The information in this User’s Manual has been carefully reviewed and is believed to be accurate.
The vendor assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies that may be contained in this document,
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manual, please see our website at
Super Micro Computer, Inc. ("Supermicro") reserves the right to make changes to the product
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FCC Statement: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class
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WARNING: Handling of lead solder materials used in this
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Manual Revision 1.0a
Release Date: January 6, 2011
Unless you request and receive written permission from Super Micro Computer, Inc., you may not
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Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Other products and companies
referred to herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or mark
This manual is written for system integrators, PC technicians and knowledgeable PC
users. It provides information for the installation and use of the X8DTT-H+
Series motherboard.
About This Motherboard
The X8DTT-H+ Series motherboards support the Intel 5500/5600 Series
Processor platform and the QuickPath Interconnect (QPI) Technology, providing
the next generation point-to-point system interface, replacing the current Front Side
Bus. With the 5500/5600 Series Processor built in, the X8DTT-H+/-HF+/-HEF+/HIBXF+/-HIBQF+ greatly enhances system performance with increased bandwidth
and unprecedented scalability optimized for HPC/Cluster, high-end server platforms.
Please refer to our website ( for processor
and memory updates. This product is intended to be installed and serviced by
professional technicians.
Manual Organization
Chapter 1 describes the features, specifi cations and performance of the mother-
board and provides detailed information about the chipset.
Chapter 2 provides hardware installation instructions. Read this chapter when in-
stalling the processor, memory modules and other hardware components into the
system. If you encounter any problems, see Chapter 3, which describes troubleshooting procedures for video, memory and system setup stored in the CMOS.
Chapter 4 includes an introduction to BIOS and provides detailed information on
running the CMOS Setup utility.
Appendix A lists BIOS POST Error Codes.
Appendix B provides Software Installation Instructions.
Conventions Used in the Manual
Special attention should be given to the following symbols for proper installation
and to prevent product damage or bodily injury:
Warning: Important information given to ensure proper system installation
or to prevent damage to the components.
X8DTT-H+/-HF+/-HEF+/-HIBXF+/-HIBQF+ User's Manual
Note: Additional Information given to differentiate various models or to
ensure correct system setup.
B-2 Confi guring Supero Doctor III .........................................................................B-2
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 1
1-1 Overview
Congratulations on purchasing your computer motherboard from an acknowledged
leader in the industry. Supermicro boards are designed with the utmost attention to
detail to provide you with the highest standards in quality and performance. Check
that the following items have all been included with your motherboard. If anything
listed here is damaged or missing, contact your retailer.
The following items are included in the bulk package.
One (1) Supermicro Mainboard
One (1) Supermicro CD containing drivers and utilities•
Model Variations (Differences between X8DTT-H+ Series Models)
IPMI 2.0 w/ KVM Over
SXB1: PCI-E 2.0 x8
Slot for Use with SMC
Daughter Card
Infi niBand Connection
Note: The drawings and pictures shown in this manual were based on the
latest PCB Revision available at the time of publishing of the manual. The
motherboard you’ve received may or may not look exactly the same as
the graphics shown in the manual.
COM1COM1 Serial Port
FAN 1Cooling Fan Header
Infi niBand Infi niBand Connector (X8DTT-HIBXF+/-HIBQF+)
J3(SXB1) PCI-E 2.0 x8 Slot for use with an SMC Propri-
etary Daughter (Add-On) Card (Available on the X8DTTHEF+/-HIBXF+/-HIBQF+ only)
JF2SMC Proprietary Slot for Power, FP Control & I-SATA
Slot 1PCI-E 2.0 x16 slot
SW1Unit Identifi er Switch
USB 0/1Universal Serial Bus (USB) Ports 0/1
USB 2/3 (JUSB2)Front Accessible USB connections
VGAVideo Port
LE1O nboa rd Sta ndby PWR war ning L ED Indic ator
LE2BMC Heartbeat LED Indicator
LE4(Rear) Unit Identi fi er (UID) LED Indicator
LEB1Infi niBand Link LED (X8DTT-HIBXF+/-HIBQF+)
LEB2Infi niBand Activity LED (X8DTT-HIBXF+/-HIBQF+)
X8DTT-H+/-HF+/-HEF+/-HIBXF+/-HIBQF+ User's Manual
Motherboard Features
Two Intel•
porting two full-width Intel QuickPath Interconnect (QPI) links with a total of up
to 51.2 GT/s Data Transfer Rate supported (6.4 GT/s per direction)
5500/5600 Series (LGA 1366) processors with each processor sup-
Twelve 240-pin DIMM sockets support up to 192 GB of DDR3 Registered ECC •
or 48 GB of Unbuffered ECC/Non-ECC 1333/1066/800 MHz Memory (with max.
16 GB of Registered ECC and 4 GB of Unbuffered memory per DIMM slot.) (See
Section in Chapter 2 for DIMM Slot Population. Be sure to check the recommended memory listed posted on our website
Intel 5500/5520 chipset, including: the 5500/5520 (IOH-24D/IOH-36D) and the •
ICH10R (South Bridge).
Note: the 5500 chipset (IOH-24D) is available on the X8DTT-H+/-HF+/HEF+ only.
Expansion Slot
One PCI-E x16 Gen. 2.0 slot (Slot 1)•
One PCI-E x8 Gen. 2.0 slot for use with the SMC Proprietary Daughter (Add-On) •
card (J3: SXB1, Available on the X8DTT-HEF+/-HIBXF+/-HIBQF+ only)
32 Mb AMI SPI Flash ROM•
ACPI 1.0/2.0/3.0, Plug and Play (PnP), and USB Keyboard support•
PC Health Monitoring
Onboard voltage monitors for CPU1 VCore, CPU2 VCore, +5Vin, • 12Vcc (V),
VP1 DIMM, VP2 DIMM, +3.3Vcc (V), and Battery Voltage
Fan status monitor with fi rmware control
CPU/chass is temper ature moni tors•
I• 2C temperatu re sensin g logic
SDDC support
Platfo rm Enviro nment Co ntrol Inte rf ace (PECI) read y•
CPU fan auto - of f in sle ep mode•
CPU slow- dow n on tempe rature over heat•
Pulse Wi dth Mo dulati on (PW M) Fan Contro l•
Chapter 1: Introduction
CPU ther mal tr ip supp or t for pro ces sor pr otecti on, power L ED•
Power-up mod e cont rol for r ecover y fr om AC power l oss•
Auto- switc hing vol tage r egulato r for CPU c ore s•
System over heat /Fan Fail LED I ndic ator and c ontr ol•
System re sourc e aler t vi a Super o Doc tor III•
ACPI Features
Slow blinking LED for suspend state indicator•
Main switch override mechanism•
ACPI Pow er Ma nag eme nt•
Keyboard Wakeup from Soft-off •
Onboard I/O
Intel ICH10R supports six SATA ports (with RAID0, RAID1, RAID10, RAID5 •
supported in the Windows OS Environment and RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 10 supported for the Linux OS)
2.0 with K V M supp or t (For the X8DTT-HF+/-HEF+/-HIBXF+/-HIBQF+ only)
Dual Intel 8 2574 Dual- L A N G iga bit Eth er net Co ntr olle rs s uppo r t du al Gi ga - bit
LAN ports
Onboard PHY Chip supports IPMI dedicated LAN (For the X8DTT-HF+/-HEF+/-
HIBXF+/-HIBQF+ only)
One CO M por t
Infi niBand Con necto r (For the X8 DTT-HI BXF+/- HIBQ F+ only)•
Up to four U S B 2 . 0 ( U ni ve rsal Se rial Bus) con n e c tions (2 Rear U SB Por ts and •
1 Type A Hea der w/2 US B conn ecti ons supp or ted)
Super I/ O: Winbo nd W83 527HG
Console redirection•
Onboa rd Fan Spee d Contr ol by Ther mal Ma nagem ent via BI OS•
CD/Diskette Utilities
BIOS fl ash upgrade utility and device drivers•
Propr ietar y 16.6 4" (L) x 6.80 " (W ) (422.6 6 mm x 172.72 mm)•
X8DTT-H+/-HF+/-HEF+/-HIBXF+/-HIBQF+ User's Manual
Connect-X IB
(For 36D Only)
PCI-E x8 In X4 Slot
x16 Slot
(*Note: Ports 4,5,6
are for 36-D only)
Hotswap Connector
LPCIO W83527
Dedicated LAN
System Block Diagram
Note 1: This is a general block diagram. Please see the previous Mother-
board Features pages for details on the features of each motherboard.
Note 2: Intel 5500 (IOH-24D) is available for OEM only.
Chapter 1: Introduction
1-2 The 5500/5600 Series Processor Platform
Built up on th e fun cti ona lit y an d the c ap abil it y of th e 55 0 0/5 6 0 0 Ser ie s Pro ce sso r
platform, the X8DTT-H+/-HF+/-HEF+/-HIBXF+/-HIBQF+ motherboard provides the
performance and feature set required for dual-processor-based systems optimized
for High Performance Computing (HPC)/Cluster server platforms . The 5500/5600
Series Processor platform consists of the 5500/56 00 Series (LGA 13 66) processor, the 5520/ 55 00 (IO H -3 6D/I OH -24D) IO Hub, an d the IC H10R (South Br idge).
With the Intel QuickPath interconnect (QPI) controller built in, the 5500/5600
Series Processor platform is the fi rst dual-processing platform that offers the next
generation point-to-point system interconnect interface to replace the current Front
Side Bus Technology, substantially enhancing system performance by utilizing serial lin k interc onnec tions , allowi ng for inc rease d bandw idth an d scal abilit y.
The IOH connects to each processor through an independent QPI (QuickPath
interconnect) link. Each link consists of 20 pairs of unidirectional differential lanes
for tra nsmis sio n and re cei ving i n addit ion t o a dif fer entia l for wa rded c lo ck. A f ull width Q PI link pair p rovide s 84 si gnals. Ea ch proc ess or suppo rt s two Q uickPat h
links, one g oing to th e other pr oce ssor an d the othe r to the 5 520/5 50 0 IOH.
The 552 0/55 00 IO H suppor ts up to 3 6/24 PC I Expre ss Gen 2 lanes pe er-to- peer
read and write transactions. The ICH10R provides multiple PCI-Express SATA
and USB c onne ctio ns.
In additi on, th e 55 00 /5 60 0 Se rie s Proc es sor pl atf or m also of fe rs a w ide ra nge of
RA S (Reliabilit y, Availabil ity and Ser vic eability) featu res. These fe atures incl ude
memor y i nter fa ce ECC, x4 /x8 S ing le Devi ce D ata C or rec tio n (SDD C), Cyclic Re dundancy Check (CRC), parity protection, out-of-band register access via SMBus,
memor y mir ror ing, and H ot- plug supp or t on the P CI- E xpres s Inter fac e.
Note: Intel 5500 (IOH-24D) is available for OEM only.
Main Features of the 5500/5600 Series Processor and the
5520/5500 Chipset
Four processor cores in each processor with 8MB shared cache among cores•
Two full-width Intel QuickPath interconnect links, up to 6.4 GT/s of data transfer •
rate in each direction
Point-to-point cache coherent interconnect, Fast/narrow unidirectional links, and •
Concurrent bi-directional traffi c
X8DTT-H+/-HF+/-HEF+/-HIBXF+/-HIBQF+ User's Manual
1-3 Special Features
Recovery from AC Power Loss
BIOS provides a setting for you to determine how the system will respond when AC
power is lost and then restored to the system. You can choose for the system to
remain powered off (in which case you must press the power switch to turn it back
on) or for it to automatically return to a power- on state. See the Advanced BIOS
Setup section to change this setting. The default setting is Last State.
1-4 PC Health Monitoring
This section describes the PC health monitoring features of the X8DTT-H+ series
motherboard. All have an onboard System Hardware Monitor chip that supports
PC health monitoring. An onboard voltage monitor will scan these onboard voltages continuously: CPU1 VCore, CPU2 VCore, +5Vin, 12Vcc (V), VP1 DIMM,
VP2 DIMM, +3.3Vcc (V), and Battery Voltage. Once a voltage becomes unstable,
a warning is given or an error message is sent to the screen. Users can adjust the
voltage thresholds to defi ne the sensitivity of the voltage monitor.
Fan Status Monitor with Firmware Control
The PC health monitor can check the RPM status of the cooling fans. The onboard
CPU and chassis fans are controlled by Thermal Management via BIOS (under
Hardware Monitoring in the Advanced Setting).
Environmental Temperature Control
The thermal control sensor monitors the CPU temperature in real time and will turn
on the thermal control fan whenever the CPU temperature exceeds a user-defi ned
threshold. The overheat circuitry runs independently from the CPU. Once it detects
that the CPU temperature is too high, it will automatically turn on the thermal fan
control to prevent any overheat damage to the CPU. The onboard chassis thermal
circuitry can monitor the overall system temperature and alert users when the chassis temperature is too high.
To avoid possible system overheating, please be sure to provide adequate
airfl ow to your system.
System Resource Alert
This feature is availab le when used with S upero Doctor III in the Windows OS
environment or used with Supero Doctor II in Linux. Supero Doctor is used to
notif y the user of cer tain system events. For example, you can also confi gure
Chapter 1: Introduction
Supero Doctor to provide you with warnings when the system temperature, CPU
temperat ures, volt ages a nd fan spe eds go beyon d a predefi ned range.
1-5 ACPI Features
ACPI stands for Advanced Confi guration and Power Interface. The ACPI specifi ca-
tion defi nes a fl exible and abstract hardware interface that provides a standard
way to integrate power management features throughout a PC system, including
its hardware, operating system and application software. This enables the system
to automatically turn on and off peripherals such as CD-ROMs, network cards, hard
disk drives and printers.
In addition to enabling operating system-directed power management, ACPI
provides a generic system event mechanism for Plug and Play and an operating
system-independent interface for confi guration control. ACPI leverages the Plug
and Play BIOS data structures while providing a processor architecture-independent
implementation that is compatible with Windows XP/Windows 2008/Windows Vista/
Windows 7 Operating Systems.
Slow Blinking LED for Suspend-State Indicator
When the CPU goes into a suspend state, the chassis power LED will start blinking
to indicate that the CPU is in suspend mode. When the user presses any key, the
CPU will wake-up and the LED will automatically stop blinking and remain on.
Main Switch Override Mechanism
When an ATX power supply is used, the power button can function as a system
suspend button to make the system enter a SoftOff state. The monitor will be
suspended, and the hard drive will spin down. Pressing the power button again
will cause the whole system to wake-up. During the SoftOff state, the ATX power
supply provides power to keep the required circuitry in the system "alive." In case
the system malfunctions and you want to turn off the power, just press and hold
the power button for 4 seconds. This option can be set in the Power section of the
BIOS Setup routine.
1-6 Power Supply
As with all computer products, a stable power source is necessary for proper and
reliable operation. It is even more important for processors that have high CPU
clock rates.
It is strongly recommended that you use a high quality power supply that meets ATX
power supply Specifi cation 2.02 or above. It must also be SSI compliant (For more
X8DTT-H+/-HF+/-HEF+/-HIBXF+/-HIBQF+ User's Manual
information, please refer to the website at Additionally, in
areas where noisy power transmission is present, you may choose to install a line
fi lter to shield the computer from noise. It is recommended that you also install a
power surge protector to help avoid problems caused by power surges.
Note: The X8DTT-H+ series motherboard supports proprietary power
connectors. Please refer to Page 2-16 for detailed information on power
supply for the motherboard.
1-7 Overview of the Winbond WPCM450 Controller
The Winbond WPCM450, a Baseboard Management Controller (BMC), supports
2D/VGA-compatible Graphics Core, PCI interface, Virtual Media, and Keyboard/
Video/Mouse (KVM) Redirection modules.
The WPCM450 BMC interfaces with the host system via a PCI interface to communicate with the graphics core. It supports USB 2.0 and 1.1 for remote keyboard/
mouse/virtual media emulation. It also provides LPC interface to control Super IO
functions. The WPCM450 is connected to the network via an external Ethernet
PHY module.
The WPCM450 communicates with onboard components via six SMBus interfaces,
fan control, Platform Environment Control Interface (PECI) buses.
Note: For more information on IPMI confi guration, please refer to the
Embedded IPMI User's Guide posted on our website @
Chapter 2: Installation
Chapter 2
2-1 Static-Sensitive Devices
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) can damage electronic com ponents. T o prevent damage to your system board, it is important to handle it very carefully. The following
measures are generally suffi cient to protect your equipment from ESD.
Use a grounded wrist strap designed to prevent static discharge.•
Touch a grounded metal object before removing the board from the antistatic •
Handle the board by its edges only; do not touch its components, peripheral
chips, memory modules or gold contacts.
When handling chips or modules, avoid touching their pins.
Put the motherboard and peripherals back into their antistatic bags when not •
in use.
For grounding purposes, make sure your computer chassis provides excellent
conductivity between the power supply, the case, the mounting fasteners and
the motherboard.
Use only the correct type of onboard CMOS battery as specifi ed by the
manufacturer. Do not install the onboard battery upside down to avoid possible
The motherboar d is shipped i n a ntistati c pa ckaging to avoid static da mage. When
unpacking the board, make sure the person handling it is static protected.
X8DTT-H+/-HF+/-HEF+/-HIBXF+/-HIBQF+ User's Manual
2-2 Motherboard Installation
All motherboards have standard mounting holes to fi t different types of chassis.
Make sure that the locations of all the mounting holes for both motherboard and
chassis match. Although a chassis may have both plastic and metal mounting
fasteners, metal ones are highly recommended because they ground the motherboard to the chassis. Make sure that the metal standoffs click in or are screwed in
tightly. Then use a screwdriver to secure the motherboard onto the motherboard
tray. Note: Some components are very close to the mounting holes. Please take
precautionary measures to prevent damage to these components when installing
the motherboard to the chassis.
Tools Needed
1. Phillips Screwdriver
2. Pan head #6 screws
Locations of Mounting Holes
Installation Instructions
Rev. 2.0
Install the IO shield into the chassis. 1.
Locate the mounting holes on the mother-2.
board. Refer to the layout above for mounting hole locations.
Locate the matching mounting holes on the 3.
chassis. Align the mounting holes on the
motherboard against the mounting holes on
the chassis.
Install standoffs in the chassis as needed.4.
Install the motherboard into the chassis carefully to avoid damage to mother-5.
board components.
Warning: To avoid damaging the motherboard and its components, please
do not apply any force greater than 8 lb/ (8 lbs. per square inch) when
installing a screw into a mounting hole.
Insert a Pan head #6 screw into a mounting hole on the motherboard and its 6.
matching mounting hole on the chassis, using a Phillips screwdriver.
Repeat Step 4 to insert #6 screws to all mounting holes.7.
Make sure that the motherboard is securely placed on the chassis.8.
2-3 Processor and Heatsink Installation
When handling the processor package, avoid placing direct pressure on
the label area of the fan.
Always connect the power cord last and always remove it before adding, re-1.
moving or changing any hardware components. Make sure that you install the
processor into the CPU socket before you install the CPU heatsink.
Make sure to install the motherboard into the chassis before you install the 2.
CPU heatsink and heatsink fans.
When purchasing a motherboard without a 5500/5600 Series processor pre-3.
installed, make sure that the CPU socket plastic cap is in place, and none of
the CPU socket pins are bent; otherwise, contact the retailer immediately.
Chapter 2: Installation
Refer to the M B Features S ecti on for mo re deta ils on CPU s uppor t.4.
Installing an LGA 1366 Processor
Press the socket clip to release 1.
the load plate, which covers the
CPU socket, from its locking
Gently lift the socket clip to 2.
open the load plate.
Hold the plastic cap at its north 3.
and south center edges to remove it from the CPU socket.
Socket Clip
Plastic Cap
Load Plate
Hold the north & south edges of
the plastic cap to remove it
X8DTT-H+/-HF+/-HEF+/-HIBXF+/-HIBQF+ User's Manual
After removing the plastic cap, using 4.
your thumb and the index fi nger,
hold the CPU at the north and south
center edges.
Align the CPU key, the semi-circle 5.
cutout, against the socket key, the
notch below the gold color dot on
the side of the socket.
Once both the CPU and the socket 6.
are aligned, carefully lower the CPU
straight down into the socket. (Do
not rub the CPU against the surface
Socket Keys CPU CPU SocketLoad Plate
of the socket or its pins to avoid
damaging the CPU or the socket.)
With the CPU inside the socket, in-7.
spect the four corners of the CPU to
make sure that the CPU is properly
Once the CPU is securely seated 8.
on the socket, lower the CPU load
plate to the socket.
Use your thumb to gently push the 9.
socket clip down to the clip lock.
Warning: Please save the plastic ca p. The mot her board m ust
be shipped with the plastic cap
properly installed to protect the
CPU socket pins. Shipment
without the plastic cap properly
installed will cause damage to
the socket pins.
CPU Keys
Installing a CPU Heatsink
Do not apply any thermal 1.
grease to the heatsink or the
CPU die because the required
amount has already been applied.
Chapter 2: Installation
Place the heatsink on top of the 2.
CPU so that the four mounting
holes are aligned with those on
the retention mechanism.
3. Install two diagonal screws (ie
the #1 and the #2 screws) and
tighten them until just snug (-do
not fully tighten the screws to
avoid possible damage to the
Install Screw#1
4. Finish the installation by fully
tightening all four screws.
X8DTT-H+/-HF+/-HEF+/-HIBXF+/-HIBQF+ User's Manual
Removing the Heatsink
Warni ng: We do not recommend that the CPU or the heatsink be removed. However, if you do need to remove the heatsink, please follow
the inst ructions be low to uninstall th e heatsink and prevent da mage to
the CPU or ot her co mpone nts.
Unplug the power cord from the 1.
power supply.
Disconnect the heatsink fan 2.
wires from the CPU fan header.
Using a screwdriver, loosen and 3.
remove the heatsink screws
from the motherboard in the sequence as show in the picture
on the right.
Using a screwdriver to
remove Screw#1
Hold the heatsink as shown 4.
in the picture on the right and
gently wriggle the heatsink to
loosen it from the CPU. (Do not
use excessive force when wriggling the heatsink.)
Once the heatsink is loosened, 5.
remove it from the CPU socket.
To reinstall the CPU and the 6.
heatsink, clean the surface of
the CPU and the heatsink to get
rid of the old thermal grease.
Reapply the proper amount of
thermal grease on the surface
before reinstalling them on the
Remove Screw#2
Chapter 2: Installation
2-4 Memory Installation
Note: Check the S uper micr o website fo r rec ommen ded mem or y modul es.
Exercise extreme care when installing or removing DIMM
module s to prevent any po ssib le damag e. Also n ote that th e
memor y is i nterl eaved to imp rove per fo rman ce (See ste p 1).
DIMM Installation
Insert the desired number of DIMMs into the memory slots, starting with 1.
P1-DIMM 1A. For best memory performance, please install memory modules
of the same type and same speed on the memory slots as indicated on the
tables below. (See the Memory Installation Table Below.)
Insert each DIMM module vertically into its slot. Pay attention to the notch 2.
along the bottom of the module to prevent inserting the DIMM module incorrectly.
Gently press down on the DIMM module until it snaps into place in the slot. 3.
Repeat for all modules.