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Transfer F ile By Mobile App 07
Tran sfer Fil eby We bpag e 16
Take Photos / Videos via In-app Camera 19
Acce ss Poin t (AP) Mod e 21
Preca utions
Packa ge Conten ts
Produ ct D iagra m
Featu res
As a Fileh ub
As a Travel R outer
As a Pow er Bank
Opera tion Guide
LED Indica tors
Butto n Contro l
Acces s the Filehub
Config ure the Travel Rou ter
Share via Samba / DLNA 34
Syste m Settin gs 36
1) On M obil e Ap p
2) On We bpage (10 .10.10 .254 )
FileHu b as a Power Ban k
Specif icatio ns

The deviceopera tes correctly only with a spec ifiedvoltag e rating;
otherwise it ma y be damaged.
·Keep awayfrom heatsource.
·Keep away f rom electricalappliances(such as a microwaveoven)
to avoid electromagneticinterference.
Do no t drop: The p roduct may malfunction if subjected to strong
·Disconnect the device’s powersupply in presenceof thunderor storm.
·Keep dry: This product is not waterproof, and may malfunction if
immersed in w ateror exposed to highlyhumidenvironment.
Keep th e c harging ports clean.
·When it’s idle, storeit flat in a location with an ambient
temperatureof 15°C to 25°C (59°F to 77°F; avoid hot or extremely
coldlocations).Repeatthis processat least onceevery six months.
Charging your device while charging the FileHub can result in the
internal battery of the FileHub bei ng damag ed.
·Turning the FileHubon and off repeatedly when the battery is
fullydischargedwill shorten batterylife. Batteries thathavebeen
fullydischargedmust be chargedbeforeuse.
Package Contents
1 x Filehub Wireless Router (Model: RP-WD009)
1 x User Guide
1 x Micro USB Cable
SD to US B Back up B utto n

As a Filehub
Wirele ss File Sh aring
- Share files from the attached USB storage to smartphones, tablets,
or other devices that are connected to the FileHub.
- Share files from a USB hub with up to 4 USB f lash drives.
Conn ect Goog le Chrom eca st to th e Fil eHu b, so yo u can play
video s and music on your conn ecte d USB storage th roug h
Chrom eca st on th e sc reen .
Medi a Play (DLNA/ Samb a)
Conn ect Goog le Chro meca st to your FileH ub and play vid eos and
mus ic on you r c onne cted USB sto rage thr ough Chro mec ast to th e
big scr een. R ecom me nded to conne ct less than 3 use rs at the
same tim e in case of ge tting st uck.
One Key B ackup
Uplo ad photos in the SD card to the hard drive / flash drive ea sily.
Use the in-ap p c amera to sav e ph otos and vid eos dire ctly to the SD
card via the RAV Fi leHub ap p to fre e up yo ur pho ne's mem ory.
As a Travel Router
AP Mode
Plug in an Ethernet c able to turn wi red signal into wireless.
Bridge M ode
No more payment for multiple network connections –
just use the FileHub to connect different networks and share.
Route r Mod e
Whenconnectedto a modem, the FileHub worksas a
regular routerbut in a smallersize.
5G Netw ork
Upgraded 300Mbps Wi-Fispeed on 2.4GHz band and up to 433 Mbps on
5GHz.With the FileHub, you can converta wirednetwork to wireless in
no time; or bridge and extend a WiFinetwork,share the network securely
withothers (not as a hotspot).
Note: 5GHz mode only supports 5G router or 5 G WiFi when you
connect it with the Ethernet cable.
As a Power Bank
5200m Ah capa city; be able to charge mos t sm artp hone s 1- 2 tim es
with a full cha rge.
Note: Make sure the phone is connected to the same WiFi
network with the FileHub and that the transmiss ion
distance i s less than 10M / 32.8feet.

Operation Guide
LED Indicators
Pres s to turn on / off the F ileHu b
Press and hold for 5 seconds to reset to factory
Pres s and hol d for 3 s econd s to c ycle th roug h
2.4GH z / 5GHz / 5GH z & 2.4G Hz W iFi mo des
SD to US B
Backu p But ton
Pres s to star t copyi ng an d back ing up data
from the SD ca rd to US B HDD
Supp ort up to 2T B SDX C
Char ge the F ileHu b
Data tr ansf er wit h USB C d evice s
Supp ort USB flash and HDD drive da ta tra nsfe r
(FAT 32, exF AT, NTFS )
Provide 1A output current to compatibl e devic es
Plug into your flash driv e/ hard drive and SD card. Wait unti l th e
SD card indi cator st ops flas hing an d turns sol id on.
Pres s an d ho ld the SD to USB back up butto n for about 5 seco nds
until th e SD ca rd indic ator flashes aga in, in dica ting th e Fileh ub is
readi ng the SD car d.
Wait unt il the SD card indic ator stop s f lashin g, s o th e one -key
Now you can chec k your bac kup folde r na me d “S D backu p” in
your flash dri ve / hard driv e via the APP RA V FileH ub.
Note: The original file in your SD card will not be deleted.
Disconnected from internet
SD card readin g or wri ting
Unab le to back up or error

Transf er File by Mo bile App
Searc h for th e ap p “R AV FileHu b” on Googl e Pla y or App le Store.
Tap the app in the sear ch results an d in stall . (Th ere ’s no app for
comp ute r or lap top for now ; you may ac cess via web pag e)
Connect to the WiFi network of F ileHub
Power on the FileHub and turn on i ts WiF i. Go to Settings and
turn on Wi-Fi on your mobile, find and tap “RAV-FileHub-2G-xxxx”
or “RAV-FileHub-5G-xxxx” to connect (password: 11111111).

Insert a USB drive and SD card
Insert a USB drive or USB HDD ( any USB storage) and SD card into
the ports of the Filehub.
Access and transfer fi les
Tap to r un the ap p. On the ho mep age we can see the batter y l evel ,
tota l and ava ilab le capa city of the SD card an d USB drive (if any ),
File Ma nage men t, Se ttin gs, Vid eos , Photos , Mu sic,
Photo Backup , Back up Con tact s, Cam era , and SD Card Back up.
Note: Make sure there’s enough battery capacity for using
the device.
Note : If anot her de vice is c onne cted before, pl ease g o to
Setti ngs -> L ogou t first an d con nect again.

Check the files on the mobile by type: video, photo and music,
or by folder of the SD card / flash drive.
Back up files to th e
USB dri ve / SD c ard.
Back up cont acts to th e
USB dri ve / SD c ard.