles Motion Tilt Control on/o (which uses the mobile device’s tilt function to control the helicopter)
Band Selector: shows
the current transmission
Return to
helicopter select
Throttle control
Tail rotor
Congratulations on purchasing your licence to have fun! You always knew your mobile device could do almost anything. Now you can add one more cool thing to the list. With this iFly chopper from Swann, you can take to the skies using the remote control or by using your iOS device (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad) as the control panel with the included iFly IR transmitter. Your chopper is probably already on the helipad waiting to take  ight so let’s get to it.
Quick Start Guide - iOS
Quick Start Guide
1. Fully charge the iOS transmitter (see page 4) and the helicopter (see page 5).
2. Go to the Apple iTunes App Store.
3. Search for the app called “Swann iFly”. Download and install the app. At the time of writing, the app is free to download but you will need an iTunes account.
4. Tap the Swann iFly icon to run the app.
5. Tap “Go” to start the app.
6. Turn on the helicopter.
7. Choose your helicopter by tapping the Swann iFly Micro Lightning shown on the screen.
8. Tap “OFF” to toggle the transmitter control interface to “ON.”
9. Plug the transmitter into the headphone jack of your iOS device.
10. Turn up the volume on your mobile device to maximum. The display should indicate you are turning up the ‘headphones’ volume (NOT the ringer or speaker volume). If this is not done, a warning will prompt you to turn your headphones volume to maximum.
11. Move the throttle control slowly up to send power to the helicopter. The controller will automatically  nd a channel for the helicopter. If more than one helicopter is within range, make sure they are o or make sure you have chosen a di erent channel to any other helicopter.
12. Adjust the trim control if needed to ensure the helicopter  ies straight
13. Use the  ight control to control the direction of the helicopter.
(i) INFORMATION: If you need additional help, you can tap the (i) button in the
bottom right of the screen to get more information.
Charging the Transmitter
Quick Start Guide - Remote Control
Charging the transmitter
• Plug the transmitter charging plug into the charging port on the transmitter labelled “CHG” and the USB end into a compatible USB port. NOTE: The transmitter uses a di erent charging cable to the helicopter. When charging, the red light on the transmitter will glow. When charging is  nished, the light will stop glowing.
• When connected to a mobile device and the transmitter is turned on from the control interface, a blue light will glow on the transmitter. If the blue light begins to  ash, the transmitter is low on power and needs charging with the USB cable.
• The transmitter will not charge through the mobile device, even if the mobile device is plugged into a power source.
Fitting the transmitter to your device
• Install the transmitter by plugging it into the headphone socket of your mobile device as shown in the picture on the right. Make sure it is properly seated and pushed in all the way or you may not get a proper connection.
• When controlling the chopper, ensure the infra­red LEDs are facing towards the chopper at all times.
WARNING: Do NOT  y near eyes or face.
To use the remote control as the controller, you will  rst need to install batteries.
Replacing Batteries in the Controller: The battery compartment is located on the
rear of the controller. Undo the screw with a precision screwdriver and open the battery compartment. Install 6x AA alkaline batteries. Don’t mix old and new batteries. For more information on battery usage and safety, consult page 13.
Charging the helicopter
Charging the helicopter using the USB cable
Before you can take  ight, you need to charge the battery in the helicopter using the supplied USB charging cable. NOTE: The helicopter uses a di erent charging cable to the transmitter.
• Ensure the helicopter is turned OFF before attempting to charge it. If left ON, it won’t charge.
• Plug the charging plug into the charging port marked ‘CHA” on the left side of the helicopter and the USB end into a compatible USB port. The connector only plugs into the helicopter one way. Check the orientation of the power cable carefully when connecting it to the helicopter. If it feels tough to insert or you need to use force, it’s probably upside down!
• When charging, the red light on the USB plug will NOT glow. When charging is  nished, the RED light WILL glow.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When charging from a USB port, always connect the USB plug to a USB
port without connecting the helicopter. Ensure the red light in the USB plug lights up. When you connect the helicopter, this light will turn o . If it does not go out, this indicates that the helicopter is not being charged - check that the helicopter is turned o , and check the integrity of the connection.
• It will take about 45-60 minutes to fully charge. Don’t over-charge the helicopter by leaving it connected to a charger for more than ninety (90) minutes.
• On a full charge with no wind, you should get over 8 minutes  ight time.
• If the helicopter has trouble lifting o the ground or does not  y as high as normal, it
means the battery is running low and needs recharging.
• The range of the transmitter and helicopter is about 18ft/6m. Avoid  ying the chopper outside this range since you may lose control of the helicopter.
Charging the helicopter using the remote control
• Open the charging lead compartment located on the underside of the remote control, and extend the charging lead.
• Turn the remote control ON.
• Plug the charging plug into the charging port marked
‘CHA” on the left side of the helicopter.
• The RED/ORANGE charging LED on the remote control will glow whilst the helicopter is charging. The GREEN LED will glow when charging is complete.
• If the LED is  ashing, then pair the remote, as described on
“Pairing the Remote” on page 6, and it will then
read accurately.
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