Surveon SMR Linux Series User Manual

SMR Linux Series
Smart Megapixel Video Recorder
User Manual
Release 1.0
About This Document
This manual introduces the hardware components of THE SYSTEM series and
describes how to install them. It also provides an overview of Server surveillance
functionality, and includes the functions of Video Management Software for
operating and monitoring a Server network.
Version History
Initial release
May 2015
All Rights Reserved © Surveon Technology 2015
Copyright Statement
No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed,
stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer
language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic,
optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without the prior written consent of
Surveon Technology Inc.
Surveon Technology makes no representations or warranties with respect to
the contents hereof and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of
merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Furthermore, Surveon
Technology reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes
from time to time in the content hereof without obligation to notify any
person of such revisions or changes. Product specifications are also subject to
change without notice.
Surveon and Surveon logo are trademarks of Surveon Technology Inc. Other
names prefixed with “NVRand SMR are trademarks of Surveon Technology
Microsoft Windows and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft
Linux is a trademark of Linux Torvalds. Solaris and Java are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
All other names, brands, products or services are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective owners.
Table of Contents
About This Document .................................................................... 2
Version History ........................................................................... 2
Copyright Statement ......................................................................... 3
Table of Contents ............................................................................. 4
Safety Precautions .......................................................................... 14
Device Site Recommendations ............................................................ 14
Chapter 1. Product Overview ............................................................. 15
1.1. Features and Benefits ............................................................. 15
1.2. Specifications for the Linux SMR Series ........................................ 16
1.2.1. Hardware Specifications ...................................................... 16
1.2.2. VMS Specifications ............................................................. 17
Chapter 2. Hardware Overview .......................................................... 19
2.1 Front Panel ........................................................................... 19
2.2. Rear Panel ........................................................................... 20
2.3. Hard Drive Designation ............................................................ 21
2.4. LED Definitions ..................................................................... 22
2.4.1. Desktop System Front Panel LEDs ............................................ 22
2.4.2. Rear Panel Ethernet LED ...................................................... 23
Chapter 3. Software Overview ........................................................... 24
3.1. Software Introduction ............................................................. 24
3.2. Module Framework ................................................................ 25
3.3. System Architecture ............................................................... 27
3.3.1. Standalone Server (Client-Server All-in-One) .............................. 28
3.3.2. Standalone Server + Remote Client (Web Client / SPhone Client) ...... 29
3.3.3. Multiple Servers + SCC Client ................................................. 31
3.3.4. Network Requirements ........................................................ 34
Opening Ports ...................................................................... 34
Warnings / Precautions ........................................................... 34
3.4. Port Forwarding .................................................................... 35
3.4.1. Port Forwarding for Accessing VMS Server ................................. 36
Chapter 4. Installation ..................................................................... 39
4.1. Before You Start .................................................................... 39
4.1.1. Checklist for Operating Environment........................................ 39
4.1.2. Checklist for Network Topology .............................................. 39
4.2. Hard Drive Installation ............................................................ 40
4.2.1. Hard Drive Installation Prerequisites ........................................ 40
4.2.2. Inserting Hard Drive into Drive Tray (Desktop Series) .................... 40
4.3. System Connections ............................................................... 42
4.4. Powering up SMR ................................................................... 44
4.4.1. SMR Systems .................................................................... 44
4.5. Logging into SMR Series ........................................................... 45
4.6. Run the Install Wizard ............................................................. 46
Chapter 5. Basic System Settings ........................................................ 59
5.1. Storage Management .............................................................. 59
5.2. Adding Cameras to the Server ................................................... 61
5.2.1. Automatic Scan for Cameras ................................................. 61
5.2.2. Manually Adding Cameras ..................................................... 63
5.3. Setting Recording Schedule ...................................................... 65
5.3.1. Recording Schedule ............................................................ 65
5.4. Setting up Live View ............................................................... 67
Chapter 6 Live View ........................................................................ 68
6.1. Live View Window Overview ..................................................... 68
6.2. View Setup .......................................................................... 71
6.2.1. Switching Between Different Screen Divisions ............................. 71
Creating and Using New Screen Divisions ...................................... 71
Auto-flipping Pages ............................................................... 71
Screen Division Page Use ......................................................... 71
Fisheye View ....................................................................... 72
E-map ............................................................................... 73
Secondary Display ................................................................. 75
6.3. Functionality Within Views ....................................................... 76
6.3.1. Digital Zoom .................................................................... 76
6.3.2. Instant Playback ................................................................ 77
6.3.3. Manual Recording .............................................................. 79
6.3.4. Others ............................................................................ 80
Image Settings ..................................................................... 80
Insert ................................................................................ 81
Send to Large Channel ............................................................ 82
Reconnect .......................................................................... 82
Remove the Camera .............................................................. 82
6.4. Full Screen View ................................................................... 83
6.4.1. Entering Full Screen View ..................................................... 83
6.4.2. Exiting Full Screen Mode ...................................................... 83
Chapter 7. Server Setup ................................................................... 84
7.1. Server Settings ...................................................................... 84
7.1.1. General Server Settings ....................................................... 84
7.1.2. To perform Notification Setting .............................................. 87
7.1.3. Scheduling Recording .......................................................... 90
7.1.4. Storage Management .......................................................... 92
7.1.5. Pre/Post Recording ............................................................ 94
Chapter 8. Camera Setup .................................................................. 95
8.1. Adding Cameras .................................................................... 95
8.1.1. Automatic Scan for Cameras ................................................. 95
8.1.2. Manually Adding Cameras ..................................................... 98
8.2. Camera General Settings........................................................ 100
8.2.1. General Camera Settings ..................................................... 100
8.2.2. Edit Camera .................................................................... 103
8.2.3. OSD Settings ................................................................... 105
8.2.4. Privacy Mask Settings ......................................................... 107
8.3. Camera Image and Quality Settings ........................................... 109
8.3.1. Camera Image Settings ....................................................... 109
8.3.2. Advanced Video Settings ..................................................... 112
8.4. VI Settings ......................................................................... 115
8.4.1. Camera Motion Detection .................................................... 116
Configuring and Editing Detection Windows .................................. 117
Deleting a Detection Window .................................................. 117
8.4.2. General Motion Detection .................................................... 118
Enabling or Disabling a Detection .............................................. 118
Configuring and Editing Detection Windows .................................. 118
Testing Detection Windows ..................................................... 119
Deleting a Detection Window .................................................. 119
8.4.3. Tampering Detection ......................................................... 120
Enabling or Disabling a Detection .............................................. 120
Configuring Tampering Detection .............................................. 120
Testing Tampering Detection ................................................... 121
8.4.4. Forbidden Area Detection .................................................... 122
Enabling or Disabling a Detection .............................................. 122
Configuring and Editing Detection Windows .................................. 122
Testing Detection Windows ..................................................... 123
Deleting a Detection Window .................................................. 123
8.4.5 Intrusion Detection ............................................................ 124
Enabling or Disabling a Detection .............................................. 124
Configuring and Editing Detection Windows .................................. 124
Testing Detection Windows ..................................................... 125
Deleting a Detection Window .................................................. 125
8.4.6. Virtual Fence .................................................................. 125
Enabling or Disabling a Detection .............................................. 126
Configuring and Editing Detection Windows .................................. 126
Testing Detection Windows ..................................................... 127
Deleting a Detection Window .................................................. 128
8.4.7. Missing Object Detection..................................................... 129
Enabling or Disabling a Detection .............................................. 129
Configuring and Editing Detection Windows .................................. 129
Testing Detection Windows ..................................................... 130
Deleting a Detection Window .................................................. 130
8.4.8. Foreign Object Detection .................................................... 131
Enabling or Disabling a Detection .............................................. 131
Configuring and Editing Detection Windows .................................. 131
Testing Detection Windows ..................................................... 132
Deleting a Detection Window .................................................. 132
8.4.9. Tailgating Detection .......................................................... 133
Configuring and Editing Detection Windows .................................. 133
Testing Detection Windows ..................................................... 134
Deleting a Dividing Line ......................................................... 134
Enabling or Disabling a Detection .............................................. 134
8.4.10. Go In/Out Detection ........................................................ 135
Configuring and Editing Detection Windows .................................. 135
Testing Detection Windows ..................................................... 136
Deleting a Detection Window .................................................. 136
Enabling or Disabling a Detection .............................................. 136
8.5. PTZ Settings ....................................................................... 137
8.5.1. PTZ Settings .................................................................... 137
8.5.2. PTZ Preset Settings ........................................................... 140
Adding a Preset ................................................................... 142
Deleting a Preset ................................................................. 142
8.5.3. PTZ Patrol Settings............................................................ 143
8.5. PTZ Controls ....................................................................... 146
8.5.1. Directional Pad ................................................................ 146
Pan and Tilt ....................................................................... 146
8.5.2. Functional Buttons ............................................................ 147
Home ............................................................................... 147
Preset .............................................................................. 147
Auto Pan ........................................................................... 147
Patrol .............................................................................. 147
Zoom ............................................................................... 147
Focus ............................................................................... 147
8.5.3. Deleting a Camera ............................................................ 148
Chapter 9. Alarms and Events .......................................................... 151
9.1. Alarm Rules ........................................................................ 151
9.1.1. Adding an Alarm Rule ......................................................... 152
Conditions ......................................................................... 153
Actions ............................................................................. 155
Alarm Scheduling ................................................................. 160
9.2. Event Log .......................................................................... 162
9.2.1. Exporting a Log ................................................................ 163
9.2.2. Searching the Event Log...................................................... 163
System ............................................................................. 164
Event Type ........................................................................ 164
Operation .......................................................................... 164
Module Name ..................................................................... 164
Device Name ...................................................................... 165
User Name ......................................................................... 165
Performing a Search ............................................................. 165
9.2.3. System Alarm View............................................................ 166
Chapter 10 Search and Playback ....................................................... 167
10.1. Introduction ..................................................................... 167
10.2. Time Search ..................................................................... 168
10.2.1. Time Selection ............................................................... 168
Specified Time .................................................................... 168
10.2.2. Use of Various Views Selection ............................................ 169
10.2.3. Camera Selection ............................................................ 169
10.2.4. Timeline ....................................................................... 170
10.2.5. Playback ...................................................................... 170
Capturing Screenshot ............................................................ 172
Capturing Video Clip ............................................................. 172
10.3. VI Search ......................................................................... 174
10.3.1. Creating a VI Search ......................................................... 174
Time Selection .................................................................... 174
Camera Selection................................................................. 175
Setting New Search Criteria .................................................... 176
10.3.2. Using the Search Results .................................................... 177
Selecting the Result.............................................................. 177
Result Playback ................................................................... 177
10.4. Event Search..................................................................... 180
10.4.1. Creating an Event Search ................................................... 180
Time Selection .................................................................... 180
Camera Selection................................................................. 181
Setting Event Search Criteria ................................................... 182
10.4.2. Using the Search Results .................................................... 183
Selecting the Result.............................................................. 183
Result Playback ................................................................... 184
Chapter 11. VMS Setup ................................................................... 186
11.1. Camera ........................................................................... 186
11.1.1. Edit Camera .................................................................. 186
11.1.2. Advanced Camera............................................................ 186
11.1.3. General Camera Settings ................................................... 187
11.1.4. Image Settings................................................................ 187
11.1.5. PTZ Camera Settings ........................................................ 187
11.1.6. PTZ Preset Settings .......................................................... 187
11.1.7. PTZ Patrol Settings .......................................................... 187
11.1.8. OSD Settings .................................................................. 187
11.1.9. Mask Settings ................................................................. 187
11.1.10. Optimize Settings .......................................................... 188
11.2. VI ................................................................................... 189
11.2.1. Camera Motion Detection .................................................. 189
11.2.2. General Motion Detection .................................................. 189
11.2.3. Tampering Detection ........................................................ 190
11.2.4. Forbidden Area Detection .................................................. 190
11.2.5. Intrusion Detection .......................................................... 190
11.2.6. Virtual Fence Detection .................................................... 190
11.2.7. Missing Object Detection ................................................... 190
11.2.8. Foreign Object Detection ................................................... 190
11.2.9. Tailgating Detection ......................................................... 191
11.2.10. Go In/Out Detection ....................................................... 191
11.3. Recording ........................................................................ 192
11.3.1. Schedule ...................................................................... 192
11.3.2. Storage ........................................................................ 192
11.3.3. Pre/Post Recording .......................................................... 192
11.4. Alarm .............................................................................. 193
11.4.1. Alarm Rules ................................................................... 193
11.4.2. Email .......................................................................... 193
11.4.3. SMS ............................................................................. 193
11.4.4. Digital I/O Settings .......................................................... 194
11.5. Account ........................................................................... 195
11.5.1. Accounts ...................................................................... 196
Add Account To add an account to the domain: ............................. 196
Editing an Account ............................................................... 198
Changing an Account Password ................................................. 199
Deleting an Account ............................................................. 199
11.5.2. Account Authority Settings ................................................. 200
11.6. Network .......................................................................... 201
11.6.1. NVR Settings .................................................................. 201
11.6.2. Web Server ................................................................... 202
11.6.3. Multiple LAN .................................................................. 203
11.6.4. DHCP Settings ................................................................ 204
11.6.5. DDNS Setting ................................................................. 205
11.6.6. Port Mapping ................................................................. 205
11.7. System ............................................................................ 207
11.7.1. General ........................................................................ 207
11.7.2. Advanced...................................................................... 207
11.7.3. Display Resolution Settings ................................................. 208
11.7.4. Language ...................................................................... 208
11.7.5. Map Editor .................................................................... 209
11.7.6. Log Viewer .................................................................... 209
11.7.7. Optimize Settings ............................................................ 209
11.8. Maintenance ..................................................................... 210
11.8.1. Stream Status ................................................................ 210
11.8.2. Upgrade ....................................................................... 211
11.8.3. Import/Export ................................................................ 211
Importing Parameters ........................................................... 212
Exporting Parameters ............................................................ 212
11.8.4. License ........................................................................ 213
11.8.5. System Backup ............................................................... 214
11.8.6. Clear SCC Data ............................................................... 214
11.8.7. Remote Assistant ............................................................ 215
Chapter 12. Remote Web Client and SPhone Client for Simple Use (Optional)216
12.1. Software Installation for Remote Control .................................. 217
12.1. Installing the VMS .............................................................. 217
12.2. Starting the VMS Client ........................................................ 221
12.3. Starting the Web Client........................................................ 223
12.3.1. Checking the Software Version ............................................ 223
12.3.2. Use of 1x/4x views .......................................................... 223
12.3.3. PTZ Control ................................................................... 224
12.3.4. Playback Settings ............................................................ 225
12.4. Installing and Starting the SPhone Client on iOS Devices ............... 226
12.4.1. Installing the SPhone Client (Optional) ................................... 226
12.4.2. Starting the SPhone Client ................................................. 226
12.4.3. Checking the Software Version ............................................ 227
12.4.4. Live View/Playback on the SPhone Client ............................... 227
12.5. Installing and Starting the SPhone Client on Android Devices ......... 232
12.5.1. Installing the SPhone Client (Optional) ................................... 232
12.5.2. Starting the SPhone Client ................................................. 232
12.5.3. Checking the Software Version ............................................ 233
12.5.4. Live View on the SPhone Client ............................................ 234
Safety Precautions
Electric Shock Warning
This equipment may cause electric shocks if not handled properly.
Access to this equipment should only be granted to trained operators
and maintenance personnel who have been instructed of, and fully understand the possible hazardous conditions and the consequences of accessing non-field-serviceable units such as the power supplies.
The system must be unplugged before moving, or in the even that it
becomes damaged.
Reliable Grounding
Particular attention should be given to prepare reliable grounding for the power supply connection. It is suggested to use a direct connection to the branch circuit. Check for proper grounding before powering on the device.
Overloading Protection
The device should be installed according to specifications. Provide a suitable power source with electrical overload protection. Do not overload the AC supply branch circuit that provides power to the device.
ESD Precautions
Please observe all conventional anti-ESD methods while handling the device. The use of a grounded wrist strap and an anti-static work pad are recommended. Avoid dust and debris in your work area.
Device Site Recommendations
The device should be installed according to specifications. This device should be operated at a site that is:
Clean, dry, and free of excessive airborne particles. Well-ventilated and away from heat sources such as direct sunlight
and radiators.
Clear of vibration or physical shock. Away from strong electromagnetic fields produced by other devices. Available with properly grounded wall outlet for power. In regions
where power sources are unstable, apply surge suppression.
Available with sufficient space behind the device for cabling.
Chapter 1. Product Overview
1.1. Features and Benefits
The SMR series is a state-of-the-art network video recorder features RAID, low
power. With bay hard disk trays, the system series is the best in class SMR that
supports megapixel quality video of 4 to 64 channels for video retention periods
from 7 to 40 days or more. In addition, the system series is fully burn-in-tested and
uses preloaded Enterprise VMS to eliminate compatibility issues while reducing
maintenance overheads. It is out of question that the system series is the most
reliable and cost-effective solution for small to medium sized surveillance needs.
1.2. Specifications for the Linux SMR Series
1.2.1. Hardware Specifications
SMR8300E Series
SMR8300A Series
System Processor
Intel® Dual Core
Intel® Dual Core i3
Intel Core i7
System Memory
DDR3 4GB (up to 16GB)
Operating System
Linux Embedded System
3.5" SATA HDDs x2
3.5" SATA HDDs x8
HDD hot swappable with LED status indicator
I/O Interface
RJ-45: 2x Gigabit Ethernet USB: 4x USB2.0 VGA(D-Sub): x1, E-STAT: x1
RJ-45: 2x Gigabit Ethernet USB: 6x USB2.0 VGA(DVI): x1 HDMI: x1 COM: x1
Non RAID, RAID 1, 5, 6
Input Voltage: 12VDC, 5A Power Supply: 43W
Input Voltage: 100-240 V, 3.5A Power Supply: 430W
Operating Environment
Temperature: 5° C to 40° C
Humidity: 5% to 80% (non-condensing)
LED Indicator
Yes (Fan, Temperature, Power, HDD)
Dimensions (mm)
190(H) x 110(W) x
245(D) mm
310(H) x 175(W) x 380(D) mm
Weight (without hard drives)
3kg (without HDD)
8.9kg (without HDD)
BSMI, CB, FCC / CE Class B, UL60959/ IEC 60950
3 years
1.2.2. VMS Specifications
Live View
• Real-time network camera discovery
• Versatile views of various screen divisions
• Multiple views supported
• View patrolling for single or multiple views
• Real time video/event alarm display
Support 3 installation modes and 5 different
fisheye Dewarp display modes
Support live audio
• Drag-n-drop camera manipulation
• Hierarchical map structure
• Real time event alert
• Instant live video of camera
Pan, tilt, zoom operations (dependent of the camera)
• Built-in, floating PTZ control panel
• Preset position (dependent of the camera)
• Event-driven camera patrolling
Digital I/O management
Multiple Displays
Support dual monitors
Supports live view, playback, eMap functions
Direct display to secondary monitor(s)
• Search by date, time, camera
• Search by VI event combinations
• Search over multiple days
• Search over multiple cameras
Different color display on recorded data date
• Search via built-in VI analyzer
• Intuitive, video thumbnail search results
• Cue-in, cue-out and repeat
• Quick playback by video thumbnail
• 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x play, pause, stop
• AVI-formatted video clip export
Up to 16 channel synchronized playback (depends on product)
Support 3 installation modes and 5 different Fisheye
Dewarp playback display modes
Video Intelligence
• General motion detection
Camera motion detection
• Missing object detection
• Foreign object detection
• Intrusion detection
• Forbidden area detection
• Tampering detection
Virtual Fence
Go in/out detection (configure on remote client)
Tailgating detection (configure on remote client)
Recording Policy
Supports up to 64 channels megapixel recording
Continuous recording
Event-driven recording along with rules
Scheduled recording on daily or weekday basis
Post alarm recording 1-300 seconds
Pre-alarm recording 1-300 seconds
Rule Manager
Conditional recording/alert/notification
Email, FTP, SMS, phone, popup window, PTZ,VI Panel, Relay
output notifications
Sound, alarm, round-the-clock alerts
Remote Management
Full functional operation & management via VMS Client
Remote management and control via SCC & SCC Client
Remote Client
Web Client
iPhone Client
Android Client
3rd Party IPCAM
Support ONVIF
ACTi, Arecont Vision, Axis, Dahua, Dynacolor, Hikvision,
IQinvision, Mobotix, Panasonic, and more
Storage Expansion
Built-in RAID storage management
General & Misc
• Video privacy mask
• Digital zoom in, zoom out
• Log viewer, log export mechanism
• Client auto login
• Automatic storage recycling
• Client-server architecture
Customized authority account management
• Configurable video retention period
Digital watermark proofing
Support DDNS Function
Support time sync with NTP time server
Provide System and VI setup Help assistance
Support Customized Event Management and log mechanism
Auto port mapping for internet connection
Multiple Language supported on VMS and Web Client: Czech, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Polski, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
Chapter 2. Hardware Overview
2.1 Front Panel
1. LCD Display
Connect the display
2. Enter Switch
Use this switch for confirmation
3. Select Switch
Use this switch for selection
4. LED Indicators
Indicates the status
5. Power Switch
Powers up the system
6. Front USB Connector
Connects external accessories such as mouse,
keyboard or other external devices.
2.2. Rear Panel
1. Power Socket
Used for connecting power cable.
2. e-SATA Port x1
Used for connecting the SMR with e-SATA drives.
3. USB Port x4
Used for exporting video clips as evidence support to external storage devices.
4. LAN Port x2 (GbE Ethernet port)
Used for connecting the system with the network. Note that for single LAN Mode, use LAN1
5. Restore Button
Use for reset the system to factory default. For details, please refer to the table below.
6. VGA Port
Used for attaching an external monitor to the system.
7.12V DC Power Port
Used for connecting power cable.
8. Kensington Lock-hole
For use with a Kensington lock. Please refer to your Kensington lock for instructions.
9. COM Port
Used for connecting various devices, such as a mouse, modem, network, printer and so on.
10. HDMI Port
Used for connecting audio/video devices such as video projectors and DVD players.
11. USB Port x2
Used for exporting video clips as evidence support to external storage devices.
12. Safety Switch
Used for preventing injury if someone inadvertently attempts to open the machine. Please make sure it’s on after the power cable is attached to the power socket.
13. Audio Ports
Used for attaching audio devices such as headphones and speakers.
2.3. Hard Drive Designation
The hard drive arrangement for each system is shown below. The general
alignment is from left to right and/ or top to bottom in numeric order.
SMR2000 Series
SMR8000 Series
2.4. LED Definitions
2.4.1. Desktop System Front Panel LEDs
LED Status
Indicates that power is on and network is connected.
Indicates that network is disconnected.
Indicates that network activity is in progress.
Indicates that the hard drive can be accessed.
Indicates that a hard drive read/write error occurred.
Indicates one of the followings: (1)Disk volume creation is in
(2)Online RAID level migration is
in progress.
(3)RAID rebuilding is in progress.
Indicates the system fan is malfunctioning.
Indicates that system is starting up.
2.4.2. Rear Panel Ethernet LED
SMR2000 Series
8000 Series
RS 232/485
LED Status
1. Link Status LED
Indicates that the connection is established.
Indicates that the connection is not established.
2. Activity LED
Indicates data transfer activity
Chapter 3. Software Overview
3.1. Software Introduction
Video Management Software (VMS) is a highly modular and powerful video and
hardware management suite that incorporates Server recording, management, and
video monitoring and playback functionalities to serve the core purposes of a video
surveillance system.
It operates in a client-server mode: The Local Client and Local Domain Server run
for standalone SMR/NVR/VMS Server, while the Remote Client receives live video
streams and event video playbacks from LAN or Internet. All administrative tasks
are performed on the Client. The client software provides the ability to monitoring
and playback recorded videos from multiple cameras. And for users having multiple
SMR/NVR/VMS Servers, Surveon Control Center (SCC) (its main functions are the
same with the VMS) can be utilized to manage over the domain infrastructure.
3.2. Module Framework
VMS/NVR Server
Combines video recording, archival and retrieval functionalities for
individual servers/standalone PCs.
Serves as the connection point for client stations.
Local Domain Server
The interface between the VMS/VI Servers and any clients. User authentication server.
Local Client
Local access, VMS Client installed on standalone PCs/NVRs for live
video monitoring, event recording playback access and VMS system
Remote Client (full functions)
Remote access, VMS Client installed on remote PCs for live video
monitoring, event recording playback access.
Serves as the default configuration point for NVR2000 series, which do
not have a Local Client.
Web Client (for simple use)
Remote access, an ActiveX application (OCX) installed on remote PCs
for live viewing and event playbacks through the web browser.
SPhone Client (for simple use)
SPhone Client installed on iOS/ Android devices for basic live viewing.
Web Server
Allows user to access the live video stream, PTZ control and event
recording playbacks through Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 (or higher)
after the Web Clients components are downloaded.
VI Server
The video intelligence processing point for a VMS solution. Preinstalled on SMR/NVR Server, and optional on a separate server/PC
SCC Domain Server
Allows centralized control over multiple Trusted VMS Server points and
connections from multiple clients.
SCC Client
Software capable of accessing multiple Trusted VMS Servers through
the SCC Domain Server
3.3. System Architecture
VMS operates in scalable client - server architecture. This architecture can be
divided into three types: (1) Standalone Server (2) Standalone Server + Remote
Client (Web Client/SPhone Client) (3) Multiple Servers + SCC Client.
These are the hardware requirements for using PCs as Server or Client.
VMS Server + Client
Support NVRs
64-bit :
Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate
Intel Core i7980X or
Intel Core i7860
or above
Intel Core i5650
or above
4 GB or above
nVidia GeForce GTX660 2GB or above
Hard Drive
SATA 7200 RPM, 500 GB or above
1 Gbps or above
Remote Client
64-bit :
Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate
Intel Core i7980X
or above
Intel Core i7860
or above
Intel Core i5650
or above
4 GB or above
nVidia GeForce GTX660 2GB or above
Hard Drive
SATA 7200 RPM, 500 GB or above
1 Gbps or above
VMS Server Only
64-bit :
Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate
Intel Core i3530 or above
4 GB or above
On board (generic) 256MB or above
Hard Drive
SATA 7200 RPM, 500 GB or above
1 Gbps or above
3.3.1. Standalone Server (Client-Server All-in-One)
For users with standalone Server, the Local Client UI is used to manage NVR
Server services:
The Server, IP cameras are all in the same LAN.
Use NVR as Server
No installation needed.
Use PC as Server
Install both the VMS/NVR Server and VMS Client on a PC:
Insert the VMS/IPCAM product CD. Click VMS Suite on the menu to start the
installation. Choose Typical Setup. If you dont need video analytic functions,
Advanced Setup can be selected to uncheck the VI Server.
3.3.2. Standalone Server + Remote Client (Web Client / SPhone Client)
For remote users to connect to SMR/NVR Server, a remote access, VMS Client
installed on remote PCs is needed for live video monitoring, event recording
playback access.
Also, the Web Client, an ActiveX application (OCX) can be used for basic live
viewing and event playbacks through the web browser, while SPhone Client can
be used for basic live viewing on iPhone/Android devices.
Application1: Internet
The Server, IP cameras and the PC/Mobiles are all in the same LAN.
[NVR Server]
Use SMR/NVR as Server
No installation needed.
Use PC as Server
Install the VMS/NVR Server on a PC:
Insert the VMS/IPCAM product CD.
Click VMS Suite on the menu to start the installation.
Choose Advanced Setup to uncheck the VMS Client.
If you dont need video analytic functions, the VI Server can also be unchecked.
Install the Web Server on the PC:
Insert the VMS/IPCAM product CD.
Click Browse CD/DVD in the menu.
Double click WebServerSetup.exe to start the installation.
Install the VMS Client on PCs:
Insert the NVR/SMR product CD.
Click VMS Client on the menu to start the installation.
Install the Web Client on the PCs (Optional):
Launch Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 (or above) and enter your VMS Server IP
address + /webclient” in your web browsers URL location, eg. to download the Web Client application.
Install the SPhone Client (Optional):
Download the SPhone Client from App Store on the iPhone desktop.
Install the SPhone Client (Optional)
Download the SPhone Client from App Store on the Andriod phone desktop.
Note: Please refer to Installing the VMS and Installing the Web Client for details.
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