Surveon SMR Desktop Series Quick Installation Manual

Inst al la ti on
© by Surv eon Techn ology, In c. All rig hts res erved .
Only qualified service personnel should install and service this product in order to avoid risk of injury from electrical shock and energy hazard. Observe all ESD (Electro-static Discharge) procedures during installation to avoid damage to the recorder and its components.
QM0 0 S MRA D R1 1
Rear View
Adding Hard Drives
Hard Drive Installation Prerequisites
Purc hase ha rd driv es havi ng the sa me capa city an d using s ame int erfac e with the p re-in stall ed ones .
Inserting Hard Drive into Drive Tray
1. Op en the fro nt pane l of the EM R syste m.
2. Pre ss the re lease b utton ( indic ated by t he blue a rrow) on the b ezel, t he beze l panel s hould o pen aut omati cally and ge ntly pu ll out th e hard dr ive tra y.
3. Pl ace the ha rd driv e into th e drive t ray. Make s ure the h ard dri ve’s int erfac e
conn ector i s the ope n side of t he driv e tray a nd its la bel sid e facin g up. Adj ust the dr ive’s l ocati on unti l the mou nting hole s in the dr ive tra y are ali gned wi th thos e on the ha rd driv e. Secu re the dr ive wit h four sup plied f lat hea d screw s.
Sma rt Mega pixel R ecord er Des ktop Se ries
Note : For use rs of 6 bay m odels , pleas e go to Cap ture Ca rd Quic k Insta llati on Guid e first .
4. Wit h the tra y bezel o pen, in sert th e hard dr ive and tray i nto the s ystem e nclos ure.
5. Cl ose the tr ay beze l.
6. Us e the smal l flat bl ade scr ew driv er to tur n the bez el lock from t he unlo ck to loc k posit ion.
7. Repe at abov e steps t o insta ll othe r hard dr ives.
8. Cl ose the sy stem fr ont pan el when y ou are do ne inst allin g hard d rives .
. . . . . .
User-provide Items
USB c ompati ble Key board a nd Mous e
LAN Ca ble
Mon itor
3.5 " SATA Hard Dr ive (Op tional ) PC(s) w ith Win dows XP ( or abov e) Used a s Remot e VMS C lient Ma nagem ent Cen ter
Flat blade Screwdriver
Philips Screwdriver
Quick Installation Guide x1
Product DVD x1 (including manuals)
Power Cord x1
HDD Screw x20
LAN Cable
China RoHS x1
Accessories for 2 Bay Models
Quick Installation Guide x1
Product DVD x1 (including manuals)
Power Cord x1
HDD Screw x40
LAN Cable
China RoHS x1
Accessories for 5 Bay Models
Quick Installation Guide x1
Product DVD x1 (including manuals)
Power Cord x1
HDD Screw x40
Capture Card and BNC Cables
LAN Cable
China RoHS x1
Accessories for 6 Bay Models
Quick Installation Guide x1
Product DVD x1 (including manuals)
Power Cord x1
HDD Screw x40
LAN Cable
China RoHS x1
Accessories for 8 Bay Models
Front View
Hardware Overview
1 LCD Display
2 Enter Switch
3 Select Switch
LED Indicators
Power Switch
67Front USB Connector
Video Switch
2 bay models
4 5
5 bay models
1 2 3 4 5
8 bay models
1 2 3 4 5
6 bay models
1 2 3 4 5
Power Socket
e-SATA Port x1
USB Port x4
LAN Port x2
Restore Button
USB Port x2
Safety Switch
Audio Ports
VGA Port
Kensington Lock-hole
COM Port
12V DC Power Port
2 bay models
2 3
5 bay models
6 bay models
3 4
6 9
14 BNC C onnec tor
Note: The functions of e-SATA port and COM port are reserved.
8 bay models
Mode l
2 bay mo dels
5 bay mo dels
6 bay mo dels
Spac e for Har d Drive s
RAID O ption s
NonR AID, RA ID1,5
NonR AID, RA ID1, 5
. .
8 bay mo dels
NonR AID, RA ID1, 5
System Connections
Insert the LAN Cable to the LAN Port to a local network where your IP Camera reside.
(Connection to analog cameras is also available via an IP encoder).
Connect an external monitor capable of 32 bit or higher color quality to the VGA port to view the
VMS interface.
Insert mouse, keyboard to the USB for operating VMS on the SMR system.
Con nect cab les to th e rear pa nel por ts as fol lows:
Check Network Topology
Ple ase make s ure if yo ur netw ork env ironm ent has D HCP ser vice. Fo r devic es with out DHC P serve r func tion su ch as swi tch and h ub, ple ase cho ose Fix ed IP Add ress in I nstal l Wizar d (s ste p7) and t hen enab le DHCP s erver a fter lo gging i nto VMS ( secti on 7).
ect ion 6,
Remote Client/Web Client Management Center
VGA Station for Local Client
DHCP Router
GbE Switch
Smart Megapixel Video Recorder
Whe n you run th e SMR ser ies for t he firs t time, y ou need t o go thro ugh the f ollow ing ste ps with in the Qui ck Insta ll Wiza rd afte r loggi ng in.
1.M ake sure t he hard d rives a re inse rted in to the SM R case. C lick Ne xt to con tinue .
2. Cl ick Stor age Man ager to d o RAID co nfigu ratio n.
Logging into SMR
The V MS Clien t will pr ompt fo r the fol lowin g infor matio n after t he SMR sy stem is p owere d on:
VMS/NVR: The default IP address for the SMR Server, which is the local host.
Username: The username of the domain, which is always admin.
Password: The password of the domain. Default password is admin.
Access Method: Directly Access.
Type: Choose VMS.
Cli ck Login a fter th e passw ord is en tered .
Access Method:
Auto Login
Local Host -
Directly Access
Install Wizard
Note : (1) Aut o Login i s recom mende d to be tic ked. (2 ) If you ne ed to con nect re mote PC (s) to th e SMR serv er with in a priv ate LAN , pleas e refer to P ort Fo rward ing an d Start th e VMS Cli ent sec tion in SM R user ma nual fo r more de tails .
Cli ck Setti ng, cho ose the R AID lev el in the A dvanc ed Sett ings di alogu e, and th en clic k Creat e Logic al Driv e to crea te the RA ID conf igura tion. Ple ase cli ck OK afte r the con figur ation i s done, a nd the sy stem wi ll rebo ot auto matic ally. Abo ut 2 minut es late r, the Wiza rd wind ow will a ppear a gain. C lick Ne xt to con tinue .
Note : (1) If yo ur moni tor res oluti on is low er than 1 280x1 024, a wa rning m essag e will ju mp out af ter SMR sta rts up. You c an chan ge the re solut ion set ting at t his tim e. Then y ou can sk ip step 4 l ater.
3. Sys tem ini tiali zatio n will st art.
The s ystem w ill shu t down aft er the in itial izati on is don e succe ssful ly. Plea se clic k OK. Pres s the pow er swit ch to res tart th e syste m. Abou t 1.5 min utes la ter, the Wi zard wi ndow wi ll pop up a gain.
4. Cli ck Open R esolu tion To ol to cha nge the r esolu tion se tting .
Cho ose Sing le Disp lay as th e opera te mode a nd moni tor as th e displ ay sele ction i n Primar y Devic e. Cha nge the sc reen re solut ion in Di splay S ettin gs. Cli ck OK to fi nish.
Cli ck Next to c ontin ue.
5. Th e defaul t passw ord for S MR logi n is admi n. If you w ant to ch ange th e passw ord, ple ase ent er a new one in b oth the b lanks o f New Pas sword a nd Conf irm.
Note : SMR6 /8 bay mod els sup port du al disp lay.
Note : SMR8 000 ser ies wil l not go th rough st ep 3.
Pow eri ng up
2 Bay Models
1. Att ach the p ower ca ble to th e power s ocket o n the rea r panel .
3. Se e if the sy stem LE D is blink ing, wh ich mea ns that t he syst em is sta rting u p.
4. See i f the net work LE D has tur ned gre en, whi ch indi cates t hat the po wer is on a nd netw ork is co nnect ed.
5. Se e if the HD D LED is on, w hich me ans tha t the har d drive c an be acc essed .
Pres s the pow er swit ch.
LED Indicators
Power Switch
LED Indicators
LCD Display Power Switch
1. Att ach the p ower ca ble to th e power s ocket o n the rea r panel .
3. Se e if the sy stem LE D is blink ing, wh ich mea ns that t he syst em is sta rting u p.
4. See i f the net work LE D has tur ned gre en, whi ch indi cates t hat the po wer is on a nd netw ork is co nnect ed.
5. Se e if the HD D LED is on, w hich me ans tha t the har d drive c an be acc essed .
6. Th e Server n ame and t he IP add ress wi ll be sho wn on the L CD scre en.
Pres s the pow er swit ch.
5 Bay Models
LED Indicators
LCD Display Power Switch
1. Att ach the p ower ca ble to th e power s ocket o n the rea r panel .
2. Ma ke sure th e safet y switc h on the re ar pane l is swit ched to t he “-” side , which m eans th at it is tu rned on .
4. See i f the sys tem LED i s blink ing, wh ich mea ns that t he syst em is sta rting u p.
5. Se e if the ne twork L ED has tur ned gre en, whi ch indi cates t hat the po wer is on a nd netw ork is co nnect ed.
6. Se e if the HD D LED is on, w hich me ans tha t the har d drive c an be acc essed .
7. The Se rver na me and th e IP addr ess wil l be show n on the LC D scree n.
Pres s the pow er swit ch.
6 Bay Models
LED Indicators
LCD Display Power Switch
1. Att ach the p ower ca ble to th e power s ocket o n the rea r panel .
2. Ma ke sure th e safet y switc h on the re ar pane l is swit ched to t he “-” side , which m eans th at it is tu rned on .
4. See i f the sys tem LED i s blink ing, wh ich mea ns that t he syst em is sta rting u p.
5. Se e if the ne twork L ED has tur ned gre en, whi ch indi cates t hat the po wer is on a nd netw ork is co nnect ed.
6. Se e if the HD D LED is on, w hich me ans tha t the har d drive c an be acc essed .
7. The Se rver na me and th e IP addr ess wil l be show n on the LC D scree n.
Pres s the pow er swit ch.
8 Bay Models
+ 2 hidden pages