Notices............................................................................................................................................... i
Help ...................................................................................................................................................61
Any isolated e-mails are moved to different queues (depending on
the the type of message) for safe keeping. You can then release,
move or delete them. These directories also show the activity logs.
Filters govern whether a message should be delivered or isolated.
Use the supplied filters: Anti-Virus, Anti-Spam and Internet Threat
Database, or create your own custom filters to catch specific
See Queue Manager in
the Policy Manager
See Global Policy >
Adding Filters
in the Policy
Manager chapter.
to the
How RiskFilter works
Table 1-1 RiskFilter Core Components
ComponentWhat it doesFind out more
Limit the number of simultaneous connections made on your
server. Determine whether to perform real-time blacklist checking.
See Receive Settings > Connection Control in the
System Settings chapter.
Relay Control
Dictionaries are used by the filters to detect particular kinds of
content – use Dictionary Management to configure Dictionaries to
suit your needs.
Stop your e-mail system from being used as an open relay by
See Dictionary Manager
in the Policy Manager
See Receive Settings > Relay Control in the
System Settings chapter.
A lower MX preference number gives higher priority than a lower one. In Figure 1-2, e-mail is sent in the
following way:
•E-mail sent to site round-robins between mail exchangers 1, 2,and 3, because each RiskFilter
appliance has the same MX preference of 5.
•The same thing happens for e-mail sent to site If site A is down (e.g., with a network failure),
the sending mail server will route e-mail to the fourth (failover) MX record, which is the address of a
server in a different physical location.
For the described failover to work properly, RiskFilter appliances at site A are configured to accept
messages for site B, and RiskFilter appliances at site B are configured to accept messages for site A.
The failover servers have static routes configured so that RiskFilter knows where to route the e-mail. There
are also advanced load-balancing switches that can be used for these purposes. These switches offer a
variety of load-balancing algorithms, in addition to round-robin delivery, which provide efficient load
distribution and timely failover. Using load-balancing switches may improve the overall efficiency of your
SMTP infrastructure.
SurfControl RiskFilter consists of two interfaces:
•RiskFilter System Management Console
•RiskFilter Management Console (Administrator)
There is also a third interface available to users if you enable Personal E-mail Manager (PEM). This
enables them to manage spam messages that have been isolated (See “Personal E-mail Manager” on
page 48 for more details).
Note: All text fields within RiskFilter can accept non-Latin characters such as Japanese.
However, there is a text-limit of 64 characters within these fields. Any values entered into these
fields such as port and refresh rates, must be valid integers.
The RiskFilter System Management Console enables you to configure the RiskFilter appliance itself as
well as its interaction with the surrounding network. With RiskFilter System Management Console you can:
•Use IP Access Control to only allow access to those IP addresses that you trust.
•Make changes to the language that titles, prompts and messages etc will be displayed in, within the
RiskFilter appliance interfaces.
•Make network specific changes, such as adding RiskFilter Management Console servers and
specifying which IP addresses and ports RiskFilter Management Console will bind to.
•Keep records of the various actions taken by administrators on the RiskFilter Management Console
•Check things like historic system settings and running processes.
•Change passwords.
To open the RiskFilter System Management Console:
3Open a web browser and type:
where ‘<hostname_or_ipaddress> is the name or IP address of your RiskFilter appliance.
4At the RiskFilter Management Console login page enter the username and password. The default
username and password are:
–Username =
–Password = $rfmngr$
5Click Login.
See “RiskFilter System Management Console” on page 131 for detailed information on all of RiskFilter
Management Console’s functionality and how to use the interface.
The SurfControl RiskFilter Management Console is where you manage the RiskFilter software. You can
use this interface to:
•Manage user accounts and licensing.
•Schedule updates to Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam agents.
•Manage servers and connection issues.
•Set up policies to manage how users send and receive e-mail.
•Run reports on these users and their messages.
To open the RiskFilter Management Console:
1Open a web browser and type:
where ‘<hostname_or_ipaddress> is the name or IP address of your RiskFilter appliance.
2At the RiskFilter Management Console login page enter the user name and password that you want to
use to access the account. The default user name and password are:
–User name =
–Password =
Opening the RiskFilter Management Console
As soon as the RiskFilter Management Console opens, you will see the Dashboard containing brief
information about servers used, as well as a report showing general e-mail use:
This chapter explains how to use the System Settings tab to:
•Configure the transport of e-mails.
•Authenticate the senders and recipients of e-mails.
The following terminology is used in this chapter:
•PEM – Personal E-mail Manager. Enables users to manage their own isolated messages.
•User Directories – Provides RiskFilter with recipient address validation and end-user authentication.
•ESMTP – Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. Enhances SMTP by specifying extensions for
sending e-mail to support graphics, audio and video files. It also enables SMTP to support the sending
of text in various national languages.
•CSR – Certificate Signing Request. Contains the public key information which matches the private key
installed on RiskFilter and enables you to import a new certificate. When the CSR is exported to the
same directory as the new certificate, the certificate will pick up this information so that RiskFilter can
recognize it.
•AVA – Anti-Virus Agent
•ASA – Anti-Spam Agent
The System Settings tab is where you configure the receiving and delivery of messages to and from the
RiskFilter appliance.
Figure 2 - 1 The System Settings Tab
System Settings enables you to:
•Configure user authentication and directories for storing messages and log files
The General menu contains sub-menus that enable you to set up the delivering and receiving of e-mails.
This includes specifying how RiskFilter should treat connections from other administrators, and where to
send alert messages and notifications.
These settings are added in the Configuration screen.
Figure 2 - 2 The Configuration screen
Postmaster e-mail address
If a service stops, or a similar event occurs, RiskFilter can send a warning message to a predefined
address. This predefined postmaster e-mail address is usually the administrator’s.
To set up the Postmaster e-mail address:
1Select General > Configuration from the System Settings tab.
2Enter the e-mail address of the administrator into the Administrator E-mail field. This is the address
that will receive the system warning messages.
3Enter the e-mail address of the administrator into the Default Notification Sender E-mail field.
Notifications will be sent to the user from this address, informing them that the message has been
4Click Submit. For information on the other settings that can be entered into this screen see Table 1 on
The greeting message can indicate that the system is working correctly when you
first start to set up the RiskFilter appliance using Hyper Terminal. An example of
where this message appears would be:
[root@smg10 conf]# telnet localhost 25
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 Surfcontrol RiskFilter ESMTP Service Ready
To set a new message, enter this message into the SMTP greeting message field.
Set the language that is used within RiskFilter by choosing one of the options:
•User Language specified by Browser - RiskFilter will select the language
automatically according to the browser’s language setting.
•Simplified Chinese
Select the MIME Charset which will be used to encode mail. We recommend that
you select ISO 8859-1.
If the administrator connects to the RiskFilter appliance then leaves the connection
idle, the connection will be dropped after a certain amount of time. To set this
timeout, enter the length of time in minutes into the RiskFilter Console Session
Timeout field.
User Directories provide RiskFilter with recipient address validation and end-user authentication:
•Address validation takes place when a message is received.
•User authentication is used by end-users to log in and check their isolated messages.
To add User Directories:
1Select General > User Directories from the System Settings tab.
3Select your Directory Type from the list of options.
Figure 2 - 3 Defing the type of directory you want to create
4Enter details into the screen that follows according to the type of User Directory you are adding.
5Click Submit.
Editing User Directories
Once you have added your User Directory you can edit it at any time providing you have not configured
Recipient Validation or User Authentication. If you have added either of these, the directory ID of the User
Directory cannot be edited.
To edit a User Directory:
1In the User Directories screen click the Edit button alongside the directory you want to edit:
2This will show a screen containing all of the details of the User Directory that you want to edit. The
following example shows a Generic LDAP User Directory:
Figure 2 - 5
3Make changes to the User Directory by editing these details.
4Click Submit to save the changes or click Reset to undo any changes that you have made.
Generic LDAP Server Information
Deleting a User Directory
You can delete any User Directory you have added providing you have not configured Recipient Validation
or User Authentication. If you have added either of these, the User Directory cannot be deleted.
To delete a User Directory:
1Open the User Directories screen.
Figure 2 - 6
2Select the check box alongside the User Directory that you want to delete.
3Click Delete.
Existing User Directories
The following sections cover the different types of user directories that you can add to RiskFilter and the
information you need to add.
This is the default server type. Microsoft Active Directory supports Address Group Import, User
Authentication, User Aliases and Recipient Validation.
To add a Microsoft Active Directory server:
1Click Add in the User Directories screen.
2Make sure that the default Microsoft Active Directory option is selected.
3Click Next. The Microsoft Active Directory Server Information screen is displayed.
Figure 2 - 7 Microsoft Active Directory Server Information
4Enter the following information:
•Directory ID – The ID of the directory. This field is limited to 64 characters.
•Server Address – The address of your LDAP server.
•Port – The default is 389.
•Enable Secure LDAP – Select the check box if you wish to enable Secure LDAP. This will change
the default port number to 636.
•User Name / Password – The user name and password for this appliance.
•Base DN – This is the Base DN of the LDAP server when applying the validation filter. It can
contain any of the above variables.
•Search Filter – The search filter is a standard LDAP query and can also use the variables listed.
For example: |(mail=%email%)(user=%user%)(ou=Engineering)
•Cache Setting – Select the option that corresponds to how you want to treat Address Caching:
– Cache All Addresses – All addresses will be cached.
– Enable Partial Address Caching – This is the default setting. Enter a value into the Maximum
Cache Entry field to specify how many entries should be stored in the memory cache. The
default is 10000.
– Disable Address Caching - No addresses will be cached.
•Cache timeout – When Cache All Addresses or Enable Partial Address Caching are enabled,
addresses of all e-mails passing through RiskFilter are checked against the validation server.
E-mails from valid addresses are delivered, and the addresses held in cache for a set time. If an email is sent from a previously validated address within this cache timeout, the e-mail is delivered
without contacting the validation server. However, if another e-mail is sent from this address after
the cache timeout, the server will be contacted again to validate the address. This setting must be
in valid Integers. The default is 60.
IBM LDAP server
IBM LDAP supports Address Group Import, User Authentication, User Aliases and Recipient Validation. If
you use a server running IBM LDAP authentication, you can add an IBM LDAP server.
To add an IBM LDAP server:
1Click Add in the User Directories screen.
2Select IBM LDAP Server.
3Click Next. The IBM LDAP server screen is displayed.
4Enter the following information:
•Directory ID – The ID of the directory. This field is limited to 64 characters.
•Server Address – The address of your LDAP server.
•Port - The default is 389.
•Enable Secure LDAP – Select the check box if you wish to enable Secure LDAP. This will change
the default port number to 636.
•User Name / Password – The user name and password for this appliance.
•Cache Setting – Select the option that corresponds to how you want to treat Address Caching:
– Cache all addresses – All addresses will be cached.
– Enable Partial Address Caching – This is the default setting. Enter a value into the Maximum
Cache Entry field to specify how many entries should be stored in the memory cache. The
default is 10000.
– Disable Address Caching - No addresses will be cached.
•Cache timeout – When Cache All Addresses or Enable Partial Address Caching are enabled,
addresses of all e-mails passing through RiskFilter are checked against the validation server.
E-mails from valid addresses are delivered, and the addresses held in cache for a set time. If an email is sent from a previously validated address within this cache timeout, the e-mail is delivered
without contacting the validation server. However, if another e-mail is sent from this address after
the cache timeout, the server will be contacted again to validate the address. The default is 60.
Generic LDAP supports Address Group Import, User Authentication, User Aliases and Recipient
To add an Generic LDAP server:
1Click Add in the User Directories screen.
2Select Generic LDAP.
3Click Next. The Generic LDAP screen is displayed.
4Enter the following information:
•Directory ID – The ID of the directory. This field is limited to 64 characters.
•Server Address – The address of your LDAP server.
•Port – The default is 389.
•Enable Secure LDAP – Select the check box if you wish to enable Secure LDAP. This will change
the default port number to 636.
•User Name/ Password – The user name and password for this appliance.
•Base DN – This is the Base DN of the LDAP server when applying the validation filter.
•Search Filter – The search filter is a standard LDAP query and can also use the variables listed.
For example: |(mail=%email%)(user=%user%)(ou=Engineering)
•Mail Field – The field in the LDAP query that contains the e-mail address to be imported.
•Cache Setting – Select the option that corresponds to how you want to treat Address Caching:
– Cache All Addresses – All addresses will be cached.
– Enable Partial Address Caching – This is the default setting. Enter a value into the Maximum
Cache Entry field to specify how many entries should be stored in the memory cache. The
default is 10000.
– Disable Address Caching – No addresses will be cached.
•Cache Timeout - When Cache All Addresses or Enable Partial Address Caching are enabled,
addresses of all e-mails passing through RiskFilter are checked against the validation server. Emails from valid addresses are delivered, and the addresses held in cache for a set time. If an email is sent from a previously validated address within this cache timeout, the e-mail is delivered
without contacting the validation server. However, if another e-mail is sent from this address after
the cache timeout, the server will be contacted again to validate the address. The default is 60
Variables which can be used for validation. These can be set when you are adding your LDAP server.
Search Filter. There are three variables which can be used in the Search filter for validation:
•%user% = the user name of the user to be validated
•%domain% = the domain that this user belongs to
•%email% = the e-mail address of this user
LDAP will try to validate a message by checking with the LDAP server using this search, for example:
This message will be validated using the variables as follows:
•%user%= jbloggs
Base DN. BaseDN, is an LDAP term meaning the base Domain Name which will be in the form of:
Mail Field. The mail field is a list of LDAP entries containing e-mail addresses. When importing address
groups, the mail field is used to find out which entries/field in the LDAP server are e-mail addresses.
ESMTP Server Information
ESMTP adds many enhancements to the SMTP protocol such as security and authentication. It supports
User Authentication and Recipient Validation.
To add an ESMTP server:
1Click Add in the User Directories screen.
2Select ESMTP.
3Click Next. The ESMTP Server Information screen is displayed.
4Enter the following information:
•Directory ID – The ID of the directory. This field is limited to 64 characters.
•Server Address – The address of your ESMTP server.
•Enable secure connection using STARTTLS – Allow validation and authentication using TLS
Note: SurfControl recommends that STARTTLS is enabled for security reasons. Using TLS
may, however, have some impact on performance, as extra CPU processing is needed to
encode and decode the TLS encrypted data.
•Port - The default port is 25.
•E-mail Verification Method – Select the option that corresponds to how you want e-mail to be
•Cache Setting – Select the option that corresponds to how you want to treat Address Caching:
– Enable Partial Address Caching – This is the default setting. Enter a value into the Maximum
Cache Entry field to specify how many entries should be stored in the memory cache. The
default is 10000.
– Disable Address Caching – No addresses will be cached.
•Cache Timeout – When Enable Partial Address Caching is enabled, addresses of all e-mails
passing through RiskFilter are checked against the validation server. E-mails from valid addresses
are delivered, and the addresses held in cache for a set time. If an e-mail is sent from a previously
validated address within this cache timeout, the e-mail is delivered without contacting the
validation server. However, if another e-mail is sent from this address after the cache timeout, the
server will be contacted again to validate the address. The default is 60.
Click Submit.
Recipient File
You can validate a user ID with a recipient address file. Recipient file supports Address Group Import, as
well as Recipient Validation.In addition, you can save user addresses as a text file (one e-mail address per
line), for user recipient validation.
To add Recipient File validation:
Note: Recipient File cannot be used for PEM authentication.
1Click Add in the User Directories screen.
2Select Recipient File.
3Click Next. The Recipient File screen is displayed.
4Enter a name for the Recipient File into the Directory ID field. This field is limited to 64 characters.
5Click Browse to navigate to your list of e-mail addresses.
Note: These must be text format, with one address per line.
6Locate the file then click Open.
7Click Submit.
Local Database
A user-defined list of e-mail addresses and passwords can be imported onto the RiskFilter appliance and
stored in the database for authentication and validation purposes. Local Database supports Address
Group import, Recipient Validation and User Authentication if a password is set.
Note: The text file that you want to import names and e-mail addresses from should be a plain
text file (.txt) or an Excel file in csv format. Users’ e-mail addresses and passwords must be
separated by a semi-colon (;), space, tab or comma (,).
3Click Next. The Local Database Information screen is displayed:
Figure 2 - 8 Local Database Information
4Enter the following information:
•Directory ID – The ID of the directory. This field is limited to 64 characters.
•File Path – The path to the database. Enter the path or click Browse to navigate to it.
Note: You can create a user directory for Local Database without the database path being
specified, then create and add the actual database manually, later. Just leave the File Path field
blank when you are creating the user directory.
5Select the ‘Contains Password’ check box if the file being imported contains passwords which you
want to use:
•If you create a local database with a password, then this local database can be used for Recipients
Validationand User Authentication.
•If you create a local database with no password, then this local database can be used for
Recipients Validation.
Note: Once you have selected or cleared the ‘Contains Password’ check box, it cannot be
subsequently altered. You must create a new Local Database User Directory in order to change
6Set up address validation caching for the RiskFilter appliance in the General Settings section by
choosing one of the following options:
•Cache All Addresses – All addresses will be cached.
•Disable Address Caching – Addresses will not be cached.
Adding addresses to a local database. You can add specific addresses from a user list by adding them
manually. This can also be used if you have created your user directory before you created your user list
and now want to add this list to the user directory.
To add addresses manually:
1Create your database and store it in a place accessible to RiskFilter.
2In the User Directories screen select the User Directory you want to add the addresses to.
3Click Edit. The Local Database Information screen is displayed.
Figure 2 - 9
Local Database Information
4Click Browse and browse to the database containing the addresses that you want to add.
Alternatively, enter the path to the file in the File path field.
5Click Addresses. The Local Database - Addresses screen is displayed.
7The Local Database - Add/Edit Address screen is displayed.
Figure 2 - 11 Adding an address to the database
8Enter the address that you want to add into the Address field.
9If the database you are adding has a password then you need to enter this password into the
Password field then confirm it. If the database does not have a password, you can leave these fields
10 Click Submit.
You can configure RiskFilter to act as a proxy server. In this setup, your users connect to the RiskFilter
appliance rather than the mail server itself. The RiskFilter appliance collects the requested mail from the
mail server and passes it back to the user. Using RiskFilter in this way provides an extra layer of security
though you will need a POP3 server, Webmail or an IMAP proxy to do this. Your e-mail system can then be
accessed remotely via the RiskFilter SSL VPN gateway.
To enable a proxy server:
1Select General > Secure Proxy from the System Settings tab.
2In the Total Simultaneous Connections field, enter the maximum number of connections that you
want to be connected at any one time. The default setting is 200
3Select Enable POP3 Proxy.
4Enter the following information:
•Incoming POP3 Port – The port number. The default port number is 110. Select the Require Secure Channel (SSL) option if required. It is not selected by default.
•Back-end POP3 Server – The IP address or domain name of the e-mail server required to act as
your back-end proxy. In the Port field, enter the right port number. The default setting is 110. Select
the Require Secure Channel (SSL) option if required.
•Timeout – The timeout period in seconds, the default value is 600 seconds
5Select Enable Webmail Proxy.
6Enter the following information:
•Incoming Webmail Port – The port number. The default port number is 80. Select the Require Secure Channel (SSL) option if required.
•Back- end Webmail Server – The IP address or domain name of the e-mail server that is required
to act as your back-end proxy.
•Port – The port number, the default port number is 80. Select the Require Secure Channel (SSL)
option if required.
•Timeout – The time period for timeout in seconds. The default setting is 600 seconds.
7Select Enable IMAP Proxy.
8Enter the following information:
•Incoming IMAP Port – The port number, the default port number is 143. Select the Require Secure Channel (SSL) option if required.
•Back-end IMAP Server – The IP address or domain name of the e-mail server that is required to
act as your back-end proxy.
•Port – The port number. The default port number is 143. Select the Require Secure Channel (SSL) option if required.
•Timeout – The time period for timeout in seconds, the default setting is 600 seconds.
9After entering the above information, click Submit to save your settings. Click Reset to put all of the
SurfControl RiskFilter stores messages that have been isolated. Initially these messages will be stored in
the default directory. If you want RiskFilter to store messages in a different place, you must change the
default directories within the Logs and Archives screen.
Figure 2 - 13 The Logs and Archives screen
Setting up the storage directories
You can set up directories to hold log files, spam messages etc. using the Directories screen.
To set up directories:
1Select General > Directories from the System Settings tab.
2Define how log files will be stored and how they will be treated when this happens:
•Directory to store log files – If you don’t want to use the default location, enter the path to the
required directory into this field.
•Days to keep log files – Leave this field blank to store log files indefinitely. If you enter a number
into this field, the log file will be deleted after this length of time has passed.
•Zip log files older than... – Enter a number of days into the field then any log file that has been
stored for this length of time will be zipped.
Caution: Zip files will be deleted along with any other log files, so you should move any zip
files that you want to keep indefinitely out of this directory.
•Keep maximum storage size at ... MB and remove old ones on a FIFO basis - specify that
once the storage size of isolated messages reaches a certain size then the oldest will be deleted
so the newest can be stored.
3If there are no other directories that you want to set, click Submit.
4The Archived messages directory enables you to specify where archived messages are stored.
•Archive level – Define whether or not to archive files and what type of messages to archive if
archiving takes place:
–Select None for no archiving.
–Select All messages except then select the relevant check boxes if you want to archive, but
do not want to save this type of message.
•Directory to store messages – Define where you want the archived messages to be stored by
entering the path into the field.
•Days to keep messages – Leave this field blank to store messages indefinitely. If you enter a
number into this field, the log file will be deleted after this length of time has passed.
•Keep maximum storage size at ... MB and remove old ones on a FIFO basis – Specify that
once the storage size of isolated messages in the directory reaches a certain size then the oldest
will be deleted so that the newest can be stored.
5Once you have entered all of the details that you need, click Submit.
For an extra layer of security RiskFilter supports the use of TLS verification. This helps prevent devices
such as non-trusted routers from allowing a third party to monitor or alter the communications between
server and client. It also enables SMTP agents to authenticate each others identities, should this be
necessary. The RiskFilter server can receive messages transferred over TLS and can also send messages
via this protocol to particular domains.
For TLS to work, the domains that will use this TLS authentication must be listed in the Domain-based
Delivery screen. Certificates are managed in the General > Certificate> Certificate Management
Figure 2 - 14 The TLS Certificate Management screen
When your certificate is due to expire, RiskFilter will send notifications until you import a new certificate.
When you see these notifications you need to import a new certificate. They are sent in the following order: