SWAN 270 & 270B
The Swan 270 transceiver and later the
270B, featured the same size and power as
the 260, plus selectable sideband, a meter
for tuning and S-meter, a sharper CF
network, AGC, ALC, seperate AF and RF
gain controls, a 100kz crystal calibrator,
and a socket for an optional VOX unit.
This unit sold for $525.00 US in 1969. The
270B was introduced in 1970, and is the
same radio as the 270 except is only has the
built-in 117 vac supply. The 14A dc supply was optional. ($39.95) Selling price in 1970 is listed
at $499.00 US.
Frequency Ranges:
80 meters 3.5 to 4 mc
40 meters 7.0 to 7.3 mc
20 meters 14.0 to 14.350 mc
15 meters 21.0 to 21.450 mc
10 meters 28.0 to 29.7 mc
Power Input:
Single sideband, suppressed carrier; 260 watts PEP, minimum on all bands
CW, 180 watts dc input on all bands
AM, (single sideband with carrier) 65 watts dc input on all bands
Distortion products down approx. 30 db
Unwanted Sideband Suppression:
Unwanted sideband down more than 50 db
Provided by 5500kc crystal lattice filter, 2700 cycles wide at 6db down, 4600 cycles wide at 60
db down. Shape factor of 1.7 with ultimate rejection greater than 100 db.
Receiver Sensitivity:
Less than 0.5 microvolt at 50 ohms impedance for signal-plus-noise to noise ratio of 10 db
Transmitter Output:
Wide range Pi network output matches resistive loads from 50 to 75 ohms
Power amplifier cathode current 0-400 ma on transmit, S-Meter 0-70 db over S9 on receive
Front Panel Controls:
AF Gain, RF Gain, Sideband Selector, CAL-REC-TUNE/CW, Mic. Gain, Bandswitch, Carrier
Balance, PA Plate Tune, Driver Tune, PA Load, Dial Set, and Meter Switch
Rear Panel Controls and Connections:
Bias potentiometer, CW key jack, Jones plug power connector, Antenna jack, S-Meter zero,
Auxiliary relay switching, Outboard VFO connection, Headphone jack, and a VOX connector
located on the side of the chassis
Vacuum Tube Compliment:
V1 12AU6 VFO Amplifier
V2 12BE6 Transmitter Mixer
V3 6GK6 Driver
V4 6LQ6 Power Amplifier
V5 6BZ6 Receiver RF Amplifier
V6 12BE6 Receiver Mixer
V7 12BA6 First IF Amplifier
V8 12BA6 Second IF Amplifier
V9 12AX7 Product Detector / Receive Audio
V10 6AV6 AGC Amplifier / Rectifier
V11 6AQ5 AF Output
V12 12BA6 100Kc crystal calibrator
V13 6JH8 Balanced Modulator
V14 12AX7 Microphone Amplifier
Power Requirements:
117 vac., 60 cycles, 4 amps. (208-220-240 volt, 50-60 cycles, at 2.5 amps max., export model
12-14 volts dc operation with model 14-A converter unit plugged into back of 270B. Current
drain 8 amps eceive mode, 12 amps average with voice modulation. 25 amps maximum in Tune
5.5 inches high by 13 inches wide by 11 inches deep
Weight is 24 pounds
Recommended Accessories:
Model 14-A plug in DC converter for 12 to 14 volt dc operation
Model 1200-W Linear Amplifier provides 1200 watts PEP input
Model 508 external VFO for split frequency operation
Model 510X crystal controlled external oscillator
Model FP-1 hybrid phone patch
Model VX-2 VOX unit