Specifi cations
Descrip tion
R1 02 R1 02 MK II
Classical Ribbon Microphone
Classical Ribbon Micropohne with Exteneded HF
User Guide
G O A N G - F A N N C O . , L T D .
© 20 10, SUPE RLUX I
LB100R1 0202SU(Rev. 1)
Model No.
R102 with b la ck grille
R102 MKII w it h golden grille
Dynamic Range ( 1 kΩ loa d)
Power Supply
48V phant om p ower
Ribbon mi crophone
Acoustic Theory
Pressure g ra dient
Polar Pattern
Figure 8 (Figure 1 )
Frequency Response (Figure2 )
R102: 25~15,000 Hz
R102 MKII: 20~18,000 Hz
Sensitivity ( Hz open
circu it voltage)
-40 10
dBV/Pa ( mV/Pa)
1Pa=94 dB S PL
Rated Imp ed ance
2 5 0Ω
Minimum Load Impedance
1000 Ω
Equivalent Noise Level (A weighted)
18 dB
Current Consumption
Positi ve p ressure on diaphra gm
produces positive vo ltage on pin 2
with respect to pin 3.
3 pin XLR- male
R102 with b la ck grille
R1 0 2 MKII wit h go lden grille
Environmental Conditions
The R102 Se ri es microp hones
operate b et ween-10°C~50°C
(14°F~122°F ) wi th relati ve
humidit y be tween 0 to 95%.
WxHxD: 60mm(2.36in.) x 196mm
(7.71in.) x 44mm(1.73 in.) (Figure3)
Net Weight
R102/R1 02 M KII:
500g(17 .6 oz.)
R1 0 2 / R 10 2 M K I I
Polar Pat tern, Figure1
R10 2
Frequency Re sponse, Figure2
Max. Sound Pressure Level
( kΩ load) 1
138dB SPL
(THD≦0.5% 1kH z)
The R1 02 seri es, inclu ding th e
produc t and pac ka ging, f ollow s
the in struc tions of th e
EU20 02/95 /EC and com plies w ith
RoHS requi re me nts.
Dimensi on s, Figure 3
The R102 se ri es is an active alumi nu m ribbon microphone designed f or
the record in g studio. It features the high sen si tivity of a condens er
microphone, yet exhi bits the smoother frequency response and ex ce llent
transie nt response o f a ribbon microphone. The speed response of a
ribbon mi c is o ptimal among all ty pe s of microp hones.
There two models from R102 series , on e is R1 0 2 with black gril le
and the oth er i s R1 0 2 MKII with golden g ri lle:
R102 is cla ss ical standard ribbon microphone
R102MKI I is a r ibbon microphone with extend ed h igh frequ ency to
studio co nd enser grade, but ke ep t he same excellent t ra nsient
response of ribbon mic rophone . Cl assical ribbon mi crophones w il l
exhibit a roll off in high -freque nc y respons e, b ut R102MKII is a
breakthrou gh ribbon microphone can maint ai n high freq uency res po nse
up to 18 kHz. F or p eople who love ribb on s tyle but expect ext en ded HF,
R102MKI I is t he choice.
Fe atures
+ V Phantom powered
Wide and extended frequency response
High sensitivity, wide dynamic range, low distortion and decreased noise
Stable performance, unaffected by the surrounding temperature and humidity
Figure 8 polar pattern with identical sensitivity at the front and back
Low output impedance
Modular capsule design
Applica tions
Miking of sound
Live br
Miking of electric or acoustic guitars
kick drums
cement and r
, per
ecording of vocals, brass instruments, tom-tom and
cussion instruments
, stringed instruments
Fu rnis hed Items
Included Items
6M two-co re shield cab le
U bracket
A4 plasti c ca rrying case
6M tw o-core shi eld cab le U bra cket
6M two-co re shield cab le
HM31 shoc k mo unt
HM63 Meta l gr ille pop filter
U Bracket
Carryin g po uch
AL3 alumi nu m carrying case
6M tw o-core shi eld cab le
Car rying p ouch
HM3 1 shock m ount
Rel ated Items
MS158: Bi g Fo ot Willie boom stan d
PS2A phan to m power supply
HM48B tab le a rm
HM58B tab le a rm
A4 pl astic c arryi ng case
HM6 3 Metal g rille p op filt er
AL3 a lumin um carr ying ca se
U bra cket
Knowing your microphone
Superlux provides variety selection of microphones for professionals and
amateurs. To know your microphone is the first step to successful result.
Type of transducer
Active aluminum ribbon microphone consists of two parts: an electromagnetic transducer and an impedance converting circuit. The electromagnetic transducer applies a unique magnetic circuit field with a strong Nd
magnet. The aluminum alloy ribbon, with a thickness of only 2.5 microns,
is suspended between two poles and vibrates in synchrony with the
incoming acoustical energy (sound waves). Due to the extremely low mass
of the ribbon, the transducer of this microphone boasts a premium transient
response in conver ting acoustic energy into electronic signals. Whether at
low / high frequencies or low / high sound pressure levels, the R102 series
delivers a precise reproduction of the original sound.
Powering microphone
R102 series ribbon microphones work with power, so we call it active
ribbon microphone. Professional standard is 48 VDC phantom power.
R102 series work with 48 VDC phantom only. Please make sure your
sound system provide appropriate power to the microphone.
About Frequency Response
Microphones with fla t respons e are suitabl e fo r working at controlled
environment, or for ac oustic measurements. Altho ug h people expect
flatnes s, b ut for none- professionals, it i s a ch allenge to makes it
works as ex pe ctation.
Popular curve response
Based on years of practical experience of pro users, there are curves to be
build for various applications, so that it is very simple to use the
microphone for the purpose. Limiting bandwidth, and emphasizing are
typical skill.
Figure 8, bi-directional
Equa l sensi tive to bot h ends, a nd rej ects th e sides . It ' s g oo d to nois y
envi ro nment t o reje ct dist an t noise a nd low freque ncy and a lso a good
choi ce for st ereo rec ordi ngs, su ch as Blu ml ein. An d this is t yp ical
pressu re g ra dient c harac te risti c.
Distance to source
Clos e mikin g or distan t mikin g sound v er y diffe re nt ly. Voca l re co rd ing
or liv e perfo rmance pr actic e close mik ing mos tly. S uitab le pro ximit y
effe ct is one d esired target , an d lower f eedba ck p ro blem is a nother
fact or for li ve sound ap plica tion.
Whil e dista nt miking i s commo n pract ic e for recording , espec ia lly
stereo p air re cording w it h large group o f pe rform ers, su ch a s orchest ra
or cho ir.
Dist ant mik ing gener ally pi cks up le ss b ass sec tion wi th p re ssure
grad ient ty pe of microph one (ca rdio id, fig ure- 8, shot gun...) d ue to
acou stic na ture a nd lack o f prox imity e ffect s.
Rich b ass wit h distant m iking c an be re corded wi th p re ssure typ e of
microp hone (O mn i), whi ch perf or ms the sa me fre quenc y re sponse wi th
clos e or dist ant pick- up .
Mounting the microphone
Press ure grad ien t mic rop hon e is ver y sen sit ive to v ibr ati on. Su ita ble
sh ock m o unt f or hi gh pe rfo rma nce m icroph one is n ece ssa ry for
ex tre me lo w noi se re cor din g. St urd y sta nd ca n s et th e mic rop hon e
ex act l y at th e swe et sp ot an d kee p it th ere . Cho ose he avy d uty
mi cro pho ne st and fo r stu dio c o nde nse r mic rop hon e whic h wei ght s
mu ch mo re th an ha ndle m icroph one .
Su per l ux prov ides w ide r ang e o f mic ro phon e sta nds f or var iou s
de man d s. Bi g Foo t Wil lie i s spe cia l ly de vel ope d f or la rg e cond ens er
mi cro pho nes t hat ab le to s upp o rt 2 la rge m icr oph one s with s tereo
br ack e t for s ing le po int s tereo reco rdi ng.
Ex ten sio n foo t on al l the 'E ' ver sio n s ser ve to m oun t h eav y stu dio
mi cro pho ne in l imit s pac e liv e s oun d app lic ati ons .
PS2 A phant om
pow er supp ly
Select or set the directivity of your microphone for stereo recording, for
various music instruments, vocal, speech, and environmental sound
pick-up. Pair of spaced omni can be used for A/B stereo, pair of
near coincident cardioid can be used for ORTF, and pair of coincident XY
HM4 8B
tab le arm
-4 -5
HM5 8B
tab le arm
can be used for Blumlein stereo.
Ribb on microp ho ne shal l be kept i n lo w humid ity env iron ment fo r be st
soun d perfo rmance. S tore the co nd enser m icro phone s in aircond ition ed roo m or dehu midif ie r to keep a way from mois ture.
Clea n air is an other imp ort ant fac to r. Kee p aw ay from smo ki ng
envi ro nment t o av oid tar res id uals.