Superior WRT4820WS Installation And Operation Instructions Manual

Fireplace, also for use in mobile or
manufactured homes with solid fuel only.
An French manual is available upon request. Order P/N 900088-00.
Ce manuel est disponible en francais, simplement en faire la demande. Numéro de la pièce 900088-00.
• Hot! Do not touch! The glass and surfaces of this appliance will be hot during operation and will retain heat for a while after shutting off the appli­ance. Severe burns may result.
• Carefully supervise children in the same room as appliance.
• If small children are present in the home, it is recommended that this appliance be fi tted with an adjustable safety gate or barrier screen.
EPA Wood-Burning Fireplace P/N 900087-00 REV. E 06/2016
This installation manual will enable you to obtain a safe, effi cient and dependable installation of your fi replace system. Please read and understand these instructions before beginning your installation.
Do not alter or modify the fi replace or its components under any cir­cumstances. Any modifi cation or alteration of the fi replace system, including but not limited to the fi replace, chimney components and accessories, may void the warranty, listings and approvals of this system and could result in an unsafe and potentially dangerous installation.
IHP wood-burning fi replaces are designed for use as a supplemental heater. They are not intended for continuous use as a primary heat source.
• The fi replace cannot be operated without a door or fi rescreen. Consult your dealer to select the correct replacement door or fi rescreen.
• The fi replace is equipped with a blower, electri­cal connection must be made prior to fi replace installation
• Important! To assure proper alignment of glass doors: Install this fi replace in a square and plumb condition, using shims as necessary at sides and/or bottom.
• Install the fi replace only as described in these instructions.
Listed to standards: ULC-S610 and UL-127
Report # 14-199 EPA Cert. No. 537
The WCT6820WS fi replace must be installed with an outside air kit intake, which is included with the fi replace
NEVER use gasoline, gasoline­type lantern fuel, kerosene, charcoal lighter fl uid, naphtha, engine oil or similar liquids to start or “freshen up” a fi re in this fi replace. Keep any fl ammable liquids a safe distance from the fi replace at all times.
Never leave your fi replace unat­tended while it is burning.
To avoid the risk of damaging fi replace materials and increas­ing the risk of fi re, do not use the fi replace to cook or warm food.
Use care when selecting window treatments for windows located near the fi replace. Avoid using combustible flowing window treatments such as curtains on nearby windows that are of suf­fi cient length to be blown in front of an open fl ame when the window is opened. Keep any combustible furniture, materials or decorative pillows at least 48" (1219 mm) from the front fi replace opening.
Never modify or alter your fi replace system in any way. To do so may create a potential fi re hazard and void the limited warranty
, listings
and approvals of this system.
When burning wood, use SOLID NATURAL DRY WELL-SEASONED WOOD ONLY. Hardwoods are rec­ommended (soft woods tend to burn very quickly).
• DO NOT burn treated wood, charcoal, coal, trash, cardboard, driftwood, woods dipped in tar, Christmas tree greens, pitch, pine tar, creosote, chemical chimney cleaners, fl ame colorants, poly­styrene packaging, wood prod­ucts with synthetic binders (i.e. plywood). Plywood, lumber and other misc. materials can produce abnormally high temperatures, sputtering and smoking fi res and may contain hazardous chemicals to treat insects and fungus.
• Burning unapproved fuels can produce excessive temperatures, beyond the design capabilities of the fi replace and may produce excess sparks or may contain hazardous chemicals. Burning unapproved fuels can result in a chimney fire, a house fire, personal injury, death or loss of property.
Never leave children unattended when there is a fi re burning in the fi replace.
Always ensure that the air inlet to the fi replace is free from debris and any other obstructions that can block the entrance of air.
• Mobile or manufactured home installations must be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) “Mobile Home Construction and Safety stan­dards” for US or Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) for Canada.
• The fi replace must be fastened to the fl oor by unfolding and screwing the small tabs on both sides at the bottom of the fi replace.
• It is necessary to have access openings, for inspection purpose only, into built-in enclosures sur­rounding the fi replace installation. Such openings to require a house­hold tool for access.
• The vapor barrier of the mobile home shall be as close as possible of the location where the chimney assembly penetrates the ceiling and roof structure with no interfer­ence to the required clearance to combustible material.
• When the mobile or manufactured home has a fl at roof, the Attic Radia­tion Shield must be installed from below going through the roof (See Figures 22b and 22d).
• Warning: Do not install in a sleeping room.
• Caution: The structural integrity of the manufactured home fl oor, wall, and ceiling/roof must be maintained.
Neither the manufacturer nor the seller warrants “smoke free” operation nor are we respon­sible for inadequate system draft caused by mechanical systems, general construction conditions, inadequate chimney heights, adverse wind conditions and/or unusual environmental factors or conditions beyond our control.
When you purchased your new fi replace, you joined the ranks of thousands of individuals whose answer to their home heating needs refl ects their concern for aesthetics, effi ciency and our environment. We extend our continued support to help you achieve the maximum benefi t and enjoyment available from your new fi replace.
Thank you for selecting a IHP fi replace as the answer to your home supplemental heat­ing needs.
Safety Rules and Specifi cations for Mobile or Manufactured
Home Installation .........................Page 2
Introduction ......................................Page 3
Parts Required ................................. Page 3
Optional Equipment ...........................Page 3
Operating The WCT6820WS
Fireplace ..........................................Page 3
Fuel ...................................................Page 3
Starting And Maintaining A Fire ........Page 4
Combustion Control .........................Page 4
Refueling For Best Performance .......Page 4
Smoking – Causes And
Troubleshooting .............................. Page 4
Important Cautions ...........................Page 5
Maintaining Your Fireplace ................Page 5
Creosote ............................................Page 5
Chimney Maintenance ....................... Page 5
Dealing With A Chimney Fire .............Page 5
Finish Door Casing Care ....................Page 7
Disposing of Ashes ........................... Page 7
Refractory Installation ....................... Page 7
Door Installation ...............................Page 7
Door Adjustment ............................... Page 7
Facade Installation ............................Page 8
Hearth Extension Requirements ........ Page 8
Cold Climate Installations ..................Page 8
Framing Dimensions .........................Page 9
Nailing Flanges ..................................Page 10
Facing And Mantel ............................Page 10
Fireplace Blower ................................Page 11
Hot Air Ducting Installation ..............Page 11
Gravity Kit .........................................Page 11
Outside Air Kit ..................................Page 12
Chimney System ...............................Page 13
Chimney Installation Notes ...............Page 13
Chimney Installation Instructions ......Page 14
Offset Chimney Installation ............... Page 15
Angled Wall Radiation Shield ............ Page 17
Glass Care - Replacement .................Page 18
Glass Care - Cleaning ........................Page 18
Gasket Replacement ........................Page 18
Fireplace Installation ........................Page 18
Chimney Support Installation ............ Page 19
Chimney Chase And
Multiple Terminations......................Page 19
Masonry Application Instructions .....Page 20
Installation Accessories ....................Page 21
Replacement Parts ............................Page 22
Specifi cations ....................................Page 22
Clearances to Combustibles .............. Page 22
Chimney Components Lists ..............Page 23
Warranty .......................................... Page 25
Product Reference Information .........Page 26
The WCT6820WS wood-burning fi replace is an energy effi cient, heat circulating, closed combustion fi replace. You will receive a lifetime of comfort and enjoyment from your fi replace provided it is installed, maintained and oper­ated properly.
Please read these instructions and retain
this manual for future reference.
Before beginning the fi replace installation,
consult the local authorities to obtain your building permit and check your local building codes. Install the fi replace only as described in these instructions and using only IHP components.
• This fi replace has been tested for CAN/ULC S610-M87 and ANSI/UL 127 under report number 307-4084. It has also been tested for EPA 40 C.F.R Part 60, section 60.532(b). Certifi cate number 537.
The WCT6820WS fi replace is NOT intended
for use with a gas log set. Do not use a fi replace insert or any other product with this fi replace unless it is specifi ed by IHP for use with this appliance. Failure to follow these instructions will void the certifi cation and the warranty of the fi replace and may result in an unsafe installation.
• These appliances are designed to provide supplemental heat to the immediate area only. Therefore, it is advisable to have an alternate heat source when installed in a dwelling.
Fireplace Model WCT6820WS
• 6” diameter chimney
S-2100+, HT6000+, HT6103+ or AC manufactured by Security Chimneys Inter­national™ only, including:
- Chimney lengths
- Elbows (where necessary)
- Associated components as per these installation instructions
• 6” diameter chimney
DTC manufactured by DuraVent including:
- Chimney lengths
- Elbows (where necessary)
- Associated components as per these installation instructions
- Model ASHT+,
- Model DuraTech®
..Decorative Door - Required
....(Order Separately - See Page 21)
Front Facade kit - Required
...(Order Separately - See Page 21)
UZY5 blower (included in the fi replace).
VRUW Blower Speed Control (included)
Outside air kit (Included w/Fireplace)
• Additional Equipment (optional)
- Forced Air Kit
- AC Chimney Adaptor
- AC Chimney Outside Air Kit
- Gravity Venting System
- Rigid Firescreen
Not tested under EPA certification. If
installed, this appliance no longer quali­fi es for EPA certifi cation. Check with local authorities having jurisdiction for require-
ments in your area.
This appliance is designed to burn dry seasoned natural wood only (see Page 6 for a list of prohibited fuels). Failure to burn proper fuels only will void the certifi cation and the warranty of the appliance.
Hardwoods are pre­ferred to softwoods since the energy content of wood is relative to its density. Hardwoods will result in a longer burning fi re and less frequent refueling. A moisture content of 15% to 20% (seasoned) is recommended. Wood that has been cut and split and let to dry under a cover for a period of one year will usually meet that criteria. The required drying time will vary depending on the climate. Wood that is packed tight together will take longer to dry. Seasoned wood is darker in color than wet wood and will have visible cracks in the grain on the ends. Excessively wet wood will be diffi cult to burn and will result in lower effi ciency, increased creosoting and deposits on the glass and in the chimney. Excessively dry wood will burn well but will also have higher emissions and shorter burning time.
Attempts to achieve heat output rates that exceed heater design specifi cations can result in permanent damage to the heater.
First Fires
Before using the fi replace make sure to remove the plastic wrapping and EPA label on plated door. Remove any glue residue left by the label using mild soap.
The fi rst fi ve or six fi res should be small fi res of short duration (about 30 to 60 minutes). This will help cure the refractory bricks. During the fi rst few fi res of this appliance there may be some odor and smoke due to the curing of the paint, dust accumulation and burning off of lubricants used in the manufacturing process. It may set off a smoke alarm located in the same room. For this reason the room should be well ventilated for the fi rst few fi res.
Available from Security Chimneys™
Available from DuraVent
Be careful adding wood fuel to the fi re or handling fi replace tools such as shovels, tongs or pokers.
The bottom refractory can be cracked by excessive abuse such as tossing heavy logs onto the grate or gouging with fi replace tools. Exercise caution when adding wood to your fi replace.
Building a Fire (starting and maintaining a fi re)
To start a fi re, place several crumpled up balls of newspaper in the fi rebox. Place small dry pieces of kindling on top of the paper, criss-crossing the kindling so that there are air spaces in between. Keep the fuel far back enough so that air can get underneath. Open the air controls fully and light the newspaper. Once the newspaper and the kindling is well ignited, close the door. Once the kindling fi re is well established, cord wood can be added (see Primary Air Combus- tion Control section for proper operation of the air controls).
The unit will burn best with 2-3 pieces of cord wood spaced 1 to 2 inches apart and allowing air to get under the fuel. Criss-crossing or arrang­ing the fuel so that air can get underneath, will help the fi re to get started easily. The unit should be operated with the air control fully open long enough to get the cord wood well ignited.
Primary Air and Air Boost Controls
There is no fl ue damper in the WCT6820WS wood burning fi replace. As is common with air tight stoves, the combustion air control sets the fl ow of air entering the fi rebox. This allows for a more precise control of the fi re. The combustion air control is located below the door
on the left side. The main source of air (primary air) entering the fi rebox can be diminished by moving the air combustion control from left to right. The primary air is fully opened when the air control is completely moved to the left. The air control device can also be used to add an extra boost of air especially during fi re start up and reloading of the unit.
Pulling the air combustion control will induce an air boost at the base of the fi re allowing an easier fi re start up. When the fi re is well established, the control can be pushed in to shut down the air boost allowing for a longer burn time. The combustion air control should be in the closed position (primary air and air boost) when the fi replace is not in use. This will minimize air leakage up the chimney. The combustion air control should be opened before opening the door to minimize the possibility of back draft coming into the room.
Accelerated Combustion
The maximum heat output for the WCT6820WS fi replace is achieved by burning with the door closed and the combustion air opened and pulled out. By this method, the WCT6820WS fi replace can produce up to 55,000 BTU of heat per hour. However, it will be necessary to reload with wood every one or two hours. This is the least effi cient method of burning the WCT6820WS fi replace.
Use caution when fi ring with the combustion air control wide open. Only burn cord wood in this manner. Small dry pieces of softwood and construction scraps will burn very intensely us­ing this method and may damage the fi rebox.
Medium Combustion
This is the recommended mode of operating the WCT6820WS fi replace and should be the one normally used since it will deposit the least amount of creosote on the glass and in the chimney. The combustion air control must be 3/4 closed and pushed in to close the air boost. The precise setting will depend on many factors, including chimney length and the moisture content of the wood.
Push to Close
Air Boost
For instance, a long chimney will necessitate closing the damper more. To obtain the proper combustion, close the damper completely, then open it about 1/4” to 1/2”. Three medium size pieces of wood should be burning on a bed of hot coals. The heat output will be approximately 30,000 BTU per hour and the loading time will be about every 3-4 hours. Softwoods may be burned using this method but the time will be substantially reduced.
Slow Combustion
When the air combustion control is completely closed, the fi replace is in a slow combustion phase. If the hearth is hot enough, slow combustion will not extinguish the fi re, but there will be a notice­able change in the fl ame pattern. The fl ames will be slow and may appear dirty if the wood is too wet (moisture content of 20% and more). Do not allow the wood to burn without fl ame, since this will produce excessive creosote in the unit.
Creosote may accumulate on the glass door. This method of burning should be used only after operating the WCT6820WS fi replace with the air control opened to produce a hot fi re for about an hour or at medium pace for at least three (3) hours. Slow combustion can be used at night in order to reduce the heat output and to prolong the burn. The loading time will be between 6-8 hours.
The WCT6820WS fi replace will operate best if attention is given to operating the unit with the damper fully opened after refueling in order to bring the fi rebox and the chimney system up to their optimum operating temperature. Combustion effi ciency is relative to fi rebox temperature. A temperature of 500º C (932º F) and up, with a visible fl ame, in the upper part of the fi rebox indicates a maximum effi ciency. To obtain this temperature, the fi replace must be operated with the primary air and air boost controls fully opened during 10 to 20 minutes after reloading, depending on the heat and on the moisture content of the wood.
Once you have reached the desired temperature, the air boost can be closed and the primary air set to a medium setting. You know you have reached the desired temperature when, closing the primary air control, you can see a fl ame at the top of the fi rebox. The benefi t of this technique will be cleaner glass, less creosoting, greater effi ciency and the most pleasing fi re for your enjoyment.
Pull to Open
Air Boost
Figure 1
Combustion Air Register
To reduce the likelihood of smoking when open­ing the door, set the combustion air controls to the left before opening the door. Your fi replace has been designed and tested to provide smoke free operation. Occasionally, there may be a small amount of smoking upon lighting the fi re, until the chimney heats up but this should not continue. If the fi replace continues to smoke it is probably for one of the following reasons:
A. Negative pressure in the house - As the
fi re burns, air goes up the chimney. This air must be replaced through leakage into the house or through the outside air duct. When operating the WCT6820WS fi replace, open a nearby window temporarily to check if there is adequate replacement air supply.
B. Fans operating (e.g.: range hood) - These
fans draw air out of the house and may actually cause a negative pressure in the house. Turn off all fans and open a nearby window to determine if this is the cause of the problem.
C. Wet wood - Wet or tarred wood will smoul-
der and smoke instead of burning properly.
Your dealer can help you determine if you have properly seasoned wood for burning.
D. Dirty or blocked chimney - Check to make
sure the chimney is clear and clean.
call a certifi ed chimney sweep or use a properly sized chimney brush to clean.
E. Chimney not long enough - The minimum
chimney height is twelve (12) feet (3.7 m) not including the fi replace height. The chimney must extend at least three (3) feet (915 mm) above its point of contact with the roof and at least two (2) feet (610 mm) higher than any roof or wall within ten (10) feet (3 m) of it. When installed with offsets, the minimum chimney height is fi fteen (15) feet (4.6 m). Additional height will increase draft and will decrease the tendency to smoke.
F. Poor chimney draft - With no fi re, there
should be suffi cient draft to exhaust cigarette smoke introduced under the baffl e. Chimneys installed against an outside wall without protection may generate back draft problems which will cause start-up problems. To prevent this, open a nearby window, roll up a piece of paper and light it. Then, hold it in the upper part of the fi rebox to warm up the chimney. Wait until the draft is suffi cient, then start the fi re.
If dirty
A. Do not block the hot air vents to the fi re-
place as this will cause the fi replace to overheat.
B. Never use gasoline, gasoline-type lantern
fuel, kerosene, charcoal lighter fl uid, or similar liquids to start or ‘freshen up’ a fi re in this fi replace. Keep all such liquids well away from the fi replace while it is in use.
C. Do not burn coal. The sulphur in coal will
corrode the fi rebox and chimney.
D. Keep combustible materials at least 48”
(1.2 m) away from the front of the fi replace opening.
E. Never leave children unattended when
there is a fi re burning in the fi replace.
F. Do not use the fi replace as an incinerator
to burn paper, cardboard or construction material such as pressed wood, plywood or lumber. Use only untreated wood. Wood protectors, metallic paper, coal, plastic, waste, beach wood, Christmas tree, sulphur and/or oil will damage the fi replace.
G. Do not burn driftwood which has been in the
ocean or salt water. The salt will corrode the fi rebox and chimney.
H. Do not burn wood in the area in front of the
I. Do not allow the wood to smoulder or burn
without fl ame, since this will produce excessive creosote in the unit as well as increased particulate emissions.
J. Blower for forced air kit operating - Make
sure that the blower is at the “off” position when you open the fi replace door for reloading.
Smoke Detectors Recommended
Since there are always several potential sources of fi re in any home, we recommend installing smoke detectors. If possible, install the smoke detector in a hallway adjacent to the room (to reduce the possibility of occasional false activation from the heat produced by these appliances). If your local code requires a smoke detector be installed within the same room, you must follow the requirements of your local code. Check with your local building department for requirements in your area.
Carbon Monoxide Monitor Recommended
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Early signs of
carbon monoxide poisoning are similar to the fl u with headaches, dizziness and/or nausea. If you have these signs, obtain fresh air immediately. Some people are more affected by carbon mon­oxide than others, including pregnant women, people with heart or lung disease or anemia, those under the infl uence of alcohol, and those at high altitudes.
It is against federal regulations to operate wood heaters in a manner inconsistent with operating instructions in the manual.
Have your product inspected at least once a year by a qualifi ed service technician to ensure gaskets, air tubes, baffl es, and vent­ing are in good repair to ensure proper per­formance. Have degraded items replaced by a qualifi ed service technician.
This wood heater needs periodic inspection and repair for proper operation. Consult the owner’s manual for further information. It is against federal regulations to operate this wood heater in a manner inconsistent with the operating in this manual.
Creosote - Formation and Need for Removal
When wood is burned slowly, it produces tar and other organic vapors, which combine with expelled moisture to form creosote. The creosote vapors condense in the relatively cool chimney fl ue of a slow-burning fi re. As a result, creosote residue accumulates on the fl ue lining. When ignited this creosote makes
an extremely hot fi re.
The chimney shall be inspected at least twice a year during the heating season to determine when a creosote buildup has occurred.
When creosote has accumulated it shall be removed to reduce the risk of a chimney fi re.
When the creosote accumulation is large, a creosote fi re in the chimney can damage the chimney and overheat the surrounding wood framing. Creosote formation in a chimney can be minimized by making sure there is always visible fl ame burning, avoid smouldering fi res and by proper refuelling techniques.
Chimney Maintenance
Regular chimney inspection and maintenance combined with proper operation will prevent chimney fi res. Keep your chimney clean. Do not allow more than 1/16” (1.6 mm) creosote build up in your chimney. The amount of creosote will depend on variables such as frequency of use and type of fi re. We recommend that you:
A. Initially inspect the chimney system weekly.
From this, you will learn how often it will be necessary to clean your chimney.
B. Have your chimney cleaned by a qualifi ed
chimney sweep. If you wish to clean it yourself, we recommend using a stiff plastic or non-metallic brush. If a metal brush is used, its size should be slightly smaller than the fl ue to avoid damaging the chimney. Do not use a brush that will scratch the stainless steel interior of the chimney.
C. Do not expect chemical cleaners to keep
your chimney clean. The rain cap can be removed for inspection and/or cleaning of the chimney.
Caution: It is necessary to remove the baffl e from the top of the fi rebox before cleaning the chimney. See “Top Baffl e Removal Prior To Chimney Sweep.”
Dealing With a Chimney Fire
Regular chimney maintenance and inspection can prevent chimney fi res. If you have a chimney fi re, follow these steps:
1. Close the fi replace door and the combustion air controls.
2. Alert your family of the possible danger.
3. If you require assistance, alert your fi re department.
4. If possible, use a dry chemical fi re extin­guisher, baking soda or sand to control the fi re. Do not use water as it may cause a dangerous steam explosion.
5. Check outside to ensure that sparks and hot embers coming out of the chimney are not igniting the roof.
6. Do not use the fi replace again until your chimney and fi replace have been inspected by a qualifi ed chimney sweep or a Fire Department Inspector.
Achieving Clean Burns
Check the exhaust in about 15 to 20 minutes (see below). Large amounts of smoke indicate an improper burn setting (either too high or too low). Adjust and recheck in 5 to 10 minutes.
What does “Well-Seasoned” mean?
When a tree is cut down, the wood is green, full of sap and moisture. This moisture content can exceed 80%, which must be reduced to less than 20%. Wood properly seasoned is then capable of generating the heat the stove was designed to provide.
Green wood does not burn easily. Attempting to burn green wood often results in a lot of smoke and very little fi re. Time is the most important factor in seasoning wood. Ideally the moisture content should be reduced to 11-20%. NOTE:
The use of a fi rewood moisture meter is rec­ommended to ensure the fi rewood contains less than 20% moisture.
Seasoning Guide
Softwoods - 6 months to 18 months Hardwoods - 12 months to 24 months
Logs that are 5” diameter across or larger should be split in half, three pieces if over 8 inches, and four pieces when over a foot across. If a tree has been dead for 2 - 4 years it still needs to be cut, split, and seasoned for 6 to 24 months depending on the wood.
8 Ft.
Cord of Wood
Prohibited Fuels
This heater is designed to burn natural wood only. Higher effi ciencies and lower emissions generally result when burning air dried seasoned hardwoods, as compared to softwoods or to green or freshly cut hardwoods. DO NOT BURN:
• Garbage;
• Lawn clippings or yard waste;
• Materials containing rubber, including tires;
• Materials containing plastic;
• Waste petroleum products, paints or paint thinners, or asphalt products;
• Materials containing asbestos;
• Construction or demolition debris;
• Railroad ties or pressure-treated wood;
• Manure or animal remains;
• Salt water driftwood or other previously salt water saturated materials;
• Unseasoned wood;
• Christmas tree branches;
• Paper products, colored paper, cardboard, plywood, or particleboard;
• gasoline;
• naphtha;
• engine oil;
• fl ammable liquids;
• solvents;
• grease; or
• coal
The prohibition against burning these materials does not prohibit the use of fi re starters made from paper, cardboard, saw dust, wax and similar substances for the purpose of starting a fi re in an affected wood heater.
Burning these materials may result in release of toxic fumes or render the heater ineffective and cause smoke. may overheat the fi replace, causing damage to the unit, a fi re or even possibly igniting a chimney fi re if the chimney is creosoted. Burning unapproved fuel, resulting in excessive pollutants being emitted, may be prohibited and subject to a fi ne or other penalty by the authority having jurisdiction in your area.
Intense fi ring with these materials
Top Baffl e Removal Prior to Cleaning The Chimney
Before starting to clean your chimney, we recommend that you remove the top baffl e to avoid creosote dust collection at the top of the baffl e. Follow these steps to set the top baffl e out of the way:
1. Remove the side refractory holder. They are located at the top of the refractory.
2. Lift the front baffl e.
3. Slide the back baffl e under the front baffl e. You now have access to the chimney.
Figure 2A - Top Baffl e Removal
Figure 2B - Top Baffl e Removal
Finish Door Casing Care
Use a glass cleaner and a soft cloth to polish the casing. Do not use abrasives such as steel wool, steel pads or an abrasive polish for they may scratch the casing’s fi nish.
Whenever ashes get 3 to 4 inches deep in your fi rebox, and when the fi re has burned down and cooled, remove excess ashes. Leave an ash bed approximately 1 inch deep on the fi rebox bottom to help maintain a hot charcoal bed.
Remove ashes only when the fi re is out and the ashes are cold (24 to 48 hours after the fi re is out).
Do not leave the ashes in the house as they give off carbon monoxide and other toxic gases.
4 Ft.
4 Ft. (1.2M)
Disposal of Ashes: Ashes should be placed in a steel container with a tight fi tting lid and moved outdoors immediately. The closed container of ashes should be placed on a non-combustible fl oor or on the ground well away from all combustible materials, pending fi nal disposal. If the ashes are disposed of by burial in soil or otherwise locally dis­persed, they should be retained in the closed container until all cinders have thoroughly cooled.
The intense heat of the fi re will normally cause hairline cracks in the refractory. These cracks can be minimized by proper curing as described in “First Fires”. They will not normally dimin­ish the effectiveness of the refractory. If large cracks develop, then the refractory should be replaced. To replace the refractory bricks, fol­low these steps:
1. Remove the front refractories
2. Remove the bottom refractory
3. Remove the left side refractory
4. Remove the right side refractory
5. Remove the back refractory
6. Remove the front ceramic baffl e
7. Remove the rear ceramic baffl e
To install the new refractories, follow the above steps in reverse.
1. Front Refractories
2. Bottom Refractory
3. Left Side Refractory
4. Right Side Refractory
5. Back Refractory
6. Front Ceramic Baffl e
7. Rear Ceramic Baffl e
Figure 4
The door must be installed only when the installation of the WCT6820WS fi replace is completed. All you have to do is fi t the male part of the hinge, already on the door, to the female part, which is on the fi replace. To remove the door, simply pull the door up from the hinges (see Figure 3). The door adjustment has been set at the factory. If the fi t is still not perfect, you can adjust the door using the hinge screws.
The door may need to be adjusted to be completely airtight. The gaskets’ air-tightness can be adjusted using the adjustment screw located on the right side of the fi replace facade (An Allen key #1/8 – not supplied - will be necessary for this adjustment).
Checking Door Seal
A one-inch strip of paper may be used to perform a test of the integrity of the door seal. Close the door on the paper in at least eight points. It is normal to feel only a slight amount of friction. The door gasket does not need to be “tight” in all areas, since a small amount of leakage is not hazardous or detrimental to the performance of your fi replace.
• Use only a IHP glass doors, specifi cally designed for the WCT6820WS fi replace. The fi replace cannot be operated without door or fi rescreen. Consult
• your dealer to select the correct replacement door or fi rescreen.
• Important! To assure proper alignment of glass doors: Install this fi replace in a square and plumb condition, using shims as necessary at sides and/or bottom.
Figure 3
Door Installation
Hinges Adjustment
Figure 5
Gasket Adjustment Screw
Facade Installation
Install the Facade per instructions provided in Facade Kit (ordered separately - see Page 21).
Framing, Facing And Mantel
The construction of the framing, facing, and mantel must be in accordance with the stan­dards and the following illustrations (Figures
10 and 11):
A. Frame the fi replace using 2” x 3” or heavier
B. WARNING: Combustible materials can-
not be used in the space directly above the fi replace, except for the studs above the facade that support the facing and mantel. This area must remain empty for a height of 6’8” (2,032 mm) mea­sured from the base of the appliance.
C. Frame the fi replace with vertical studs at the
sides of the fi replace running from fl oor to ceiling (see Figure 8). If combustible facing is to be used, position the studs back, from the front edge of the fi replace (a space that is the thickness of the facing material, so that the facing can be installed fl ush with the fi replace facing). Frame headers between the vertical studs only as follows:
• Place 2” x 3” or 2” x 4” headers, only along the upper part of the front, side and back faces (some codes may require a 2” x 6” on an outside bearing wall). Do not put wood or any combustible material within the area above the fi replace except on the front facing.
• Place headers only as required to sup­port the facing and mantel.
D. WARNING: The fi replace must not be in
contact with any insulation or loose fi ll­ing material. Cover the insulation with drywall panels around the fi replace.
Hearth Extension Requirements
The WCT6820WS fi replace may be installed directly on a combustible fl oor. The supplied safety metal strip must be positioned as follows: One half under the front of the fi replace and the other half must extend on the fl oor over which the hearth extension will be built (see Figure 6).
* The safety metal strip must cover the entire width of the fi replace.
The combustible fl oor in front of the fi replace must be covered with a non-combustible ma­terial (tile, marble, stone, etc). See Figure 7.
Climates where temperatures will fall below 32° F (0° C).
The heating performance of the appliance will vary depending upon the level of insulation, house design, how the appliance is operated, etc.
If this fi replace is being installed in a cold climate, it is especially important to seal all cracks around the fi replace and wherever cold air could enter the room with noncombustible material.
The crack between the fi replace and the hearth extension must be sealed with a non-combustible material such as sand-cement grout.
Safety Metal Strip
Hearth Extension Non-Combustible Finish Material
Elevated Fireplaces
Elevated fi replace installations
require a special “Z” Metal Safety Strips (fi eld provided), in place of the safety metal strip shown above. The safety strip should extend the full width of the fi replace. When more than one safety strip is used they must overlap by a minimum of 1”.
Hearth extension of an elevated fi replace must respect the same minimal dimensions as a fi replace installed directly on the fl oor.
Figure 6 - Hearth Extension Requirements
12" MAX. (305mm)
Hearth Extension
Figure 7
Non-Combustible Material
Also, the outside air inlet duct should be wrapped with noncombustible insulation to minimize the formation of condensation. Do not place insulation materials directly against the chimney sections. We recommend that you use the insulated wall radiation shield since it will maintain the home’s thermal barrier. AC chimney is NOT recommended in very cold climates (in areas with temperatures below 32°F (0°C).
Area where wood Mantel can be installed
45 Deg.
17” Min.
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