Superior DTVC User Manual

8VSB version
(mod. DTVC)
User Manual
Volume 1
Superior Broadcast Products
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Blue Digital Exciter User Manual
DTVC - User Manual Version 1.0
© Copyright 2009
Version: 1.0
Date: 20/03/2009
Revision History
Document History
Date Version Reason Editor
20/03/2009 1.0 First Edition
E. montagna / P. Marras
Superior Broadcast Products
17194 Preston Rd. Suite 102-297, Dallas, TX 75428
Tel: 800 279-3326 | 800 695-7919
All rights reserved.
Printed and bound in the U.S.A . No part of this manual may be reproduced, memorized or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanic, including photocopying, recording or by any
information storage and retrieval system, without written permission of the copyright owner.
Superior Broadcast Products
Blue Digital Exciter User Manual
Superior Broadcast Products
Blue Digital Exciter User Manual
Table of Contents
1. Preliminary Instructions ...................................................... 5
2. Warranty ................................................................................ 5
3. First Aid ................................................................................. 6
3.1 Treatment of electrical shocks ..............................................6
3.2 Treatment of electrical Burns ................................................ 6
4. Unpacking ............................................................................ 7
4.1 General Description ..............................................................8
5. Quick guide for installation and use ................................. 9
5.1 Preparation ............................................................................ 9
5.2 First power-on and setup .....................................................10
6. Operating System .............................................................. 12
6.1 Using the encoder ................................................................ 12
6.2 Software .............................................................................. 13
7. Technical Specications ................................................... 38
8. Working Principles/Functional Description ........................ 39
           8.1RFCongurations ..............................................................39
8.2 Power Supply ....................................................................... 39
8.3 Cooling system ..................................................................... 39
8.4 CPU (MAIN BOARD) ...........................................................39
8.5 Modulator ............................................................................ 40
8.6 PA Interface Card ................................................................. 40
9. External description ........................................................... 41
9.1 Front panel ........................................................................... 41
9.2 Rear panel ............................................................................ 42
9.3 Connectors .........................................................................43
10. Systems Status Enquires ................................................... 44
11. Abbreviations ..................................................................... 47
Superior Broadcast Products
Blue Digital Exciter User Manual
Superior Broadcast Products
Blue Digital Exciter User Manual
1. Preliminary Instructions
• General Warnings
This equipment should only be operated, installed and maintained by “trained” or “quali ed” personnel who are familiar with risks involved in working on electric and electronic circuits. “Trained” means personnel who have technical knowledge of equipment operation and who are responsible for their own safety and that of other unquali ed personnel placed under their supervision when working on the equipment. “Qualified” means personnel who are trained in and experienced with equipment operation and who are responsible for their own safety and that of other unquali ed personnel placed under their supervision when working on the equipment.
WARNING: Residual voltage may be present inside the equipment even when the ON/OFF switch is set to Off. Before servicing the equipment, disconnect the power cord or switch off the main power panel and make sure the safety earth connection is connected. Some service situations may require inspecting the equipment with live circuits. Only trained and quali ed personnel may work on the equipment live and shall be assisted by a trained person who shall keep ready to disconnect power supply at need.
R.V.R. Television shall not be liable for injury to persons or
damage to property resulting from improper use or operation by trained/untrained and quali ed/unquali ed persons.
WARNING: The equipment is not water resistant. Any water entering the enclosure might impair proper operation. To prevent the risk of electrical shock or re, do not expose this equipment to rain, dripping or
Please observe local codes and  re prevention rules when installing and operating this equipment.
WARNING: This equipment contains exposed live parts involving an electrical shock hazard. Always disconnect power supply before removing any covers or other parts of the equipment.
Ventilation slits and holes are provided to ensure reliable operation and prevent overheating; do not obstruct or cover these slits. Do not obstruct the ventilation slits under any circumstances. The product must not be incorporated in a rack unless adequate ventilation is provided or the manufacturer’s instructions are followed closely.
WARNING: This equipment can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installed in compliance with manual instructions and applicable regulations, may cause interference with radio communications.
WARNING: This equipment is  tted with earth connections both in the power cord and for the chassis. Make sure both are properly connected.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
The speci cations and data contained herein are provided for information only and are subject to changes without prior notice. R.V.R. Television disclaims all warranties, express or implied.While R.V.R. Television attempts to provide accurate information, it cannot accept responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies in this manual, including the products and the software described herein. R.V.R. Television reserves the right to make changes to equipment design and/or speci cations and to this manual at any time without prior notice.
• Notice concerning product intended purpose and use
This product is a radio transmitter suitable for frequency­modulation audio radio broadcasting. Its operating frequencies are not harmonised in designated user countries. Before operating this equipment, user must obtain a licence to use radio spectrum from the competent authority in the designated user country. Operating frequency, transmitter power and other characteristics of the transmission system are subject to restrictions as speci ed in the licence.
2. Warranty
La R.V.R. Television warrants this product to be free from defects in workmanship and its proper operation subject to the limitations set forth in the supplied Terms and Conditions. Please read the Terms and Conditions carefully, as purchase of the product or acceptance of the order acknowledgement imply acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. For the latest updated terms and conditions, please visit our web site at WWW.RVR.IT. The web site may be modi ed, removed or updated for any reason whatsoever without prior notice. The warranty will become null and void in the event the product enclosure is opened, the product is physically damaged, is repaired by unauthorised persons or is used for purposes other than its intended use, as well as in the event of improper use, unauthorised changes or neglect. In the event a defect is found, follow this procedure:
1 Contact the seller or distributor who sold the equipment;
provide a description of the problem or malfunction for the event a quick  x is available.
Sellers and Dist ri bu tors can provide the n ec es sa ry information to troubleshoot the most frequently encountered problems. Normally, Sellers and Distributors can offer a faster repair service than the Manufacturer would. Please note that Sellers can pinpoint problems due to wrong installation.
2 If your Seller cannot help you, contact R.V.R. Television
and describe the problem; if our staff deems it appropriate, you will receive an authorisation to return the equipment along with suitable instructions;
3 When you have received the authorisation, you may
return the unit. Pack the unit carefully before shipment; use the original packaging whenever possible and seal the package perfectly. The customer bears all risks of loss (i.e., R.V.R. shall not be liable for loss or damage) until the package reaches the R.V.R. factory. For this reason, we recommend insuring the goods for their full value. Returns must be sent on a C.I.F. basis (PREPAID) to the address stated on the authorisation as speci ed by the R.V.R. Service Manager.
The lightning  ash with arrowhead, within a triangle, is intended to alert the user of the presence of dangerous voltage that may constitute a risk of electric shock.
The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the equipment.
Superior Broadcast Products
Blue Digital Exciter User Manual
Units returned without a return authorisation may
be rejected and sent back to the sender.
4 Be sure to include a detailed report mentioning all
problems you have found and copy of your original
invoice (to show when the warranty period began) with
the shipment.
Please send spare and warranty replacement parts orders to the address provided below. Make sure to specify equipment model and serial number, as well as part description and quantity.
R.V.R. Television
Via del Fonditore, 2/2c 40138 BOLOGNA ITALY Tel. +39 051 6010506
3. First Aid
All personnel engaged in equipment installation, operation and maintenance must be familiar with  rst aid procedures and routines.
3.1 Electric shock treatment
3.1.1 If the victim is unconscious
Follow the  rst aid procedures outlined below.
Lay the victim down on his/her back on a  rm surface.
the neck and tilt the head backwards to free
the airway system (Figure 1).
Figure 1
If needed, open the victim’s mouth and check
for breathing.
If there is no breathing, start arti cial respiration without delay (Figure 2) as follows: tilt the head backwards, pinch the nostrils, seal your mouth
around the victim’s mouth and give four fast
rescue breaths.
Figure 2
Check for heartbeat (Figure 3); if there is no heartb eat, begin chest compre ssions immediately (Figure 4) placing your hands in the centre of the victim’s chest (Figure 5).
Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5
One rescuer: give 2 quick rescue breaths after
each 15 compressions.
Two rescuers: one rescue breath after each 5
Do not stop chest compressions while giving
arti cial breathing.
Call for medical help as soon as possible.
3.1.2 If the victim is conscious
Cover victim with a blanket.
Try to reassure the victim.
Loosen the victim’s clothing and have him/her
lie down.
Call for medical help as soon as possible.
3.2 Treatment of electric burns
3.2.1 Large burns and broken skin
Cover affected area with a clean cloth or
Do not break any blisters that have formed;
remove any clothing or fabric that is stuck to the skin; apply adequate ointment.
Administer adequate treatment for the type of
Get the victim to a hospital as quickly as
Elevate arms and legs if injured.
If medical help is not available within an hour, the victim is conscious and is not retching, administer a solution of table salt and baking soda (one teaspoon of table salt to half teaspoon of baking soda every 250 ml of water).
Have the victim slowly drink half a glass of solution for four times during a period of 15 minutes.
Stop at the  rst sign of retching.
Do not administer alcoholic beverages.
3.2.2 Minor burns
Apply cold (not ice cold) strips of gauze or dress wound with clean cloth.
Do not break any blisters that have formed;
remove any clothing or fabric that is stuck to the skin; apply adequate ointment.
If needed, have the victim change into clean,
dry clothing.
Administer adequate treatment for the type of
Get the victim to a hospital as quickly as
Elevate arms and legs if injured.
Superior Broadcast Products
Blue Digital Exciter User Manual
4. Unpacking
The package contains:
1 User Manual
1 Mains power cable
The following accessories are also available from Your R.V.R. Dealer:
Accessories, spare parts and cables
4.1. General Description
4.1.1 Introduction
The DTVC modulator is con gured as 8VSB. To order please specify the model type. All versions are equipped with linear and not linear precorrector.
The DTVC is a modulator, there is no need to calibrate  lters or other parts in order to change channel.
4.1.2 Main features
• 19”, 2 UNIT RACK
4.1.3 Components
• Main Power supply
• Main Digital modulator
• Display LCD
• Bus
• RF pre-driver
Superior Broadcast Products
Blue Digital Exciter User Manual
• ASI interface
• Telemetry and telecontrol interface
• Power control and protection
• Directional coupler
• RF driver
• RF ampli er
4.1.4 Front and rear panel
The front panel contains the following indications and connectors:
• BNC connector for RF MONITOR
• Optical encoder
• LCD display (2x40 character)
• Status indicator LED
• USB ready
• Blowers
The rear panel contains the following connectors
• AC mains input & ON/OFF switch
• SMA for digital stream input: ASI1, ASI2
• SMA reference input for 10MHz
• SMA reference output (monitor) for 10MHz
• DB9 for RS232 (service)
• BNC for interlock
• Ground reference
• DB9 for RS485/I
Superior Broadcast Products
Blue Digital Exciter User Manual
5. Quick guide for installation and use
This section provides a step-by-step description of the machine installation and con guration procedure. Follow these procedures closely upon  rst power-on and each time any change is made to general con guration, such as when a new transmission station is added or the ampli er is replaced.
Once the desired con guration has been set up, no more settings are required for normal operation; at each power-up (even after an accidental shutdown), the amplifier defaults to the parameters set during the initial configuration procedure.
The topics covered in this section are discussed at greater length in the next sections, with detailed descriptions of all hardware and  rmware features and capabilities. Please see the relevant sections for additional details.
5.1 Preparation
5.1.1 Preliminary checks
Unpack the ampli er and immediately inspect it for transport damage. Ensure that all connectors are in perfect condition.
Provide for the following (applicable to operating tests and putting into service): Full-range 90 to 250 VAC through internal connector, mains power supply with
adequate ground connection
For operating tests only: dummy load with 50 Ohm impedance and adequate
Connection cable kit including:
• Mains power cable
5.1.2 Connections
The main fuse can be accessed from the outside, on the rear panel. Extract the fuse holder using a screwdriver and make sure that it is intact; replace it if necessary.
Connect a suitable dummy load with suitable dissipation power, or antenna, or the input of  nal ampli er to the RF output (see  gure 9.2 - item [2]) using a 50-Ohm coaxial cable with “N”-type connectors.
Note: When you connect the DTVC to other devices, it is necessary to strictly
follow the instructions given by the respective manufacturers, to avoid damages or danger situations.
Superior Broadcast Products
Blue Digital Exciter User Manual
WARNING: Electric shock hazard. Never handle the RF output connector
when the machine is powered on and no load is connected. Injury or death may result.
Ensure that the POWER switch on the rear panel is set to “OFF”.
Connect the mains power cable to the MAINS terminal board on the rear panel.
Note : The mains must be equipped with adequate ground connection properly
connected to the machine. This is a pre-requisite for ensuring operator safety and correct operation.
Connect the cable with an ASI signal to the relevant connector (ASI1 or ASI2) on the back of the machine using a 75-Ohm coaxial cable with SMA connectors.
5.2 First power-on and setup
Follow this procedure upon  rst power-on and after making changes to the con guration of the transmitter in which the ampli er is integrated.
Note : Standard factory settings are RF power output Off (Pwr OFF) and output
power set to 0 (unless otherwise speci ed by customer).
5.2.1 Power-on
Question: The equipment is turn off?
• When you have performed all of the connections described in the previous paragraph,
power on the ampli er using the suitable power switch on the rear panel. Start up informations should appear brie y on the display, quickly followed by the
main readings. If RF output is disabled, these readings will be zero.
5.2.2 Frequency lock check
The equipment doesn’t work correctly?
• Wait at least 15 seconds from the power on of DTVC, after which the PLL is locked to working frequency. In case of PLL is not locked, LED ALARMS light
turns on and the problem is stored in ALARMS menu.
Superior Broadcast Products
Blue Digital Exciter User Manual
5.2.3 Power check
Question: The equipment doesn’t work correctly at the power set up?
• Ensure that the INTERLOCK light turns off. It indicates that no external interlock signal inhibites the delivering power from exciter.
• Ensure that the ASI Input is performed by 75 Ohm cables with SMA connectors.
• Check current RF output setting and enable output (if not already enabled) following menu path SET Power ( xxx ). Output power can also be set in a Pwr OFF condition; in this condition, (Fwd) output power reading on the display will be 0 (zero), that will be delivered the moment you switch back to Pwr ON state.
• Check output power level and set to the desired level from the Power Menu, which you can call up by pressing these keys in the order: SET Power Power: xxx %.
Set the desired ampli er output power, whereas the forward power value shown on the display (Power: xxx %) gives actual output power reading.
Superior Broadcast Products
Blue Digital Exciter User Manual
6. Operating System
The exciter is controlled by a microprocessor system. Software operations may be grouped into two broad categories: start-up and normal operation.
6.1 Using the encoder
The interaction between the user and the exciter’s control software is performed using the encoder.
Figure 6.1
The possible operations that you can carry out on the encoder are:
rotation: moves the cursor shown on the display; if you turn the encoder to the left (counterclockwise), the cursor moves downwards, if you turn it right the cursor moves upwards; it also permits to increase or diminish the parameters (turning the encoder left diminishes the parameter, turning it right increases it) or to select an item from a list of options.
pushing: push the button once when the cursor is on the name of a menu to enter in that menu, push it when the cursor is on the name of a parameter to enter in modi cation mode (the cursor starts blinking); after the modi cation of a parameter, push the button to keep  x the new value. Set the value by pressing the button, to save in memory you need to press OK that causes also the exit from menu. Press ESC if you do not want saving it, that causes the exit keeping the value unchanged; instead in Power Menu (set => power) simply con rm the selection and the value will be saved.
If no controls are operated during 2 minutes, the exciter returns to the default menu.
Turn the encoder counterclockwise to move the cursor downwards, to decrease the value of a parame­ter or to choose an element from a list of possibilities
Turn the encoder clockwise to move the cursor upwards, to in­crease the value of a parameter or to choose an element from a list of possibilities
Push the button once to enter in the desired menu, to enter in modi cation mode or to con rm a choice
Superior Broadcast Products
Blue Digital Exciter User Manual
6.2 Software
6.2.1 Start-up
Upon switch-on, a window that holds and machine informations appears on the display. The informations regards the date and hour.
Superior Broadcast 8VSB MODULATOR
24/03/2009 10:28:39
Figure 6.1- Example of start-up screen Preset through encoder at Start-up
After the start-up operation the following window is visualized:
:: ATTENTION! :: :: PRESS BUTTON to Pre-Set :: 07
Figure 6.2
Holding press the encoder button during switch-on, the power goes to zero and an alternative main window appears on the display.
:: ATTENTION! :: :: Setting … ::
Figure 6.3
Password: ****
Ï Esc Ok
Figure 6.4
Insert password, when requested, to access to the preset menu, then press OK to con rm; select ESC to return to normal start-up menu.
Note: in case of  rst start-up you can select OK directly to access to preset menu, otherwise insert the password stored prevously.
Frequency Power Precorrection
Figure 6.5
Superior Broadcast Products
Blue Digital Exciter User Manual
The setting about paramaters on preset menu is the same of the SET menu decribed in the following.
6.2.2 Default menu
This is an information screen; it shows the main measures.
To access to the Selection submenus press the encoder, turn until the indicator is highlighted on the desired menu and then press again to con rm.
If no controls are operated through the encoder during 2 minutes, the exciter returns to this menu and after 5 minutes of inactivity the display lighting will be turning off.
CH:485,000Hz FWD: 10.0W RFL:0.00W
Alarms ÎStatus Set
Figure 6.6
CH Visualization of the frequency in transmission (CHannel)
FWD Visualization of the forward power
RFL Visualization of the re ected power
Alarms Under this menu is possible enter inside two submenus about
alarms status on the equipment. Turning he encoder, you can move the cursor to between Reset Alarm and Alarm List submenus.
Status Under this menu is possible view the measures and the main
settings about the equipment, scrolling through multiple pages by rotating the encoder. To exit press the encoder.
Set Under this menu is possible enter inside to several submenu about
the setting of equipment. Turning the encoder, you can move the cursor to the next submenu label, the name is displayed in the upper part of the screen.
6.2.3 Reset Alarms (ALARMS menu)
This menu provides the restore of all the memorized alarms in the DTVC.
Reset Alarms Alarms List(00)
Figure 6.7
Superior Broadcast Products
Blue Digital Exciter User Manual
+ 36 hidden pages