SurveyMonkey 2011 User Manual

SurveyMonkey User Manual
Copyright ©1999-2011 SurveyMonkey. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may
be copied without the express written consent of SurveyMonkey.
SurveyMonkey User Manual
Table of Contents & Summary
I. Getting Started …..………………………………………………………………. pg. 3
1. Creating accounts and upgrading pg. 3
2. Pricing and payment options pg. 4
3. Features of Basic and Professional accounts pg. 5
II. Survey Design …………………………………………………………………... pg. 7 A. A new survey pg. 7
4. Where to begin pg. 7
5. How to add questions and pages pg. 8
6. Types of questions available and Features pg. 9 a) Types of questions pg. 9 b) Features pg. 9
i. Adding a comment field
ii. Required to answer
iii. Text validation
iv. Change of question size and placement
7. Copying a survey pg. 13
8. Editing the survey theme pg. 15
9. Survey Options pg. 16
i. Page and question numbering
ii. Add logo to survey
iii. Progress bar settings
iv. Survey page/titles
v. Navigation button
10. Skip Logic & Advanced Logic pg. 19
B. Edit an existing survey pg. 21
11. Copy or move a page/question pg. 21
12. Add a page or insert a page break pg. 22
13. Delete a page/questions pg. 22
14. Restore deleted questions pg. 23
15. Edit a question with responses collected pg. 23
C. Print a survey or responses pg. 25 III. Collecting Responses …………………………………………………………. pg. 27
A. Collectors pg. 27 B. Collector Settings and Restrictions pg. 28
i. Collector Settings
ii. Collector Restrictions
C. Sending out the link pg. 35
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1. Send through own email client pg. 35
- Adding manual entries pg. 35
2. Post on your website pg. 35
3. Embed survey or create popup invitation pg. 36
4. Post the survey on Facebook pg. 36
5. Send through SurveyMonkey Email pg. 37
i. Upload emails to a list
ii. Compose a message
iii. Send a reminder email
iv. Add new invitees to list and send message
v. Send a 2nd message to the same survey/Use custom criteria
vi. Track the emails by status – responses, no response, opt outs
vii. Export emails from the collector – including opt out & bounced emails
viii. Edit email addresses in an existing list
6. White Label your Surveys pg. 40
IV. Analyzing & Exporting Data ………………………………………………… pg. 41
1. Browse respondents to edit or delete pg. 42
- Response Type pg. 43
2. Creating filters pg. 46
i. Filter by response pg. 46
ii. Filter by properties or collectors pg. 48
iii. Managing multiple or saved filters pg. 49
3. Cross tabs pg. 49
4. Exporting data & creating custom charts pg. 50 a. All Responses Collected Spreadsheet pg. 50 b. SPSS Integration pg. 50 c. Summary Exports pg. 51
5. Sharing survey responses pg. 55
6. Custom reports & sharing data pg. 56
7. Text Analysis pg. 57
V. My Account ………………………..……………………………………………. pg. 58
1. Share an account pg. 58
2. Change emails on account pg. 59
3. Change time zone on account pg. 59
4. Change the account subscription or credit card pg. 60
5. Transfer a survey to another account pg. 61
6. Creating folders and moving surveys pg. 62
7. The Address Book pg. 63
8. Tracking the identity of respondents pg. 64
9. SSL encryption pg. 66
10. Cancel an account pg. 67
11. Security pg. 68
VI. Conclusion ………………………..……………………………………………. pg. 70
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SurveyMonkey User Manual
Welcome to SurveyMonkey! This user‟s manual guides you through all areas of SurveyMonkey. It takes you from start to finish covering topics such as creating and upgrading accounts, designing surveys, collecting responses, analyzing data, and managing accounts. The manual directly links you to our FAQs and Tutorials. Simply click on the hyperlinks (indicated in blue underlines) to go directly to our Help Center topics for additional information.
1. Creating Accounts and Upgrading
Create a BASIC (free) account to begin using the online survey system. We do not offer what some consider a “license since you are not purchasing software. Everything is accomplished by logging into your registered account! What we do offer are BASIC or Professional plans. Professional plans provide access to the premium features. We
offer GOLD, SELECT or PLATINUM Professional plans.
Step 1:
Activate your account by clicking on the [Sign Up] button located on the homepage.
Step 2:
You are prompted to enter a unique username and password to create a Basic account: To upgrade to a Professional
plan, click the [Upgrade] button located in the My Account section.
As a paid user, you will have access to the premium
features once we receive
NOTE: The login fields are
case sensitive.
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2. Pricing and Payment Options
SurveyMonkey offers several professional plans. All plans are billed annually except for the SELECT monthly plan.
To see our full plans, pricing and feature comparisons, please visit the following page on our site: Subscriptions, Features, and Prices.
NOTE: We do not offer pro-rated refunds on subscriptions. If you anticipate needing the subscription for a short amount of time, purchase a SELECT monthly subscription.
Billable Responses: SELECT plans billed monthly allow 1000 free responses within
the monthly billing cycle. You can collect as many responses as you want; however, any response over that 1000 for the month will receive an extra charge (Price is shown on our pricing detail page). The response count is set back to 0 at the beginning of the next month‟s billing cycle. For unlimited survey responses, purchase a SELECT Annual, GOLD or PLATINUM plan.
We accept credit card payment for all subscription terms (Visa, Master Card,
Diner's Club, American Express, and Discover).
We accept purchase order, check, and wire transfer (or direct bank deposit)
payments for Unlimited Annual subscriptions only.
NOTE: Payment is required before activating the account.
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SSL Encryption:
If you are concerned about security, we offer SSL encryption for the survey links, survey pages and exports. A survey with SSL encryption shows the 's' in the 'http' URL address. It appears as:
This is commonly used for online banking or sites that transmit secured information. In order to stay in compliance with HIPAA regulations, we recommend that SSL encryption be purchased for your account.
SSL is included as a feature with all Professional plans and you can turn off or on the SSL on collector links before distributing them to your respondents
3. Features of Basic and Professional Plans
a. BASIC Account
The BASIC plan is completely free, and it allows you to create as many surveys as you would like! You are never forced to upgrade, and we do not delete your surveys or data if you do not upgrade by a certain time. You have the ability to share one login and password for multi-user access. Simply have the person(s) you are sharing the account with use the one login and password. We do not assign multiple usernames on individual accounts. Please keep in mind that you are sharing full administrative privileges with other users. Currently, we do not provide the ability for different access
levels on the account.
BASIC Features:
Up to 10 questions per survey 100 responses per survey (*Upgrade to Pro in order to view all responses.) 15 types of questions Collect responses via weblink Collect responses via email Embed survey within a frame on a website View live results as they are recorded Supports any language, including Unicode Survey completion progress bar Automatic numbering for pages/questions 15 pre-built survey themes Validate/required survey responses Randomize/sort answer choices Accessible and 508 compliant and certified surveys (*U.S. only) Limit of 3 Collectors per survey
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b. Professional Plans:
SurveyMonkey offers the following paid plans:
SELECT Monthly or Annual plan featuresGOLD plan featuresPLATINUM plan features
GOLD and PLATINUM plans provide additional Advanced Logic features such as:
Random AssignmentQuestion PipingQuestion Randomization
With the PLATINUM plan, you can take advantage of our white label feature. With this feature, you can remove SurveyMonkey branding and use a “” URL to distribute the survey.
Here is examples of some other things you can do with a Professional plan:
1. No Limits - You can create surveys with an unlimited number of questions,
spanning an unlimited number of pages.
2. Create Surveys from templates.
3. Create Skip Logic (Conditional Logic) - You can customize the path a
respondent takes through your survey by adding skip logic.
4. Add a Logo - Branding your survey gives it a professional feel.
5. Create Custom Themes - Every element of your survey can be customized:
fonts, sizes, and colors.
6. Embed Survey/Popup Surveys -Embed the survey on your site or have it
appear as a popup.
7. Custom Redirect - Once your survey is complete, respondents will be redirected
to the page of your choice. (Available to GOLD and PLATINUM plans only.)
8. Filter Results - A powerful feature that helps you find patterns in your results.
Ask questions such as: "Show me only those respondents who answered choice X in question Y." The entire results section will reflect your filter choices.
9. Cross Tab Results - Cross tabulated data is useful for showing a side by side
comparison of how respondents answered two or more survey questions.
10. Share Results - Let others view your results without giving them access to your
11. Download Results & Charts - All data can be downloaded to your local
computer for further analysis. Create custom charts for presentations.
12. Create PDF - Create a printable PDF version of your survey or the results.
13. Custom Reports - You can create custom reports to include only the questions
in which you're interested. Export them or share them with others for easier data management and/or analysis.
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A. New Survey
4. Where to Begin?
When you are ready to create a survey, click on the [Create Survey] tab located on the page header of your account. Choose if you want to create:
A survey from scratch From a survey template Or from an existing survey in the account
Name the survey and you are ready to go!
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Note: Any time you exit that survey editor to navigate through the account and when
you need to re-enter back into the Edit Survey mode, click on the [Design] icon located to the right of the survey title on the My Surveys page.
a. After creating the title, the Edit
Survey page immediately opens.
b. Click on the [Add Question
Here] button to insert your first question.
c. If you want to add pages, simply
click the [Add Page Here] button where you want to insert a new one.
5. How to Add Questions and Pages
Once you begin designing a survey and every time you add or create a new question, a window opens within the survey designer. Choose the question type from the dropdown menu.
1. Type the question text into the provided textbox.
2. Type the answer choices into the provided textbox (each must be on its own line).
3. Choose to add any of the additional features, e.g., randomize choices, set to required answer, etc.
4. Click the [Save Changes] button when you are finished.
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6. Available Question Types and Features
a. Question Types
To add a question to your survey, a dropdown menu is presented after clicking the [Add Question] button. Choose which type you want to create. To view examples of
questions, visit our homepage and click the types of questions link.
If you need additional information on survey design, please refer to the Smart
Survey Design guide located in the Help
Center of your account. This guide provides tips on designing
effective surveys. Or if you want us to design the survey for
you, click here to learn more.
b. Features
When adding questions to the survey, you have the ability to add individual features to them. Both Professional and Basic accounts provide access to these features, which allow greater control of the survey response collection:
Adding a comment field Required to answer option Text validation Change of question size and placement
i. Add a Comment Box: Multiple Choice vs. Rating/Matrix
Multiple Choice Types: When creating the Multiple Choice type questions (One
Answer or Multiple Answers), you can choose to include a comment field as an answer choice or to keep it as a separate comment field. In the question design, you can:
Modify the Field Label.
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Configure the Comment Box Size. This enables you to change the size of the
comment box based on a „characters wide‟ parameter.
Set up the Text Validation by the following criteria: text of a specific length, whole
number, decimal number, date format (UK/US), or email address.
Customize the error message if a respondent fails to answer the comment box.
Matrix/Rating Types: When creating a matrix or rating question, you will see the
option to Add Comment Field. From here you can change the following:
Modify the Field Label. Configure the Comment Box Size. Here you can change the size of the
comment box based on a „characters wide‟ parameter.
Set up the Text Validation by the following criteria: text of a specific length, whole
number, decimal number, date format (UK/US), or email address.
Customize the error message if a respondent fails to answer the comment box.
Require a Comment: You can create a Yes/No type question where if “Yes” is selected a comment is required. Learn more.
ii. Require to Answer
You can force respondents to answer the questions using the Require Answer to Question feature.
1. Place a tick mark next to the Require Answer to Question option.
2. Customize the "failure to answer" message in the provided section. Click the [Save Changes] button. An asterisk will appear next to these questions.
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Additional Information: Setting an Answer Choice Limit
There is a feature that allows multiple choice questions to limit "how many" choices a respondent can answer.
When creating a Multiple Choice, Matrix/Rating, or Open-Ended (Multiple Answers Allowed) type question, set the Require Answer feature to where the respondent must answer according to any of the following options:
All At least At most Exactly Range
If a limit is applied, edit the error message so it corresponds to how the feature has been configured. Then respondents will know what is expected of the answer.
EXAMPLE: If you have a list of 10 items and you restrict the limit to "exactly 3" answer choices can be selected, we recommend editing the error message to be something like:
"You have picked more than the allotted answer choice limit. Please restrict your response to 3 choices."
iii. Text Validation
When creating Single and Multiple Textbox questions, you can “validate” how the responses are to be entered by the respondents, e.g., whole numbers, decimal numbers, date format, and so on. You will see the Validate Text option in the list of features available under the question editor prompt.
NOTE: The Numerical textbox does not have the validation feature since it only allows whole numbers (negative numbers not allowed). The validation features can be added to the following question types:
1. Single Textbox
2. Multiple Textbox
3. Multiple Choice (One or Multiple Answers Allowed)
4. All Matrix types
5. Rating
Essentially, validation is available anytime you enable the Add Comment Field
option to a Multiple Choice, Matrix, or Rating questions.
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The Text Validation is located in the question editor. When you click the dropdown menu, the following validation parameters are available for the open-ended comment boxes:
don't validate comment text must be a specific length must be a whole number must be a decimal number must be a date (MM/DD/YYYY) or (DD/MM/YYYY) must be an email address
iv. Change Question Size and Placement
When clicking on the [Edit] button associated with a question in the Design mode, you will notice the Question Type & Format option on the Question Editor page. Depending on the type of question, you can set a percent or fixed/pixel question width, column width, or comment/input box size. Click on the Change Question Size & Placement option to perform any of the following:
Overall Question Width: If you want the question to cover less or more space
on the webpage, then edit the Percent or Pixel width. This will either spread or condense the space it covers.
Column Width: You can control the amount of space reserved for the label and
the answer choices.
o EXAMPLE: This is helpful if you have large amounts of text for the answer
rows of a Matrix question. If the column headers consist of less text, then you can allot more space for the "label" section. The rows of choices will not appear so condensed.
Question Placement: If you want questions to appear side by side, then choose
to have a current question placed next to the previous one. To have the questions located underneath one another, then leave the default of Start question on new row.
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Question Margin: To allot more spacing between questions or create
indentation through spacing, then this setting is helpful. Sometimes a question may appear too close to the logo header. Type in a pixel number like "5" or "20" in the Top Margin setting. This provides space above that question.
Edit Comment Box Size:
You have the ability to edit the size of the comment box for the Open Ended questions. Click on the Change Question Size & Placement option located within that question builder.
With the Comment Box or Essay Box type, you can create a text box based on
the number of lines and the number of characters wide, e.g., 5 lines/20 characters wide or 10 lines/70 characters wide.
With the Single Line Input Box, you can set the input box according
to character widths, e.g., 30 characters up to 100 characters.
7. Copy a Survey
The ability to create a copy of any survey is available to all subscribers. This is done under the [Create Survey] tab.
NOTE: If the survey has responses, they will not be copied.
Only the survey design itself is copied. No collectors or their settings are copied
from the original survey.
Create a new collector and select a saved custom theme in the Theme
Dropdown menu on the copied version or edit a new one.
To perform this function, please do the following:
Step 1: Click on the [Create Survey] tab.
Step 2: Choose the Copy existing Survey option. Select the name of the survey to
copy in the provided drop-down menu.
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Name the survey and then you have the choice to:
Select that survey and modify it. Select as is and move directly on to create a link and send it to your audience.
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8. Editing a Theme
As a Professional subscriber, you can edit an existing theme or add a new one by modifying an existing theme template. While in the design, these options are visible in the Edit Survey mode.
To brand the survey to fit your organization's needs, do the following:
a. The color picker allows you to enter in your own hex code for specialized colors. b. Add elements like Bold, Underline, or Italics to the text in the title, page titles &
descriptions, question headings & choices, exit link, and error text message. [Click here for more information in using HTML in the survey design itself.]
c. Add a logo to the survey header. d. Add images into the body design. e. Create a redirect or survey completion option to your company‟s URL.
Edit or create a new theme for a survey the following way:
Step 1: Click the [Design] icon next to the survey title to access the Edit Survey mode. Step 2: Click on the [New] or [Edit] Theme button. Step 3: On the Design page, select the theme you wish to modify from the dropdown
menu. Click the [New] button next to the selected one. This takes you into the Theme Editor. You may customize the fonts, colors, and sizes of many elements of the survey
and rename the custom theme. To access different elements, select specific properties from the menu. Edit these
properties to customize a new theme or brand the design to your company. Click the [Save Changes] button when you are finished:
Survey Font & Background Survey Title Page Title Page Description Question Heading Question Choices/Rows Progress Bar Exit Link Required Asterisk Error Text
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9. Survey Options
The survey options are located within the Design section of the survey. These options allow you to place more features on the survey like page numbers, logo, progress bar, etc. The following are available under the [Survey Options] button:
Page and question numbering Add logo to survey Progress bar settings Survey page/titles Navigation button
i. Page & Question Numbering
You can edit the page and question numbering of a survey. Choose between the following options:
Page numbering Question numbering Or both options
If you choose the “Page Numbering, you have the option of numbering each page of questions separately or numbering the questions sequentially over the entire survey.
NOTE: To have your own numbering system, uncheck the 'Use Question Numbering' option under this section. Then manually type in the question number preceding the text for the question in the „question‟ text box configuration. Learn more.
Step 1: Click on the [Design] icon next to the survey title on the My Surveys page. Step 2: Click on the [Survey Options] button. Step 3: Access the Page and Question Numbering section. Click the [Save
Changes] button when you are finished creating the options on the page.
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ii. Add Logo
As a Professional subscriber, you can add your own organization's logo into the survey design. Logos up to 50K in size can be added into the top left hand corner of every page of the survey. The logo must be in a .GIF or .JPG format.
To add a logo, please follow these steps:
Step 1: Click the [Design] icon next to the survey title on the My Surveys page: Step 2: Select the [Survey Options] button and scroll to the Add Logo to Survey
Step 3: Access the Add Logo section. Click the [Browse...] button and locate the logo
file on your computer. Click the [Save Logo] button and the image will appear in the Custom Logo section for a preview. Click the [Save Logo] button again to finalize.
To delete the logo, click the [Delete Logo] button. To re-size the logo, edit the size and resolution of it in your own image editing
program. Then reinsert it into the design.
iii. Progress Bar
Both Basic and Professional subscribers can add a progress bar to any survey. Professional subscribers may customize the look of a progress bar under the Theme Editor. Within the theme‟s property menu, edit the width, text size, border width, border color, background, text color, or bar color. Rename the theme and save it when you are finished.
Here are the basic steps for adding a progress bar to any survey:
Step 1: Click on the [Design] icon next to the survey title on the My Surveys page. Step 2: Click on the [Survey Options] button located on the left side of the survey
design page.
Step 3: Access the Progress Bar section and select where you want the bar to appear
(top or bottom of page). Click the [Save] button when you are finished.
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iv. Survey Pages and Title
You have the ability to hide the survey or page titles when a respondent takes the survey. In order to hide them, follow these steps:
Step 1: Click on the [Design] icon next to the survey title on the My Surveys page. Step 2: Click the [Survey Options] button located on the left side of the page. Step 3: Scroll down to the section that says Survey/Pages Titles and uncheck the
option to Show Survey Title in Actual Survey. Now the title will be hidden to the respondents.
Click the [Save Changes] button when you are finished.
v. Navigation Titles
In order for respondents to move through the survey, Navigation buttons are used. You can customize the wording on these buttons under the [Design] icon on your My Surveys page. Simply type in the word(s) you would like to use for the navigation text.
Here is how to change them:
Step 1: Click on the [Design] icon next to the survey title on the My Surveys page. Step 2: Click on the [Survey Options] button located on the left hand side of the
survey design page.
Step 3: Access the Navigation Buttons section and type in whatever words you would
like to use as the navigation links. Click the [Save] button when you are finished.
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10. Skip Logic & Advanced Logic
Skip Logic:
The goal of Skip Logic is to direct respondents through different paths in the survey based on a response to a previous question. This feature is available in all Professional accounts.
Key points to remember:
With Question or Page skip logic in place, you can force respondents to jump to
a specific page.
Only the Multiple Choice questions (One Answer and Multiple Choice Answer)
allow logic to be added.
It is not possible to jump respondents to questions on the same page nor have a
question(s) immediately pop-up based on a previous answer.
Skip Logic Principles
View a basic example of creating logic in a survey. Advanced logic scenarios.
Advanced Logic:
GOLD and PLATINUM users have access to these additional Advanced Logic features:
Random Assignment Question and Answer Piping Question Randomization and Flipping
Random Assignment:
SurveyMonkey‟s Random Assignment feature (also known as A/B splits) allows researchers to randomly put people into different groups to show them different images or different text. The benefit is to introduce experimental variation into surveys. A stimulus (free text, image, or question wording) is varied, and the difference with how users respond to the stimuli is measured in the analysis.
View the following to learn more about this feature: What is Random Assignment?
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Question and Answer Piping: SurveyMonkey's Question and Answer Piping feature allows you greater control and
precision over question wording by automatically including the answer choice as part of a question. You can also pass a previously selected answer as a new answer choice into a follow-up question. This feature makes designing a survey easy! It also helps respondents feel more comfortable when answering your survey, thus it yields optimal data quality.
View the following to learn more about this feature: What is Question and Answer
Question Randomization and Flipping: Using the Question Randomization feature helps to alleviate question order bias. You
can choose to show all questions on a page or just a few selected questions on a page in a random order. If you don't want to randomize the questions, you can choose to flip them instead.
View the following to learn more about this feature: What is Question
Analyze Section Presentation of Logic Patterns & Data:
When using Skip Logic to route respondents to different "surveys" within one design, the tool combines all responses in the Analyze section. You may need to create a filter to look at the responses associated for a specific "survey" or logic route. Learn more.
You can also create a custom report to make only specific pages of questions visible.
Learn more.
EXAMPLE: If you have one initial question asking respondents which survey (or in this example, which language survey they want), then you can create a Filter by Response.
Pick that language question in the filter query and then select the answer choice
of English.
When that filter is toggled on and active, you will only see the respondents who
picked the English survey. Export the data with that filtered applied.
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B. Editing an Existing Survey
Once you have created a survey, you can come back at any time to edit it even after it has started collecting responses. The following section covers the editing capabilities once your survey has been created or distributed.
11. Copy or Move a Question
After you have designed a survey or during the design process, there is the ability to copy or move pages and questions within it. While in the Edit Survey mode, you will notice the Move or Copy buttons associated at the top of each question or page.
If you want to Copy a question/page:
Select the [Copy] button associated with the question/page. Then the [Paste Question Here] button will appear above and below each
question. Just click on the one where you want to paste that question.
Repeat the same process to move a question or page.
Step 1: Select the [Move] button associated with the question/page you want to move. Step 2: Then choose the [Move Question Here] located in the survey design to where
you want to move that question.
Step 3: The [Move Question Here] button is located above or below an existing
question. Now you can move the question into that location.
(Follow the same principle to move a page. The [Move Page Here] button is
located above each page.)
12. Add a Page or Insert Page Break
You can add a page into your survey by clicking on the [Add Page] button directly above or below an existing question.
To do this, please use the following steps:
Step 1: Click on the Design icon next to the survey title on the My Surveys page.
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+ 49 hidden pages