SUPERLOLUX NI525A, super lolux hd XMS-TYPH-R8-XX, HD9 NVR User Manual

User's Guide
Network Video Recorder
Product Code: NI525A – Twister Super LoLux HD9 NVR
1 NVR Hardware - Super LoLux HD9 NVR ................... 11
1.1 Introduction ................................................................ 11
1.1.1 Product Description ..................................................... 11
1.1.2 Condition of delivery ................................................... 11
1.2 Package content .......................................................... 11
1.3 Server Overview .......................................................... 12
1.3.1 Front View ................................................................. 12
1.3.2 Rear View .................................................................. 12
1.3.3 Connections ............................................................... 12
1.4 Server Configuration ................................................... 13
1.4.1 Server Connections ..................................................... 13
Local Connection ......................................................... 13
Connection with Windows Remote Desktop ..................... 13
1.4.2 Change IP addresses in the camera network ................... 18
1.5 Configuration Settings Overview ................................. 19
1.6 Hardware Specifications .............................................. 20
2 NVR Software - General information ........................ 21
2.1 Architecture ................................................................ 21
2.2 Module overview ......................................................... 23
2.2.1 Administration services ................................................ 23
2.2.2 CameraManagement (SeeTec5_CM) .............................. 23
2.2.3 MultimediaDatabase (SeeTec5_MDB) ............................. 24
2.2.4 Extension services (SeeTec5_EXT, SeeTec5_AV,
SeeTec5_AVExport) ..................................................... 24
2.3 System requirements .................................................. 25
2.3.1 Client requirements ..................................................... 25
2.3.2 Server requirements ................................................... 25
3 NVR Software - Installation ..................................... 27
3.1 Installation information .............................................. 27
3.2 Standard installation ................................................... 28
3.3 Customized installation ............................................... 29
3.4 Distributed installation ................................................ 29
3.5 Update installation ...................................................... 32
3.5.1 Installing individual patches ......................................... 32
Installing patches for the SeeTec client or SeeTec
OfflineViewer for 32-bit operating systems ..................... 32
Installing patches for the SeeTec client or SeeTec
OfflineViewer for 64-bit operating systems ..................... 32
Installing patches for the SeeTec server for 32-bit
operating systems ....................................................... 32
Installing patches for the SeeTec server for 64-bit
operating systems ....................................................... 33
3.5.2 Adding or deleting components ..................................... 33
3.5.3 Installing a new complete version ................................. 33
3.6 License key .................................................................. 35
3.6.1 Requesting a license key .............................................. 35
3.6.2 Installing a license key ................................................ 36
3.7 Starting and stopping core services ............................ 36
3.7.1 SeeTec ServiceManager ............................................... 36
3.7.2 Starting the core services (without SeeTec
ServiceManager) ......................................................... 37
3.7.3 Stopping the core services (without SeeTec
ServiceManager) ......................................................... 37
3.8 Configuring encrypted communication in SeeTec 5 ..... 37
3.9 Access data ................................................................. 39
4 NVR Software - SeeTec client .................................. 41
4.1 File menu .................................................................... 41
4.1.1 Language selection...................................................... 41
4.1.2 Changing passwords .................................................... 41
4.1.3 Client configuration ..................................................... 42
Network tab ............................................................... 42
Client tab ................................................................... 43
User interface tab ....................................................... 44
Alarm suppression tab ................................................. 45
Input devices tab ........................................................ 45
4.1.4 Activating input devices ............................................... 45
Special cases and restrictions ....................................... 45
4.1.5 Changing profiles ........................................................ 46
4.1.6 Changing users ........................................................... 46
4.1.7 Change SeeTec Installation .......................................... 47
4.1.8 Add SeeTec Installation ............................................... 47
Assumptions .............................................................. 47
Limitations ................................................................. 47
Login......................................................................... 48
Settings ..................................................................... 49
User interface ............................................................. 49
4.2 Layer menu ................................................................. 50
4.2.1 Adding windows / layers .............................................. 50
4.2.2 Save local layer .......................................................... 50
4.2.3 Load local layer .......................................................... 51
4.2.4 Remove local layer ...................................................... 51
4.2.5 Enabling / disabling fullscreen mode .............................. 51
4.2.6 Loading / restoring the user interface layout ................... 51
4.2.7 Restoring the default user interface ............................... 51
4.2.8 Keep aspect ratio ........................................................ 51
4.2.9 Frameless display ....................................................... 51
4.2.10 Hide status bar of cameras automatically ....................... 51
4.2.11 Camera overview, control, buttons, patrol, alarm list ....... 51
4.2.12 System events............................................................ 52
4.2.13 Search (Configuration Mode only) ................................. 52
4.3 Extras menu ................................................................ 53
4.3.1 Manual reference image comparison (Surveillance Mode
only) ......................................................................... 53
4.3.2 Image management (Configuration Mode only) ............... 54
4.3.3 Multi-configuration of video sources (Configuration
Mode only) ................................................................. 54
4.3.4 Image data multi-export to the client (Configuration
Mode only) ................................................................. 54
4.3.5 Image data multi-export to the server (Configuration
Mode only) ................................................................. 56
4.3.6 Status query for automated image data export ............... 57
4.3.7 Request Product ID (Configuration Mode only) ................ 57
4.4 Info menu ................................................................... 57
4.4.1 SeeTec 5 User's Guide ................................................. 57
4.4.2 Program .................................................................... 57
4.4.3 License ...................................................................... 57
4.4.4 System ...................................................................... 58
5 NVR Software - SeeTec Surveillance ........................ 59
5.1 General ........................................................................ 59
5.2 Configuration Mode ..................................................... 60
5.2.1 Adding hardware and saving images .............................. 62
Add new hardware component ...................................... 62
Add new hardware components by using the camera
configuration wizard .................................................... 62
Adding new hardware – Generic camera ......................... 64
Copying hardware ....................................................... 65
Changing settings ....................................................... 66
5.2.2 Time management ...................................................... 95
5.2.3 Maps ......................................................................... 96
5.2.4 Layers ....................................................................... 97
Generating layers ....................................................... 97
Create user-defined layers ........................................... 98
Generating layers with focus tiles .................................. 98
5.2.5 Web pages ................................................................. 99
Configuring websites ................................................... 99
5.2.6 Authorization Management ......................................... 100
Creating a new user .................................................. 100
Creating user groups ................................................. 100
Validity of groups ...................................................... 100
Rights management .................................................. 101
Password ................................................................. 104
5.2.7 User profiles ............................................................. 106
General ................................................................... 106
Image settings ......................................................... 108
5.2.8 Video classifications .................................................. 110
Existing video classifications ....................................... 110
5.2.9 Alarm scenarios ........................................................ 111
Creating alarm scenarios ............................................ 111
General ................................................................... 111
Validity .................................................................... 113
Coloring ................................................................... 113
Test ........................................................................ 113
Server actions .......................................................... 115
Adding involved persons ............................................ 117
Enter text for message display .................................... 118
Play sound ............................................................... 118
Running external applications ..................................... 118
Visualization ............................................................. 118
Add alarm scenario by using the camera configuration
wizard. .................................................................... 119
Copying of alarm scenarios by using the camera
configuration wizard .................................................. 120
5.2.10 Buttons ................................................................... 121
Create button ........................................................... 121
Defining general settings for buttons ........................... 121
Selecting actions for Button ........................................ 121
5.2.11 Patrols..................................................................... 122
5.2.12 Server-controlled sequence ........................................ 123
Creating a sequence .................................................. 123
Adding a time or time range ....................................... 123
5.2.13 System Management ................................................. 125
Backup (MaxDB) ....................................................... 125
Manual backup ......................................................... 126
Work center calendar ................................................ 126
SMTP server ............................................................. 127
E-mail Management .................................................. 127
SNMP server ............................................................ 128
NAT list ................................................................... 129
EBÜS interface ......................................................... 129
5.2.14 Event Management ................................................... 130
General ................................................................... 130
Automatic database purge .......................................... 130
Manual database purge .............................................. 130
System events.......................................................... 131
5.2.15 Server ..................................................................... 132
CameraManagement ................................................. 132
MultimediaDatabase .................................................. 132
Image data export .................................................... 133
5.3 Surveillance Mode ..................................................... 135
5.3.1 Map ........................................................................ 137
5.3.2 Camera overview ...................................................... 138
5.3.3 Flyout window .......................................................... 139
5.3.4 MPEG-4 / H.264 audio ............................................... 140
5.3.5 Patrol ...................................................................... 141
Start patrols ............................................................. 142
Pausing patrols ......................................................... 142
Stopping patrols ....................................................... 142
Switching positions ................................................... 142
Automatically repeating patrols ................................... 142
5.3.6 Digital zoom ............................................................. 142
5.3.7 PTZ control .............................................................. 143
Continuous control .................................................... 144
Absolute control ........................................................ 145
Controlling the camera by clicking on the camera image . 145
5.3.8 Button bar ............................................................... 146
5.3.9 Alarm list tab ........................................................... 146
5.3.10 Create, save, open and delete layers ........................... 148
Create temporary layer .............................................. 148
Save local layer ........................................................ 148
Load local layer ........................................................ 148
Remove local layer .................................................... 148
5.3.11 Automatic layer change ............................................. 148
5.3.12 Saving or loading the user interface ............................. 149
5.4 Report Mode .............................................................. 150
5.5 Archive Mode ............................................................. 153
5.5.1 Camera overview ...................................................... 154
Displaying camera recordings ..................................... 154
Displaying alarm details ............................................. 154
5.5.2 Player (old) .............................................................. 155
5.5.3 Player (new) ............................................................ 157
5.5.4 Extended alarm filters in the archive ............................ 158
5.5.5 SeeTec ISearch ........................................................ 159
Simple search ........................................................... 159
Expert mode ............................................................ 160
Write protection of recorded image data ....................... 161
5.5.6 Exporting image data ................................................ 162
Print image .............................................................. 162
Save image as file ..................................................... 162
Saving images as AVI file ........................................... 162
Exporting images (single camera) ............................... 163
Image data multi-export ............................................ 165
6 NVR Software - SeeTec Administration .................. 167
6.1 General settings ........................................................ 167
6.2 Configure core services ............................................. 167
6.3 Configure management database (MaxDB) ............... 167
6.3.1 Backup the management database .............................. 168
6.3.2 Restoring management database backups .................... 168
6.3.3 Enlarging the storage space (adding volumes) .............. 169
6.3.4 Setting the MaxDB cache size ..................................... 169
6.4 Configure MultimediaDatabase .................................. 170
6.4.1 Adding zones to the MultimediaDatabase ...................... 170
Adding zones to the MultimediaDatabase ...................... 170
Adding zones to the MultimediaDatabase (network
storage) .................................................................. 171
6.4.2 Removing zones from the MultimediaDatabase .............. 172
6.4.3 Editing zones ............................................................ 172
6.5 Configure A/V export ................................................ 173
6.5.1 Enter a port ............................................................. 173
6.5.2 Using a primary or secondary FTP server ...................... 173
6.5.3 Select codec ............................................................. 173
7 NVR Software - General notes ............................... 175
7.1 Command line parameters ......................................... 175
7.2 Hot keys .................................................................... 176
7.3 Firewalls and SeeTec 5 .............................................. 177
7.4 User's Guides ............................................................ 177
8 NVR Software - Appendix ...................................... 179
8.1 SeeTec OfflineViewer ................................................ 179
8.1.1 Installation .............................................................. 179
8.1.2 Use ......................................................................... 179
8.1.3 Multiple layer ........................................................... 180
8.1.4 Play recordings ......................................................... 180
8.1.5 Save sequence as AVI file .......................................... 181
8.2 Sample alarm scenario configuration ........................ 181
8.2.1 Setting up Network I/O .............................................. 181
8.2.2 Creating and configuring alarm scenarios ..................... 182
NVR Hardware - Super LoLux HD9 NVR
1 NVR Hardware - Super LoLux HD9 NVR
1.1 Introduction
Dear customer, Thanks a lot for choosing a high quality Super LoLux product.
1.1.1 Product Description
The Super LoLux HD9 NVR is a high performance network video recorder for small­scale video installations with up to 9 Super LoLux HD cameras. The Intel Atom D525 1.8GHz Dual Core Processor offers powerful performance at real-time recording of HD video streams with full resolution and maximum frame rates. The system is equipped with a 2 TByte server hard disk. The integrated 4-Port PoE switch delivers power for up to 4 IP Cameras which can be connected without any extra switching hardware.
1.1.2 Condition of delivery
You receive a pre-configured and ready to use network video recording system. The operating system Windows 7 and Super LoLux HD9 software is installed and pre-configured. The build-in hard-disk includes two partitions. The first partition is used for the operating system, VMS application software and other programs. The second partition can be used as storage location for your video records.
1.2 Package content
1 Device Super LoLux HD9 NVR 1 Power supply 1 European power cord 1 CD – Documentation
NVR Hardware - Super LoLux HD9 NVR
1.3 Server Overview
1.3.1 Front View
The power switch is located at the front.
1.3.2 Rear View
1.3.3 Connections
The following connectors are accessible on the back side:
I. VGA for monitor connection
II. Serial Port
III. USB Ports for USB device (keyboard, mouse )
IV. LAN-Device LAN1 (not used in factory default)
V. LAN-Device LAN2 (Client - Network)
VI. LAN-Device LAN3 (Camera - Network, bridged with the integrated PoE Ports)
VII. Audio Input
VIII. Audio Output
IX. PoE Ports for connecting PoE devices (Network-Cameras)
X. Power Supply connector
NVR Hardware - Super LoLux HD9 NVR
1.4 Server Configuration
Connect the power supply cable with the connection on the rear of the Super LoLux HD9 NVR. For server management please use one of the following options:
1.4.1 Server Connections
Local Connection
Connect monitor (I), mouse/keyboard (II) and a network cable at LAN2 (V) Start the Server and login to Windows. Use as user name: admin and Password: jvc.
Connection with Windows Remote Desktop
Connect the Server with a network cable at LAN2 (V) and a Switch. Connect a Client PC via the same Switch.
NVR Hardware - Super LoLux HD9 NVR
a) On LAN2 the Super LoLux HD9 NVR is configured with the IP address Configure the Client PC with an IP address in the same subnet. Open the “Control Panel” via “Start” button to access “Network and Sharing Center”.
b) Select the „Network and Sharing Center“ option to access the “Network
Adapter Settings”.
NVR Hardware - Super LoLux HD9 NVR
c) Open the „Change adapter settings“ option.
Right-click your Ethernet connection and choose “Properties”
d) Open „Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP)“.
NVR Hardware - Super LoLux HD9 NVR
e) Assign an IP address in the same range like the Server
(1-99; 101 - 254) Please note: Avoid the use of IP addresses which are already assigned to other devices like your Internet Router or the Super LoLux HD9 NVR.
f) After changing the IP close all windows with press „OK“
Go back to the desktop and open the “Remote Desktop Connection” via “Start” -> “All Programs” -> “Accessories”
NVR Hardware - Super LoLux HD9 NVR
g) Type in the IP address of the Super LoLux HD9 NVR:
Use as credentials User: admin and Password: jvc
NVR Hardware - Super LoLux HD9 NVR
1.4.2 Change IP addresses in the camera network
a) After the successfully established access to the server with one of previous options you can configure the server. This server has a pre-installed Windows 7 Professional 32bit operating system. In factory default the operating system is configured with optimal settings.
b) On the rear panel of your server you will find four PoE Ethernet Ports. To configure these Ports, use the „Network Bridge“ in your Network Connections.
The IP address of the Network Bridge is configured as “DHCP” in Factory Default
conditions. Assign an IP address in a different logical network range, e.g. Connected cameras should be in the same address range for example: camera1:; camera2: etc.
In case you need more Ethernet ports for your camera network you can connect a switch on LAN3 Ethernet interface.
The network connection „PoE-Switch“ and „camera network“ are assembled to this network bridge and should not be changed.
Please note that the cameras should be in a different IP address network range than the server and clients.
Attention: Do not apply changes to the operating system and other configurations.
NVR Hardware - Super LoLux HD9 NVR
1.5 Configuration Settings Overview
Username Server: admin
Password Server: jvc
Server IP address:
Server LAN Port: 2 (client network)
Camera network IP: DHCP (no IP address is configured)
Camera network LAN Port: 3
NVR Hardware - Super LoLux HD9 NVR
1.6 Hardware Specifications
CPU Type: Intel Atom D525 1.8GHz (Dual Core Processor) Graphics: Intel Luna Pier Refresh Pineview-D Integrated
Graphics Engine Audio: Intel HD Audio Specification Rev1.0 compatible System Memory: 2 GB DDR3 SO-DIMM socket Operating System: Windows 7 Professional (32 bit)
SATA: 2x SATA ports LAN: 3x lntel 82583V 10/100/1000Mbps PoE LAN: 4x Realtek 10/100 Mbps PoE Controller: Microsemi 4-Port 802.3af PSE Manager USB: 4x USB 2.0
Storage Space: 1x HDD 2 TB
Power Source: AC Input 100-240V~ 2A, 50/60Hz Consumption: max. 105 W
Operating Temperature: 0~60°C Operating Humidity: 5~95%@0~60°C, non-condensing
Dimension: 75 x 300 x 200 mm (H x W x D) Weight: 2.9 kg Material: Aluminum Colour: black
NVR Software - General information
2 NVR Software - General information
2.1 Architecture
SeeTec 5 features a modular and network-based approach. All functions are organized in modules that communicate via TCP/UDP and enable the scalability of the entire system through shared installation on different computers.
The most important system characteristics include:
Server services (32/64 bit) for Windows
XP Professional (SP3 or higher) / Windows Vista® / Windows® 7 / Windows Server® 2003 (SP1 or higher) / Windows Server® 2008
Client application (32/64 bit) for Windows
XP Professional (SP3 or higher) / Windows Vista® / Windows® 7 / Windows Server® 2003 (SP1 or higher) / Windows Server® 2008
Integration of hardware (video servers, network cameras, motion detectors,
etc.) by different manufacturers
Integration of several thousand cameras per installation User and group management using Active Directory
Comprehensive alarm scenarios High-performance database management with a very high throughput IPv6 support Encrypted network authorization
NVR Software - General information
Abbildung 1: Example for an architecture overview with distributed server
functionality and Internet connection
See chapter Module overview (page 23).
NVR Software - General information
2.2 Module overview
2.2.1 Administration services
The services SeeTec5_ENT (SeeTec EntityManager), SeeTec5_EVT (SeeTec EventManager) and SeeTec5_ALARM (SeeTec AlarmManager) provide powerful services for the central management of the SeeTec Installation along with the MaxDB database. If suitable hardware is used, up to 30 alarms per second can be managed.
Applications with a large number of users or resources to manage require a powerful user management that meets various criteria. SeeTec AuthorizationManager (SeeTec5_AUTH) satisfies the following criteria to a great extent and is thus an ideal solution for the management of large installations:
Encrypted and secure transmission of passwords via the network must be
ensured, especially for external Internet connections.
The client interface and functions available to the user need to automatically
adjust individually to the given user rights.
The system must allow for easy and transparent management of a large
number of different users (maybe with high fluctuation of employees). Multiple users can often be grouped due to identical requirements with respect to access permissions. SeeTec 5 provides a superordinate group concept to reduce the required administration effort to a minimum.
Log-in authentication of a client must be performed quickly to avoid waiting
times for the user.
2.2.2 CameraManagement (SeeTec5_CM)
The management of all cameras involved is the core of each video surveillance solution. Network cameras and video servers feature much higher complexity and heterogeneity than analog technologies. Reasons for this include:
The analog signal is supplied in PAL to ensure a standard image format.
Network cameras of different manufacturers use different image formats (JPEG, H.264, MPEG-4, and other proprietary formats). Some of these formats must be processed differently by the software and also increase the integration effort and render client visualization more complex.
The network infrastructure used can reach from basic local network
configurations up to broad Internet or VPN networks.
In comparison to older versions, CameraManagement better pursues the cross­manufacturer and cross-format integration of different hardware.
NVR Software - General information
Each CameraManagement module is able to manage up to 250 cameras, depending on the required image rates and the operating system in use. Using the module on multiple computers multiplies the number of cameras and can also support very large installations with up to 5000 cameras. Compared to frame grabber cards of analog systems, the performance in terms of image throughput is considerably higher.
2.2.3 MultimediaDatabase (SeeTec5_MDB)
Even small installations with few cameras require the database to handle a level of image throughput that cannot be fulfilled with traditional SQL databases such as DB2 or Oracle.
For this reason, SeeTec has developed a dedicated MultimediaDatabase with currently unmatched performance. Features of this database include:
Hardware and platform independent implementation (Java
). Use with almost every hardware, from commercially available PCs up to midframe systems.
The file-based approach supports the use of local file systems such as RAID
or SAN / NAS systems.
Throughput on a typical PC system with IDE boards amounts to approx.
30 MB/sec. Throughput can be extended to more than 50 MB/sec. if powerful server hardware is used.
2.2.4 Extension services (SeeTec5_EXT, SeeTec5_AV,
The SeeTec5_EXT service is used for connecting industry solutions and modules (license plate recognition, point of sale connection, etc.).
The SeeTec5_AV service is required for the SeeTec motion detection.
The SeeTec5_AVExport service is responsible for transmitting an image or video sequence in case of an alarm.
NVR Software - General information
2.3 System requirements
Performance requirements of SeeTec server services primarily depend on the video volume transferred and/or the storage hardware used. Basically, Intel® processors should be used because they deliver much better performance with SeeTec than other comparable AMD processors.
Dimensioning of hardware for SeeTec client concerns primarily the processor type and its performance. We recommend Intel® processors for optimal performance. At least 512 MB free RAM must be available to the SeeTec client as socket. An additional 25 MB RAM are recommended for each camera to be visualized.
Please take into account that the hardware requirements greatly depend on the respective configuration.
2.3.1 Client requirements
Operating system (32 / 64 Bit):
Windows® XP Professional (SP3 or higher) Windows Vista® (Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate) Windows® 7 (Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate) Windows Server® 2003 Standard, Enterprise (SP1 or higher) Windows Server® 2003 R2 Standard, Enterprise (SP1 or higher) Windows Server® 2008 Standard, Enterprise Windows Server® 2008 R2 Standard, Enterprise
Computing power:
Pentium® 4 minimum (or comparable)
Main storage:
512 MB RAM min.
Hard-disk storage:
1 GB
Separate video card (avoid using integrated video cards if possible. Do not use shared memory as performance would suffer considerably. The client should feature a gigabit ethernet connection.
2.3.2 Server requirements
Operating system (32/64-bit):
Windows® XP Professional (SP3 or higher) Windows Vista® (Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate) Windows® 7 (Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate) Windows Server® 2003 Standard, Enterprise (SP1 or higher) Windows Server® 2003 R2 Standard, Enterprise (SP1 or higher) Windows Server® 2008 Standard, Enterprise Windows Server® 2008 R2 Standard, Enterprise
NVR Software - General information
Minimum hardware requirements for 32 bit operating systems:
Intel® Dual Core CPU 2 GHz (or comparable)
Main storage:
2 MB RAM min.
Hard-disk storage:
20 GB min. + storage for image recording
At a minimum, the server must feature a gigabit ethernet connection.
Minimum hardware requirements for 64 bit operating systems:
Intel® Dual Core CPU 2 GHz (or comparable)
Main storage:
4 MB RAM min.
Hard-disk storage:
20 GB min. + storage for image recording
At a minimum, the server must feature a gigabit ethernet connection.
A maximum of 80 and 250 devices (cameras / Adam modules, Network I/Os, etc.) can be configured per server on a 32 bit an 64 bit operating system, repectively. Depending on the configuration (high resolution / image rate), this number can be lower.
The maximum number servers in a distributed installation is 250 servers.
The maximum number of camera in a system is 5000.
NVR Software - Installation
3 NVR Software - Installation
3.1 Installation information
Since several VB scripts are used for installation, we recommend deactivating any virus scanner during the installation procedure.
SeeTec 5 may not be installed on a compressed drive as this may cause problems with the MaxDB. Also, do not compress drives with an existing SeeTec 5 installation.
You are asked while installing, whether the ports used by SeeTec should be opened in the Microsoft® Windows® Firewall. Confirm this request with Yes. If you use the software firewalls of other manufacturers, you must open the port manually, see also chapter Firewalls and SeeTec 5 (page 177).
During the installation process DirectX is installed. If there is no previous installation of DirectX, the system may reboot after completing the installation. DirectX is required for joystick control as well as MPEG-4 / H.264 display. If an error message is displayed that DirectX could not be installed, you can install DirectX at later point in time. You will find the setup file in the 3rdPartyTools directory on SeeTec-DVD. Use that version only.
An error message may appear during DirectX installation on a Windows Server® 2003, it can be ignored.
Software products of the company Symantec (Norton FirewallTM, NortonTM Internet Security, etc.) should not be used on the SeeTec 5 server because these programs interrupt the communication between server services.
Use of webguards, behavior surveillance (e.g. of virus scanners), is not supported.
NVR Software - Installation
3.2 Standard installation
The standard installation (= SeeTec Core Package) is suited for individual workstations or host computers in distributed installation environments. It contains the following modules:
SeeTec 5 client SeeTec 5 server services
Installing the SeeTec 5 software
1. Insert the DVD-ROM into the DVD-ROM drive.
The Startup menu is displayed.
2. In this menu, select Install SeeTec 5 to install the SeeTec 5 software.
3. Optional: Change the path of the SeeTec Installation.
In 64-bit operating systems you can change the paths for the 32-bit and 64-bit components.
4. Select Server and client installation in the dialog for choosing the setup
type to perform the standard installation.
5. Optional: Change the path of the administration database (MaxDB, database for configuration and storage of system notifications). Select a path in the SeeTec directory.
6. In the IP address/host name for server communication dialog in the Found IP addresses/host names dropdown list, select the IP address that the SeeTec services will connect to.
IPv6 addresses are currently not supported.
7. In the Default zone dialog, click on Configure zone.
8. In the Path field, select a path for the MultimediaDatabase (database for image recording).
The default path for the MultimediaDatabase is: [SeeTec installation directory]/re/md/mds/data.
9. Enter the size of the MultimediaDatabase in the Maximum size [GB] field.
10. If the zone is stored on a network drive, enter the complete UNC path.
11. If the network drive is protected by a user name and password, enter the user name and password for accessing the drive under Network
Ensure that the user must be available on the local machine and the domain and user name must be specified.
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