SunX SD3-A1 User guide

About the instruction manual (connection and operation) of the SD3-A1 and the SD3SOFT instruction manual (software operation)
The instruction manual (conn ection and operati on) for the SD3-A1 contains important information on proper usage of laser scanner and usage in accordance with intend ed purpose. F or additional inform ation on the configuration of the SD3-A1, please refer to the SD3SOFT instructi on manual (software operation).
It is essential to observe all in formation in the instructi on manual (connecti on and operation) and in the instruction m anual (softw are operation), especially the safety notes.
The instruction manual (connection and operation) and the instruction manual (software operation) must be kept in a safe place. They must be available during the entire period when the SD3-A1 i s in use. Documents ar e also aut omatically inst all ed on the PC wh en SD3SOFT is installed and can be viewed at any time with the Help menu.
Safety and warning notices are identified by the symbol .
References to important information are identified by the symb ol .
References to the safety of laser devices are identified with the symbol .
SUNX Limited is not liable for damage caused by improper usage. The user must also be familiar with all the SD3-A1 m anuals t o be able t o u se th e sy st em pr operl y.
Version: V5.5
Reprinting and duplic ation is prohibited in whole or in part without prior approval of
SUNX Limited.
1 Approvals .........................................................................................................................................6
2 System Overview .............................................................................................................................9
3 Safety Notes and Usage in Accordance with Intended Purpose ............................................. 13
4 Applications for the SD3-A1 .........................................................................................................19
5 Information for Planning and Mounting...................................................................................... 25
1.1 Approval and declaration of EC conformity............................................................................6
1.2 Specialized technical terms and abbreviations ......................................................................7
1.3 Guidelines and standards ....................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Brief description and functional principle of the SD3- A1........................................................ 9
2.2 Special features of the SD3-A1............................................................................................ 11
3.1 General safety notes ............................................................................................................13
3.2 Usage requirements and usage in accordance with intended purpose ............................... 13
3.3 Restrictions for use ............................................................................................................... 14
3.4 Information related to detection zone cha ngeover ............................................................... 15
3.5 General information related to determining detection zone contours ..................................16
3.6 Additional safety notes for stationary use ............................................................................17
3.7 Additional safety notes for mobile use ................................................................................. 18
4.1 Stationary safeguarding of the danger area.........................................................................19
4.2 Access guarding by passage monitoring .............................................................................20
4.3 Safeguarding of danger points based on hand and arm protection.....................................21
4.4 Mobile safeguarding of automatic guided vehicles ..............................................................22
4.5 Protecting transporter trolleys against collisions .................................................................. 22
4.6 Guarding the sides on AGVs ................................................................................................ 23
4.7 Other possible applications ..................................................................................................24
5.1 Attachment and dimensions .................................................................................................26
5.2 Installing adjacent laser scanners ........................................................................................26
5.2.1 Constructive measures......................................................................................................... 26
5.2.2 Adjusting adjacent laser scanners........................................................................................ 27
5.3 Information on setting the dimensions of detection zones ...................................................28
5.3.1 Methods of configuring detection zones using the PC ......................................................... 28
5.3.2 Range of the detection zone, resolution ............................................................................... 28
5.3.3 Range of the warning zone, resolution.................................................................................29
5.3.4 Range of the measurement field ..........................................................................................30
5.3.5 Required detection zone additions Z....................................................................................30
5.4 Safeguarding stationary danger zones ................................................................................ 31
5.4.1 The purpose of safeguarding ............................................................................................... 31
5.4.2 Mounting position .................................................................................................................31
5.4.3 Mounting height ....................................................................................................................32
5.4.4 Recommendations for mounting to prevent unmonitored zon es .........................................32
5.4.5 Additions ...............................................................................................................................36
5.4.6 System availability ................................................................................................................36
5.4.7 Restart interlock....................................................................................................................37
5.4.8 Calculating the detection zone dimensions for safeguard ing an area .................................38
5.5 Access protection ................................................................................................................. 43
5.5.1 Object of protection .............................................................................................................. 43
5.5.2 Installation position ...............................................................................................................43
5.5.3 Safety-relevant settings, and calculation of the safety distance .......................................... 43
5.5.4 Definition of the reference bo undary ....................................................................................44
5.6 Protecting danger points.......................................................................................................45
5.6.1 Object of protection .............................................................................................................. 45
5.6.2 Installation position ...............................................................................................................45
5.6.3 Safety-related settings, and calculation of the safety distance ............................................ 45
5.6.4 Defining the reference boundary ..........................................................................................47
5.7 Safeguarding mobile machines ............................................................................................ 48
5.7.1 The purpose of safeguarding ............................................................................................... 48
5.7.2 Installing adjacent laser scanners ........................................................................................48
5.7.3 Mounting position .................................................................................................................48
5.7.4 Mounting height ....................................................................................................................48
5.7.5 Recommendations for mounting to prevent unmonitored zon es .........................................49
5.7.6 Additions ...............................................................................................................................51
5.7.7 System availability ................................................................................................................52
5.7.8 Restart ..................................................................................................................................52
5.7.9 Calculating the dimensions of the detection zone of an AGV application ........................... 53
5.7.10 Side guarding configuration on AGVs ..................................................................................56
6 Details on Switching Over Detection and Warning Zones........................................................57
7 Functions of the SD3-A1............................................................................................................... 62
8 Integrating the SD3- A1 into Machine Controls ..........................................................................64
9 Electrical Connection....................................................................................................................69
10 Commissioning..............................................................................................................................73
6.1 Sequence of zone pair switchovers...................................................................................... 57
6.2 Practical AGV applicat ion (example) .................................................................................... 59
7.1 Restart ..................................................................................................................................62
7.2 Channels for zone pair changeovers, FP 1 to FP 4 .............................................................62
7.3 Alarm 1 (X1-5) ...................................................................................................................... 63
7.4 Alarm 2 (X1-15) .................................................................................................................... 63
7.5 OSSD 1 (X1-12) and OSSD 2 (X1-11) .................................................................................64
7.6 Data communication .............................................................................................................64
8.1 Integrating the SD3-A1 with external wiring with re lays and
eightfold zone pair changeover ............................................................................................65
8.2 Connecting the SD3-A1 to a safety sequence circuit with manual restart,
relay monitoring, without zone pair changeover .................................................................. 67
8.3 Connecting the SD3-A1 to a PLC with corresponding safety level
(Category 3 or higher, EN 954) and zone pair changeover .................................................68
9.1 Electrical power supply......................................................................................................... 69
9.2 Connecting the PC and control cables to the scanner ......................................................... 69
9.3 Connector assembly .............................................................................................................70
9.4 Points to consider when preparing and laying the cables .................................................... 70
9.5 Interface pin assignments.....................................................................................................71
10.1 Hardware and software requirements ..................................................................................73
10.2 Installing “SD3SOFT” and starting up the SD3-A1 ..............................................................73
10.3 SD3-A1 status indicator........................................................................................................ 75
10.4 Status information of the SD3- A1......................................................................................... 77
10.5 Restart and device swap-out ................................................................................................78
11 Maintenance and Testing..............................................................................................................79
12 Delivery Package ...........................................................................................................................93
13 Technical Data ...............................................................................................................................96
14 Diagnostic Codes and Causes...................................................................................................103
11.1 Test before first startup by person qualified and authorized to perform the task ................ 79
11.2 Extended shutdown of the SD3- A1 ...................................................................................... 79
11.3 Regular tests by a person qualified and authorized to perform the task .............................80
11.4 Daily test by with test piece performed by responsible operating personnel ....................... 80
11.4.1 Checklist for daily test of stationary applications by responsible operating personnel ........81
11.4.2 Checklist for daily test of mobile applications by responsible operating personnel ............. 82
11.5 Checklist for testing stationary applications .........................................................................83
11.6 Checklist for testing mobile applications ..............................................................................85
11.7 Replacing the optical window ............................................................................................... 87
11.7.1 General information: .............................................................................................................87
11.7.2 Initial measurement of the new optical window.................................................................... 89
11.7.3 Procedure when using the SD3SOFT user software version 1.09 or later .......................... 90
11.8 Cleaning................................................................................................................................91
11.8.1 Cleaning the optical window when dirty ...............................................................................91
11.8.2 Cleaning the optical window; cleaning diffusing light panes ................................................ 92
12.1 Disposal ................................................................................................................................93
12.2 Accessories and spare parts ................................................................................................ 94
12.3 Coding of the control cable X1 .............................................................................................95
13.1 Test pieces ...........................................................................................................................96
13.2 Detection zone...................................................................................................................... 96
13.3 Detection zone additions ......................................................................................................97
13.4 Warning zone........................................................................................................................97
13.5 Contour measurement .......................................................................................................... 97
13.6 Electrical power supply......................................................................................................... 98
13.7 Inputs ....................................................................................................................................98
13.8 Outputs .................................................................................................................................98
13.9 Software................................................................................................................................99
13.10 Interfaces ..............................................................................................................................99
13.11 Optics....................................................................................................................................99
13.12 Environment and material................................................................................................... 100
13.13 Dimensional drawings of the SD3-A1 ................................................................................ 101
13.14 Dimensional drawings of the mount ing system.................................................................. 102
1 Approvals
1.1 Approval and declaration of EC conformit
EC t yp e examin ation in accor d anc e with DIN EN 61496 - 1 and IEC 6149 6 - 3
TUV PRODUCT SERVICE GMBH IQSE Ridlerstr. 65 80339 Munich
1.2 Specialized technical terms and abbreviations
AGV Automatic Guided Vehicle (FTS in German)
AOPD Active Optoelectronic Protective Device
AOPDDR Active Optoelectronic Protective Device responsive to Diffuse
EDM External Devic e Monitoring
ESPE Electro-Sensitive Protecting Equipment (BWS in German)
N.O. N orm al open cont ac t
OSSD Output Signal Switching Device Safety-relevant switch output
PC Personal Computer
DZ Detecti on Zone (SF in German)
Reset Defined Reset or SD3-A1
RS-232 RS-232 interface
RS-422 RS-422 interface
ZP Zone Pair (contains 1 × detection zone and 1 × warning zone)
WZ Warning Zone (WF in German)
Table 1.2-1: Specialized technic al terms and abbreviations
Monitoring of external control parts (relay monitoring)
(FP in German)
1.3 Guidelines and standards
The following guidelines and standards are of critical importance for the implementation of laser scanner. Guidelines providing particularly relevant information for users of such systems are marked with an asterisk (
Guideline / Standard Designation
European Gu idelines
98 / 37 / EG Machine guideline
73 / 23 / EWG Low voltage guideline
89 / 336 / EW G EMC guideline
A Standards
ISO 12100-1 and 2 Safety of machi nery - basic concepts
ISO 14121 Safety of machi nery - principles for risk assessment
B1 Standards
ISO 13852 Safety of m achinery - safety di stances to prevent danger
ISO 13849-1 Safety of machi nery - Safety related parts of control
ISO 13855 Safety of machinery. The positioning of protective
B2 Standards
IEC 60204-1 Safety of m achinery - Electric al equipm ent of machines -
IEC 60825-1 Safety of laser products - Part 1: Equipm ent classification
IEC 61496-1 Safety of machinery. Electro-sensitive prot ective
IEC 61496-3 Safety of machinery - Electro-sensitive prot ective
C Standards
DIN EN 775 Industrial robots - Safety
DIN EN 1525 Safety of industrial trucks - Driverless trucks and their
DIN EN 12895 Industrial trucks - El ectromagnetic compatibility
zones being reached by the upper limbs
systems; Part 1: General principl es for design
equipment in respect of approach speeds of parts of the human body
Part 1: General requirem ents
and requirements
equipment. General requirements and tests
equipment - Part 3: P articular requir ements for Active Opto-electronic Protective Devices responsive to Diffuse Reflection (AOP DD R)
Guideline / Standard Designation
National Standards
DIN 15185-2 Warehousesyst ems with powered industrials trucks
Table 1.3-1: Guidelines and standards
This list does not claim to b e complete. In certain cases, the concrete requirements of the application will necessitate the application of additional guidelines and standards!
System Overvie
2.1 Brief description and functional principle of the SD3-A1
The SD3-A1 is an optical distance sensor th at takes two-dimensional m easurements. I could also be referred to as an optical area radar device. The sensor uses a rotating deflecting unit to periodically emit light pulses within a working range of 190°.
If these pulses strike a person or an object, the reflected light is received and evaluated by the SD3-A1. The sc anner calculates the precise coordinates of the person or object bas ed on the t ravel time of the refl ected light and the c urrent an gl e of th e defl ecting unit. If the person or object is within the bounds of a previously defined area called a detection zone, a safety-oriented switching function is performed. This switching function causes the semiconductor outputs to be switched OFF. The safety-oriented switching function cannot be reset until the detection zone is clear. Depending on the operating mode, the reset can be initiated eith er automatically or manually.
Fig. 2.1-1: The 190° angle range of the SD3-A1 is divided into 0.36° angle
A laser diode coupled with transmitter optics produces focused li ght pulses. These pulses are projec t ed acr oss the m oni tored su rf ac e by a rot at in g m irror in suc h a way t hat a light pulse is triggered in each of the angle segments within 40ms (scanning rate: 25 scans/s).
Fig. 2.1-2: Functional principle of the SD3-
The SD3-A1 can detect peopl e up to a distanc e of 4.0m even if they are wearing very dark clothing or exhibit a low degree of reflectance. Dangerous movements are brought to a standstill by two failsafe semiconductor outputs.
Objects (min. 150 × 150mm) are detect ed up to a di stance of 15m (c orresponds to the
warning zone) and signaled by way of a non-safety-related semiconductor output.
Eight programmable zone pairs (each of which consists of one detection zone and one warning zone) enable the scanner to be optim ally adapted to the needs of each particula application.
The SD3-A1 c an b e i mplem ented n ot onl y on m achin es and system s ( st ation ar y safeguarding of danger zones), but also on vehicles (mobile safeguard ing of transport vehicles).
Due to its wide rang e of measurem ent and its non-c ontact, electro-sensitive measurem en t p ri nciple, th e SD3-A1 can be effectively used as a protective device fo virtually any application.
2.2 Special features of the SD3-A1
x Eight freely programm able detecti on zones (up to a maximum of 4m)
x Eight freely programm able warning zones (up to a maximum of 15m)
x Expanded monitoring rang e of up to 190°
x ConfigPlug for easy device exchange without configuration expense
x Compact design (W × D × H: 140mm × 135mm × 155mm)
x Light weight (2kg)
x Low power consumption requirements (300mA, plus the load at the output s)
x Two types of int erfaces at one Sub-D jack (RS-232 and RS-422)
x User-friendly softw are
3 Safety Notes and Usage in Accordance with Intended Purpose
General safety notes
The protective functi on of the d evi c es c an be n egati vely affected, how ever, i f they are used improperly or not in accordance with their intended purposes. If this occurs, it may not be possibly to safeguard danger areas completely or at all, which may result in danger to life and / or limb for persons who are in the general area of the machines or systems.
Caution – laser radiation! The SD3-A1 is a laser device belonging to laser class 1. The valid legal and local regulations for operating laser syst ems must be compli ed with. Avoid p ositioning t he sc anner at ey e l evel.
The relevant regulations for machine safety apply for the use of the laser scanner SD3-A1. Responsible authoriti es (for example professional trade unions, OSHA) are also avai labl e for qu est ions rel at ed to safet y. In gen er al, the following u sage requirem ents must be observed:
x If the scanner is enclosed in a protective housing, additional window material, such
x Avoid touching the scanner optical window and the six diffusing light screens.
x The SD3-A1 is not suit abl e for use as a prot ec ti ve d evic e:
x The SD3-A1 corresponds to Type 3 in accordanc e with IEC 61496 -1 and 3.
x The elec tr ic al connection of the SD3-A1 to the control system must only b e made by
x The 24V DC (+2 0% / -30% ) power supply must be ensur ed by a safe network
equirements and usage in accordance with intended purpose
as plastic or gl ass must not be used as it may impair th e detection.
- if it is possible that dangerous fluids will be spewed out or objects will be ejected.
- for machines with long braking tim es (max. depth of the detection zone: 4m)
safety cat egory of 3 in accord anc e w it h EN 954-1 c an b e ac hi ev ed with the SD3-A1 if all other elements in th e safet y chain are set up to stop th e d angerou s m otion in accordance with that safety category.
an electrician.
disconnect in accordance with IEC 742. The sam e requirements apply to all connected input and output circuits.
x The 24V DC pow er m ust be supplied to th e scanner t hr ou gh a se pa rat e branc h w it h
a 1.25A delayed action fuse in the control cabinet.
x You must ensure that prot ec ti ve caps ar e scr ew ed ont o i nt er fac es X1 and X 2. This
will protect the interfaces against dust.
x The safety output has a double design. The two OSSDs must always be included in
the shut-off circ ui t of t he mac hi ne in such a mann er th at eit he r o f t he t w o is completely sufficient by itself t o turn OFF the m otion that presents a dang er.
x The alarm output 1 (Pin 5 on X1) must not be used to switch safety-related sign als.
x System tests (of the scanner, m achine, control c omponents and switch com ponents)
may only be performed when they do not result in potential hazards for people.
x Tampering with or making changes to the SD3-A1 can result in the loss of the safety
x Only expert tr ained personnel is allowed to perform startup, maintenance, parameter
settings or detection zone configurations. Familiarity with the safety notes in this instruction manual (c onnecti on and operation) and in the instruction manual (so ftware operation) for th e “SD3SOFT” program constitutes part of this expert know l edge.
x The password required for configuring safety-relevant param eters must be kept in a
secure location by the safety official. Information about password levels can be found in the instruction manual (software operation) for the “SD3SOFT”.
x If the machine is designed for start interlock / manual restart, all detection zones
must be checked before enable - no one is permitted in the danger area.
3.3 Restrictions for use
x Glass, highly reflective materials such as mirrors (reflectance > 10.000%), or objects
that do not reflect any li ght back to the sensor can falsi fy the measurement result. More inform ation is available in Chapter 5.3.5.
x Do not expose the SD3-A1 to flying sparks (for example a welding flash). Doing so
may caus e damage t o t he optical wind ow.
x Vap or, sm ok e, dust and all parti cles visible i n t he air have a signi ficant neg ativ e
effect on measurement values and will result in the semiconductor outputs being turned OFF.
x Avoid ext rem e variat ions in tem p eratu re.
x Make sure that the following types of light sources are not present on the sc anning
 Laser light from o ne or m or e ot h er scanners or sens ors
 Infrared light
 Fluorescent light
 Stroboscopic light
Please consid er as well Chapter 5.2.
x It must not be used for vehicles with int ernal combustion engines.
x The SD3-A1 is conc eived for u se i nside enc losed spac es and w it h the op er ati ng
parameters listed in the technical specifications (temperature, humidity, shock, vibration, etc.). Please refer t o the list of parameters in Chapter 13.
x Avoid having reflective surfaces (such as glass, mirrors, retro-reflect ors, etc.) at fixed
contours in the scanning plane. If this is not possible, an additional detection zone must be provided.
3.4 Information
If alternating operation is included in the design, and thus detecti on zone changeover, the activation and effect of the detection zone in question must match the alternating operating mode.
x The new detection zone must be activated before turning OFF the previous
detection zone. The time at which the changeover is made must be based on a ri sk analysi s.
x Braking paths, response and coast -down tim es must b e taken int o consideration
(for example overlapping detection zones).
x A “Start interlock” function is provided.
x If the machine has a restart key, it must not be possible to operate it from inside the
det ection z ones. Al l dang er areas m ust b e visible from the p osit ion of the but t on. Before releasing the start / restart interlock, all detection zones must be tested. No one is permitted inside the danger areas.
x There m ust b e no unmonitor ed zones in si de the dang er ar eas.
x There must be no possibility for direct access to the danger area that shortens the
necessary safety distance (use a protective grid, for example).
x The information on required detection zone additions in Chapter 5 m ust be
elated to detection zonechangeove
3.5 General information
x Shadow effects (e.g. surfaces or areas located behind stationary objects) must be
considered. As a rule, insufficient safeguarding must be adequately sup plemented by further safety measures such as protective grid, light curtains, and the like!
x Access to the detection zone in the dangerous area is not permitted.
x When setting the dimensions of the detection zone, you must comply with the
formulas cited in Chapters 5.4.8 and 5.7.9! Be sure to comply with higher-level machine standards (e.g. DIN EN 1525) if applicable. These c ontai n indivi dual speci ficati ons, for exam ple, on point s of access t o the danger zone and, if applicable, detection zone additi ons that must be given special considerati on. They al so pr ovide info rm ati on on how t o measur e safe ty dist anc es at machi nes.
x Det ecti on z on es w ith a r adi us sm aller than 20c m (at or c lose t o t he scann er) ar e not
admissible. 20cm is the preset minimum contour.
x When setting the dimensions of the detection zones, please comply with the
maxim um angle rang e st at ed in t he technic al sp ecificati ons (Chapt er 1 3.11).
x Needle-shaped detecti on zone contours are not p ermitted, since they do not ensure
any protective effect. For additional information, please refer to the SD3SOFT use software (Chapter entitled “Definition of detection zones”).
x Due to possible measurement errors, every detection zone has an additions area in
which detection is not guaranteed under all conditions. Please c onsider as well Chapter 5.3.5. Read Chapt er 5.4.6 and 5.7.7 for information on optimizing system availability.
x The required safety distances must be taken into account when m aking detection
zone configurations. Safety distances are calculated according to formulas found in either the machine-specific C standards or the general B standards IEC 61496-3 in combinati on with DIN EN 999 (see Section 2 and 5 of the standard). T olerance fields and / or additi ons (make sure to consid er Chapter 5.4 and 5.7).
fter the detection zones have been set, make a printout of the following
informati on:
 Detection zone contour with the X and Y coordinates
 Date
 Serial num b er of the sc ann er
 Name of the safety official
x When calcul ati ng the ad diti ons, be su re t o c onsider wh ether th e du st alg ori th m is
deactivated or activated (see Chapt er 5.3.5).
elated to determining detection zone contours
x When calculating the safety distanc es, be sure to consider all delay times, such as
the r es pons e tim e of th e sc anner, r esponse time of t he contr ol elem ents, and braking times and / or stopping times of the machine / system or AGV! Variations in delay time caused by fact ors such as reduced braking power must also be taken int considerati on.
x The effectiveness of the switch-off function must be tested along the defined contou
of the detecti on zone during th e initial startup and subsequent to any changes made to a machin e or syst em .
x The effectiveness of the switch-off function must be tested for the detection zone
contours along the entire driving route during the initial startup and following an changes made to an AGV.
x In the event that there is insufficient room available to allow the full dimensions of a
detection zone, for example because of the position of the scanner, additional safet measures (e.g. protective grids) must be installed.
x Following each definition of and change t o the detection zones, the configuration
must be checked to see whether the possibility of people standing in the dange zone as well as any barriers provided have been considered by an appropriate layout of the detection zone(s).
3.6 Additional safety notes for stationary use
x If the danger zone can be accessed from the side, and if the detecti on zone cannot
be extended sufficiently in this direction, additional safety measures (e.g. protective grids) m ust be inst alled.
x We recommended marking th e contour of the detection zone on the floor by painting
a colored lin e or applying c olored adhesive tape.
x Check the mounting regul arly (in particular, the angle of inclination) in order t
guarantee the reliability of detection.
3.7 Additional safety notes for mobile use
x There are additional requirements for the use of scanners on automatic guided
vehicles (AGV) and transporter trolleys according to DIN EN 1525.
x If possible, expanded detection zones to each side should be provided in order to
safeguard access from the side and dir ectly in front of the vehicle.
x If is it not possible to completely safeguard the contour of th e vehicle including its
trailer and the dimensions of its load while making curves, additional protective devices such as switch strips must be att ached to the side of the vehicle.
x There m ust b e a m in imum safety dist anc e S
on both sides. A one-sided minimum safety distance is admissible in certain exception al cases. Th e specifications of DIN EN 1525 must be complied with.
x The basic value of the detecti on zone width for an AGV corresponds t o the
maximum vehicle width including the trailer and the dimensions of the load plus the detection zone additions Z AGV while making curves must be considered when defining detection zones.
x If the SD3-A1 is mounted on vehicles, the mounting (especially the angle o
inclination), the vehicles' braking p ower, and if applicable, play in the vehicle guidance (the difference betw een the optimum and actual line of guidance) must be regularly checked in order to guarantee the reliability of detection.
. Furtherm ore, the greatest possible lateral shift of the
of 500mm to the side of the vehicle
4 Applications for the SD3-A1
Due to its continuous c overag e of the area, its wide r ange, and the ability to select among eight zone pairs, the SD3-A1 is able to handl e even complex applications.
4.1 Stationary safeguarding of the danger area
The SD3-A1 is used to safeguard dangerous working areas at machines and systems where bot h c on st ant an d v ariabl e dem ands are pl ac ed on t he geom etrical sh ap e of the detection zone. The aim is to prevent people from entering the danger zone or reaching the danger point with their upper and / or lower extr emities, at the same time without impeding th e production process. The SD3-A1 can b e m ounted di rectly at t he m achin e t abl e or on the sid e o r in fr ont of t he machine.
Fig. 4.1-1: Danger area guarding at st ationary machinery with two alternating work
Please comply with the safety notes in Chapt er 3 and Ch apter 5.4.7. For an example o how to calcul ate detection zone measures, pl ease refer t o Chapter 5.4.8.
4.2 Access guarding by passage monitoring
Access guarding by passage monitoring (whole body trip control) is a suit able method when the access to a machine or to a hazardous zone can be precisely defined in structural terms, and there is no other unprotect ed access to the area. It is best to mount the l aser sc anner ab ov e the p as sag e i n questi on, in vertic al ali gnment. In order to sec ure the protecti ve equipm ent, laser scanner and fenc e against inadvertent misadjustm ent and manipulation, the detection zon es of the SD3-A1 must be defined on the basis of a reference boundary. In this operating mode, the scanner will use the polled environment as a r ef er ence and so ch ec k for c hang es in t he lay out of th e prot ec ti ve eq uipm ent, as w ell as checking every one of the individual measur ements it carries out with a view t detecting an intrusion. An exam ple of the configuration of the SD3-A1 to give access protection by passage monitoring will be found in Chapter 5.5.
Fig. 4.2-1:
Access guarding by whole body trip control with system check of a reference boundary
4.3 Safeguarding of danger points based on hand and arm protection
If the machine operator, in close proximity to the danger zone, needs to halt the hazardous m ovement of the machi ne or t o coordinate the handling of workpieces or thei rem ov al from t he machi ne, the m achine m ust b e provid ed wi th protect ion at the d an ger point. To safeguard danger points in this way a protective syst em needs to be installed. The SD3-A1 is certified as a system providing hand and arm protection, and is able in such a situation to guarantee flexible safety conditions in the workplace. This may be com bined wi th alt er nat i on of the d et ecti on z on es. In ord er to safeguar d t he prot ecti ve equipment, laser scanner and side-mounted panels (which serve as a reference and provide additional access protection) against inadvertent misadjustment or manipulati on, the detection zones of the SD3-A1 must be de fi ne d on th e basi s of a refer ence bound ar y. An exam pl e of th e c onfigur ation of th e SD3-A1 for the protecti on of danger p oints based on hand and arm protecti on may be found in Chapter 5.6.
Fig. 4.3-1: Safeguarding of danger p oints based on hand and arm protection with
alternation of detection zones
4.4 Mobile safeguarding of automatic guided vehicles
For this application, the SD3-A1 is installed on automatic guided vehicles in order to monitor the vehicle path. The aim is t o detect people or objects in the path of the vehicle and to automatically bring the vehicle to a halt. Safety systems available up to now, such as bumpers or safety bars, have allowed only very low driving speeds t o be maintained. In contrast, using the SD3-A1 as a n on-c ont ac t “ advanc e bump er ” results in the cr eat ion of a substantially larger safety zone. The vehic l es c an m ove fast er, an d d own tim es are reduced to th e necessary minimum.
Fig. 4.4-1: Safeguarding an automatic guided vehicle
Please comply with th e safety n otes in Chapter 3. For an exampl e of how to calculate detection zone measures, please refer to Chapter 5.7.9.
4.5 Protecting transporter trolleys against collisions
Transport er trolleys are generally guided along a system of rails or grooves in the fl oor. Hence the vehicle paths are usually just slightly wider than the trolleys themselves. This represents an increased hazard for peopl e, since it is impossible to get out of the way o the t roll ey. For this re ason, tr anspo rt er t roll ey are u sed in encl osed areas equipped with suitable access safeguarding.
Fig. 4.5-1: Safeguarding a transport er trolley
Please comply with the safety notes in Chapter 3 and Chapt er 5.7.8. In these cases, the SD3-A1 is used to detect people or objects in the vehicle path and then automatically bring the vehicle to a halt. Select “Manual restart” mode.
The demands placed on the geometric al shape of the detecti on zone are determ ined b the vehicl e width, speed, stopping distance and response time. Here as well, factors such as ad dition s in the di rect ion of travel for t ol erances in th e m easurement v alu e and reduced braki ng power du e to wear and tear must be taken into consideration.
4.6 Guarding the sides on AGVs
In addition to the danger area guarding of the path of an AGV application, in some cases it is also necessary to set up a side guarding. This side guarding detects people in the space between vehicle and conveyor, or detects people that stand on the conveyor edge in the vehicle area. Furthermore, the side guarding also enables the correct position of the load to be m onitored, so that a transport with overhanging load is not initiated.
Fig. 4.6-1: Bild 6.3-1 guarding the sides on AGVs
Please observe the safety notes in Chapter 3. An example for the side guarding configurati on on AGVs can be found in Chapter 5.7.9 and 5.7.10.
4.7 Other possible applications
x Object and contour measurement
x Logistics (counting, measuring, controlling)
x Projec tion control (e.g. in fully autom ati c parking ramps or l ots)
x Safeguarding or monitoring enclosed spaces
x and many more
5 Information for Planning and Mounting
It is essential that the following key points be complied with so that the SD3-A1 can provide optimum performance:
x The SD3-A1 must be placed so that areas of access to the danger zone being
monitored are completely covered by the detecti on zone.
x The mounting posi ti on of t he sc ann er sh oul d provid e prot ec ti on from hum idit y, dir
and extrem e temperatures below 0°C or over 50 °C.
x The mounting position must be selected in such a way as to minimize the possibilit
of mechanic al damage. Additional protective cover panels or safety bars m ust be install ed at exposed positions.
x Reinforcements, cover panels, m ounting niches, and other m achine elem ents ma
not in any way impair the fi el d of vi ew of t he sc anner.
x If there are areas of shadow caused by fixed obstacles that were defined as part o
the detection zone boundary, these should be safeguarded (e.g. by protective grids) in order to prevent people standing in them from being able to suddenl y enter the detection zone. This point must be taken into account in the hazard analysis of the machine or system.
x Be su re that ther e are n o retro-r eflec t ors or hig hl y refl ective sur fac es made o f m etal
or ceramic in the area of the detection zone and at the height of the scanning plan e. Suc h obj ect s c an cau se measur em ent er rors.
x In order to ensure a consist ent detection height at every point of the detection zone,
the scanner – and hence the scanning pl ane – must be placed parallel to reference section.
x If the “Rest art interl ock” function is included, the rest art butt on must be located
outside the detection zone in a place that is visible from the entire danger area.
x If the scanner is used without a start interlock or startup test with automatic start
restart, a st artup warning (visual or acoustic) must be provided.
x The scann er must not be u sed as an aid for clim bing. I f there is any risk , a suitabl e
diagonal protection (45°) should be set up.
Please comply with the safety notes in Chapter 3, Chapt er 5.4.7 and 5.7.8.
5.1 Attachment and dimensions
For attaching the SD3-A1, four drill holes are located at the back of the unit. Any laser scanner i nstall ation point is po ssi bl e w it h m ounting. Th e SD3-A1 can, for example, also be mounted on the head or inclined facing down. The mounting system MS-SD3-1 is available as an accessory offering following advantages:
x Speeds up the mounting process by providing screws that are accessible from the
llows vertical inclinations of up to 9°, either up or down, infinitely adjustabl e within
this range.
llows lateral tilting of up to approx. 9° to either side from the midpoint setting,
infinitely adjustable within this range.
x Enables quick replacem ent of the scanner without requiring realignm ent.
For inform ation on which parts and dimensions are required for mounting, please refer to Chapter 13.13 and 13.14.
5.2.1 Constructive measures
Installing adjacent laser scanners
The SD3-A1 has been developed in a way that prevents several laser scanners from interfering with one other as much as possible.
n increase in the response time can, however, be caused by the installation of several adjacent laser scanners. If none of the constructive measures (secti on 5.2.1) described in the following sections or the specific adjustm ent (section 5.2.2) are impl emented, then
the SD3-A1 response time set and shown in the configuration and diagnos is software (SD3SOFT) is extended by 40ms. This ext ension in the response time must
be taken into account when calculating the safety distance!
The direct external light irradiation from laser scanners of the same kind (905nm laser light wavelength) in a line and at th e same installation height can be prevented with shielding plates at scan level. Shielding, as high as the scanner front screen and flush with the front housing edge, is sufficient. The same also applies with installation in parallel alignment and overl apping of the scan levels.
a = SD3-A1 b = Mac hi ne (view fr om above) c = Detecti on zones d = Shield plate, flush with the housing
Fig. 5.2-1: Shielding to prevent direct irradiation
Adjusting adjacent laser scann ers
In order to prevent faulty deactivation and scanners interfering with each other as much as possible, when using several laser scanners you must install these as shown in the following examples. Installation on the basis of the MS-SD3-1 m ounting system makes precise adjustm ent signific antly easier.
Installati on with height offset or a crossed alignment also prevents interferenc e from beam reflections onto surrounding objects. When safeguarding danger zones, please also ensure that it is not possible to crawl under the detection zone, so that gaps do not occur with access guarding.
Fig. 5.2-2: Installation with height offset (parallel alignment)
Fig. 5.2-3:
Installation without height offset (crossed alignment)
Fig. 5.2-4: Opposing installation without height offset (crossed alignment)
5.3 Information on setting the dimensions of detection zones
The hazards caused by machines and systems place a wide range of demands on safety distances and detection zones which must be appropriately defined.
Methods of configuring detection zones using the PC
With its SD3SOFT configuration and diagnostic software, the SD3-A1 offers various methods for setting the configurations of detection zones.
Numerical input
A separate dialog within the user program “SD3SOFT” allows the right, left and front edges of the detection zone to be set using numerical values in mm.
Graphic input
A separate dialog within the user program “SD3SOFT” allows th e basic contours of the detection zone to be entered. The contours can be adapt ed infinit ely to the desired size o the detecti on zone. The following shapes are available:
x circle
x rectangle
x polygon
In addition, the contours can be infinitely varied by:
x changing
x limiting and
x deleting
partial segm ents as desired
Range of the detection zone, resolution
The maximum range of the detection zone S with a diameter of 70mm and a reflectance factor of 1.8% (e.g. bl ack corduroy). The reference point of the measurement is the axis of the rotating mirror on the scanner 64mm behind the front edge of the scanner.
4m (including the additions) for an object
Range of the warning zone,
A maximum range of 10m is available for an object with a diameter of 100mm. The maximum available range for an object with a diameter of 150mm is 15m. Both of these figur es assum e a reflect anc e f act or of 20%.
Resolution in mm
a = Detection zone b = Warning zone c = Measurem ent field
Fig. 5.3-1: Detecting obj ects in the detection zone and in the warning zone. T he
referenc e p oint of t he distanc e meas ur em ent is th e axis of the r ot ati ng mirror.
Range of the measurement
The maximum distanc e for contour measurement at a reflectance factor of 80% (white gypsum) is 50m.
Remissi on in %
a = Detection zone b
= Measurement field
Fig. 5.3-2: Detection of objects depending on the reflectanc e factor. The reference
point of the distance measurement is the axis of the rotating mirror.
Required detection zone additions Z
The SD3-A1 is equipped with a selectabl e dust algorithm to ensure optimum freedom from int erfer ence.
The following detection zone additions must be taken into account:
Addition Z suppression is deactivated
Addition Z suppression is activated
if dust
if dust
83mm (for a det ection zone size < 3.5m) 100mm (for a detection zone size 3.5m)
Activation and deactivation of the function is perform ed by SD3SOFT.
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