Surveon CAM6120, CAM6110, CAM6100 Operating Instructions Manual

IP Speed Dome Camera
Before attempting to connect or operate this product, please read these instructions carefully and save this manual for future use
Operating Instructions
SDS 620/640/660/680- speed dome module NIC 920/960/980 speed dome module
The l ightening flash with arrow head symbol, within an eq uilateral triangle, is inten ded to alert the user to the p resence of uninsulated "dang erous voltage" within the produ ct's enclosure that may be of sufficient magn itude to const itute a risk of electric shock to persons.
The e xclamation point within an eq uilateral triangle is inten ded to alert the user to the prese nce of important operating and m aintenance (servicing) instr uctions in the literature accom panying the appliance
Opera tion of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in wh ich case the user will be required to corre ct the interference at his own expense.
FCC C aution: To ass ure continued compl iance, (example – use only shielded inter face cables when connecting to compu ter or peripheral devices). Any chang es or modifications not expressly appro ved by the party responsible for compl iance could void the user’s authority to opera te this equipment.
The s erial number of this product may be found on the top of the unit. You should note the s erial number of this unit in the space provi ded and retain this book as a permanent recor d of your purchase to aid identification in th e event of theft. Model No. Seria l No.
Cauti on:
1) Ensur e that Safety Wire (located in dome base) is engaged.
2) Align notch with “OPEN” arrow and turn dome until notch meets arrow in “LOCK ED” position.
3) Check assembly by pulling on dome. Assem bly should not come apart
CAUTI ON label is also stuck on the camera.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the F CC Rules. These limits are designed to pr ovide reasonable protection against harmf ul interference when the equipment is opera ted in a commercial environment. This equip ment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and u sed in accordance with the instruction manua l, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
■Image Stabili zer. ... .......................... ... ........ 27
■Alarm Actions.... ... .......................... ... ........ 28
PAN/ TILT SETUP........... ... .......................... . 29
■Auto Flip.... ... .......................... ... ................ 29
■Proportional Pan /Tilt............. ... .................. 30
■Scan Limit Setup ... .......................... ... ........ 30
■Manual Limit Set up........................ ... ......... 31
■Park Time........ ... .......................... ... .......... 31
■Auto Patrol.. ... .......................... ... .............. 32
■Scan Speed... ... .......................... ... ............ 32
■Stop Time........ ... .......................... ... .......... 33
■Max Speed.... ... .......................... ... ............ 33
■Preset Tour Group.................... ... ............... 34
PRESET TI TLES SETUP........... ... ................ 3 5
■Preset Positi on Titl e......................... ... .. 35
■Preset Positi on Tilt e Position................ ... ... 36
■Camera H/W Mo del Number....................... 36
■Camera Title Setu p.. .......................... ... ..... 37
■Camera Title Disp lay............. ... .................. 37
OTHERS SETUP.......................... ... ............. 3 8
■Power-Up Operation....... ... ......................... 38
■Picture Freez e.. .......................... ... ............ 39
■Load Factory Def ault...................... ... ......... 39
■Tilt Angle.. ... ....................... ... .................... 3 9
■Password..... ... .......................... ... ............. 40
-Password Function Switch........... ... ........... 40
-Password Se lec t......................... ... ........... 40
■Scan Tilt Angle Setup ... .......................... ... . 41
■Scan Tilt Angle Selec t.. .......................... ... . 42
SPECIFICATIONS................ ... ..................... 42
PRECAUTIONS... ... .......................... ... ........ 2
CONTENTS...... ... .......................... ... ........... 3
FREFACE........... ... .......................... ... ......... 4
SYSTEM REQUIRE MEN T........ ... ................. 4
TRADEMARKS.... ... .......................... ... ....... 4
PARTS NAMES AND L OCATIONS..... ... ........ 7
■Indoor ceilin g f raming application........ ... .... 7
■Outdoor appli cat ion....................... ... ......... 8
INSTALLATION..... ... ....................... ... .......... 10
PREPARATION FOR THE PC........ ... ........... 12
■PC Network Se tup .......................... ... ........
SETUP PROCEDURES.......... ... ................... 15
NETWORK S ETU P OF THE CAMER A.. ............ 16
■Connect To The C amera..................... ... .... 16
CAMERA OSD SETUP MENU......... ... .......... 17
CAMERA SITE SETUP..................... ... ......... 18
■Power-Up Proc edu res....................... ... ...... 18
■Controller....... ... .......................... ... ........... 18
CAMERA SHORTCUTS.............. ... ............... 19
■Camera Site S hor tcuts..................... ... ....... 19
OSD SETUP PROCEDURES...... ... ............... 20
■Displaying The OSD....... ... ....................... . 20
CAMERA SETUP.......................... ... ............ 21
■Focus Setup.. ... .......................... ... ............ 21
■Focus mode... ... .......................... ... .......... 21
-Active Time.... ... .......................... ... .......... 22
-Interval Time.. ... .......................... ... .......... 22
-Sensitivity................ ... .......................... ... 22
■White balance ... .......................... ... ........... 23
■Auto Exposure ... .......................... ... .......... 23
-Auto Exposu re Mode...................... ... ....... 23
-Auto Slow S hut ter........................... ... ....... 24
-Shutter Spe ed Setup..................... ... ........ 24
-Auto Exposu re Compensation.............. ... .. 2 4
-Back Light Com pensation................. ... ..... 24
-Day/Night M ode .......................... ... ........... 25
■Zoom Limit... ... .......................... ... ............. 25
■Sharpness.... ... .......................... ... ............. 25
■Line Lock.... ... .......................... ... .............. 2 6
-Line Lock M ode .......................... ... ........... 26
-Line Lock P has e......................... ... ........... 26
■Privacy Zone. ... .......................... ... ............ 27
CAM-6 100 series are the REAL TIME IP speed dome cameras excellent for both conve ntional surveillance system and digital netwo rks. Outstanding camera performance with 18X * or 25X zoom lens * , highly accur ate pan-tilt mechanism, the most foref ront compressing technology and the best strea ming technology makes it ideal for retail shops , schools, traff ic control, airports, docks, facto ries, labs, buildings, warehouses and etc,.
Remar k *1 18 X for CAM-6100/CAM-6110 *2 25 X CAM-6120 only
vibra tion in the windy enviroments. (CAM­6120 only)
•Buil t-in digital motion detector and alarm outpu ts.
•64 p reset positions
•360° continuous panning at a rotation speed of 30 0°/S.
•90° panning at a rotation speed of 150°/S.
•Imag e Freeze activity.
•QoS enabled video streaming.
•Digi tal time code embedded.
•Buil t-in LAN and WAN(Lo w latency PPPoE suppo rted) ports.
•Supp ort DDNS.
Remar k *1 fo r CAM-6110/CAM-6120 only
•Real time: 30fps at 720 x 480 resolution. 25fps at 720 x 576 resolution.
•MPEG -4 ASP compliant compression.
•Mult i-cast: Unlimited users access and remot e monitor.
•4 Tours memorizin g up to 6 mins of manual opera tion.
•Outd oor enclosure based on IP66 of IEC60 529 standard for all weather proof envir onmental structure.
•Quic k Installation Design cuts installation time in half.
•High quality picture of 480 TV lines horizontal resol ution.
•Min. illumination of 1.5 lux for C AM-6100, 0.01 lux f or CAM-6110 and 0.08 lux for CAM-6120.
•X18 optical zoom and X12 digital zoom (CAM- 6100/CAM-6110 only)
X25 optical zoom
and X 12 digital zoom (CAM-6120 only)
•Auto Digital flip allows a 180° tilting to trace objec ts passing under the camera.
•Priv acy zone feature enables users to veil unwan ted zones.
•ICR( IR-Cut filter Removable) technology enhan ces the performance and sensitivity in Day/N ight mode. (CAM-6110/CAM-6120 only)
•Auto Slow Shutter Mode up to 1/4(1/3)sec for CAM-6 110, 1sec for CAM-6120*1.
•Imag e stabilizer compensates the video
Compu ters must meet the following min. requi rements to view camera videos or to set up pa rameters.
Compu ter: PC/AT compatible
OS: M icrosoft windows XP, Windows 2000
with SP4 or above
CPU: Pentium4 2.4GHz or faster
Memor ies: 256MB or higher
Requi red Utilities : FFDshow,
DirectX 9.0b or
later hardware acceleration
Brows er: IE browser 6.0 or above
• Mi crosoft, Windows, Windows NT, and Windo ws XP are regist ered trademarks of Micro soft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other count ries.
• Et hernet is a registered trademark of Xerox Corpo ration.
• Ot her names of companies and products conta ined in thes-e operating instructions may be tr ademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
1) Read these in structions All the safety and operating instructio ns shoul d be read before the product is opera ted.
2) Keep these in structions The s afety instructions and instruction manual shoul d be retained for future reference.
3) Heed all warn ings All w arnings on the product and in the instr uction manual should be adhered to.
4) Follow all in structions All o perating and use instructions should be follo wed.
5) Cleaning Disco nnect this video product from the power suppl y before cleaning.
6) Attachments Do no t use attachments not recommended by the v ideo product manufacturer as they may cause hazards.
7) Water and Moisture Do no t use this video product near water, for examp le, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, or laundary tub, in a wet basement, or near a swimming pool and the like.
Acce ssories Do no t place this video product on an unstable cart, stand, tripod, bracket or table. The video produ ct may fall, causing serious injury to a chi ld or adult, and serious damage to the produ ct. Use only with stand, tripod, bracket, or ta ble recommended by the manufacturer, or sold with the video product. Any mountin g of the p roduct should follow the manufacturer's instr uctions, and should use a mounting acces sory recommended by the manu­factu rer.
9) Ventilation This video product should never be placed
near or over a radiator or heat register. This video product should not be placed in a bui lt-in installation such as a bookcase or rack unless proper ventilation is provided or the m anufacturer's instructions have been adher ed to.
10) P ower Source This video product should be operated only from the type of power source in dicated on the m arking label. If you are not sure the type of po wer supply to your location, consult your produ ct dealer.
11) Power-Cord Protection Power -Supply cords should be routed so that they are not likely to be walked on or pinch ed by items placed upon or against them. paying particular attention to cords at plugs , screws and the point where they exit from the product.
Ligh ting For a dded protection for this video product durin g a lightning storm, or when it is left unatt ended and unused for long periods of ti me, unplug it from the wall outlet and disco nnect the power supply and cable syste m. This will pre vent damage to the video product due to lightning and power-line surge s.
13) O verloading Do no t overload power supply and extension cords as this can result in a risk of fire or elect ric shock.
14) O bject and Liq uid Entry Never push objects of any kind into this video produ ct through openings as they may touch dange rous voltage points or short-out parts that could result in a fire or electrical shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on the video produ ct.
15) S ervicing Do no t attempt to service this video product
yours elf as opening or removing covers may expos e you to dangerous voltage or other hazar ds. Refer all servicing to qualified servi ce personnel.
16) D amage Requiri ng service Disco nnect this video product from the power suppl y and refer servicing to qualified service perso nnel under the following conditions. a.W hen the power-supply cord or plug is damag ed. b.I f liquid has been spilled, or objects have falle n into the video product. c.I f the video product has been exposed to rain or water directly. d.I f the video product does not operate norma lly by following the operating instr uctions in this manual. Adjust only those contr ols that are covered by the ins truction manual as an improper adjus tment of other controls may result in damag e and will often require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the video prodc ut to its normal operation.
17) R eplacement Pa rts When replacement parts are required, be sure the s ervice technicaian has used replacement parts specified by the manufacturer have the s ame characteristics as the original part. Unaut horized substitutions may result in fire, elect ric shock or other hazards.
18) S afety Check Upon completion of any service or repairs to this video product, ask the service technician to pe rform safety checks to determine that the video product is in proper operating condition.
■ Indoor Ceiling Framing application
Ip sp eed dome cameras can be installed in indoor and outdoor applications. Ind oor applications inclu de Ceiling Framing applica-tion and Solid Ceiling application. Outdoor ap plications include Ceili ng application, Wal l application, Corner application and Pole application. The PARTs' names and l ocations might differ in differe nt applications.
1) IP speed dome powe r and Speed dome R S485 connector C onnect the power connector to AC24V. Connect the RS485 to the network platfrom. P lease refer to the label attached next to t he connector for installation instruction.
2) Al arm-in/out port P lease refer to the label attached next to t he connector for installation instruction.
3) Video out
conn ector C onnect this connector to the video-in of r espective apparatus
4) RE SET button
11) Digital input ports
1) IP speed dome Powe r and Speed dome RS485 co nnector
2) Al arm-in/out ports
3) Video out
conn ector
4) Re set button
5) Ne twork platfor m ready i ndicator (yellow)
12) N etwork platfo rm power connector
6) Di gital ouput ports
9) WAN port
10) L AN port
S witch the power off by unplug the video p latform power input. Press this button for 6 seconds to restore all camera network s ettings.
5) Ne twork platfor m ready indicator This indicator lights up to indicate that vid­ e o platform is ready. This indicator flahes d uring certain operation.
6) Di gital output ports These ports can s end digital outputs for fu­ t ure use.
7) Ne twork platfor m power indicator This indicator lights up to indicate that vid-
8) Ne twork platfor m R S485 port
7) Ne twork platfor m power i ndicator (red)
■ Outdoor application
e o platform is powered on.
8) Ne twork platfor m RS485 port This one connects to the speed dome R S485 port.(connected before shipment)
9) WAN port C onnect this port directly to the WAN.
10)LA N port C onnect this port directly to the LAN. 11
)Digi tal input ports
These ports accepts digital inputs for fut-
u re use.
)Netw ork platform power connector This connector co nnects to the DC12V p ower input.(connected before shipment)
For o utdoor application, all the connection are done at the junction box in th e bracket. Please refer to the table below to see the details.
1) Ho using connectors
2) Sp eed dome RS48 5 port
3) Sp eed dome alar m port
4) Ne twork platfor m power connector
5) Di gital input connector
6) LA N port
7) WAN port
8) Ne twork platfro m RS485 port
9) Ne twork platfro m ready indicator
10) N etwork platfr om power indicator
11) Digital output connector
12) R ESET button
13) Video out connector
14) C amera video connector
15) P ower connector
1) Ho using connector This connector co nnects to the speed dome h ousing.
2) Sp eed dome RS48 5 connector This connector co nnects to the network p latform RS485 port.
3) Sp eed dome alar m ports The speed dome us es these ports to r eceive the alarm-in signals from respecti­ v e apparatus and to send out alarm-out s ignals to respective apparatus.
4) Ne twork platfor m power connector This connector co nnects to the DC12V p ower input.(connected before shipment)
5) Di gital input ports These ports accepts digital inputs for fut-
u re use.
6) LA N port
C onnect this port directly to the LAN.
7) WAN port
C onnect this port directly to the WAN.
8) Ne twork platfor m RS485 port
This one connects to the speed dome R S485 port.(connected before shipment)
9) Ne twork platfor m ready indicator
This indicator lights up to indicate that vid­ e o platform is ready. This indicator flahes d uring certain operation.
10) N etwork platfo rm power indicator
This indicator lights up to indicate that vid­ e o platform is powered on.
11) RESET button S witch the power off by unplug the video p latform power input. Press this button for 6 seconds to restore all camera network s ettings.
12) D igital output ports These ports can s end digital outputs for fu­ t ure use
13) Video-out connector This connector is connected to the video-in o f respective appratus.
14) C amera video port This connector is connected to network p latfrom video-in.(connected before ship­ m ent)
15) P ower
conn ector C onnect this connector to AC24V powe r i nput.
■ Ceiling Framing application
Ip sp eed dome cameras can be installed in in door and outdoor applications. Indoor appli cations include Ceiling Framing applica­tion and Solid Ceiling application. Outdoor appli cations include Ceiling application, Wall appli cation, Corner application and Pole appli cation. The inst allation procedure might differ in different applications. Ple ase refer to Appen dix for other applications.
Caref ully inspect to ensure all parts are prese nt and remo-ve all parts from the box. NOTE: IP speed dome b ase is installed onto the c amera housing SAD751 or SAD751-C befor e shippment, please DO NOT uninstall the I P speed dome bas e before you contact your dealer.
Use t he template included to cut a mounting hole on the ceiling framing. NOTE: The ceiling fra ming to be installed onto MUST have a thic kness between 2­45mm( 0.09"-1.77").
Remov e the dome cover by turing the cover count erclockw-ise and pull the cover out.
Adjus t the support arm height according to the c eiling framing thickness by lossening or faste ningthe lock screws.
Move the support arm in and insert the housi ng body into the ceiling framing.
Move the support arm out to hold the housing body onto the ceiling. Then fasten the lock screw s.
Set u p the DIP-SW at the top of IP speed dome body. Protocal information please refer to Appendix C.
To lock the IP spe ed dome body to the IP speed dome base, line up the notch on the IP speed dome body wi th the label on the IP speed dome base then insert the dome body to the dome base and turn clockwise.
Conne cts the BNC cable, the Ethernet cables, DI/DO , Alarm-in/out, Power cable to the respe ctive connectors. Please refer to Page8 for d etails.
To lock the dome cover with the housing, inser t the dome cover in the housing then turn it cl ockwise.
Conne ct the safe wire of IP speed dome body to th e hook of IP spe ed dome base.
To set up the network of the camera via PC, you h ave to change the TCP/IP setting s of the PC. The f ollowing are the default network settings of th e camera.
IP address :192.168. 1. 2 Subnet mask :
To access the amera, the IP address of the PC sh ould match the address below. (NOTE : xxx should be a number from 3 to
IP address :192.168. Subnet mask :255.255.255. 0
NOTE: The procedure b elow is the setup proce dure of a PC using Windows XP as its OS. W hen running an OS other than Windows XP, please refer t o the manual included with the O S.
Start up your PC.
Click the [Start] and select "Control Panel"
■ PC Network Setup
IP address : Subnet mask : Default gateway :
assumption that Windows XP is running on the PC. When running an OS other than Windows XP, see the manual included with the OS.
4. Double-click the "Network Connections" icon.
5. Click "Local Area Connection 2", and then click "Change settings of this connection" in the "Network Tasks" menu.
6. Click "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)", and then click the [Properties] button.
Network Setup of Your PC
To set up the network of the PC, first change the TCP/IP settings of the PC to match them to the default settings of the camera. The following are the default network settings of the camera.
IP address : Subnet mask : Default gateway :
To access the camera, the IP address of the PC should be "192.168.0.XXX" (where XXX should be a number from 2 to 254 except 10).
Note: The procedure described below is based on the
assumption that Windows XP is running on the PC. When running an OS other than Windows XP, see the manual included with the OS.
1. Start up your PC.
2. Click the [Start] button and select "Control Panel".
3. Double-click the "Network and Internet Connections" icon.
4. Double-click the "Network Connections" icon.
5. Click "Local Area Connection 2", and then click "Change settings of this connection" in the "Network Tasks" menu.
6. Click "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)", and then click the [Properties] button.
4. Double-click the "Network Connections" icon.
4. Double-click the "Network Connections" icon.
5. Click "Local Area Connection 2", and then click "Change settings of this connection" in the "Network Tasks" menu.
Doubl e-click the "Network and Internet conne ctions" icon
Doubl e-click the "Network Connctions" Icon
Click "Local Area Connection 2 ", and th en click "Change settings of this connections" in the " Network Task" menu
IP address : Subnet mask :
Network Setup of the Camera
On completion of the network setup of the PC, begin the network setup of the camera. If two or more cam- eras are connected, each camera needs to be set up individually. The following information is necessary for the network setup of the camera. If you do not have this information, contact your network administrator or Internet service provider.
IP address
Subnet mask
Default gateway (when using a gateway server or a router)
Port number
DNS server address 1 and/or 2 (when using DNS)
1. Start up Internet Explorer on your PC.
2. Enter "" (the default IP address of the camera) in the address bar. The main page of the camera appears.
Clcik "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)", and then clcik the [Properties] button.
Click the "Use the following IP address" radio butto n and enter the IP address and the subne t mask as follows.
Clic k the [OK] button and the window dialog box c loses.
■Function Comparison (
Control via Network vs. Control via Camera Site
Function Via Network Via Camera Site*1
Iris control Y Y
Preset NA Y
Preset tour NA Y
Manual tour NA Y
Auto Scan
Alarm log Y Y
Camera OSD setup
Network Address setup Y NA
User Authentication
Y*2 Y*3
Streaming Transmission Setup
Network Interface setup Y NA
Y: Yes NA: N ot Available yet NOTE: *1: The setup menus a re operated from a control device such as a control panel or a system devic e such as a video multiplexer, a D VR or a system controller. *2: O nly authentication of network access user. *3: O nly authentication of camera site access.
NETWORK SETUP of the camera
Befor e connect IP spe ed dome cameras to the s ystem, you need to setup the network addre ss by connecting the IP speed dome camer a directly with a PC.
NOTE: The network set ting of this PC must be se t before you setup network settings of a IP speed dome camera. Otherwise, you might not b e able to login the camera to modify the s ettings. (Please refer to Page11 for t he netwo rk setup of PC).
Start up Internet Explorer on your PC.
Enter the camera default IP address, "http: //192 .168.1.2"
in t he address bar of the brows er to display WEB Setup Menu of IP speed dome camera.
Enter the Accout name (factory default: Admin ) and the Password (factory default: 12345 6), then chosse the language, then Click the [Login] button.
■ Connect to the camera
Preliminary Setup
Prior to connection to the system, you need to set up a network address for the camera by one-to-one connec- tion with a PC. The factory default parameters are as follows:
IP address: Subnet mask: Gateway: HTTP port number: 80
Network Cable (Cross type)
4. Set the following parameters.
Note: Ask your system administrator about param-
eters if you are unsure.
IP Address: Enter numbers 0 through 255 into four
sections split by dots.
Netmask: Enter numbers 0 through 255 into four
sections split by dots.
HTTP Port: Enter different numbers for each when
multiple cameras are connected.
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol):
When set to ON, you need not input the IP address and netmask.
DNS (Domain Name System): Set to ON when
using DNS. Enter the primary address. If nec- essary, enter the secondary address.
Language: 1- English 2- Traditional chin ese 3- Simplified chinese 4- Japanese
NOTE: The capitalizat ion of the Account name and the Password must be the same as above . Otherwise, you might fail to login.
NOTE: Besure to use the "Save and Reboot" funct ion after you have modified the IP speed dome settings, otherwise no settings will be chang ed.
Below is the initial procedure for you to conne ct to the IP spe ed dome. For advanced setti ngs please refer to the "IP speed dome firmw are users manual" in the product CD.
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