Superior Installation And Operation Instructions Manual
Specifications and Main Features
Frequently Asked Questions
User Manual
P/N 900355-01 Rev. NC 01/2015
Ce manuel est disponible en francais, simplement
en faire la demande. Numéro de la pièce 900355-02.
Report No. F14-107
Installation and Operation Instructions
SuperiorTM DRT63 See Through Direct Vent Gas
INSTALLER: Leave this manual with the appliance.
CONSUMER: Retain this manual for future reference.
A barrier designed to reduce the risk of burns
from the hot viewing glass is provided with
this appliance and shall be installed for
the protection of children and other at-risk
Installateur : Laissez cette notice avec l’appareil.
Consommateur : Conservez cette notice pour consultation ultérieure.
L’écran pare-étincelles fourni avec ce foyer réduit le
risque de brûlure en cas de contact accidentel avec la
vitre chaude et doit être installé pour la protection Des
enfants et Des personnes à risques.
This appliance may be installed in an aftermarket permanently located, manufactured home (USA only) or mobile
home, where not prohibited by local codes. This appliance is only for use with the type of gas indicated on the
rating plate. This appliance is not convertible for use with other gases, unless a certified kit is used.
Cet appareil peut installé dans une maison préfabriquée (mobile) déjà installée à demeure, si les réglements
locaux le permettent. Ce appareil doit être utilisé uniquement avec le type de gaz indiqué sure la plaque
signalétique. Cet appareil ne peut être converti à d’autres gaz, sauf si une trousse de conversion est utilsée.
Failure to follow safety warnings exactly could result
in serious injury, death, or property damage.
— Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other
• Do not try to light any appliance.
• Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any
phone in your building.
• Leave the building immediately.
• Immediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor’s phone. Follow the gas supplier’s instructions.
• If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire
— Installation and service must be performed by a
qualified installer, service agency or the gas supplier.
Le non-respect Des avertissements de sécurité
pourrait d’entraîner des blessures graves, la mort
ou des dommages matériels.
— Ne pas entreposer ni utilizer d’essence ni d’autres
vapeurs ou liquides inflammables dans le voisinage de cet appareil ou de tout autre appareil.
• Ne pas tenter d’allumer d’appareil.
• Ne touchez à aucan interrupteur. Ne pas vous
servir des téléphones se trouvant dans le bâtiment où vous trouvez.
• Sortez immédiatement de bâtiment.
• Appelez immédiatement votre fournisseur de
gaz depuis un voisin. Suivez les instructions du
• Si vous ne pouvez rejoindre le fournisseur de
gaz, appelez le service des incindies.
— L’installation et l’entretien doivent être assurés par
un installateur ou un service d’entretien qualifié
ou par le fournisseur de gaz.
A barrier designed to reduce the risk of burns from the hot viewing glass
is provided with this appliance and shall be installed for the protection of
children and other at-risk individuals.
See attached color flyer for proper color representation
L’écran pare-étincelles fourni avec ce foyer réduit le risque de brûlure en
cas de contact accidentel avec la vitre chaude et doit être installé pour la
protection Des enfants et Des personnes à risques.
Voir ci-joint tract pour une bonne représentation de la couleur
Una barrera diseñada para reducir el riesgo de quemaduras desde la mirilla (vidrio) caliente es proveida con este aparato y deberá instalarse para
la protección de los niños y otros individuos en riesgo.
Vea el volante adjunto para la representación de color adecuado
Innovative Hearth Products
SuperiorTM DRT63STTEN/P Direct-Vent Gas Fireplaces
General Information
900355-01, 01/2015
Safety and Your
All parts of your
IHP fireplace get
To prevent severe
burns and injuries,
install a screen or
physical barrier to
prevent direct contact
with the glass.
Follow the safety instructions
below and be sure everyone in
your household understands this
• The surfaces on your fireplace get
• The glass on the front of the
fireplace reaches EXTREMELY
HIGH temperatures and can cause
severe burns if touched.
• Keep children away from an
operating fireplace. Closely
supervise children in any room
where a fireplace is operating to
prevent contact with glass.
• Keep clothing, furniture,
gasoline, and other flammable
liquids away from the fireplace.
• Even after the gas is turned
off, fireplace surfaces remain
extremely hot.
Be sure to attach the enclosed
Safety-in-Operation Warnings where
you turn on your replace, to help
remind everyone of the dangers
associated with high temperatures
(Page 43).
Read Important Safety Information
(Page 5)
La sécurité et
votre foyer
Toutes les parties de votre
foyer IHP deviennent
An d'éviter de vous
brûler gravement ou de
vous blesser, installez
une grille ou une barrière
physique pour empêcher
tout contact direct avec la vitre.
Suivez les instructions de sécurité ci-
dessous et veillez à ce que tous les membres
de votre famille soient conscients du danger
de brûlure encouru:
• Les surfaces de votre foyer deviennent
• La vitre située à l'avant du
foyer atteint des températures
causer de graves blessures en
cas de contact.
• Tenez les enfants à l'écart
du foyer lorsqu'il fonctionne.
Surveillez attentivement les
enfants dans les pièces où un
foyer est utilisé afin d'éviter qu'ils
ne soient en contact avec la vitre.
• Tenez tous les vêtements, les
meubles, l'essence et tout autre liquide
inflammable à l'écart du foyer.
• Même après fermeture du gaz,
les surfaces du foyer restent
extrêmement chaudes.
Veillez à coller les Étiquettes de mise
en garde relatives à la sécurité
d'utilisation à l'endroit où vous
utilisez le foyer, pour rappeler à tous
les utilisateurs les dangers liés aux
températures élevées (Page 43).
Lisez L’information de sûreté
importante (Page 5).
Seguridad y su
¡Todas las partes de la
chimenea IHP se ponen
Instale una malla o barrera física para evitar
el contacto directo con el vidrio y prevenir
las quemaduras y lesiones graves.
Siga las instrucciones de seguridad
a continuación y asegúrese de que
todos en su hogar sepan acerca de
este peligro de quemadura:
• ¡Las superficies de la chimenea
• El vidrio delante de la
chimenea alcanza temperaturas
y puede causar quemaduras
graves si se toca.
• Mantenga a los niños alejados de
la chimenea en funcionamiento.
Supervise en forma cercana a los
niños en cualquier cuarto donde haya
una chimenea funcionando para
impedir el contacto con el vidrio.
• Mantenga la ropa, mobiliario,
gasolina y otros líquidos
inflamables alejados de la
• Aún después de haber apagado
el gas, las superficies de
la chimenea permanecen
extremadamente calientes.
Asegúrese de colocar las Etiquetas
de advertencia de seguridad
de operación en el lugar donde
enciende la chimenea, para que todos
recuerden los peligros asociados con
las altas temperaturas (Página 43).
Important Safety Information
Appliance Installation, Service, and Maintenance Notices
Appliance Operation Notices
Burn-In Period
Operation and Care of Your Appliance
Gas Controls / Control Compartment Access
Remote Control System
Removal/Installation of Glass Doors, Barrier,
and Modesty Panel
Placement of Volcanic Stone, Glowing Embers,
and Logs
Burner Adjustments
Flame Appearance and Sooting
Burner Air Shutter Adjustment Guidelines
Burner Air Shutter Adjustment Procedure
Electronic Appliance Checkout
Accessory Components
Operating (Lighting) Instructions
Maintenance Schedule
Troubleshooting Guide
Replacement Parts List
The assembled vented gas fireplace is packaged with the following items:
• Fireplace Components:
(1) Literature Kit (in envelope in firebox;
contains Care and Operation Instruc-tions, Installation Instructions, safetyin-operation warning labels, warranty)
(1) Remote Control Kit (in plastic bag in fire-
box; contains remote control, receiver)
(1) Barrier
(1) Log Set
(1) Vent Restrictor Assembly
(1) bag Glowing Embers
(4) bags Volcanic Stone
(1) Door Modesty Shield
• Panel Kit (sold separately; REQUIRED for all
fireplace models) - one of the following kits:
– Architectural Stone Ceramic
– Venetian Tile Ceramic
– Buff Herringbone Ceramic
– Buff Rustic Ceramic
– Black Rustic Ceramic
– Black Porcelain
NOTE: If the barrier becomes damaged,
the barrier shall be replaced with the
manufacturer’s barrier for this appliance.
J7422 (40” MODELS).
The See-Through is a direct-vent, sealed
combustion gas fireplace designed for either
indoor/indoor or indoor/outdoor residential
applications (including screened porches and
lanais). See “Minimum Clearances to Combus-
tibles” on Page 11.
These appliances are designed to operate on
natural or propane gas. The system is switchable between standing and intermittent pilot
External electrical power is required to operate these units. If the system operates on line
voltage, four “AA” batteries (in receiver) can
be used as a backup in case of a power outage.
Young children should be carefully supervised when they are
in the same room as the appliance. Toddlers, young children
and others may be susceptible
to accidental contact burns. A
physical barrier is recommended
if there are at risk individuals in
the house. To restrict access to
a fireplace or stove, install an
adjustable safety gate to keep
toddlers, young children and
other at risk individuals out of
the room and away from hot
Les jeunes enfants devraient être
surveillés étroitement lorsqu’ils
se trouvent dans la même pièce
que l’appareil. Les tout petits,
les jeunes enfants ou les adultes
peuvent subir des brûlures s’ils
viennent en contact avec la surface chaude. Il est recommandé
d’installer une barrière physique
si des personnes à risques habitent la maison. Pour empêcher
l’accès à un foyer ou à un poêle,
installez une barrière de sécurité; cette mesure empêchera les
tout petits, les jeunes enfants et
toute autre personne à risque
d’avoir accès à la pièce et aux
surfaces chaudes.
These fireplaces are designed, tested, and listed
for operation and installation with the following
vent components (8" inner and 11" outer) only:
• Secure Vent™ SV8 direct-vent system com-
ponents manufactured by Security Chimneys
These approved vent system components are
labeled for identification. Do NOT use any other
manufacturer’s vent components with these
Children and adults should be alerted to the
hazards of high surface temperature and
should stay away to avoid burns or clothing
Les enfants et les adultes devraient être
infor-més des dangers que posent les
températures de surface élevées et se
tenir à distance afin d’éviter des brûlures
ou que leurs vêtements ne s’enflamment.
Improper installation, adjustment,
alteration, service or maintenance
can cause injury or property
damage. Refer to this manual. For
assistance or additional information consult a qualified installer,
service agency or the gas supplier.
Failure to comply with these
installation instructions will
result in an improperly installed
and operating appliance, voiding
its warranty. Any change to this
appliance and/or its operating
controls is dangerous.
Clothing or other flammable
material should not be placed on
or near the appliance.
On ne devrait pas placer de vêtements ni d’autres matières inflammables sur l’appareil ni à proximité.
Any safety screen or guard
removed for servicing the appliance must be replaced prior to
operating the appliance.
Tout écran ou protecteur retiré pour
permettre l’entretien de l’appareil
doit être remis en place avant de
mettre l’appareil en marche.
Improper installation or use of
this appliance can cause serious
injury or death from fire, burns,
explosion or carbon monoxide
Note: Installation and repair should be done
by a qualified service person. The appliance
should be inspected before use and at least
annually by a professional service person.
More frequent cleaning may be required due
to excessive lint from carpeting, bedding
material, etcetera. It is imperative that control
compartments, burners and circulating air
passageways of the appliance be kept clean.
Remarque : L’installation et la réparation devrait être confiées à un technicien
qualifié. L’appareil devrait faire l’objet
d’une inspection par un technicien professionnel avant d’être utilisé et au moins
une fois l’an par la suite. Des nettoyages
plus fréquents peuvent être nécessaires si
les tapis, la literie, et cetera produisent
une quantité importante de pous-sière.
Il est essentiel que les compartiments
abritant les commandes, les brûleurs
et les conduits de circulation d’air de
l’appareil soient tenus propres.
Do not use these appliances if any part
has been under water. Immediately call a
qualified, professional service technician to
inspect the appliance and to replace any parts
of the control system and any gas control
which have been under water.
Ne pas utiliser cet appareil s’il a été
plongé, même partiellement, dans
l’eau. Appeler un technicien qualifié pour
inspecter l’appareil et remplacer toute
partie du système de commande et toute
commande qui a été plongée dans l’eau.
Only trim kit(s) supplied by the manufacturer
shall be used in the installation of this appliance.
Seules les trousses de garniture fournies
par le fabricant doivent être utilisées pour
l’installation de cet appareil.
These appliances comply with National Safety
Standards and are tested and listed by PFS
(Report No. F14-107) to ANSI Z21.88 (in
Canada, CSA-2.33), and CAN/CGA-2.17-M91
(CSA P4.1) in both USA and Canada, as vented
gas fireplace.
These appliances are listed by PFS for installation in bedrooms, aftermarket mobile homes,
and manufactured homes.
Misc. Codes/Standards
Installation must conform to local codes or, in
the absence of local codes, with the National
Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 - latest
edition (in Canada, the current CAN/CSA-B149.1
installation code).
The appliance, when installed, must be electri-
cally grounded and wired in accordance with
local codes or, in the absence of local codes,
with the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA
70 - latest edition, or the Canadian Electrical
Code, CSA C22.1 - latest edition.
Provide adequate clearances around air openings and adequate accessibility clearance for
service and proper operation. Never obstruct
the front or back openings of the appliance.
These appliances are designed to operate on
natural or propane gas only. The use of other
fuels or combination of fuels will degrade the performance of this system and may be dangerous.
The system is switchable between standing
and intermittent pilot modes. External electrical power is required to operate these units.
If the system operates on line voltage, four “AA”
batteries (in receiver) can be used as a backup
in case of a power outage.
These models come standard with a remotely
modulated gas valve. The included transmitter
remotely controls flame appearance and heat
output (manual gas valve adjustment is not
Inputs and Efficiencies
Appliance BTU inputs are listed in Table 1A.
Appliance efficiencies are listed in Table 1B.
Inlet and manifold gas supply pressure requirements for these appliances are listed in Tables
2 and 3.
Inlet Gas Supply Pressure (all models)
Fuel #MinimumMaximum
Natural Gas
5.0" WC
(1.24 kPa)
11.0" WC
(2.74 kPa)
Table 2
Manifold Gas Supply Pressure (all models)
Fuel #LowHigh
(Lo) 1.6" WC
(0.4 kPa)
(Lo) 6.3" WC
(1.57 kPa)
Table 3
Test gauge connections are provided on
the front of the electronic gas control valve
(identified IN for the inlet and OUT for the
manifold side).
The control valves have a 3/8" (10 mm) NPT
thread inlet and outlet side of the valve. Refer
to Figure 1.
Propane tanks are at pressures that will cause
damage to valve components. Verify that the
tanks have step-down regulators to reduce the
pressure to safe levels.
These appliances must not be connected to a
chimney or flue serving a separate solid fuel
burning appliance.
Manifold (Out)
Test Port
Line (In) Test Port
Orange Wire
(from DFC Wire
3/8" NPT
10.5" WC
(2.61 kPa)
13.0" WC
(3.23 kPa)
(Hi) 3.5" WC
(0.87 kPa)
(Hi) 10.0" WC
(2.49 kPa)
Green Wire
(From DFC Wire
These appliances must be isolated from
the gas supply piping system (by closing
their individual manual shut-off valve)
during any pressure testing of the gas
supply piping system at test pressures
equal to or less than 1/2 psig (3.5 kPa).
These appliances and their individual
shut-off valves must be disconnected
from the gas supply piping system
during any pressure testing of that
system at pressures greater than 1/2
psig (3.5 kPa).
Orifice Sizes
Sea Level To High Altitude (All Models)
These appliances are tested and approved
for installation at elevations of 0– 4500 feet
(0– 1372 meters) above sea level using the
standard burner orifice sizes (marked with an
asterisk [*] in Table 4). For elevations above
4500 feet, contact your gas supplier or qualified
service technician.
At higher elevations, the amount of BTU fuel
value delivered must be reduced by either:
• using gas that has been derated by the gas
company; or
• changing the burner orifice to a smaller size
as regulated by the local authorities having
jurisdiction and by the (USA) National Fuel
Gas Code NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.1 - latest
edition or, in Canada, the CAN/CSA-B149.1
codes - latest edition.
Install the appliance according to the regulations
of the local authorities having jurisdiction and,
in the USA, the National Fuel Gas Code NFPA
Connect GTMS
Wire Harness
3/8" NPT
Yellow Ground Wire
(From DFC Wire
54 / ANSI Z223.1 - latest edition or , in Canada,
the CAN/CSA-B149.1- latest edition.
NOTE: Flame appearance will diminish
4% per thousand feet.
Burner Orifice Sizes
Elevation 0–4500 feet (0 –1372 meters)
Natural Gas
Drill size (inches)
#32 (0.116")*
H8002 •
Standard size installed at factory.
Table 4
• Part/Catalog Number.
Drill size (inches)
#52 (0.0635")*
H8003 •
Gas Valve Diagram
See valve diagram in Figure 1.
These appliances are approved for installation in
the US state of Massachusetts if the following
additional requirements are met:
• Install this appliance in accordance with
Massachusetts Rules and Regulations 248
C.M.R. Sections 4.00 through 8.00.
• Installation and repair must be done by a
plumber or gas fitter licensed in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
• The flexible gas line connector used shall
not exceed 36 inches (92 centimeters) in
• The individual manual shut-off must be a
T-handle type valve.
Massachusetts Horizontal Vent Requirements
In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, hori-
zontal terminations installed less than seven
(7) feet above the finished grade must comply
with the following additional requirements::
• A hard-wired carbon monoxide detector
with an alarm and battery back-up must be
installed on the floor level where the gas
fireplace is installed. The carbon monoxide
detector must comply with NFPA 720, be
ANSI/UL 2034 listed and be ISA certified.
• A metal or plastic identification plate must
be permanently mounted to the exterior of
the building at a minimum height of eight (8)
feet above grade and be directly in line with
the horizontal termination. The sign must
read, in print size no less than one-half (1/2)
New York City, New York (MEA)
Installation of these fireplaces is approved for
installation in New York City, NY.
For cold climate installations, seal all cracks
around the appliance with noncombustible
material and wherever cold air could enter the
room. If the floor is above ground level, it is
especially important to insulate outside chase
cavity between studs and under the floor on
which the appliance rests. Gas line holes and
other openings should be caulked or stuffed
with unfaced fiberglass insulation.
If the fireplace is being installed on a cement
slab in cold climates, a sheet of plywood or
other raised platform can be placed underneath to prevent cold transfer to the fireplace
and into the room. It also helps to sheetrock
inside surfaces and tape for maximum air
tightness and caulk firestops.
This appliance may be installed in an aftermarket, permanently located, manufactured
home and must be installed in accordance
with the manufacturer's instructions and the
Manufactured Home Construction and Safety
Standard, Title 24 CFR, Part 3280, in the
United States, or the Standard for Installation
in Mobile Homes, CAN/CSA Z240 MH Series,
in Canada.
Cet appareil peut être installé cómme
du matéri-el d'origine dans une maison
préfabriquée (É.U. seulement) ou mobile
et doit être installé selon les instructions
du fabricant et conformément à la norme
Manufactured Home Constructions and
Safety, Title 24 CFR, Part 3200 aux Unis
ou à la norme Can/CSA-Z240 Série MM,
Maisons mobiles au Canada.
This appliance is only for use with the type
of gas indicated on the rating plate. This appliance is not convertible for use with other
gases, unless a certified kit is used.
Cet appareil doit être utilisé uniquement
avec le type de gaz indiqué sur la plaque
signalétique. Cet appareil ne peut être converti à d'autres gaz, sauf si une trousse de
conversion est utilisée.
CAUTION: Ensure that the cross members
are not cut or weakened during installation.
The structural integrity of the manufactured
home floor, wall, and ceiling / roof must be
CAUTION: This appliance must be grounded
to the chassis of the manufactured home
in accordance with local codes or in the
absence of local codes, with the National
Electrical Code ANSI / NFPA 70 - latest edition or the Canadian Electrical Code CSA
C22.1 - latest edition.
Top of Fireplace
When unit is installed with one side flush with a wall, the wall on
other side of unit must not extend beyond front edge of unit.
Figure 2: Typical Installation/Locations
In selecting the location, the aesthetic and
functional use of the appliance are primary
concerns; however, vent system routing to
the exterior and access to the fuel supply are
also important.
CAUTION: Due to high temperatures, the appliance should be located out of traffic and
away from furniture and draperies (Figure 2).
AVERTISSEMENT : En raison des températures élevées, l’appareil devrait
être installé dans un endroit où il y a peu
de circulation et loin du mobilier et des
tentures (Figure 2).
The location also should be free of electrical,
plumbing, or other heating/air conditioning
(Top View)
Be aware that this is a heat-producing appliance. Objects placed above the unit are
exposed to elevated temperatures.
Do not insulate the space between the appliance and the area above it.
The appliance should be mounted on a fully
supported base extending the full width and
depth of the unit. The appliance may be located
on or near conventional construction materials.
However, if installed on combustible materials,
(such as carpeting or vinyl tile), a metal or
wood barrier covering the entire bottom surface
must be used.
to 2.5 inches
extending more
Ventilated or Unventilated Soffit
These instructions should be used as a guideline and do not supersede local codes in any
way. Install venting according to local codes,
these instructions, the current National Fuel
Gas Code (ANSI-Z223.1) in the USA or the current standards of CAN/CSA-B149.1 in Canada.
Vertical Vent Termination Clearances
Terminate multiple vent terminations according to the installation codes listed above. Also
see Figure 3A.
Terminate single vent caps relative to building
components as shown in Figure 3B.
12 in
(305 mm)
Horizontal Overhang
2 FT
Storm Collar
Vent Pipe
*H = minimum height from roof to lowest
discharge opening of vent.
1 inch (25.4 mm) Minimum
Clearance to Combustibles
Roof Pitch is X/12
Figure 3B: Vertical Vent Termination Clearances
Vent/air intake termination clearances
above the high side of an angled roof
are listed in the table below.
Termination Heights for Vents
Above Flat or Sloped Roofs
(Ref. NFPA 54 / ANSI Z223.1)
Roof Pitch*Feet*Meters
Flat to 6/121.00.3
6/12 to 7/121.250.38
7/12 to 8/121.50.46
8/12 to 9/122.00.61
9/12 to 10/122.50.76
10/12 to 11/123.250.99
11/12 to 12/124.01.22
12/12 to 14/125.01.52
14/12 to 16/126.01.83
16/12 to 18/127.02.13
18/12 to 20/127.52.29
20/12 to 21/128.02.44
Figure 3A : Multiple Terminations
Horizontal Vent Termination Clearances
The horizontal vent termination must have a minimum of 3 in (76 mm) clearance to any overhead
combustible projection of 2-1/2 in (64 mm) or less (see Figure 4). For projections exceeding
2-1/2 in (64 mm), see Figure 4. For additional vent location restrictions refer to Figure 5 on Page 9.
than 2.5 inches
extending up
24 in
(610 mm)
Horizontal Termination Kit
Horizontal Vent Termination Clearances
For recess allowances of square horizontal termination into exterior walls,
see Figure 30 on Page 22.
Clearance to window or door that may be opened6” (150mm)
Clearance to permanently closed window9” (229mm)
Vertical clearance to ventilated sot located above the
termination within a horizontal distance of 18” (458mm)
Clearance to unventilated sot12” (305mm) 12” (305mm)
for replaces <10,000Btu/h (3kW),
9” (230mm)
for replaces >10,000Btu/h (3kW), and <50,000Btu/h
12” (300mm)
for replaces >50,000Btu/h (15kW)**
recommended to prevent windowcondensation
18” (458mm)18” (458mm)
6” (150mm)
for replaces <10,000Btu/h (3kW),
12” (300mm)
for replaces >10,000Btu/h (3kW)
12” (305mm)
recommended to prevent
Clearance to outside corner5” (127mm)
Clearance to inside corner6” (152mm) minimum6” (152mm) minimum
Clearance to each inside of center line extended above
meter / regulator assembly
Clearance to service regulator vent outlet36” (910mm)**36” (910mm)*
Clearance to nonmechanical air supply inlet to building or
the combustion air inlet to any other replace
Clearance to a mechanical air supply inlet36” (910mm) above if within 10 (3m) horizontally**72” (1830mm)*
Clearance above paved sidewalk or paved diveway located
on public property
Clearance under veranda, porch, deck or balcony12” (300mm)*‡12” (300mm)*‡
Depth of alcove (maximum)72” (1830mm)**72” (1830mm)*
Clearance to termination (alcove)6” (15.2mm)**6” (15.2mm)*
Width of alcove (minimum)36” (910mm)**36” (910mm)*
Clearance to combustible above (alcove)18” (457mm)**18” (457mm)*
In accordance with the current CSA-B149.1 National Gas And Propane Installation Code
In accordance with the curent ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Codes
A vent shall not terminate directly above a sidewalk or paved driveway which is located between two single family dwellings and serves both dwellings
Only permitted if veranda, porch, deck, or balcony is fully-open on a minimum two sides beneath the oor
36” (910mm)
within a height of 15 above the meter / regulator assembly**
6” (150mm)
for replaces <10,000Btu/h (3kW),
9” (230mm)
for replaces >10,000Btu/h (3kW) and <50,000Btu/h
12” (300mm)
for replaces >50,000Btu/h (15kW)**
84” (2130mm)‡84” (2130mm)‡
5” (127mm)
36” (910mm)
within a height of 15 above the meter /
regulator assembly*
6” (150mm)
for replaces <10,000Btu/h (3kW),
12” (300mm)
for replaces >10,000Btu/h (3kW)
Figure 5—Horizontal vent termination clearances for buildings with combustible and noncumbustible exteriors
Note: Hearth extensions are not required with this appliance.
Optional Indoor Hearth Extension
Combustible indoor hearth material may only be installed at or below
the base of the fireplace (see Figures 6 and 7).
Non-combustible indoor hearth material may be installed above the base
of the fireplace and may butt against the front face of the fireplace (see
Figures 6 and 7).
Also note the following:
• Combustible material may project beyond the sides of the fireplace
opening, as long as it is within the shaded area shown in Figure 10 on Page 11.
• Vertical installation clearances to combustible mantels vary according
to the depth of the mantel (see Figure 9 on Page 11).
• Non-combustible mantels may be installed at any height above the
appliance opening.
Optional Outdoor Hearth Extension
All outdoor hearth material (combustible and non-combustible) must
be installed a minimum of 6" (152 mm) below the base of the fireplace
(see Figure 7).
Also note the following:
• For vertical installation clearances to combustible outdoor mantels and
overhangs, see Page 34 and the instructions provided in the Outdoor
Installation Kit (required for all outdoor installations; see Page 36).
• Non-combustible outdoor mantels and overhangs may be installed at
any height above the appliance opening.
(side view)
Finish combustible material
must be installed at or below
base of fireplace.
Finish non-combustible material may
butt against front face of fireplace.
Also see Figure 7.
Front Face
of Fireplace
Figure 6: Optional Indoor Hearth Extension
NOTE: A finish trim piece is shipped with your fireplace to extend the base
1/2" to be flush with the finish flanges on the side of the fireplace. This
filler is shipped on top of the fireplace wrapped in foam. If desired this
piece can be placed on the base of the fireplace. It is secured with bend
tabs on either side. Lay the extension in front of the base then secure by
bending tabs on each side over to secure to the base. While this piece is
provided it is not required.
Indoor hearth extension:
Finish combustible material must be
installed at or below base of fireplace.
Finish non-combustible material may be
installed above base of fireplace and may
butt against front face of fireplace.
Outdoor hearth extension:
All finish hearth material (combustible
and non-combustible) must be at least
6" (152 mm) below base of fireplace.
6" (152 mm)
Figure 7: Optional Indoor and Outdoor Hearth Extensions
The appliance is approved with zero clearance to combustible materials
on both sides (as detailed in Table 5), with the following exceptions:
• When the unit is installed with one side flush with a wall, the wall on the
other side of the unit must not extend beyond the front edge of the unit.
• In addition, when the unit is recessed, the side walls surrounding the
unit must not extend beyond the front edge of the unit (see Figure 2 on Page 6).
Back / Sides
Top Spacers0 in (0 mm)
Floor0 in (0 mm)
Unit Bottom to Ceiling72.0 in (1829 mm)
Vertical Vent Pipe1.0 in (25.4 mm)
Horizontal Vent Pipe
0 in (0 mm) Spacers
Top: 4.0 in (102 mm)
Sides: 1.0 in (25.4 mm)
Bottom: 1.0 in (25.4 mm)
Front3 ft (0.9 m)
Table 5
Do NOT insulate space between
appliance and area above it.
Min. 4"
(102 mm)
91.5" (2324 mm)
90" (2287 mm)
Min. 2 ft vertical
vent section
and one 90-degree
elbow required
Top of
2 x 4
Figure 8: Min. Height of Combustible Enclosure
Mantel Depth
Min. clearance to
combustibles above any
horizontal vent component
is 4"(102 mm).
4" (102 mm) above any horizontal/inclined vent component.
See Step 1 ("FRAMING") on Page 12 for clearance requirements to
nailing flanges on each side of unit and any adjacent screw heads.
The appliance should be mounted on a fully supported base extending
the full width and depth of the unit. The appliance may be located on
or near conventional construction materials; however, if installed on
combustible materials, such as carpeting, vinyl tile, etc., a metal or wood
barrier covering the entire bottom surface must be used.
Min. Height of Combustible Enclosure
To provide for the lowest possible combustible enclosure (or shelf)
surface, the venting should be routed in a way to minimize obstructions
to the space above the appliance. Do not insulate the space between the
appliance and the area above it (see Figure 8).
Wall Finishes / Surrounds / Mantels
Note: Combustible wall finish materials and/or surround materials must
not be allowed to encroach the area defined by the appliance front faces
(black sheet metal). Never allow combustible materials to be positioned
in front of or overlapping the appliance face. See Pages 33 and 34.
Non-combustible materials, such as surrounds and other appliance trim,
may be installed on the appliance front face with these exceptions: they
must not cover any portion of the removable glass panel.
Vertical installation clearances to combustible mantels vary according
to the depth of the mantel (see Figure 9). Mantels constructed of noncombustible materials may be installed at any height above the appliance
Note: Use high-temperature paint (rated 175°F or higher) on the underside of the mantel.
NOTE: Attic insulation shield (H3908, see Page 36) must be
installed when blown or loose-fill insulation is used, and is
required for all attic installations.
to bottom of mantel
Distance from top of appliance
Top of Appliance
Figure 9: Mantel Clearances
Minimum Distance to Unprotected Side Wall
At 14" minimum
side wall clearance,
a combustible
wall can project
to any length.
At 8-1/4" side
wall clearance,
a combustible
wall can project
12" maximum.
Gray area
is “safe
(13 mm)
Figure 10: Side Wall Clearances
Protected wall
shown in white
Top View of Fireplace
Combustible materials
are allowed in gray “safe
5 in
(127 mm)
zone” illustrated here.
Combustible walls are
shown in black.
12 in
Protected wall is shown
(305 mm)
in white.
Combustible material
17 in
may project beyond
(432 mm)
the side of the fireplace
opening if it is within
the gray "safe zone"
illustrated here.
The appliance is shipped with all gas controls
and components installed and pre-wired.
1. Remove the shipping carton, exposing the
front glass door on the control side.
Barrier (see Notice, Page 27)
This fireplace comes with a barrier to reduce the
likelihood of burns from touching hot glass. If
the barrier is damaged, the fireplace should be
turned off immediately and the fireplace must
not be operated until a new, approved factory
barrier for this unit is installed.
To remove barrier follow these steps.
a.Lift barrier up by the frame at the top.
b.Remove lower filler piece by pulling down
off of the barrier.
c.Lower barrier and push barrier to left to
release right side.
d.Pull the right side out of fireplace.
e.Remove barrier.
2. Using a Phillips screwdriver, unfasten two
(2) screws located at the top of the glass
frame (see Figure 50 on Page 31). Tilt the
top of the glass frame away from the unit.
Lift it carefully off the bottom door track
and set the door aside, protecting it from
inadvertent damage.
Failure to position the parts in
accordance with these diagrams
or failure to use only parts specifically approved with this appliance
may result in property damage or
personal injury.
Risque de dommages ou de
blessures si les pièces ne sont
pas installées conformément à
ces schémas et ou si des pièces
autres que celles spécifiquement
approuvées avec cet appareil sont
The typical sequence of installation is outlined
Note: Each installation is unique and
may result in variations to the steps
described herein.
See the page numbers referenced in the following steps for detailed procedures.
Step 1. FRAMING (Page 12): Construct
appliance framing. Position
appliance within framing; and
secure with nailing brackets.
Step 2. ROUTE GAS LINE (Page 15):
Route gas supply line to right side
(when viewed from control side of
install vent system and exterior
Step 4. FIELD WIRING (Page 25): Connect
120 Vac electrical power to the
appliance receptacle.
Frame these appliances as illustrated in Figure
12 on Page 13. All framing details must allow
for a minimum clearance to combustible framing members as shown in Table 5 and Figures 8–10 on Page 11.
If the appliance is to be elevated above floor
level, a solid continuous platform must be
constructed below the appliance.
Headers may be in direct contact with the
appliance top spacers but must not be supported by them or notched to fit around them.
All construction above the appliance must be
self-supporting, DO NOT use the appliance for
structural support.
Secure the fireplace to the side framing members using the unit's nailing flanges — one
top and bottom on each side of the fireplace
front (see Figure 13). Use 8d nails or their
Securing Unit to Framing
by Nailing Flanges
Use Top Flange for
1/2” Thick Drywall
Front of Fireplace
Use Center Flange
for Flush Mount
Use Bottom Flange for
5/8” Thick Drywall
Left Side Front Corner of Fireplace Shown
(Same requirements for right side)
Note: The nailing flanges, combustible
members and screw heads in areas directly
adjacent to the nailing flanges are EXEMPT
from the 1/2-inch clearance to combustible
requirements for the firebox outer wrapper.
Combustible framing may be in direct
contact with the nailing flanges and may
be located closer than 1/2 inch from screw
heads and the firebox wrapper in areas
adjacent to the nailing flanges. Frame the
opening to the exact dimensions specified
in the framing details in these Installation
the CONTROL SIDE of the fireplace must
be installed on the INDOOR side.
Route a 1/2" (13 mm) gas line along the inside
of the right side framing as shown in Figures 14 and 15. Gas lines must be routed, constructed
and made of materials that are in strict accordance with local codes and regulations.
All appliances are factory-equipped with a
flexible gas line connector and 1/2-inch shutoff
valve (see Step 6 on Page 26).
The incoming gas line should be piped into
the valve compartment and connected in one
of the two methods as shown in Figure 36 on
Page 26.
Proper Sizing of Gas Line
Properly size and route the gas supply line
from the supply regulator to the area where the
appliance is to be installed per requirements
outlined in the National Fuel Gas Code, NFPA
54 - latest edition (USA) or CAN/CSA-B149.1
- latest edition (Canada).
Never use galvanized or plastic pipe. Refer to
Table 6 for proper sizing of the gas supply line,
if black iron pipe is being used. Gas lines must
be routed, constructed and made of materials
that are in strict accordance with local codes
and regulations.
IMPORTANT: It is critical that a licensed
installer perform this step strictly per
We recommend that a qualified, licensed
plumber or gas fitter be hired to correctly size
and route the gas supply line to the appliance.
Installing a gas supply line from the fuel supply
to the appliance involves numerous considerations of materials, protection, sizing, locations, controls, pressure, sediment, and more.
Certainly no one unfamiliar and unqualified
should attempt sizing or installing gas piping.
• All appliances are factory-equipped with
a flexible gas line connector and 1/2-inch
shutoff valve (see Figure 36onPage 26).
• See Massachusetts Requirements on Page 6 for additional requirements for installations in the state of Massachusetts in the
• The gas supply line should not be connected
to the appliance until Step 6 (Page 26).
• A pipe joint compound rated for gas should
be used on the threaded joints. Ensure
propane-resistant compounds are used in
propane applications. Be very careful that
the pipe compound does not get inside the
• Sediment Trap: It is recommended to install
a sediment trap in the supply line as close as
possible to the appliance (see Figure 36 onPage 26). Appliances using propane should
have a sediment trap at the base of the tank.
• Check with local building official for local
code requirements (such as whether belowgrade penetrations of the gas line allowed,
(178 mm)
Right Side Front Corner
(Valve Side) Of Fireplace Framing
Figure 14: INDOOR / INDOOR
(38 mm)
(178 mm)
Right Side Front Corner
(Valve Side) Of Fireplace Framing
(495 mm)
(495 mm)
Schedule 40, Black Iron Pipe
Inside Diameter (Inches)
Schedule 40 Pipe
Length (feet)
Table 6
Using a propane tank smaller than
100 lbs may create pressure loss and
insufficient fuel delivery, which can
cause sooting, severe delayed ignition,
or other malfunctions (ref. NPFA 58).
Any damage as a result of insufficient
tank size or other improper installation is
NOT covered under the limited warranty.
These instructions should be used as a
guideline and do not supersede local codes
in any way. Install venting according to local codes, these instructions, the current
National Fuel Gas Code (ANSI-Z223.1) in
the USA or the current standards of CAN/
CSA-B149.1 in Canada.
Ensure clearances are in accordance with
local installation codes and the requirements
of the gas supplier.
Dégagement conforme aux codes d'installa tion locaux et aux exigences du
foumisseunde gaz.
Use only approved venting components. See
“Approved Vent Components” on Page 4.
These fireplaces must be vented
directly to the outside.
Vent Restrictor Kit
Vent Restrictor Assembly for
Horizontal Termination Systems
For systems with horizontal
termination, use only the vent restrictor base.
The vent system may not service multiple appliances and must never be connected to a flue
serving a solid fuel burning appliance.
The vent pipe is tested to be run inside an
enclosed wall (such as a chase). There is no
requirement for inspection openings in the enclosing wall at any of the joints in the vent pipe.
Vent Restrictor Assembly and
All vent systems require installation of a vent
restrictor. A vent restrictor kit is provided with
the fireplace (packaged inside the firebox) and
includes one base, two wings, and four screws
(see Figure 16A).
1. Assemble the vent restrictor components
according to the type of termination and
length of vent run, as shown in Figures 16B and 16C.
2. Install the vent restrictor in the appliance
top flue outlet, as shown in Figure 16D. The
vent restrictor is held in place by friction
Vent Restrictor Assembly for Vertical Termination Systems
For systems with vertical termination, use the four provided
screws to attach the two wings to the base in the applicable
position based on length of vertical run, as shown below.
Assembly for vertical termination with 6–10 ft vertical runs:
Note: When possible, install the vent
restrictor through the top of the appliance
vent outlet BEFORE installing the vent
system. (It is possible to install the vent
restrictor from inside the firebox after vent
system installation; however, doing so
requires removing the firebox baffle.)
Vent Termination
(Vertical or Horizontal)
With the appliance secured in framing,
determine whether to terminate the venting
vertically (through the roof) or horizontally
(through the wall).
• For Vertical (Roof) Termination Systems,
see Pages 17–20.
• For Horizontal (Wall) Termination Systems,
see Pages 21–24.
See Page 36 for a list of
approved venting components.
(1) Vent Restrictor Base
(2) Wings(4) Screws
Figure 16AFigure 16B
Vent Restrictor Installation
Applicable Vent Restrictor
Assembly (per Figures 16B and 16C)
Inner Collar
Appliance Vent Outlet
Assembly for vertical termination with 11–40 ft vertical runs:
Assembly for vertical termination with 41–60 ft vertical runs:
Install applicable vent restrictor assembly (per Figures 16B and 16C)
into inner collar of appliance vent outlet.
Note: The vent restrictor is held in place by friction only.
This section includes configurations for vertical
(roof) termination systems with either straight
vertical venting (see below and Page 20) and
offset vertical venting (see Pages 18–20).
Secure Vent™ rigid vent pipe and termination
components are shown in the figures.
The tables on Page 20 summarize each system’s minimum and maximum vertical and
horizontal length values.
For vertical (roof) termination, the minimum
vent height above the roof and/or adjacent
walls is specified in ANSI Z223.1, latest edition (in Canada, the current CAN/CSA-B149.1
installation code) and by major building
codes. Always consult your local codes for
specific requirements. A general guide to
follow is the Gas Vent Rule (see Figure 3B
on Page 8).
Vertical Termination System
with Straight Vertical Venting
Note: If not already done, install the provided vent restrictor before proceeding
(see Page 16).
Determine the number of straight vent sections required. Available straight vent sections (and their effective lengths) are listed
in Table 7, below. See Page 36 for all venting
Plan the vent lengths so a joint does not occur
at the intersection of ceiling or roof joists.
charts at right.
Vertical Termination System
with Straight Vertical Venting
Max. 60 ft
(18 m)
Min. 6 ft
(1.8 m)
Figure 17
Flashing and
Storm Collar
Min. 1 in (25 mm)
Clearance to
Secure Vent
Vent Sections
(SV8L6, SV8L12,
SV8L24, SV8L36,
Available Straight Vent Sections
Cat. No. Model No.DescriptionEffective Length
H2250 SV8L66 in (152 mm) Vent Section4.5 in (114 mm)
H2251 SV8L1212 in (305 mm) Vent Section10.5 in (267 mm)
H2252 SV8L2424 in (610 mm) Vent Section22.5 in (572 mm)
Inches x 25.4 = mm.
Inches x 2.54 = cm.
Inches x 0.0254 = m.
H2253 SV8L3636 in (914 mm) Vent Section34.5 in (876 mm)
H2254 SV8L4848 in (1219 mm) Vent Section 46.5 in (1181 mm)
Table 7 See Page 36 for a list of all approved venting components.
Vertical Termination System
with Offset Vertical Venting
Note: If not already done, install the provided vent restrictor before proceeding
(see Page 16).
Analyze the vent routing and determine the
quantities of vent sections and number of
elbows required. Refer to Vertical Termination
System Figures and Tables on Page 20 to
select the type of vertical installation desired.
Vent sections are available in net lengths of
4-1/2" (114 mm), 10-1/2" (267 mm), 22-1/2"
(572 mm), 34-1/2" (876 mm) and 46-1/2"
(1181 mm). Refer to the Vent Section Length
Chart on Page 17 for an aid in selecting length
combinations. Elbows are available in 90° and
45° configurations. See Figure 21 on Page 19
for the SV8E45 and SV8E90 elbow dimensional
Where required, a telescopic vent section (SV8LA) may be used to provide the installer
with an option in installing in tight and confined
spaces or where the vent run made up of fixed
length pieces develops a joint in a undesirable
location, or will not build up to the required
length. The SV8LA Telescopic Vent Section has
an effective length of from 1-1/2" (38 mm) to
6-3/4" (171 mm). The SV8LA is fitted with a
dimpled end (identical to a normal vent section
component) and a plain end with 3 pilot holes.
Slip the dimpled end over the locking channel
end of a standard SV8 vent component the
required distance and secure with three screws.
Maintain a minimum 1" (25 mm) clearance
to combustible materials for all vertical elements. Clearances for all horizontal elements
are 4" (102 mm) on top, 1" (25 mm) on sides
and 1" (25 mm) on the bottom.
A. Frame ceiling opening.
Use a plumb line from the ceiling above the
appliance to locate center of the vertical run.
Cut and/or frame an opening, 13" x 13" (330
mm x 330 mm) inside dimensions, about this
center mark (Figure 18).
Roof Framing
Min. 13 in
(330 mm)
Ceiling Framing
Plumb Bob
Figure 18
(330 mm)
B. Attach vent components to appliance.
Secure Vent™ SV8 direct-vent system compo-
nents are unitized concentric pipe components
featuring positive twist lock connections (see Figure 19).
All of the appliances covered in this document
are fitted with collars having locking inclined
channels. The dimpled end of the vent components fit over the appliance collar to create
the positive twist-lock connection.
Align four dimples in upper vent
section with inlets of four locking
incline channels on lower vent
section or appliance collar.
Twist upper vent section clockwise
Lower Vent Section or Appliance Collar
until arrows and dimples align.
Connected Vent
Figure 19
To attach a vent component to the appliance
collar, align the dimpled end over the collar,
adjusting the radial alignment until the four
locking dimples are aligned with the inlet of
the four inclined channels on the collar (refer to Figure 19). Push the vent component against
the collar until it fully engages, then twist the
component clockwise, running the dimples
down and along the incline channels until they
seat at the end of the channels.
The unitized design of the Secure Vent components will engage and seal both the inner
and outer pipe without the need for sealant or
screws. If desired, a #6 x 1/2" screw may be
used at the joint, but it is not required, as the
pipe will securely lock when twisted.
C. Attach vent components to each other.
Other vent sections may be added to the previously installed section in accordance with
the requirements of the vertical vent figures
and tables.
To add another vent component to a length of
vent run, align the dimpled end over the inclined
channel end of the previously installed section,
adjusting the radial alignment until the four
locking dimples are aligned with the inlets of
the four incline channels of the previous section.
Push the vent component against the previous
section until it fully engages, then twist the
component clockwise, running the dimples
down and along the incline channels until they
seat at the end of the channels. This seating
position is indicated by the alignment of the
arrow and dimple as shown in Figure 19.
D.Install firestop/spacer at ceiling.
When using Secure Vent, use SV8BF firestop/
spacer at ceiling joists. If there is living space
above the ceiling level, the firestop/spacer
must be installed on the bottom side of the
ceiling. If attic space is above the ceiling, the
firestop/spacer must be installed on the top
side of the joist.
Route the vent sections through the framed
opening and secure the firestop/spacer with
8d nails or other appropriate fasteners at
each corner. When running vertical chimney
sections, remember to maintain 1" (25 mm)
clearance to combustibles, framing members, and attic or ceiling insulation. Attic
insulation shield (H3908) is required and
may be used to help maintain the clearances
indicated here. See installation accessories
on Page 36. The gap between the vent pipe
and a vertical firestop can be sealed with
non-combustible caulking.
E. Support vertical vent run sections.
Note: Proper venting support is very important. The weight of the vent must not be
supported by the fireplace in any degree.
Support the vertical portion of the venting
system every 8 feet (2.4 m) above the fireplace
vent outlet.
One method of support is conventional
plumber’s tape (not provided). Secure the
plumber’s tape to the framing members with
nails or screws.
Loop the plumber’s tape around the vent,
securing the ends of the tape to the framing.
If desired, use #6 x 1/2" sheet metal screws
to secure the support straps to the vent pipe.
See Figure 20.
Vertical Termination System
with Offset Vertical Venting (continued)
F. Change vent direction to horizontal/
inclined run.
At any transition to or from a horizontal/
inclined run, install the elbows (SV8E45,
SV8E90; see Figure 21) in the same manner
as the straight vent sections.
The elbows feature a twist section to allow
them to be routed about the center axis of their
initial collar section, to align with the required
direction of the next vent run element. Twist
elbow sections in a clockwise direction only,
to avoid the possibility of unlocking any previously connected vent section (see Figures
19 and 21).
(153 mm)
360° Swivel Joint
45° Elbow
360° Swivel Joint
90° Elbow
(254 mm)
H. Frame roof opening.
Identify location for vent at the roof. Cut and/
or frame opening per Roof Framing Chart (see
Figure 22).
Framing Dimensions for Roof
13 in
(330 mm)
13 in
(330 mm)
13 in
(330 mm)
13 in
(330 mm)
15-1/2 in
(394 mm)
20-1/2 in
(541 mm)
Figure 22: Roof Framing
K. Install vertical termination.
The final step involves installation of the vertical termination. Extend the vent sections to the
height as shown in “Vertical Vent Termination Clearances” on Page 8.
The vertical termination (Figure 24) installs
in the same manner as other Secure Vent™
sections. Align the termination over the end of
the previously installed section, adjusting the
radial alignment until the four locking dimples
of the termination are aligned with the inlets of
the four incline channels of the last vent section.
Push the termination down until it fully engages,
then twist the termination clockwise, running
the dimples down and along the incline channels until they seat at the end of the channels.
Figure 21
G. Continue installation of horizontal/
inclined sections.
Continue with installation of the straight vent
sections in horizontal/inclined run as described in Step C. Install support straps every
3 ft (914 mm) along horizontal/inclined vent
runs using conventional plumber’s tape (see
Page 21, Figure 28).
NOTICE: It is important to install
horizontal runs on a steady, (i.e., no
“dips”), slightly positive incline of
approximately 1/4 inch rise-per-foot (20
millimeters rise-per-meter) horizontal,
in a direction away from the fireplace.
(Slightly smaller rise-per-foot run ratios
are acceptable.) Use a carpenter’s level
to measure from a constant surface, and
adjust support straps as necessary.
Note: It is important to maintain the required
clearances to combustibles: 1" (25 mm) at
all sides for all vertical runs; and 4" (102
mm) at the top, 1" (25 mm) at sides, and
1" (25 mm) at the bottom for all horizontal/
inclined runs.
I. Install roof flashing.
Extend the vent sections through the roof
structure. Install the roof flashing over the
vent section and position such that the vent
column rises vertically (use carpenters level)
(Figure 23 ). Nail along perimeter to secure
flashing or adjust roofing to overlap the flashing edges at top and sides only and trim where
necessary. Seal the top and both sides of the
flashing with waterproof caulking.
J. Install storm collar.
Install the storm collar, supplied with the
flashing, over the vent/flashing joint (see
Figure 23). Loosen the storm collar screw.
Slide collar down until it meets the top of the
flashing. Tighten the adjusting screw. Apply
non-combustible caulking or mastic around
the circumference of the joint to provide a
water tight seal.
Figure 24
If the vent system extends more than 5 ft (1.5
m) above the roof flashing, stabilizers may be
Additional screws may be used at section joints
for added stability.
Guide wires may be attached to the joint for additional support on multiple joint configurations.
Figure 23
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