SUSS MA6 User Manual

Mask Aligners
MA6 / MA8
Manual Mask Aligner
Rev05/ 07-06
MA6 / MA8 - Contents - Rev.05 07-06
Preface .................................................................................................................................................. a
1. Operation of the Machine ................................................................................. 1
1.1 Definitions .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.1.1 How to Use this Manual ........................................................................................ 3
1.1.2 Key LED's ............................................................................................................. 3
1.1.3 Coordinate Systems .............................................................................................. 4
1.1.4 Components of the Exposure Optics ..................................................................... 5 Exposure Lamp ....................................................................................... 6 Ellipsoidal Mirror ...................................................................................... 6 Cold Light Mirror ..................................................................................... 6 Fly’s Eye Lens ......................................................................................... 6 Condenser Lens ...................................................................................... 6 Filters ...................................................................................................... 6 Integrator Block ...................................................................................... 6 Field Lens ............................................................................................... 6 Turning Mirror ......................................................................................... 6 Front Lens ............................................................................................... 6 Cleaning of Optical Parts ......................................................................... 7 Deep UV Exposure .................................................................................. 7
1.2 Controls and Indicators ...................................................................................................... 8
1.2.1 Alignment Stage Controls ...................................................................................... 8
1.2.2 Front Panel Controls .............................................................................................. 9
1.2.3 Keyboard Controls .............................................................................................. 11
1.2.4 TSA-Microscope Controls ................................................................................... 15 M 3xx Microscope ................................................................................ 16 Dual Video Microscope DVM 6/8 .......................................................... 18
1.2.5 Lamp House Controls ......................................................................................... 18
1.2.6 Joystick and Buttons ........................................................................................... 19
1.3 Operating Procedures ..................................................................................................... 20
1.3.1 Power on Procedure ........................................................................................... 20
1.3.2 First Mask Print Mode ......................................................................................... 20
1.3.3 Top Side Alignment ............................................................................................. 21
1.3.4 Bottom Side Alignment ........................................................................................ 23
1.3.5 Single Bottom Side Alignment ............................................................................. 24
1.4 Advanced Technology ..................................................................................................... 26
1.4.1 Exposure Programs ............................................................................................. 26
1.4.2 Multiple Exposure ................................................................................................ 27
1.4.3 Wedge Error Compensation ................................................................................ 27
1.4.4 Load Mask by Slide ............................................................................................. 27
1.5 Step by Step Machine Interactions .................................................................................. 29
1.5.1 Select Mask Loading Type .................................................................................. 29
1.5.2 SELECT PROGRAM for Exposure ....................................................................... 30
1.5.3 EDIT PARAMETER Menu .................................................................................... 31
1.5.4 Changing the TSA, BSA and Stage Alignment Speed .......................................... 32
1.5.5 EDIT PROGRAM Menu ........................................................................................ 33
1.5.6 Change Mask ...................................................................................................... 34
1.5.7 Load Wafer ......................................................................................................... 35
1.5.8 Load Mask by Slide ............................................................................................. 36
2. Maintenance ....................................................................................................39
2.1 General ............................................................................................................................. 39
MA6 / MA8 - Contents - Rev.05 07-06
2.1.1 General Maintenance ............................................................................................ 39
2.1.2 Visual Checks ....................................................................................................... 39
2.1.3 Test Run ............................................................................................................... 39
2.1.4 Safety System Check ........................................................................................... 39
2.2 Preventive Maintenance for MA6/ MA8 ............................................................................. 39
2.2.1 Cleaning ............................................................................................................... 39
2.2.2 Lamp Service ....................................................................................................... 40
2.2.3 Greasing ............................................................................................................... 40
2.2.4 WEC-Check ......................................................................................................... 40
2.2.5 Recommended SUSS Service .............................................................................. 40
2.3 Measuring the Intensity/ Uniformity of the Exposure Light ................................................. 40
2.3.1 Power Supply Calibration ...................................................................................... 40
2.3.2 Alignment of Lamp in Ellipsoid Mirror .................................................................... 41
2.4 Replacement of the Exposure Lamp 1000 W .................................................................... 43
2.4.1 Replacement Procedure ....................................................................................... 43
2.4.2 Adjusting the Exposure Lamp ............................................................................... 43
2.4.3 N2-Control ........................................................................................................... 45
2.4.4 Exhaust Flow Control (in Lamp house Intake Tube) ............................................... 45
2.4.5 Use of Other Lamps ............................................................................................. 45
2.4.6 Lamp House 350W and 350W Lamp Replacement .............................................. 45
2.5 Replacement of the Microscope Lamp ............................................................................. 46
2.6 Cleaning of Optical Components ...................................................................................... 47
2.6.1 Cleaning Materials ................................................................................................ 48
2.6.2 Application Technique .......................................................................................... 48
2.6.3 Cleaning Procedure .............................................................................................. 48
2.6.4 Safe Clean-up after Use of Solvents ..................................................................... 50
2.6.5 Removal and Re-Insertion of Specific Optical Components .................................. 50
2..6.6 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 51
2.7 Facts and Data for Maintenance and Service .................................................................... 51
2.7.1 Consumables ....................................................................................................... 51
2.7.2 Hazardous Materials and Solid Waste .................................................................. 52
2.7.3 Service Exchange of Heavy Subassemblies ......................................................... 52
2.7.4 Supplier’s Contact ................................................................................................ 52
3 Appendix ......................................................................................................... 53
3.1 Parameter Ranges and Default Settings ........................................................................... 53
3.2 List of Abbreviations ....................................................................................................... 55
3.3 Spare Parts Llist (Extract) ................................................................................................. 57
3.4 Lock-Out / Tag-Out Checklist .......................................................................................... 63
3.5 Schematics of the Pneumatic System .............................................................................. 65
3.6. Schematics of the Electronic System MA6/8 BA6/8........................................................... 82
3.7 Service Information .......................................................................................................... 84
3.7.1 Subassemblies: MA8; MA6; MA6/BA6; BA6; MA6/BA6-ISA; ............................... 84
3.7.2 Overview for Valves, Throttles, Sensors, etc. ....................................................... 85
3.8 International Chemical Safety Cards ................................................................................. 95
MA6 / MA8 - Preface - Rev.05 07-06
The SUSS laboratory mask aligners are machines designed for photolithography applica-
tions in laboratories and for small-scale production. The MA6 and MA8 machines only differ
insignificantly in terms of operation.
Accordingly, the manuals for the mask aligners MA6 and MA8 have also been combined.
In this manual, minor differences are given special mention or are described by means of
specially identified pictures or sketches. Essentially, the differences relate to:
machine dimensions, outline and weight
travel path of the microscscope
maximum size of the masks and substrates/wafers which are used
changeover between mask aligner and bond aligner operation
(a detailed description is provided in BA6 Bond Aligner manual)
All of the tooling for the MA6 and MA8, e.g. chucks, mask holders and mask holder adapter
frames can be used on both mask aligners. Excepted from this are the BSA chucks for
BSA microscopes with split-field magnification. The BSA apertures are approx. 185mm
wide in a horizontal direction. This means that these chucks cannot be used on a standard
mask aligner with standard BSA microscopes.
MA6 / MA8 - Preface - Rev.05 07-06
Attention !
MA6 / MA8 - Attention ! - Rev.05 07-06
Attention !
It is strongly recommended to read this User Manual before starting the Mask Aligner the first time.
MA6 / MA8 - Attention ! - Rev.05 07-06
Operation of the Machine
MA6 / MA8 - 1. Operation of the Machine - Rev.05 07-06
The SUSS MA6 Mask Aligner is designed for high resolution photolithography in a laboratory for devel
­opment, small volume production or pilot production environment.
It offers unsurpassed flexibility in the handling of irreg­ularly shaped substrates of varying thickness, as well as standard size wafers up to 150 mm in diameter and substrates up to 6"x 6".
Wafers and substrates up to 6 mm thickness may be processed.
With the modular concept, the MA6 enable easy ser­vice. The functional groups are easily accessible and the subassemblies can be quickly exchanged.
The SUSS MA6 represents a new generation of state of the art mask aligners, combining time proven fea
­tures with newly developed technology for mask
aligning wafers, substrates and fractions of it. Based on the proven world wide leader in it's lithography ap
­plication for more then three decades the SUSS MJB3.
With the SUSS MA6, all contact exposure programs are supplied (vacuum, hard, soft contact and proxim
­ity). X- and Y-shift are below 0.1 µm and not detect­able by optical means.
The 400 nm exposure wavelength version is capable of 0.6 µm resolution in vacuum contact. Using 300 nm or 250 nm exposure optics or an excimer laser improves resolution to 0.2 µm.
Various alignment options are available. Top side alignment with a splitfield or a video microscope. Back side alignment with BSA scopes as well as sev
­eral infrared alignment solutions.
SUSS Mask Aligner MA6
3 Upper panel control 4 Alignment stage 5 Keyboard
MA6 / MA8 - 1. Operation of the Machine - Rev.05 07-06
SUSS Mask Aligner MA8
1 EMERGENCY POWER OFF 2 TSA microscope 3 Front panel 4 Alignment stage 5Keyboard
Operation of the Machine
MA6 / MA8 - 1. Operation of the Machine - Rev.05 07-06
1.1 Definitions
1.1.1 How to Use this Manual
Start to reading this manual, some rules are applica­ble. The name of a control function or control indica­tor is written in capitals. For example:
Refers to the key named edit program. Words shown in the display are included in quotation marks. For ex
"move slide into machine and confirm
with ENTER"
A warning for the operator of the machine is written cursive. For example:
Watch out for the microscope movement!
Every operator control function and display is referred by a number. The first digit of this is equal to the figure number showing it. For example:
204. VACUUM gauge
This means that the element labeled VACUUM is a gauge explained as item 4 and is displayed in figure
2. This documentation is for using the machine as a mask aligner. The term TOP SUBSTRATE (on which is the upper focus plane) represents the upper sub
­strate during bond alignment and a mask during li­thography. The term BOTTOM SUBSTRATE (on which is the lower focus plane) is replaced in the text by the word wafer for bondalignment and lithogra
1.1.2 Key LED's
Each key of the keyboard except the ARROW keys is equipped with a light emitting diode, indicating the following:
–LED on:
key selected or function active
– LED off:
key not selected or function deactivated
– LED flashing:
most applicable key to continue
MA6 / MA8 - 1. Operation of the Machine - Rev.05 07-06
1.1.3 Coordinate Systems
The length units for the x and y-direction are in milli­meter. The z-direction length unit is µm. They refer to
a coordinate system whose origin is in the center of the alignment stage unit. The origin of the z-axis is equal to the mask plane or upper substrate plane (see Figure 1).
Alignment Stage with Coordinate System
1 Mask holder 2 Transport slide 3 Snap in connector mask vacuum
Operation of the Machine
MA6 / MA8 - 1. Operation of the Machine - Rev.05 07-06
1.1.4 Components of the Exposure
The components of the optical system are depend­ing on the used lamp house system. The UV400, UV300, and UV250, exposure optics are similar in design. The optical system consists of an exposure lamp, ellipsoidal mirror, cold light mir­ror fly’s eye lens, condenser lenses, lens plates, turn­ing
mirrors and a front lens as shown in the adjacent fig­ure.
The following lamp houses are available:
Exposure Optics MA 8 with LH1000 1 Exposure Lamp
2 Ellipsoidal Mirror 3 Cold Light Mirror 4 Fly’s Eye Lens or Glass Window 5 Condenser Lens
Warning! UV light can harm eyes and skin. Work on optical components should
be done with the exposure lamp switched off, or at least with closed lamp house shutter. If lighting is es
­sential for adjustment purposes, wear UV protecting goggles and skin protec­tion.
6 Filter, optional 7 Integrator Block 8 Field Lens 9 Turning Mirror 10 Front Lens
Essential Note! Accurate arrangement of optical com-
ponents is essential for the quality of exposure.
Modify positions or components only if trained for this job, and when the ap
­propriate adjustment procedure is available.
Also orientation of lenses and the cold light mirror must not be changed.
MA6 / MA8 - 1. Operation of the Machine - Rev.05 07-06
6 Exposure Lamp
For the UV400 and UV300 exposure optics, the standard exposure lamp is a 1000 W high pressure mercury short-arc lamp in the LH1000. Ellipsoidal Mirror
The exposure lamp is mounted inside an ellipsoidal mirror in a way that the light source is exactly at its first focal point. This mirror collects the radiation emitted by the lamp and focusses it to the second focal point. The ellipsoidal mirror can be the same for all exposure optics. But very hight reflection is available for standard UV400. Cold Light Mirror
The cold light mirror splits the lamp radiation in the not needed long wavelengths and the exposure light. The long wavelengths pass through the mirror and are absorbed by a heat sink. The exposure light (cold light) is reflected 90° to the integrator optics. A selective coating determines the reflected wave
­lengths. This application range (e.g. UV400) is marked on the mirror as well as the coated face (by the tip of an arrow at the edge). Because of the selective coating at least the cold light mirror has to be exchanged when ahanging the light application range.
Warning! Mirror exchange must be done only by
trained personnel, who understand all the risks associated with lamp replace
ment! Fly’s Eye Lens
This lens disperses the light and directs it to the condenser lens. The fly’s eye lens is made of optical grade fused silica for all optical systems. Alternatively for more intensity but with less unifor-
mity in the exposure area, a glass window (same material) is available. Condenser Lens
The condenser lens collimates the exposure light. The position of this lens in the mirror house tube af
­fects the intensity and uniformity of the exposure light. A scale is mounted along the optical bench in
­side the house tube. The position of the condenser lens depends on the type of exposure optics. The condenser lens is made of optical grade fused sili
ca. Filters
The filter is located between the condenser lens and the integrator block. Filters are used to select more specific the exposure wavelength then the cold light mirror can do it or reduce the intensity (broad band intensity filter). All filters are made of quartz glass. Integrator Block
The integrator block has two lens plates with an ex­actly defined distance to each other. For a good u ni­formity, each single light channel is super positioned at the exposure plane.The material of the lenses is optical grade fused silica. Field Lens
For best uniformity and a maximum of intensity of the exposure light, the field lens overlays each light channel of the integrator in the exposure plane on each other. The material of the lens is optical grade fused silica. Turning Mirror
It deflects the exposure beam to the exposure area. The coated side of the mirror has to face the beam. Mirrors with dielectric coating are marked with the application range and a sign for the coated surface. Metallized mirrors are broad band mirrors, but not optimized to spectral areas. Front Lens
This lens provides collimation and uniformity of the exposure beam. The lens is specific for each wave
­length range. For the UV 400 exposure optics the front lens is fabricated of optical crown glass. UV300 requires quartz glass.
250 nm 313 nm 365 nm 405 nm 436 nm
Operation of the Machine
MA6 / MA8 - 1. Operation of the Machine - Rev.05 07-06
1 Cleaning of Optical Parts
Optical Components can degrade with time by dep­osition of particles or fumes. In this case they must be removed from the ma­chine and cleaned very carefully, in order to recon­stitute the original quality of the machine. Optical surfaces are polished and/ or coated. Be­cause of this they are extremely susceptible to me­chanical damage. For cleaning they must not be wiped, but only rinsed with liquid solvent. No other solvent than DI-water (with or without mild detergent) or IPA (Isopropyl alcohol) shall be used. The choice between those depends on the charac
­ter of contamination. The final cleaning step should always use clear DI. If there is any doubt about the adequate cleaning procedure call SUSS service.
See also instructions in the Maintenance chapter and in the Preventive Maintenance Manual.
Caution! To avoid damage on optical compo-
nents, use only recommended solvent and do not wipe.
Place the part back to the identical po­sition in the exposure optics system as before
Warning! When using IPO protect your skin
against contact with the solvent. IPO is flammable, use it only away from
any ignition source. Do not spill IPO. Used IPO and tissues soaked with IPO
must be deposited as flammable waste following local regulations.
For details refer to the host interface documentation delivered separately. This document describes the GEM compliant SECS-II interface for the mentioned equipment. It includes the information required by the SECS-II and GEM standards including the GEM State Models, SECS-II Message Documentation, and other interface details. Deep UV Exposure
Short-wave UV-light (<315nm) has a high biological radiation effectivness and recommended maximum dose for skin and eye exposure is very low.
Extended work in front of a laboratory mask aligner at UV250 or UV300 optics can result in exceeding the
dose limit. Therefore it is recommended not to look to the stray light, exiting from the mask stage during ex
­posure and to keep unprotected hands away from the stage during exposure.
Warning! When using UV250 or UV300 then min-
imize eye-and skin- exposure from UV stray light by increasing your distance to the stage during exposure times.
SUSS MicroTec could also provide a special stray light barrier to be placed on top of the mask holder frame.
MA6 / MA8 - 1. Operation of the Machine - Rev.05 07-06
1.2 Controls and Indicators
101 MAIN POWER switch
This connects the machine to the public power sta­tion for electricity.
In any case of danger press this button to disconnect the machine from the public power line.
1.2.1 Alignment Stage Controls
This is located at the right side of the alignment stage and moves the wafer in x-direction. Maximal travel ±10mm.
This is located at the left side of the alignment stage and moves the wafer in y-direction. Maximal travel ±5mm.
This is the small knob at the right side of the align­ment stage. Maximal travel ±5°.
Operation of the Machine
MA6 / MA8 - 1. Operation of the Machine - Rev.05 07-06
1.2.2 Front Panel Controls
Front panel
Note Controls of MA8 Front Panel are identical except their position.
1 Pressure 202 COMPRESSED AIR gauge 203 NITROGEN gauge
4Vacuum 204 VACUUM gauge 205 VACUUM CHAMBER gauge (with regulator) 206 VACUUM SEAL (with regulator) 207 WEC - PRESSURE gauge (with regulator)
208 LCD-display 209 CONTACT indicator
3 Illumination 210 ILLUMINATION switch 211 BSA/IR microscope illumination 212 TSA microscope illumination 213 MAGNIFICATION BSA switch 214 SPLITFIELD switch
322 BSA MICROSCOPE key 323 LEFT key 324 BOTH key 325 RIGHT key 326 TOP/BOTTOM key
MA6 / MA8 - 1. Operation of the Machine - Rev.05 07-06
Start the MA6 by turning the switch shortly clockwise to ON and release. Stop the MA6 also by turning the switch shortly clockwise to OFF and release.
The machine operates properly when the pressure is set to 5 bar. The air pressure is controlled by a regu
lator adjusted by a service engineer.
203 NITROGEN gauge
N2 gas is used to cool the exposure lamp, establish a nitrogen "pillow" under the wafer (hard contact ex
­posure), purge the wafer exposure area, and to break residual vacuum after vacuum contact and other sec
­ondary functions. At 1 bar N2 (adjusted by a service engineer) the machine operates properly.
204 VACUUM gauge
The vacuum supplied to the machine should be
-0.8 bar related to normal air pressure what means
0.2 bar absolute pressure.
(with regulator)
The gauge indicates the vacuum level in the vacuum chamber during exposure. The vacuum level is ad
­justed opening a N2 leak valve. Open the vacuum re­strictor LOW VACUUM ADJUSTMENT below the gauge counter clockwise. Close it by turning the knob clockwise.
206 VACUUM SEAL (with regulator)
The required pressure to inflate the rubber lip (neces­sary to create the vacuum chamber) should be set to a value p = 0.1 to 0.2 bar for standard thickness wa
­fer according SEMI specification. Thicker wafer might need a slightly higher pressure. A improper high pres
­sure could create an overcurrent error.
207 WEC - PRESSURE gauge (with regulator)
To perform the wedge error compensation the wafer must be pressed with a defined force against the mask. The WEC-pressure is used to compensate the higher gravitation force of a bigger chuck. The WEC­pressure also must be changed proportional to a change of the wafer area. The air pressure for the WEC-head can be set in accordance with your pro
­cess requirements (range 0.2 and 1.0 bar). This is done with the corresponding regulator below the gauge.
208 LCD-display
This user interface displays instructions, confirma­tions and other messages.
209 CONTACT indicator
That lamp lights whenever mask and wafer or two wafers for bond alignment are in contact. If you move the wafer manually further up, this indicator starts flashing.
The illumination is supplied either to the TSA or BSA microscope by way of fiber optic light cables from a light source. BSA illumination is selected in the BSA/ IR position.
211 BSA/IR microscope illumination
The potentiometers labeled LEFT and RIGHT realize the fine illumination adjustment for the two objectives of the BSA microscope (BSA/IR is selected).
212 TSA microscope illumination
The fine illumination adjustment is performed with the TSA adjustment knob. For the coarse adjustment use control 501 (see chapter 3.2.5 Lamp house controls).
Select between low and high magnification.
214 SPLITFIELD switch
With the rotary switch in middle position, the left/right objective image is shown on the left/right half side of the video monitor simultaneously. With the switch in right or left position, the right/left objective image is displayed on the whole video monitor. Only for the microscope type M3xx this switch must be in left po
­sition and the splitfield must be selected at the micro­scope itself.
In order to improve the image of the mask structures displayed on the video monitor only minor focus ad
­justments are necessary. The two potentiometers in­dividually control the fine focus of the BSA and TSA microscope objectives at the upper focus plane.
In order to improve the image of the wafer structures displayed on the video monitor only minor focus ad
­justments are necessary. The two potentiometers in­dividually control the fine focus of the BSA and TSA microscope objectives at the lower focus plane.
Operation of the Machine
MA6 / MA8 - 1. Operation of the Machine - Rev.05 07-06
1.2.3 Keyboard Controls
301 X, Y-ARROW keys 302 FAST key 303 SEP keys 304 ALIGN CONT/EXP key 305 ALIGNMENT CHECK key 306 F1 key 307 LOAD key 308 UNLOAD key 309 CHANGE MASK key 310 SELECT PROGRAM key 311 EDIT PARAMETER key 312 EDIT PROGRAM key 313 ENTER key 314 SET REFERENCE key
315 SCAN key 316 EXPOSURE key 317 Multiple Exposure key 318 LAMP TEST key 319 PRE-BOND key 320 PERFORM CLAMPING key 321 OPTION key 322 BSA MICROSCOPE key 323 LEFT key 324 BOTH key 325 RIGHT key 326 TOP/BOTTOM key 327 GRAB IMAGE key
MA6 / MA8 - 1. Operation of the Machine - Rev.05 07-06
301 X, Y-ARROW keys
The function of these keys depends on the task per­formed:
– movement of the upper microscope (TSA)
– movement of the lower microscope(BSA)
– movement of the wafer (only motorized stage)
– selection of next/last parameter in the control soft-
ware (X-arrows)
– change of parameter values (Y-arrows)
Arrow keys marked with X are labeled with an triangle pointing to the right/left. To move the manipulators along the X-axis press one of this keys. Arrow keys marked with Y are labeled with an triangle pointing upward/downward. To move the manipulators along the Y-axis press one of this keys. In case the manip
­ulator reaches one/both limit positions along the X­and/or Y-axis, the message on the monitor indicates:
"HW or SW limits active - use ARROW
to move back into regular range use the key for the opposite direction.
302 FAST key
Activating this key (LED is ON) enables the movement of the microscope manipulator and motorized stage if existing into the desired direction with the fast speed (otherwise the movement is performed with the slow speed). The speed level can be adjusted with function F1 - change align speed (see explana
tions to key F1).
303 SEP keys
The keys are labeled with an arrow pointing upward and downward and marked with SEP (separation). With these keys the alignment position of the wafer can be changed in steps of 1 µm along the z-axis. The keys are active after WEC. Moving to mask con
­tact the CONTACT indicator lights on. Further moving the wafer up this indicator flashes.
If mask and wafer are in contact
don't align the wafer!
Acts as a toggle switch. The operator can quickly change the position of the wafer between alignment gap and exposure position relative to the mask.
If mask and wafer are in contact
don't align the wafer!
With this key one can check the alignment prior ex­posure. Particles between mask and wafer or the edge bead can affect the alignment of the wafer to the mask. To test that the alignment remains stable while moving to exposure position, all parameters of the exposure program are triggered except the expo
­sure itself. This key is active for the exposure pro­grams: Vacuum Contact, Low Vacuum Contact, and Hard Contact. For example: starting the exposure program "Vacuum Contact" triggers the pneumatic procedures:
Pre Vac and Full Vac:
To check the possible influence of these unexpected factors before exposure, press the ALIGNMENT CHECK key. Press this key again to release the wafer back into alignment gap.
If mask and wafer are in contact
don't align the wafer!
306 F1 key
If one wishes to leave the variable unchanged, simply press the flashing F1 key.
The different functions of F1 key are:
– Microscope up/down
During loading, aligning and exposure the micro­scope does all necessary up and down move­ments automatically. For a better view to mask and wafer this is manually possible by using the F1 key.
– Change alignment speed
The user can select between slow and fast align­ment speed by the FAST key. The speed selected by the FAST key (fast or slow) will be displayed here. Select the desired alignment speed for the microscopes and motorized stage (if existing). The Y-ARROW keys change the parameter value, the X-ARROW keys toggle between the TSA, BSA and STG parameter. Pressing the FAST key en
­ables the adjustment of the other speed parame­ter (see also 3.5.4 Changing the TSA, BSA and stage alignment speed).
– Single step config
Define the step width for the alignment stage movement per each depression of a arrow key.
– Centering stage
For every WEC procedure the alignment stage move to the center position for x, y and Θ. Center
­ing stage on (default) means, the wafer goes to alignment gap keeping this center position. Cen
tering stage off means, the alignment stage move
Operation of the Machine
MA6 / MA8 - 1. Operation of the Machine - Rev.05 07-06
to the X-, Y- and Θ-position used during the pre­vious alignment at time of EXPOSURE key activa­tion. In case a prior saved program contains this position values, it will be activated.
– Select maskloading
The two options for the loading process are:
• load manually (default)
• load by slide
For Load by slide it's possible to select between:
• without alignment of the mask (no align)
• with BSA alignment of the mask (BSA align)
Both loading procedures are described separately (see chapters 3.3.2 First mask print mode and 3.5.8 Load mask by slide).
– Scope synchron.
Infrared light is used to look through Wafer which are opaque for visible light. The light is locally sup
­plied using the BSA microscope arms. The TSA microscope is used as a transmitted light micro
­scope. Synchronous movement of TSA and BSA microscope is necessary. To enable this, deacti
­vate the BSA MICROSCOPE key. Switch the IL­LUMINATION switch (210) to BSR/IR and (if existing) the IR switch on. Adjust the TSA-objec
­tives by the OBJECTIVE X-SEPARATION knobs (405) to the location of the IR-light supply. The synchronous scope movement is only possible by the arrow keys.
– Single BSA al.
Use this special function to align substrates which alignment mark distance is smaller then the mini
­mum distance of the BSA objectives. For this case use only one objective in connection with the SET REFERENCE key and SCAN key. For detailed in
­structions read chapter 3.3.5.
– WEC-delay
A large wafer needs longer time to set itself exact­ly parallel to the mask. This is necessary to get high quality mask prints of small structures over the whole wafer. The necessary time must be tested and set by the operator.
307 LOAD key
After the machine has been powered on, the LED of the LOAD key is flashing. Hit the LOAD key to finalize the boot procedure.
Press the LOAD key to start the wafer loading proce­dure.
308 UNLOAD key
If one wishes to unload the wafer, press this key. This key also terminates some working sequences. Press
­ing UNLOAD after starting the exposure cycle the ex­posure sequence will be completed without exposure itself.
Starting from the initial screen the operator initiates the procedure for changing (loading/unloading) of the mask.
Unload the mask before powering off
the machine!
Select one of the six exposure programs of the ma­chine (see also chapter 3.5.2).
After the desired exposure program has been select­ed, press the EDIT PARAMETER key. Edit the param­eter of the exposure program. The parameter is changed with the corresponding Y-directional arrow key. The next parameter is selected by the X-direc
­tional arrow key. The number of parameters depends on the selected exposure program (see also chapter
This key enables the operator to assign all parameter settings and the microscope position to a program number ranging from [0] to [99]. This number helps to keep all settings in the nonvolatile memory (see also chapter 3.5.5):
after exposure program selection and the param­eter adjustment, press the EDIT PROGRAM key and toggle to "save" using the x-ARROW keys. Assign a program number using the y-ARROW­keys. Press ENTER key to save it. A former saved program to this number will be overwritten.
press the EDIT PROGRAM key and toggle to "load". Select a program number to load a former saved program. Press ENTER key to load it.
press the EDIT PROGRAM key and toggle to "de­lete". Select a program number to delete. Delete the displayed program.
MA6 / MA8 - 1. Operation of the Machine - Rev.05 07-06
313 ENTER key
Press the ENTER key to confirm an action whenever the program prompts you to do so.
The SET REFERENCE key enables the operator to store the actual microscope position of the TSA or BSA microscope as reference position. This is neces
­sary for the SCAN key function. This can be used also for the alignment stage.
315 SCAN key
This key can be used only after a reference position for the selected microscope with the SET REFER
­ENCE key is stored (i.e. the position for the first align­ment mark). Then the microscope can be moved to a new position (i.e. the position for the second align
­ment mark). Activating the SCAN key toggle the po­sition of the microscope between the current position and the reference position. This can be used also for the alignment stage.
316 EXPOSURE key
This key starts the active exposure program after an alignment or in first mask print mode.
317 Multiple Exposure key
It is possible to split the exposure in several intervals. The key must be activated for this (LED on). See also chapter 3.4.2.
318 LAMP TEST key
Pressing this key moves the mirror house forward and open the light shutter. Exposure intensity and uniformity adjustment is possible. Deactivating this key finish this task.
319 PRE-BOND key
Enabled only in the bond-aligner-mode: this moves the wafers together and the vacuum sequence starts.
Enabled only in the bond-aligner-mode: this clamps the wafers together with or without spacers.
321 OPTION key
The X-ARROW keys controls the Θ-movement for the motorized alignment stage when OPTION key is acti
Toggles the motor control and image processing be­tween TSA (LED off) and BSA (LED on) microscopes.
323 LEFT key
For BSA alignment only the movement of the left ob­jective is possible.
324 BOTH key
The simultaneous movement of both BSA-objectives is possible.
325 RIGHT key
For BSA alignment only the movement of the right objective is possible.
326 TOP/BOTTOM key
Toggle the focus plane between mask plane (LED on) and wafer plane.
327 GRAB IMAGE key
By activating this key the current monitor image is stored as background image to be superimposed with the wafer image later on.
Operation of the Machine
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1.2.4 TSA-Microscope Controls
TSA-Microscope M 336
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16 M 3xx Microscope
Before using the microscope make secure the TSA il­lumination (control 210) is on and the BSA MICRO­SCOPE key is off. Turn the SPLITFIELD switch (control 214) on the front panel to left to get the TSA image on the monitor.
This slide on right side of the microscope tube guide the beam to the eyepieces, the monitor or both.
The fine movement works at any position in a range less than on turn and with a low torque. Continuing rotation increases the torque and enables the coarse adjustment.
Rotates the microscopes around the z-axis by turn­ing the knob located in the upper right TSA micro­scope front.
For the M 3xx without motorized focus, fine focus of the left/right objective is possible by the left/right knobs only.
The right/left objective can move independently in x­direction by the big knobs located in the right/left side of the TSA microscope body. Never turn this screw when the CLAMPING SCREW is fixed.
This has two functions. First it acts as a crank. Sec­ond it is used to clamp a certain objective position. Press that knob gentle toward the microscope body and turn clockwise. To release turn in the opposite di
rection until it snaps out.
407 APERTURE TSA-Illumination
This right/left aperture at TSA-microscope front ad­justs the illumination for the right/left TSA-objective separately.
Located on the microscope front this switch selects the left, right or both TSA-objective as source for the eyepieces and monitor image.
409 Turret
Turn the knurled ring to move another objective in the beam.
Operation of the Machine
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Dual Video Microscope DVM 6
402 TSA Z-MOVEMENT Knob 403 TSA Θ-MOVEMENT knob 405 OBJECTIVE X-SEPARATION knobs 407 APERTURE TSA-Illumination 409 Turret
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18 Dual Video Microscope DVM 6/8
Before using the microscope make secure the ILLU­MINATION TSA (210) is on and the BSA MICRO­SCOPE key is off.
On this microscope not necessary.
Turn this big knob to focus the microscope coarse.
Rotates the microscopes around the z-axis by turn­ing the knob located in the upper right TSA micro­scope front.
This is a motorized focus here.
The right/left objective can move independently in x­direction by the big knobs located in the right/left side of the TSA microscope body.
Does not exist at this microscope.
407 APERTURE TSA-Illumination
This right/left aperture at TSA-microscope front ad­justs the illumination for the right/left TSA-objective separately.
This function is electronically realized. See the manual for the corresponding image processing system.
409 Turret
Turn the knurled ring to move another objective into the beam.
1.2.5 Lamp House Controls
Lamp house LH 350 and LH 1000
501 Illumination adjustment coarse
1 Thumb wheel housing
For a coarse adjustment of the light intensity turn the thumb wheel at the microscope light source. Turn clockwise / counterclockwise to open/close the ap
­erture. The big thumb wheel ILLUMINATION AD­JUSTMENT COARSE (501) has a diameter of nearly 5 cm, 0.5 cm thick.
For the lamphouse LH 350 find the adjustment wheel behind the lamp house. It might be necessary to re
­move the left stainless steel cover of the lamphouse to have access to the microscope illumination.
For the lamphouse LH 1000 find the adjustment wheel on the upper front side of the lamphouse. Lamp exchanging is possible opening the two knurled screws.
Operation of the Machine
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1.2.6 Joystick and Buttons
(motorized stage only)
Joystick keys
601 STG/TSA/BSA button 602 CONT/ALIGN/EXP button 603 SINGLE STEP button 604 X-Y-JOYSTICK
601 STG/TSA/BSA button
• Illuminated: Joystick and arrow keys controls the alignment stage motors.
• Dark: Joystick and arrow keys control the TSA or BSA motors depending on the status of the BSA MI
CROSCOPE key (see 322).
602 CONT/ALIGN/EXP button
The wafer is in alignment position if this button is ac­tivated, otherwise the wafer is in exposure position.
603 SINGLE STEP button
Every joystick flexure or arrow key depression will only result in a single step movement in accordance with the value programmed via the F1 key.
Flexure the joystick located on the right side of the alignment stage in this direction in which the micro
­scope/alignment stage should move. Release if final position is reached. The movement speed increase by a stronger joystick flexure. Activating FAST key al
lows fast movement.
605 Θ-JOYSTICK (alignment stage only)
This joystick is located at the left side of the alignment stage. Flexure in x-direction rotates the wafer in fast speed clockwise or back. Flexure in y-direction ro
tates the wafer in slow speed clockwise or back.
MA6 / MA8 - 1. Operation of the Machine - Rev.05 07-06
1.3 Operating Procedures
A condensed step by step operation instruction is de­scribed in chapter 3.5 Step by step machine interac­tions.
1.3.1 Power on Procedure
A. Before powering on the machine check or ad-
– Compressed Air: 5 bar
– Nitrogen: 1 bar
– Vacuum. The gauge should read -0.8 bar
Turn the MAIN POWER switch (on left side of align­ment stage) to the ON position.
B. Ignition of the exposure lamp (CIC 1200)
POWER SWITCH ELECTRONIC of the machine should be OFF. Switch on power of the Constant In
­tensity Controller (CIC). The software version is shown in the display. The CIC performs a self calibra
­tion test and displays "ready". Press CP (constant power) key. Display shows "wait", followed by "Start". Press START key. This will ignite the exposure lamp. LED LAMP LIFE/POWER is flashing until lamp warm
­ing up is finished. For more detailed information use the CIC-manual.
Attention! Nitrogen failure for longer
then 5 minutes will turn off the
exposure lamp!
C. Starting the machine
Shortly turn the POWER SWITCH ELECTRONIC (201) on the frontpanel clockwise into ON position and release. Machine initialize. An example for the display message is:
"Ready for Start - press LOAD Button MA6-BA6-[M] V 4.000 04.05.01 SW:P"
The meaning of the second displayed line is:
configuration software version date includ-
ed options (here: purge)
Press the flashing LOAD key on the keyboard.
"Watch out machine is starting!"
Now you are asked for:
"Select machine configuration: MA6"
Select between mask align- (MA6) and bond align­(BA6) operation mode (with the Y-ARROW keys). Af
­ter this selection the software is loaded and the ma­chine is in a initial state, ready for operate and displays:
"Ready for load"
All motorized manipulators (TSA, BSA and alignment stage) are set to the position used before the ma
­chine was powered off. For your information: if you need a software reset, press the key combination FAST - UNLOAD (nearly 200ms time distance). Keep the EDIT PARAMETER key (311) pressed down while power on the POWER SWITCH ELECTRONIC (201) overwrites all parameter settings with the default val
­ues from the EPROM. Power off the machine by turn­ing the POWER SWITCH ELECTRONIC (201) on the front panel counterclockwise into OFF position and release.
1.3.2 First Mask Print Mode
The first mask print of a wafer is done without align­ment. This software sequence is started by the EX­POSURE key. Starting from the initial state of the machine this steps has to be performed:
1. Adjust Parameters
– select mask loading type: F1 key
Ma k e secur e that no m ask is lo aded bef ore sele ct mask loading type.
– select exposure mode: SELECT PROGRAM key
Press SELECT PROGRAM key (310). Toggle through the menu and confirm your exposure pro
gram by pressing SELECT PROGRAM key again.
– edit parameters: EDIT PARAMETER key
Press EDIT PARAMETER key (311) to edit the pa­rameter. Change all necessary value and confirm by pressing EDIT PARAMETER key again.
– save all settings: EDIT PROGRAM key
This function is an optional possibility to save this parameter set for the future. Toggle with the X­ARROW keys to "SAVE Pgm.". Select with the Y­ARROW keys a program number. Prior saved programs to the same number will be overwritten without warning. Save the settings by the EDIT PROGRAM key (312). Existing programs can be loaded from here.
Operation of the Machine
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2. Load Mask
Watch out for the microscope
– start mask loading sequence: CHANGE MASK
key You have to take out the mask holder, flip it 180° and put it on the tray left. If a mask is loaded, press ENTER to toggle the mask vacuum off, re
­tract the mechanical mask clamp and remove the mask.
– load mask and fix it: ENTER key
Place the mask onto the mask holder against the stop pins. Toggle the mask vacuum on by press
­ing the ENTER key. Activate the mechanical mask clamp by pressing on the leaf spring.
– slide the mask holder back into the machine and
clamp it: CHANGE MASK key Flip the mask holder 180° back and move it into the machine. Lock the mask holder slide by pressing CHANGE MASK key again.
3. Load Wafer
– first pull out transport slide and load wafer: EXPO-
SURE key The machine instructs: "pull slide and load sub­strate onto chuck". Pull out the transport slide completely. Insert the proper chuck and place the wafer against the prealignment pins. Confirm with ENTER key. Now the wafer is hold by vacuum.
– move slide in: ENTER key
The machine instructs: "move slide into machine and confirm with ENTER"
– wedge error compensation
WEC starts automatically after the last action is completed. The wafer is adjusted parallel to the mask.
4. Exposure
After WEC the wafer moves automatically in expo­sure position. Depending on the exposure program selected all program steps will be performed auto
­matically. Exposure takes place. After finishing the wafer chuck moves down to unload the exposed wa
5. Unload Mask: CHANGE MASK key
Hit the CHANGE MASK key and the mask holder will be released. Pull the mask holder out, flip it by 180° and store it on the tray to your left. Hit ENTER to switch the mask vacuum off. Retract the mechanical clamping and remove the mask.
1.3.3 Top Side Alignment
Alignment Procedure
1 Grabbed mask alignment marks 2 Superimposed wafer alignment marks 3 Alignment marks central symmetrical aligned
In this mode the wafer is aligned to the mask using the topside alignment microscope (TSA). The follow
­ing example explains the steps to align and expose with manual mask loading, soft contact print and WEC-type contact. Starting from the initial state of the machine these tasks must be performed:
MA6 / MA8 - 1. Operation of the Machine - Rev.05 07-06
1. Adjust Parameters
– select mask loading type: F1 key
Make secure that no mask is loaded before select mask loading manual (default).
– select alignment microscope
Deactivate BSA MICROSCOPE key (LED off).
– select exposure mode: SELECT PROGRAM key
Press SELECT PROGRAM key (310). Toggle through the menu and confirm the selection soft contact by pressing SELECT PROGRAM key again.
– edit parameter: EDIT PARAMETER key
Press EDIT PARAMETER key (311) to edit the pa­rameter exposure time, alignment gap and WEC­type. Change all necessary value and confirm by pressing EDIT PARAMETER key again.
– save all settings: EDIT PROGRAM key
This function is an optional possibility to save this parameter set for the future. Toggle with the X­ARROW keys to "SAVE Pgm.". Select with the Y­ARROW keys a program number. Prior saved programs to the same number will be overwritten without warning. Save the settings by the EDIT PROGRAM key (312). Existing programs can be loaded from here.
2. Load Mask
Watch out for the microscope
– start mask loading sequence: CHANGE MASK
key You have to take out the mask holder, flip it 180° and put it on the tray left. If a mask is loaded, press ENTER to toggle the mask vacuum off, re
­tract the mechanical mask clamp and remove the mask.
– load mask and fix it: ENTER key
Place the mask onto the mask holder against the stop pins. Toggle the mask vacuum on by press
­ing the ENTER key. Activate the mechanical mask clamp by pressing on the leaf spring.
– Slide the mask holder back into the machine and
clamp it: CHANGE MASK key Flip the mask holder 180° back and move it into the machine. Lock the mask holder by pressing CHANGE MASK key again.
3. Load Wafer
– pull out transport slide and load wafer: LOAD key
The machine instructs: "pull slide and load sub­strate onto chuck". Pull out the transport slide completely. Insert the proper chuck and place the
wafer against the prealignment pins. Confirm with ENTER key. Now the wafer is hold by vacuum.
– move slide in: ENTER key
The machine instructs: "move slide into machine and confirm with ENTER"
Watch out for the microscope
– wedge error compensation
WEC starts automatically after the last action is completed. The wafer is adjusted parallel to the mask and moves to the alignment gap. The mi
croscope moves down to start the alignment.
4. Microscope Alignment
– set the TSA to meet your requirements (see
3.2.4): SPLITFIELD switch For the M3xx microscope only, an actual TSA-mi­croscope image on the monitor is enabled by turning the SPLITFIELD switch (214) to LEFT. Toggle BSA MICROSCOPE key (322) off. This key switch also the controlled manipulator motors from BSA to TSA. If no camera and monitor ex
ists, use the microscope eyepieces.
– microscope illumination: ILLUMINATION to TSA
Turn ILLUMINATION switch (210) to TSA and se­lect the light intensity by the potentiometer under this switch. Separate intensity selection for the left/right objective is possible with the aperture lo
cated at the left/right microscope front.
– focus on the mask plane: TOP/BOTTOM key
Coarse focus is possible by using the TSA Z­MOVEMENT knob (402) placed behind the TSA­microscope. Make secure the TOP/BOTTOM key LED (326) is on and adjust the fine focus sepa
­rately using the TOP SUBSTRATE LEFT/RIGHT (215) regulators. If no motorized focus exist, use the OBJECTIVE FOCUS FINE MANUAL (404 ) on the microscope.
– adjust microscope to the mask alignment marks
Move the left/right objective to the left/right mask alignment mark by the OBJECTIVE X-SEPARA
TION knobs (405).
– grab image: GRAB IMAGE key (option)
First keystroke grabs the image. The objectives move the focal plane to the wafer and theTOP/ BOTTOM key LED (326) goes off. The motor con
­trol of the microscope manipulator is disabled at this time. Second keystroke delete the stored im
­age and enables the manipulator again.
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