suntouch D12 series Installation Manual

D12 Series
There’s no easier way to heat a
floor than with SunTouch.
If you have any difficulties or
questions when installing our product,
just give us a call. We’re here to help!
88 88 88 -- 44 33 22 -- 88 99 33 22
ww ww ww .. ss uu nn tt oo uu cc hh .. nn ee tt
36" width
24" width
12" width
Roll out the mat, make your turns, fasten it down, and set the tile!
SunTouch floor-warming mats have several great features that make make any installation fast and easy.
• The S-pattern of SunTouch’s blue heating wire means you can make both right and left turns easier and faster.
• SunTouch’s blue heating elements are tough and resistant to jobsite abuse.
• SunTouch is the only electric floor-warming product manufactured in America that registers no measurable electromagnetic field (EMF)*.
• SunTouch comes with an armored “power lead” that makes for a tougher and safer connection to the controls.
•With a slight change in the mat output, SunTouch is now more efficient than ever.
Orange woven mat
Blue heating wire
2 SunTouch Space Warming Manual
WWeellccoommee ttoo SSuunnTToouucchh!!
WWeellccoommee ttoo SSuunnTToouucchh!!
TThhee SSuunnTToouucchh MMaatt::
The blue heating wire is woven
into a special orange fiber to make rectangular mats. These mats are manufactured for 120 VAC and 240 VAC, in 12", 24", and 36" widths. Mats range from 10 sq.ft. to 160 sq.ft., depending on width, length and voltage. Mats of different dimensions must be wired together in parallel (not series) to fill larger areas. However, they must be the same voltage. For example, to warm an 80 sq.ft. area, many combinations are possible: two 12" x 40' mats; or even a combination of one 24" x 20' and one 12" x 40'. Never combine 120 VAC mats with 240 VAC mats.
SunTouch is a safe and efficient electric floor-warming product for interior applications. It cannot be used for exterior snowmelting applications. It is generally intended for installa­tion below tile, stone, and other masonry flooring materials in residential and moderate commercial installations. SunTouch can be used to heat a room, as well as warm the floor, provided the heat loss of the room falls below the mat’s capabilities. Please refer to specific design information provided for heat­ing applications, especially when installing non-masonry
flooring materials. The designer must determine if the output of the SunTouch is enough heat to match the heat loss of the structure.
SunTouch is designed to deliver 12 W/sq.ft. The floor tem­perature attainable is dependent on how well the floor is insu­lated, the temperature of the floor before start up, and in the case of uninsulated slab applications, the thermal drain of the underlying materials. Please refer to your designer if you have further questions regarding the surface temperature you can expect from SunTouch in your particular construction.
SunTouch has been tested to the American Standard Test Method ASTM C627, a standard test method for evaluating ceramic floor tile installation systems using the Robinson-Type Floor Tester. This test was performed by The Tile Council of America for installation above a concrete slab and above a framed floor. This testing resulted in a rating of “Moderate Commercial” for normal (non-vehicular) commercial and light institu­tional use. This would include all (non-vehicular) residential use as well.
Never install SunTouch directly below vinyl, carpet, or wood flooring. SunTouch must be embedded in mortar, per UL requirements. Do not use glues or adhesives. Non-masonry flooring materials such as carpet, vinyl, or hardwood can be installed over SunTouch if the mat is installed in a cement-based or gypsum-based material.
If you have any questions, please view our Installation Video, visit our Web site at, or call us at 888-432-8932.
*When measured at 1/2" above floor surface with a field EMF meter. SunTouch Internal Test Labs results (not verified by UL).
Braided Ground Shield
Heating Elements
DuPont® Tefzel® Core
DuPont® Tefzel® Insulation
Hylar Cover
Enlarged, cutaway view of the blue heating wire.
AArrmmoorreedd ppoowweerr lleeaadd
The primary components of the SunTouch system, depending on the project requirements, are:
1. SunTouch mat*
2. Floor-sensing thermostat (programmable or non-programmable)*
3. GFCI breaker (if not part of the thermostat)
4. External contactor (if required)
Other items needed:
• SunTouch Installation Kit* (shown below)
• Pneumatic stapler and hot glue gun
• 2-1/8" deep, 4" square electrical box for thermostat
• Single-gang “mud” (sheet rock) ring for 4" square box
• 12-gauge electrical wiring
• LoudMouth monitor*
•Digital ohm meter (multi-meter)
•Tile installation products (mortar, backer board, tile, etc.)
• 3/8" x 1/4" or greater trowel and other tile tools
•Various electrical and construction tools: (wire stripper, screwdriver, chisel, scissors, etc.)
• Insulation (if required per design)
* Items available from SunTouch. All other items are not included and can
be purchased locally.
The FloorStat is approved for use in U.S. and Canada, separate from the SunTouch Listed assembly.
install SunTouch under carpet, wood, vinyl, or other non-masonry flooring without thin-set, thick-set, or self-leveling mortar.
install SunTouch in any walls.
bang a trowel on the mat or blue wire to remove excess mortar from it.
cut the blue heating wire.
cut the mats to make them shorter.
attempt to repair the blue heating wire if it is damaged. Call the factory for further instruction.
install one mat on top of another or overlap the mat on itself. This will cause dangerous over-heating.
install SunTouch in adhesives or glues intended for vinyl tile or other laminate flooring. It must be embedded in cement-based ceramic tile mortar.
forget to install the floor sensor (if using the SunTouch FloorStat Control).
install mats under cabinets or other built-ins. Excessive heat will build up under these items.
remove the nameplate label at the end of the mat.
enter mat resistance in the log before, during,
and after the installation process.
pay close attention to voltage and amp requirements of the breaker, the thermostat, and the SunTouch mat. For instance, do not supply 240 VAC to 120 VAC SunTouch mats/thermostats.
make sure all electrical work is done by qualified persons in accordance with local building and electrical codes, Section 62 of the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) Part I, and the National Electrical Code (NEC), especially Article 424, Part IX of the NEC, ANSI/NFPA70.
use copper only as supply conductors.
affix the warning label (included with this manual) to the control cover plate or other location where it is easily noticed.
seek our help if you have a problem. If you are ever in doubt about the correct installation procedure to follow, or if the product appears to be damaged, you must call us before proceeding with the installation, or proposed repair.
If you have any questions, please view our Installation
Video, visit our Web site at
, or call us
SunTouch Installation Kit
SunTouch Space Warming Manual 3
HHeerreess WWhhaatt YYoouullll NNeeeedd::
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn VViiddeeoo
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn MMaannuuaall
3300 CClliippss
Mat Serial Number Mat Size Mat Voltage Factory Mat Resistance Range
Mat black to white Mat black to green Mat white to green
Mat black to white Mat black to green Mat white to green
Mat black to white Mat black to green Mat white to green
RReettaaiinn tthhiiss lloogg ffoorr wwaarrrraannttyy!! DDOO NNOOTT DDIISSCCAARRDD!!
CChheecckk oouutt tthhaatt wwiirree!!
Throughout the installation process it is very important to take resistance readings of the mat to make sure it is not damaged. Use a quality digital ohmmeter or multimeter to make these measurements. Analog meters (with the moving needle) are not accurate for this product.
The LoudMouth™monitor shown at left will help constantly monitor the mat for you during the entire installation. Ask about purchasing this invaluable tool.
EEsssseennttiiaall PPrroodduucctt aanndd WWaarrrraannttyy IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
There is a factory-applied nameplate label at the end of the mat and also on the cold leads as shown at lower left. Do not remove these. Record the mat serial number, mat size, voltage, and panel resistance range on the table below for each mat.
To retain the Limited Warranty as stated at the back of this manual, these items and the following measurements must
be recorded, as well as all steps of this manual followed. Refer to the Limited Warranty now for complete requirements.
Make the following measurements
(as a minimum)
• before you begin installation
• after the mat is fastened to the floor
• after floor coverings are installed Also, checking these measurements often during tile installation is highly recommended to avoid burying a damaged wire.
CChheecckkiinngg ffoorr bbrreeaakkss
Measure resistance between the black and white leads (black and blue leads for 240V mats) and record this below. This measurement should be within the Mat Resistance range shown on the nameplate label, or if the label gives only a single number it must be within ±10%. A cut or break in the wire is indicated by a resistance of “infinite” ohms (no continuity).
CChheecckkiinngg ffoorr sshhoorrtt--cciirrccuuiittss
Measure resistance between the black and green leads and between the white and green leads (blue and green leads for 240V mats) and record these below. This measurement should be “infinite” ohms (no continuity). Acut or pinch in the wire is indicated by a resistance value between zero and the mat resistance.
If the resistance is not correct, or if you cut or damage the wire, quickly clean up the damaged area and call the factory for further instructions.
UUssee OOuurr LLoouuddMMoouutthh MMoonniittoorr..
We created the LoudMouth to monitor the mat during the installation process. If the mat is cut or damaged during installation, this device sounds an alarm. The LoudMouth will prevent you from burying damaged wire below hardened mortar and tile or stone.
Record the information from this nameplate label in the Mat Resistance Log at right.
The electric radiant heating warning label must be placed near, or on the face of the mat control.
Radiant Floor Heating Mat
Warning-Risk of electric shock
Electric wiring and heating panels
contained below the floor.
Do not penetrate floor with nails, screws,
or similar devices.
Leave this nameplate on the power leads for later inspection.
4 SunTouch Space Warming Manual
CChheecckk hheeaattiinngg wwiirree rreessiissttaannccee bbeeffoorree iinnssttaallllaattiioonn..
MMaatt RReessiissttaannccee LLoogg
SSTTEEPP 11..11::
IInnssttaallll GGFFCCII BBrreeaakkeerr
((OOvveerrccuurrrreenntt PPrrootteeccttiioonn))
The SunTouch mat must be pro-tect­ed by a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI). This can be done either by the internal GFCI in the SunTouch FloorStat (as long as it directly controls the mat) or an indicating-type GFCI circuit breaker. This GFCI serves as a local disconnect.
Note: Follow all local building and electrical codes.
Note: It is possible to branch from an existing circuit, but this is not recommended. Please consult with a qualified electrician to determine if the circuit can handle the load and if the circuit is GFCI-protected.
The size of the breaker is determined by the total square footage of heating mat. (Depending on local codes, you may need multiple breakers for systems larger than 20 amps.)
Typical Amperage Requirement:
120 VAC SunTouch mats:
0.1 amps per sq.ft., or
10 amps per 100 sq.ft. of mat.
240 VAC SunTouch Mats:
0.05 amps per sq.ft., or
5 amps per 100 sq.ft. of mat.
SSTTEEPP 11..22::
IInnssttaallll EExxtteerrnnaall
CCoonnttaaccttoorr ((rreellaayy))
Depending on the amperage require­ments of the mat(s), an external contac­tor may be required. Consult with an electrician to determine the type and size of contactor. Do not load the FloorStat control with more than 15 amps. Be sure to protect this contactor circuit with a GFCI breaker.
SSTTEEPP 11..33::
IInnssttaallll EElleeccttrriiccaall
Thermostats are usually located near the power leads. However, they can be located almost anywhere, because the power leads and the sensor wire can be routed to electrical junction boxes and extended to a location outside the heated room (such as a utility room or basement).
Install a 4"-square, 2-1/8" deep electrical box with a 1-gang mud ring. Electrical boxes should be located on interior walls, typi-
cally 60" from the floor, according to NEC or other local code requirements.
Note: The FloorStat sensor wire can be extended up to a maximum of 50', if necessary.
SSTTEEPP 11..44::
BBoottttoomm PPllaattee WWoorrkk
Drill or saw holes at the bottom plate as indicated at right. One hole is for routing the power leads or conduit and the other is for the thermostat sensor. These holes should be directly below the electrical box(es) (see photos at right).
SSTTEEPP 11..55::
IInnssttaallll PPoowweerr LLeeaadd
CCoonndduuiitt aanndd TThheerrmmoossttaatt SSeennssoorr
PPoowweerr LLeeaadd CCoonndduuiitt::
The armored power lead can be installed with or with­out electrical conduit depending on code requirements. In either case, remove one of the knock-outs in the 4" box to route the lead. If electrical conduit is not required by code, install a wire collar to secure the leads where they enter the box. If conduit is required by code, install 1/2" (minimum) conduit from the bottom plate up to the electrical box. For multiple power leads (multiple mats) install 3/4" conduit, which will accom­modate multiple power leads.
TThheerrmmoossttaatt SSeennssoorr::
A floor sensor comes with our FloorStat control. It can be installed in a conduit separate from the electrical power lead although this is not necessary. If a conduit is installed, the tip of the conduit should be metallic in order for the sensor to give a true temperature reading. Open a second knock-out in the bottom of the thermo­stat box. Feed the sensor (and conduit) through the knock-out, down through the cut-out in the bottom plate, and out into the floor where the heating mat will be installed. If you have the thermostat and sensor, install the sensor now, but wait to install the thermostat until after the mat is installed.
Note: The sensor is located in the
thermostat packaging.
SSTTEEPP 11..66::
RRoouugghh--iinn WWiirriinngg
Install appropriate electrical wire (conductor) from the power source and breaker protection to the thermostat fol­lowing all codes. Leave 6"–8" extra wire at the thermostat box. Refer to the Typical Wiring Diagrams at the end of this manual for help.
MMaatt AAmmppeerraaggee RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss
Mat Size Square Footage Amp Draw
112200 VVAACC,, 1122""--wwiiddee mmaatt
12" x 10' 10 sq. ft. 1.0 12" x 15' 15 sq. ft. 1.5 12" x 20' 20 sq. ft. 2.0 12" x 25' 25 sq. ft. 2.5 12" x 30' 30 sq. ft. 3.0 12" x 35' 35 sq. ft. 3.5 12" x 40' 40 sq. ft. 4.0 12" x 45' 45 sq. ft. 4.5 12" x 50' 50 sq. ft. 5.0
112200 VVAACC,, 2244""--wwiiddee mmaatt
24" x 5' 10 sq. ft. 1.0 24" x 10' 20 sq. ft. 2.0 24" x 15' 30 sq. ft. 3.0 24" x 20' 40 sq. ft. 4.0 24" x 25' 50 sq. ft. 5.0 24" x 30' 60 sq. ft. 6.0 24" x 35' 70 sq. ft. 7.0 24" x 40' 80 sq. ft. 8.0
112200 VVAACC,, 3366""--wwiiddee mmaatt
36" x 5' 15 sq. ft. 1.5 36" x 6'8" 20 sq. ft. 2.0 36" x 8'4" 25 sq. ft. 2.5 36" x 10' 30 sq. ft. 3.0 36" x 15' 45 sq. ft. 4.5 36" x 20' 60 sq. ft. 6.0
224400 VVAACC,, 1122""--wwiiddee mmaatt
12" x 20' 20 sq. ft. 1.0 12" x 30' 30 sq. ft. 1.5 12" x 40' 40 sq. ft. 2.0 12" x 50' 50 sq. ft. 2.5
224400 VVAACC,, 2244""--wwiiddee mmaatt
24" x 10' 20 sq. ft. 1.0 24" x 15' 30 sq. ft. 1.5 24" x 20' 40 sq. ft. 2.0 24" x 25' 50 sq. ft. 2.5 24" x 30' 60 sq. ft. 3.0 24" x 35' 70 sq. ft. 3.5 24" x 40' 80 sq. ft. 4.0 24" x 45' 90 sq. ft. 4.5 24" x 50' 100 sq. ft. 5.0 24" x 60' 120 sq. ft. 6.0 24" x 70' 140 sq. ft. 7.0 24" x 80' 160 sq. ft. 8.0
224400 VVAACC,, 3366""--wwiiddee mmaatt
36" x 10' 30 sq. ft. 1.5 36" x 13'4" 40 sq. ft. 2.0 36" x 16'8" 50 sq. ft. 2.5 36" x 20' 60 sq. ft. 3.0 36" x 30' 90 sq. ft. 4.5 36" x 40' 120 sq. ft. 6.0
PPhhaassee 11.. EElleeccttrriiccaall RRoouugghh--iinn..
RReeffeerr ttoo aallll ddrraawwiinnggss oonn ppaaggeess 1111,, 1166,, aanndd 1177 bbeeffoorree bbeeggiinnnniinngg eelleeccttrriiccaall wwoorrkk..
SunTouch Space Warming Manual 5
Power lead conduit
Power lead conduit
Floor sensor conduit
Power lead
Wire Clip
Sensor wire
Power lead
Sensor wire
SSeelleecctt TTyyppee ooff CCoonnssttrruuccttiioonn
Choose the best thin-set, thick-set, or self­leveling mortar installation detail for your application. Consult with building profession­als and/or SunTouch personnel for specific details concerning proper installation.
FFlloooorr PPrreeppaarraattiioonn
The floor must be completely swept of all debris including all nails, dirt, wood, and other construction debris. Make absolutely sure there are no objects on the floor that might damage the SunTouch wire.
SSttuuddyy tthhee FFaaccttoorryy--ssuupppplliieedd IItteemmss aanndd tthhee DDeessiiggnn
Make sure all of the correct materials have been purchased. Ageneral list of materials is found at the beginning of this manual.
Study the design carefully before installa­tion. Review the thermostat location and where the mat begins and ends, as well as the general layout pattern.
Do not cut the wire or shorten the mat to make it fit the space. Doing so will cause dangerous overheating and will void the warranty!
MMoorrttaarr aanndd TThhiinn--SSllaabb AApppplliiccaattiioonnss
SunTouch can be installed in two types of construction applications:
1. Thin-set or thick-set mortar beds (3/8"–1").
2. Self-leveling mortar beds (1/4"–1/2").
No matter the application, always install SunTouch before installing mortar or cement. Do not lay SunTouch in wet mortar.
We strongly recommend installing tile and stone flooring according to manufacturer’s recommendations, TCA guidelines, and ANSI specifications.
If installing non-masonry floor coverings, such as hardwood, vinyl, laminate or carpet, follow industry and manufacturer’s recom­mendations.
If installing non-masonry coverings
, the best method is cover the SunTouch in a self­leveling mortar (illustrations #5 and #6).
Insulation (per International Residential Code, Chapter 11)
Insulation (per International Residential Code, Chapter 11)
Latex-Portland cement mortar bond coat
(Dry-set or latex cement mortar; TCA #F144-2K)
Backer board
Mortar bed
Latex-Portland cement mortar bond coat
(Dry-set or latex cement on slab; TCA #113-2K)
(Cement mortar metal lath; TCA #145-2K)
Tile/stone or laminate flooring
Latex-Portland cement mortar bond coat
Mortar bed
Metal lath
Insulation (per International Residential Code, Chapter 11)
6 SunTouch Space Warming Manual
PPhhaassee 22.. SSuunnTToouucchh IInnssttaallllaattiioonn..
+ 14 hidden pages