Surveon EMR2000, EMR5000, EMR8000 Quick Installation Manual

Only qualified service personnel should install and service this product in order to avoid risk of injury from electrical shock and energy hazard. Observe all ESD (Electro-static Discharge) procedures during installation to avoid damage to the recorder and its components.
User-provide Items
© by Surv eon Techn ology, In c. All rig hts res erved .
EMR Desktop Series
Rear View
1 Power Socket 2 e-SATA Port x1 3 USB Port x4
LAN Port x2
Restore Button
USB Port x2 Safety Switch Audio Ports
VGA Port
Kensington Lock-hole COM Port
12V DC Power Port
EMR2000 Series
EMR5000 Series
EMR8000 Series
2 3
4 5 6
2 3
3 4
6 9
Hardware Overview
Front View
Note: The function of Video Back Up Button is reserved.
EMR5000 Series
EMR8000 Series
1 LCD Display 2 Enter Switch 3 Select Switch
LED Indicators
Power Switch
4 5 6
Front USB Connector
Video Back Up Button
EMR2000 Series
4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
6 6
System Connections
Insert the LAN Cable to the LAN Port to a local network where your IP Camera reside.
(Connection to analog cameras is also available via an IP encoder).
Connect an external monitor capable of 32 bit or higher color quality to the VGA port to view the
Milestone XProtect interface.
Insert mouse, keyboard to the USB for installing Milestone XProtect Server on the EMR system.
Con nect cab les to th e rear pa nel por ts as fol lows:
Shaded areas are optional devices.
Poweri ng up EMR
LED Indicators
LCD Display Power Switch
1. Att ach the p ower ca ble to th e power s ocket o n the rea r panel .
2. (E MR8000 S erie s) Make su re the sa fety sw itch on t he rear p anel is swi tched t o the “-” s ide, wh ich mea ns that i t is turn ed on.
4. See i f the sys tem LED i s blink ing, wh ich mea ns that t he syst em is sta rting u p.
5. Se e if the ne twork L ED has tur ned gre en, whi ch indi cates t hat the po wer is on a nd netw ork is co nnect ed.
6. Se e if the HD D LED is on, w hich me ans tha t the har d drive c an be acc essed .
7. The S erver na me and th e IP addr ess wil l be sho wn on the L CD scre en.
Pres s the pow er swit ch.
(EM R5000/ 8000 se ries)
Q ME 2 5 8 0 A U R 1 0
Adding Hard Drives (Optional)
Hard Drive Installation Prerequisites
Purc hase ha rd driv es havi ng the sa me capa city an d using s ame int erfac e with the p re-in stall ed ones .
Inserting Hard Drive into Drive Tray
1. Op en the fro nt pane l of the EM R syste m.
2. Pre ss the re lease b utton ( indic ated by t he blue a rrow) on the b ezel, t he beze l panel s hould o pen aut omati cally and ge ntly pu ll out th e hard dr ive tra y.
3. Pl ace the ha rd driv e into th e drive t ray. Make s ure the h ard dri ve’s int erfac e conn ector i s the ope n side of t he driv e tray a nd its la bel sid e facin g up. Adj ust the dr ive’s l ocati on unti l the mou nting hole s in the dr ive tra y are ali gned wi th thos e on the ha rd driv e. Secu re the dr ive wit h four sup plied f lat hea d screw s.
4. Wit h the tra y bezel o pen, in sert th e hard dr ive and tray i nto the s ystem e nclos ure.
5. Cl ose the tr ay beze l.
6. Us e the smal l flat bl ade scr ew driv er to tur n the bez el lock from t he unlo ck to loc k posit ion.
7. Repe at abov e steps t o insta ll othe r hard dr ives.
8. Cl ose the sy stem fr ont pan el when y ou are do ne inst allin g hard dr ives.
Quick Installation Guide x1
Product DVD x1 (including manuals)
Power Cord x1
HDD Screw x20 (EMR2000 series)
HDD Screw x40 (EMR5000/8000 series)
USB c ompati ble Key board a nd Mous e
LAN Ca ble
Mon itor
(Op tional ) Hard Dr ives fo r extra s torage s pace PC( s) with W indows X P (or abo ve) Use d as Remo te Mil eston e Smart Cl ient Ma nagem ent Cen ter
USB D rive Use d for Ins talli ng Mile stone S mart Cl ient on
remo te PC(s )
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12 13
Flat blade Screwdriver
Hard d rives a re pre- insta lled in t he EMR se ries. U sers ca n also ad d suppl ement ary har d drive s and do RA ID con figura tions t hemse lves. P lease r efer to t he foll owing t able for m ore det ails.
IP Encoder
Analog Camera(s)
Remote Milestone XProtect Smart Client Management Center
IP Camera(s)
Eth ernet Co nnect ion USB C onnec tion Vid eo/Mo nitor Co nnect ion
Mode l
EMR2 000
EMR5 000
EMR8 000
Numb ers of Pr e-ins talle d Hard D rives
Spac e for Add ition al
Hard D rives
RAID O ption s for
Addi tiona l Hard Dr ives
Defa ult RAI D Conf igura tion
RAID 0, 1 or abo ve
RAID 0, 1
RAID 0, 1 or abo ve
Note : (1) You s hould g o to Wind ows Disk M anage ment to a lloca te and fo rmat th e logic al driv es
(set t he bloc k size as 6 4K). You c an choo se to do th is befo re or aft er the RA ID conf igrat ion is don e. (2) Pl ease re fer to Ad vance d RAID Co nfigu ratio n sect ion in th e EMR Ser ies Use r
Manu al for mo re deta ils.
Note : For mor e detai ls abou t the Wiz ards an d Manag ement A pplic ation , pleas e refer t o Miles tone
Ess entia l Admini strat or’s Ma nual. XPro tect
1. Do uble-c lick In tel Rap id Stor age Tec hnolo gy sho rtcut o n the des ktop. The pr ogram w ill pro mpt for c reati ng disk v olume s.
You ca n see the cu rrent s tatus o f your di sk driv es on the r ight- hand si de.
Cli ck Creat e a custo m volum e on the le ft or the C reate b utton o n the top .
RAID Configuration through Intel Utility (for EMR2000/5000 Series)
Note : (1) Th e trial ve rsion c an be use d for 30 da ys. Als o, vide o chann els are l imite d to
the m aximum . You may pu rchas e licen ses for p erman ent use a nd chan nel
go to p3 E xtend ing Trai l Licen ses for M ilest one XPr otect s ectio n for more d etail s.
eig ht as add ition s. Plea se
Go to C: \XPro tect Es senti al\ and d ouble -clic k the ins talla tion fi le. Cho ose Inst all Tria l and fo llow th e instr uctio ns to sta rt the in stall ation.
2. Se lect th e RAID typ e. Clic k Next to c ontin ue.
Installing Milestone XProtect Server on the EMR System
Starting Milestone XProtect Smart Client
Int el Rapi d Stora ge Technol ogy
Stau s Crea te Mana ge
Pref erenc es
Curr ent Sta tus
Crea t
Your sys tem is fu nctio ning no rmall y.
Crea te a volu me by com binin g avail able di sks to en hance y our sto rage sy stem.
Crea te a cust om volu me
Mana ge
Clic k on any el ement i n the sto rage sy stem vi ew to man age its p roper ties.
Arra y_000 0
MILE STONE In itial izing 0 % compl ete
Array_ 0000
2.0 TB
1.8 TB
1.8 TB
1.8 TB
Intern al disk 233 GB
Intern al disk
More he lp on thi s page
Stau s Crea te Manage
Pref erenc es
1.S elect
2. Con figur e
3. Con firm
Inte l Rapid S torag e Technol ogy
Sele ct Volu me Type
Flexi ble dat a prote ction ( Recov ery)
Real- time da ta prot ectio n (RAID 1 )
Optimi zed di sk perfo rman ce (RAID 0 )
Effici ent dat a hosti ng and pr otect ion (RA ID 5)
Balan ced per forma nce and d ata pro tecti on (RAID 1 0)
Prote ction
Perfor mance
Capac ity
Combi ne two di sks to cr eate a vo lume wh ere eac h disk store s an exac t copy of t he data a nd prov ides re al-ti me redun dancy.
More he lp on thi s page
Cance l
Mil eston e XProt ect Ins talla tion
Milestone XProtect Level
Key Fea tures
XPro tect
Esse ntial
Numb er of Con necte d Camer as
Maxi mum Num ber of Us ers
Vide o Expor t Forma t
Web Cl ient
JPEG , AVI, Nati ve Data base
RAID Configuration for Additional Hard Drives (Optional)
Hard d rives a re pre- insta lled in t he EMR se ries. U sers ca n also ad d suppl ement ary har d drive s and do RAI D config urati ons the mselv es. Ple ase ref er to the f ollow ing tab le for mor e detai ls.
Note : You can a lso dow nload t he XProt ect ins talla tion fi le from M ilest one's w ebsit e at
http ://ww eston esys. com.
You mu st inst all Mil eston e XProte ct Serv er on the E MR syst em, whi le the XP rotec t Smart C lient c an be ins talle d eithe r on the sys tem or on r emote P C(s).
To inst all Mil eston e XProt ect Sma rt Clie nt for rem ote man ageme nts:
1. Co py the Mil eston e XProt ect dir ector y from yo ur EMR se ries an d save it i n the USB d rive.
2. Ins ert the U SB driv e to PC(s ).
3. Do uble- click th e insta llati on file s and fol low the i nstru ction s to star t the ins talla tion.
Installing Milestone XProtect Smart Client on Remote PC(s)
The M ilest one XPro tect Ma nagem ent App licat ion Win dows wi ll prom pt afte r the XPr otect S erver ins talla tion is co mplet e.
Basic System Settings through Wizards
Use t he wiza rds to con figur e the sur veill ance sy stem.
1. Ca mera and o ther ha rdwar e devic es, suc h as vide o encod ers, NV Rs, etc , can be ad ded to you r XProt ect sys tem thro ugh the A dd Hard ware De vices w izard . If micr ophon es/sp eaker s are atta ched to a h ardwa re dev ice, the y are aut omati cally a dded as w ell.
4. The S mart Cl ient wi ndow wi ll open .
3. Sp ecify yo ur logi n infor matio n in the fo llowi ng fiel ds.
Whe n ready, cl ick Con nect.
Authentication: Choose Windows authentication (current user), with which y
Server address: Type the IP address of your EMR server.
ou will be authenticated through
your current Windows login by default, and do not have to specify any user name or password.
1. Do uble-c lick th e Smart C lient s hortc ut on you r deskt op or sel ect Sta rt > Prog rams > Mi lesto ne XPro tect Sm art Cli ent fro m Windo ws Star t Menu to s tart th e softw are.
2. Th e Smart Cl ient lo gin win dow wil l promp t.
Note : to Mi lesto ne XProt ect Ess entia l Admin istra tor’s M anual /Smar t Clien t User
manu al for mo re deta ils.
Ple ase refe r
Note : (1) Th e defaul t video r ecord ing pat h is unde r C:\. You s hould g o to Advanc ed Conf igura tion
> Hard ware De vices > C amera N ame on th e side ba r of
Win dows to ch ange it t o D:\ or ot her dri ve part ition s. (2) Au dio set tings s hould b e
disa bled un der
Mil eston e XProte ct Mana gemen t
Appl icati on
Adva nced Co nfigu ratio n for avo iding v ideo lo ss of ONV IF came ras.
2. You c an quick ly conf igure y our cam eras’s v ideo an d recor ding pr opert ies thr ough Co nfigu re Vide o and Reco rding w izard .
3. Th e Adjust M otion D etect ion wiz ard hel ps you qu ickly c onfig ure you r camera s’ moti on dete ction prop ertie s.
4. The C onfig ure Use r Acces s wizar d helps y ou quic kly con figur e clien ts’ acc ess to th e XProte ct serv er as wel l as which u sers sh ould be a ble to us e clien ts.
Note : (1) You s hould g o to Wind ows Disk M anage ment to a lloca te and fo rmat th e logic al driv es
(set t he bloc k size as 6 4K). You c an choo se to do th is befo re or aft er the RA ID conf igrat ion is don e. (2) Pl ease re fer to Ad vance d RAID Co nfigu ratio n sect ion in th e EMR Ser ies Use r Manu al for mo re deta ils.
Mode l
EMR2 000
EMR5 000
EMR8 000
Numb ers of Pr e-ins talle d Hard D rives
Spac e for Add ition al
Hard D rives
RAID O ption s for
Addi tiona l Hard Dr ives
Defa ult RAI D Conf igura tion
RAID 0, 1 or abo ve
RAID 0, 1
RAID 0, 1 or abo ve
+ 2 hidden pages