SSTTEEPP 11..11::
IInnssttaallll GGFFCCII BBrreeaakkeerr
((OOvveerrccuurrrreenntt PPrrootteeccttiioonn))
The SunTouch mat must be pro-tected by a ground fault circuit interrupter
(GFCI). This can be done either by the
internal GFCI in the SunTouch FloorStat
(as long as it directly controls the mat)
or an indicating-type GFCI
circuit breaker. This GFCI serves as a
local disconnect.
Note: Follow all local building and
electrical codes.
Note: It is possible to branch from
an existing circuit, but this is not
recommended. Please consult with a
qualified electrician to determine if
the circuit can handle the load and
if the circuit is GFCI-protected.
The size of the breaker is determined
by the total square footage of heating
mat. (Depending on local codes, you
may need multiple breakers for systems
larger than 20 amps.)
Typical Amperage Requirement:
120 VAC SunTouch mats:
0.1 amps per sq.ft., or
10 amps per 100 sq.ft. of mat.
240 VAC SunTouch Mats:
0.05 amps per sq.ft., or
5 amps per 100 sq.ft. of mat.
SSTTEEPP 11..22::
IInnssttaallll EExxtteerrnnaall
CCoonnttaaccttoorr ((rreellaayy))
Depending on the amperage requirements of the mat(s), an external contactor may be required. Consult with an
electrician to determine the type and size
of contactor. Do not load the FloorStat
control with more than 15 amps. Be sure
to protect this contactor circuit with a
GFCI breaker.
SSTTEEPP 11..33::
IInnssttaallll EElleeccttrriiccaall
Thermostats are usually located near
the power leads. However, they can
be located almost anywhere, because
the power leads and the sensor wire can
be routed to electrical junction boxes
and extended to a location outside the
heated room (such as a utility room or
Install a 4"-square,
2-1/8" deep electrical box with a
1-gang mud ring. Electrical boxes
should be located on interior walls, typi-
cally 60" from the floor, according to
NEC or other local code requirements.
Note: The FloorStat sensor wire
can be extended up to a maximum of
50', if necessary.
SSTTEEPP 11..44::
BBoottttoomm PPllaattee WWoorrkk
Drill or saw holes at the bottom plate
as indicated at right. One hole is for
routing the power leads or conduit and
the other is for the thermostat sensor.
These holes should be directly below the
electrical box(es) (see photos at right).
SSTTEEPP 11..55::
IInnssttaallll PPoowweerr LLeeaadd
CCoonndduuiitt aanndd TThheerrmmoossttaatt SSeennssoorr
PPoowweerr LLeeaadd CCoonndduuiitt::
The armored
power lead can be installed with or without electrical conduit depending on code
requirements. In either case, remove one
of the knock-outs in the 4" box to route
the lead. If electrical conduit is not
required by code, install a wire collar to
secure the leads where they enter the
box. If conduit is required by code,
install 1/2" (minimum) conduit from the
bottom plate up to the electrical box. For
multiple power leads (multiple mats)
install 3/4" conduit, which will accommodate multiple power leads.
TThheerrmmoossttaatt SSeennssoorr::
A floor sensor
comes with our FloorStat control. It can
be installed in a conduit separate from
the electrical power lead although this is
not necessary. If a conduit is installed,
the tip of the conduit should be metallic
in order for the sensor to give a true
temperature reading. Open a second
knock-out in the bottom of the thermostat box. Feed the sensor (and conduit)
through the knock-out, down through the
cut-out in the bottom plate, and out into
the floor where the heating mat will be
installed. If you have the thermostat and
sensor, install the sensor now, but wait
to install the thermostat until after the
mat is installed.
Note: The sensor is located in the
thermostat packaging.
SSTTEEPP 11..66::
RRoouugghh--iinn WWiirriinngg
Install appropriate electrical wire
(conductor) from the power source and
breaker protection to the thermostat following all codes. Leave 6"–8" extra wire
at the thermostat box. Refer to the
Typical Wiring Diagrams at the end of
this manual for help.
MMaatt AAmmppeerraaggee RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss
Mat Size Square Footage Amp Draw
112200 VVAACC,, 1122""--wwiiddee mmaatt
12" x 10' 10 sq. ft. 1.0
12" x 15' 15 sq. ft. 1.5
12" x 20' 20 sq. ft. 2.0
12" x 25' 25 sq. ft. 2.5
12" x 30' 30 sq. ft. 3.0
12" x 35' 35 sq. ft. 3.5
12" x 40' 40 sq. ft. 4.0
12" x 45' 45 sq. ft. 4.5
12" x 50' 50 sq. ft. 5.0
112200 VVAACC,, 2244""--wwiiddee mmaatt
24" x 5' 10 sq. ft. 1.0
24" x 10' 20 sq. ft. 2.0
24" x 15' 30 sq. ft. 3.0
24" x 20' 40 sq. ft. 4.0
24" x 25' 50 sq. ft. 5.0
24" x 30' 60 sq. ft. 6.0
24" x 35' 70 sq. ft. 7.0
24" x 40' 80 sq. ft. 8.0
112200 VVAACC,, 3366""--wwiiddee mmaatt
36" x 5' 15 sq. ft. 1.5
36" x 6'8" 20 sq. ft. 2.0
36" x 8'4" 25 sq. ft. 2.5
36" x 10' 30 sq. ft. 3.0
36" x 15' 45 sq. ft. 4.5
36" x 20' 60 sq. ft. 6.0
224400 VVAACC,, 1122""--wwiiddee mmaatt
12" x 20' 20 sq. ft. 1.0
12" x 30' 30 sq. ft. 1.5
12" x 40' 40 sq. ft. 2.0
12" x 50' 50 sq. ft. 2.5
224400 VVAACC,, 2244""--wwiiddee mmaatt
24" x 10' 20 sq. ft. 1.0
24" x 15' 30 sq. ft. 1.5
24" x 20' 40 sq. ft. 2.0
24" x 25' 50 sq. ft. 2.5
24" x 30' 60 sq. ft. 3.0
24" x 35' 70 sq. ft. 3.5
24" x 40' 80 sq. ft. 4.0
24" x 45' 90 sq. ft. 4.5
24" x 50' 100 sq. ft. 5.0
24" x 60' 120 sq. ft. 6.0
24" x 70' 140 sq. ft. 7.0
24" x 80' 160 sq. ft. 8.0
224400 VVAACC,, 3366""--wwiiddee mmaatt
36" x 10' 30 sq. ft. 1.5
36" x 13'4" 40 sq. ft. 2.0
36" x 16'8" 50 sq. ft. 2.5
36" x 20' 60 sq. ft. 3.0
36" x 30' 90 sq. ft. 4.5
36" x 40' 120 sq. ft. 6.0
PPhhaassee 11.. EElleeccttrriiccaall RRoouugghh--iinn..
RReeffeerr ttoo aallll ddrraawwiinnggss oonn ppaaggeess 1111,, 1166,, aanndd 1177 bbeeffoorree bbeeggiinnnniinngg eelleeccttrriiccaall wwoorrkk..
SunTouch Space Warming Manual 5
Power lead
Floor sensor
Power lead
Wire Clip
Sensor wire
Power lead